"Die Eier Von Satan" lyrics
Tool Lyrics
Ein Viertel Teeloffel Salz
Eine Messerspitze turkisches Haschisch
Ein halbes Pfund Butter
Ein Teeloffel Vanillenzucker
Ein halbes Pfund Mehl
Einhundertfunfzig Gramm gemahlene Nusse
Ein wenig extra Staubzucker
Gemahlene Nusse zugeben und
Den Teig verkneten
Im Staubzucker walzen und
Sagt die Zauberworter
Simsalbimbamba Saladu Saladim
Bei zweihundert Grad fur funfzehn Minuten backen und
One quarter teaspoo salt
One knifetip Turkish hash
Half a pound butter
One teaspoon vanilla-sugar
Half a pound flour
150 g ground nuts
A little extra powdered sugar
Add the ground nuts and
Knead the dough
Roll in the powdered sugar
and say the Magic Words:
"Sim sala bim bamba sala do saladim"
Die Eier von Satan
Lyrics Edit
Die Eier von Satan
Eine halbe Tasse Staubzucker
Ein Viertel Teelöffel Salz
Eine Messerspitze türkisches Haschisch
Ein halbes Pfund Butter
Ein Teelöffel Vanillenzucker
Ein halbes Pfund Mehl
Einhundertfünfzig Gramm gemahlene Nüsse
Ein wenig extra Staubzucker
In eine Schüssel geben
Gemahlene Nüsse zugeben und
Den Teig verkneten
Augenballgroße Stücke vom Teig formen
Im Staubzucker wälzen und
Sagt die Zauberwörter
Simsalbimbamba Saladu Saladim
Auf ein gefettetes Backblech legen und
Bei zweihundert Grad für fünfzehn Minuten backen und
Bei zweihundert Grad für fünfzehn Minuten backen und
Die eier
Eine halbe Tasse Staubzucker
Ein Viertel Teeloffel Salz
Eine Messerspitze turkisches Haschisch
Ein halbes Pfund Butter
Ein Teeloffel Vanillenzucker
Ein halbes Pfund Mehl
Einhundertfunfzig Gramm gemahlene Nusse
Ein wenig extra Staubzucker
In eine Schussel geben
Gemahlene Nusse zugeben und
Den Teig verkneten
Augenballgro? e Stucke vom Teig formen
Im Staubzucker walzen und
Sagt die Zauberworter
Simsalbimbamba Saladu Saladim
Auf ein gefettetes Backblech legen und
Bei zweihundert Grad fur funfzehn Minuten backen und
Bei zweihundert Grad fur funfzehn Minuten backen und
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Die eier
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Die Eier Von Satan (The Balls of Satan) by Tool
Doran - Toronto, Canada
Jacob - Boise, ID
lauren - dallas, TX
Jonathan - Burton, MI
Comments: 57
Ich wuerde dir tatsächlich empfehlen, doch ab und zu mal eine Tüte zu rauchen oder Sex zu haben oder Delphinen beim Schwimmen zu zu gucken oder was auch immer dich entspannt. Lass aber auf jeden Fall das Politisieren von Musik, dafuer haelt der menschliche Genpool begabtere Exemplare als dich bereit. Chris - German City, Germany
Leave the turkish hash away, add some high proof rum&chocolate and you get THESE: http://www.chefkoch.de/rs/s0/rumkugeln/Rezepte.html
If you take the time to browse all of the 124 variations of the recipe you will discover that NOT ONE, repeat, NOT ONE of them includes eggs, your so-called "vital" ingredient. Maybe MJK one day tasted some balls and they totally beamed him into Mars´ orbit so that he decided to let us participate in his spiritual experience? Whatever, but most definitely there aren´t any Jews on Mars. *sigh*
btw, I recommend not to roll the Balls in powdered sugar but in a cinnamon/instant cocoa powder mix. Tastes great when you don´t overdo it with the cinnamon.
Ah, one last one: these are BALLS, not COOKIES, for cryin´ out loud.
Geez I´m outta here. Chris - German City, Germany
hope Maynard reads this page someday and laughs his ass off like I did! Catherine - City?, Ireland
Une kein eier(In the end they don`t exist).
According to the song lyrics, the special ingredient beside this "incantation" is actually "a knife-tip of Turkish hashish".
Cya Jonny - Berlin, Germany
a mi me gusta la gasoliiiinaaa. dame mas gasoliiiina. a mi me gusta la gasoliiiinaaa. dame mas gasoliiiina. a mi me gusta la gasoliiiinaaa. dame mas gasoliiiina. Manolo - Popotitos
If they were simply singing the recipe, they would probably include the eggs. right? Right.
Die eier
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Results found in: English-German
- 50 nicker exp. 50 Eier
- 20 quid exp. 20 Eier
- bacon and eggs exp. Eier mit Speck
- whip the eggs until fluffy exp. die Eier schaumig schlagen
- small-/large-grade eggs exp. kleine/große Eier
- two dozen eggs exp. zwei Dutzend Eier
- take three eggs exp. man nehme drei Eier
das Ei des Kolumbus finden to come up with just the thing
das ist das Ei des Kolumbus that's just the thing or just what we want
das Ei will klüger sein als die Henne you're trying to teach your grandmother to suck eggs (prov)
jdn wie ein rohes Ei behandeln (fig) to handle sb with kid gloves
wie auf Eiern gehen inf to step gingerly
wie aus dem Ei gepellt aussehen inf to look spruce
sie gleichen sich or einander wie ein Ei dem anderen they are as alike as two peas (in a pod)
kümmere dich nicht um ungelegte Eier! inf don't cross your bridges before you come to them! (prov)
das sind ungelegte Eier! inf we'll cross that bridge when we come to it (prov)
das kostet seine 50 Eier that'll cost a good 50 euros
ein Tritt in die Eier a kick in the balls sl
dicke Eier haben sl (=Lust auf Sex) to be choking (Brit) or gagging (Brit) or dying for it sl
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Die Eier von Satan (2:17)
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Die Eier von Satan (literally "The Balls of Satan" in German -though "Eier" can mean both "Balls" or "Eggs") is a song by Tool that was released in 1996 on the album Ænima.
The song's lyrics are actually a recipe for space cookies/hash cookies.
The phrase “Sim sa la bim, bam ba, sa la du, sa la dim” originates from the old German nursery rhyme “Auf einem Baum ein Kuckuck” (Atop a Tree a Cuckoo). It also serves as… read more
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Eine halbe Tasse Staubzucker
Ein Viertel Teeloffel Salz
Eine Messerspitze turkisches Haschisch
Ein halbes Pfund Butter
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Die Eier Von Satan Lyrics
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from the album Aenima В· Copyright: Writer(s): Adam Jones, Daniel Carey, Maynard Keenan, Justin Chancellor Lyrics Terms of Use
Eine halbe Tasse Staubzucker
Ein Viertel Teeloffel Salz
Eine Messerspitze turkisches Haschisch
Ein halbes Pfund Butter
Ein Teeloffel Vanillenzucker
Ein halbes Pfund Mehl
Einhundertfunfzig Gramm gemahlene Nusse
Ein wenig extra Staubzucker
In eine Schussel geben
Gemahlene Nusse zugeben und
Den Teig verkneten
Augenballgro? e Stucke vom Teig formen
Im Staubzucker walzen und
Sagt die Zauberworter
Simsalbimbamba Saladu Saladim
Auf ein gefettetes Backblech legen und
Bei zweihundert Grad fur funfzehn Minuten backen und
Bei zweihundert Grad fur funfzehn Minuten backen und
Tool: Die Eier Von Satan Meaning
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Die Eier von Satan
Ein Viertel teaspoo Salz
Eine Hash-türkischen knifetip
Ein halbes Pfund Butter
Ein Teelöffel Vanille-Zucker
Ein halbes Pfund Mehl
150 g gemahlene Nüsse
Ein wenig extra Staubzucker
Look. guys. Can't someone make a joke without someone over-interpreting it? Die Eier von Satin is about Hash Cookies. The reason they 're referred to as eggs is because they're somewhat spheroid, or shaped like an egg. The humor is derived from the fact that even though they are called "The eggs of Satan" they have no eggs in them. Additional humor is derived from the fact that most of Tool's audience don't know German. Therefore, due to the tone of voice and the fact that it's in German, it sounds kind of "Nazi", so to speak. Images like these are obviously conjured up from seeing footage of Hitler speeches, etc. When one finds out the lyrics are about making cookies "with drugs in them, hence the Satan reference", the joke comes to fruition.
It is a recipe for hash cookies.
One quarter teaspoo salt
One knifetip Turkish hash
Half a pound butter
One teaspoon vanilla-sugar
Half a pound flour
150 g ground nuts
A little extra powdered sugar
Add the ground nuts and
Knead the dough
Form eyeball-size pieces from the dough
Roll in the powdered sugar
and say the Magic Words:
"Sim sala bim bamba sala do saladim"
Bake at 200 degrees for 15 minutes
I think this song is poking fun of people who accuse artists of putting hidden 'Satanic' messages in their songs. The song is called 'Die Eier von Satan', or 'The eggs of Satan', drawing attention to Satan immediately. Of course it sounds dark and angry, and spoken in a tongue that most people don't understand, it's easy to believe the hidden meaning to be dark and sinister, maybe even evil. Of course, it is a cookie recipe. What I find amusing is that the recipe repeatedly informs us, "And no eggs." With eggs tied to Satan in the title, it's almost as if the denial that there are eggs is also denying that there is a Satan. There is no Satanic message to be heard here, you're looking for something that doesn't exist. I do appreciate that hashish is part of the recipe. It's almost as if to confirm that. yea, our music does step outside of the bounds of what's acceptable to those who are looking for hidden meanings in songs. All the same, there are no hidden satanic messages to find. That's probably over analyzing it though. It's an awesome song. and makes me want a cookie.
Okay guys this is probably heavily overanalysed but I think that "Eier", as the german word for Eggs, is meant as Balls. So this song describes satans balls. The message is "satan has no balls", but they use hyperbolic language to strengthen the expression. So they try to describe HOW MUCH satan has no balls. A 2:17 song about cookies WITHOUT eggs. Thats like negative one egg (-1 egg). More than just NO eggs/balls. A exaggerating primitive shout out like ("YOU GOT WORSE THAN JUST NO BALLS").
I guess this song is not about insulting satan himself, but satan is just a negative figure. A figure to express this interesting extended form of insult on. German as language might be chosen because it is rather unusual to say eggs in english for the sense of testicles. Im not that sure about the german language reason.
Okay it could be that the song is just meant as a joke or something for people who doesn't understand the lyrics, which would be indeed logical; it could also make fun of the German language in some way, which seem to have the reputation to be "harsh" (at least in America!?), but it might also have a deeper meaning.
So the recipe is the plan for a normal working human with humanity and everything.
The Egg is equal to moral/ethic, thinking indepently and/ or love/ feelings.
And the speaker is a person of the gov. of the Third Reich, prob. Hitler.
By the way, Hitler had probably just one "egg/ball", so it could also be a slight reference to him, holding this speech. (in german you say "eggs" to testicles rather than "balls")
I am german by the way, so sorry for language mistakes.
What I get from it is Tool showing how people will just judge something with out really knowing what it is. When people initially see the song title "Die eier von satan" or "the egg of satan", and then hear the words sounding all dark and evil (perhaps relating to Hitler), they will immediately judge the song as evil. When if they just had a bit more intelligence to not criticize before knowing what it is, they would find out its just a recipe on how to make hash brownies.
This is actually a recipe for cookies that the grandmother of Anton LaVey used to make him when he was just a small boy. They were German and he really loved his grandmother and her cookies. Anton LaVey wrote and published the Satanic Bible in 1969. Kinda cool isn't it? Tool used a lot of art in my view to put all of this together.
I believe this song is just a humorous take on people not opening their minds. however, to those saying "German doesn't equal Nazi", when the German is being spoken in a rantlike fashion, with increasing intensity, and set to a very dark, industrial background, it DOES equal Nazi. From a blond haired blue eyed German.
Lol I love the sound of it and ok no eggs we got it and no egss WE GOT IT and no eggs. WE GET IT NO GOD DAM EGSS. Lol
After much research and study, I'd say there's an bit more subtlety in this song then meets the eye. After some exploration of toolshed, I'm rather certain that more than one member of Tool is an student of an very specific form of mystic Judaism. An important point here. As I recall, the name "eggs of satan" is an parody of something Hitler once said about Jews being "bad eggs" where he cited the old wives tale about how one rotten egg in an batch will contaminate and spoil all the other eggs. Yet, as the song mocks Hitler, it also mocks the folks who harbored anti-German racism around the time of, and after, the world wars, regardless of whether or not said Germanic folks agreed with the Third Reich or not (anyone ever see the flick "U-571"?). Enter why it was specifically recorded in German to sound like an speech by Hitler. The other trick to the song is in the phrase "Und Keine Eir", "And no eggs". It should be noted that if you try to make the hash-cookies in this recipe as Maynard gives it in the song, it won't work, and you'll end up with a nasty looking mush rather than an cookie. You NEED the eggs in the recipe in order to make them right! Enter the other meaning of the song: A world without Jews is like hash cookies with no eggs: it just isn't going to work.
This "song" is simply a lesson in presentation. It is presented in a way where someone who doesn't know German is led to believe it is some sort of hate speech delivered in a manner reminicient of hitler, complete with crowd tracks, etc.
Everyone around me was like OMG what is this crazy Nazi German thing you're playing. I didn't even know what it meant but i recognized 'eggs' and 'bake'. I then proceeded to ROFL. They all didn't know what I was doing until they saw the lyrics. Best day of my life
If you guys do some research, you'll find out it's more than just a recipe. It's comparing Jews to eggs. Without eggs, a recipe is flat. Without Jews, a culture is flat. Basically knocking Nazism (comparing Hitler's Jewless nation to the Balls of Satan - a recipe which fails without eggs).
Ok noone on this fourm has even touch on the posibility on being abbout drugs everyone just thinks it's about nazis it is saying that drugs are evil more evil than satan's lowest and most vial part calling them eggs and the reason they cheer at the end of when he is saying and no eggs its calling eggs the drugs because these cookies are pot coockies and its in german because its calling drugs a hidden evil it sounds evil because they are trying to say drugs are evil and satan is evil in german and it is also saying how drugs ae evil propoganda just like this sounds like and it also relates to how drugies think that anti drug propoganda is evil and how they thinkit is evil its not a joke tool is a very deep band they wouldn't waste album space with meaning less songs but you just don't want to bother thinking because your lazy if you thinks its nazi you are racist against germans and always relate them to what one man convinced them to do in america we have had men who ran his own religion by making them take scyonide in a mass suicide and we are not convicted and refered to as that we need to not be hypocritis and do what others do most people are just idiots who are trying to be smart on a music interprating site not taking it seriously and its really pathetic that you try to think but end up wrighting it off a s a silly joke I usually never say that a interpratation is wrong because its someone's thoughts and they are entiteled to them but this just sickens me that you could even consider this a joke
alright anyone know lateralus? interprete that one and you will understand that you are overthinking it all. maybe he just thought it would be funny eh? im sure he has a sense of humor too.
Tool don't like eggs in their cookies.
I think this song is about how drugs are evil the word Satan also means evil in German so it could also be called the balls of evil saying that they are evil and wrong. The drugs in them is wrong. Every song by tool has a meaning, even the ones with out lyrics or music.
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Tool - Die Eier Von Satan Lyrics
Die Eier Von Satan
Eine halbe Tasse Staubzucker
Ein Viertel Teelöffel Salz
Eine Messerspitze türkisches Haschisch
Ein halbes Pfund Butter
Ein Teelöffel Vanillenzucker
Ein halbes Pfund Mehl
Einhundertfünfzig Gramm gemahlene Nüsse
Ein wenig extra Staubzucker
In eine Schüssel geben
Gemahlene Nüsse zugeben und
Den Teig verkneten
Augenballgroße Stücke vom Teig formen
Im Staubzucker wälzen und
Sagt die Zauberwörter
Simsalbimbamba Saladu Saladim
Auf ein gefettetes Backblech legen und
Bei zweihundert Grad für fünfzehn Minuten backen und
Bei zweihundert Grad für fünfzehn Minuten backen und
Writer(s): Adam Jones, Daniel Carey, Maynard Keenan, Justin Chancellor
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
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