вторник, 26 декабря 2017 г.


Niederländische Gift-Eier tauchen in immer mehr Bundesländern auf

Was wird aus Tegel? Das sind die zwei Szenarien nach dem Volksentscheid

Erste Anzeichen für hohe Wahlbeteiligung in Bayern

USA schicken Bomber über Gewässer östlich von Nordkorea

Die zuständigen Landesministerien in Nordrhein-Westfalen und Niedersachsen raten dazu, solche Eier zu entsorgen. Das geht ganz regulär über die Restmülltonne. ————————————-. • Mehr Themen: Riesen-Rückruf in NRW: Daran erkennst …

Fipronil im Ei: Ställe in Niedersachsen gesperrt

Die niederländische Kontrollbehörde hat zum vorläufigen Verzicht von Eiern aufgerufen. Sie sollen mit gesundheitsschädlichem Insektizid belastet sein. Besonders für Kinder ist das „Fipronil“ gefährlich. Quelle: N24/ Sebastian Honekamp. Experten warnen

Der Skandal um verseuchte Eier aus den Niederlanden weitet sich aus. Verbraucher sollten sie entsorgen. 02. August 2017 19:39 Uhr. Merken; Drucken; Mail an die Redaktion. Eier in einer mittlerweile geschlossenen Geflügelfarm in den Niederlanden.

02.08.17 – Der Skandal um mit Fipronil belastete Eier zieht weitere Kreise. Nun gibt es mehrere Hinweise, dass die aus den Niederlanden stammenden Eier auch nach Hessen geliefert worden sind. Dies bestätigte am Mittwochabend das Hessische. Das in Millionen verseuchten Eiern gefundene Insektizid Fipronil soll auch in mindestens vier deutschen Legehennen-Betrieben als Reinigungsmittel genutzt worden sein. "Nach unserem jetzigen Kenntnisstand haben 100 niederländische, 4 deutsche und 1

Auch Bayern betroffen

Millionen von Eiern sind mit einem Insektenvernichtungsmittel belastet. Sie müssen vernichtet werden. Auch in Bremen sind Eier mit dem schädlichen Fipronil im Umlauf. teilen · tweet · teilen · teilen · Verseuchte Eier auch in Deutschland? . Nach Angaben der Behörde gelangten insgesamt 2,9 Millionen belastete Eier von Erzeugerbetrieben in Belgien und den Niederlanden über eine Packstelle in Nordrhein-Westfalen nach Deutschland, davon gingen etwa 1,3 Millionen nach Niedersachsen

Skandal um niederländische Gift-Eier – Rewe trifft Vorsorge

In Nordrhein-Westfalen und Niedersachsen sind belastete Hühnereier in den Handel gelangt. Verbraucher sollten Eier mit den Aufdrucken 1-NL 4128604 und 1-NL 4286001 zurückgeben. Foto: Malte Christians/dpa. Foto: dpa. Das Insektizid Fipronil ist in

Düsseldorf. Bei der Supermarktkette Kaufland wurden Eier mit dem Insektizid Fipronil verkauft – viele Betriebe in NRW reagieren. Von Susanne Hamann, Franziska Hein und Merlin Bartel. Mit dem Insektizid Fipronil verseuchte Eier aus den Niederlanden. Utrecht (dpa) – Der Skandal um verseuchte Eier aus den Niederlanden weitet sich aus. Das giftige Insektizid Fipronil wurde auch in mindestens fünf deutschen Betrieben benutzt, wie das niedersächsische Landwirtschaftsministerium mitteilte. In einem …

Von dem Rückruf mit Fipronil belasteter Eier sind in Nordrhein-Westfalen mehr Chargen als bisher bekannt betroffen. Bei einer weiteren Eier-Packstation im Kreis Borken wurden Eier von zwei niederländischen Betrieben ermittelt, die mit

Katrin Ostermann

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Vintage midcentury ceramic devilled eggs serving tray with salt and pepper shaker chicks

Stamp for Eggs - Laid With Love - Mini Egg Stamp - Fresh Egg Stamp - Chickens - Egg Carton - Fresh Eggs - Chicken Gift

Die Osterhasen Familie Deutsch und Englisch

Fried egg ring / omelette jewelry / mini food breakfast / jewelry kawaii miniatures / handmade polymer clay realistic foodie

Fitness Wochenplaner | Ostern | Easter | Meal Plan | Fitness Plan | pastel

Hello Fresh Egg Stamp- Mini Egg Stamp - Stamp for Egg - Custom Egg Stamp - Fresh Eggs Stamp - Chicken Coop - Farm Fresh Eggs - Farmer

Ostern Dekoration Satz von 6 Perlen Eier Ostereier Ostern Dekor Ornamente Geschenk traditionellen rumänischen Ostereier

Lovely German Vintage Retro Printed Tablecloth for Easter, Made in the DDR Erzgebirge 70s

Serving tray for cooked egg delicacies with many partitions - Vintage "Eier-Kabarett" 60s German design by WMF - Stainless steel Cromargan

1962 Mushrooms Print, Fungi Illustration, Bovista nigrescens, Brown Puffball, Black Bovist, Old Botanical Print, Vintage Lithograph

Set of 4 Pieces Gerda West German Vintage Easter Retro Egg Cups from the 70ies stackable

Third Eye hat 46 & 2 cap Ænima Reno Undertow Tickets Eugene Tool Portland Band Spokane San Francisco Opiate Salival 46 and 2 Perfect Circle

1960's Yellow HILLE Eier Beschuit Egg Shaped Dutch Metal Advertising Stick Pin / Lapel Badge: Egg Biscuit / Rusk

5,42 US$ Eligible orders get 15% off

Vintage midcentury ceramic devilled eggs serving tray with salt and pepper shaker chicks

Stamp for Eggs - Laid With Love - Mini Egg Stamp - Fresh Egg Stamp - Chickens - Egg Carton - Fresh Eggs - Chicken Gift

Die Osterhasen Familie Deutsch und Englisch

Fried egg ring / omelette jewelry / mini food breakfast / jewelry kawaii miniatures / handmade polymer clay realistic foodie

Fitness Wochenplaner | Ostern | Easter | Meal Plan | Fitness Plan | pastel

Hello Fresh Egg Stamp- Mini Egg Stamp - Stamp for Egg - Custom Egg Stamp - Fresh Eggs Stamp - Chicken Coop - Farm Fresh Eggs - Farmer

Ostern Dekoration Satz von 6 Perlen Eier Ostereier Ostern Dekor Ornamente Geschenk traditionellen rumänischen Ostereier

Lovely German Vintage Retro Printed Tablecloth for Easter, Made in the DDR Erzgebirge 70s

Serving tray for cooked egg delicacies with many partitions - Vintage "Eier-Kabarett" 60s German design by WMF - Stainless steel Cromargan

1962 Mushrooms Print, Fungi Illustration, Bovista nigrescens, Brown Puffball, Black Bovist, Old Botanical Print, Vintage Lithograph

Set of 4 Pieces Gerda West German Vintage Easter Retro Egg Cups from the 70ies stackable

Third Eye hat 46 & 2 cap Ænima Reno Undertow Tickets Eugene Tool Portland Band Spokane San Francisco Opiate Salival 46 and 2 Perfect Circle

1960's Yellow HILLE Eier Beschuit Egg Shaped Dutch Metal Advertising Stick Pin / Lapel Badge: Egg Biscuit / Rusk

5,42 US$ Eligible orders get 15% off



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Skandal um Gift-Eier ruft Justiz auf den Plan: Oldenburger Staatsanwaltschaft ermittelt

Der Skandal um mit Fipronil belastete Eier beschäftigt nun auch die Justiz in Deutschland. Die Staatsanwaltschaft Oldenburg leitete gegen mehrere niedersächsische Landwirte Ermittlungsverfahren ein, sagte Sprecherin Gesa Weiß am Montag. Es bestehe der Verdacht, gegen das Lebensmittel- und Futtermittelgesetz verstoßen zu haben. Betroffen seien die Verantwortlichen niedersächsischer Eierbetriebe, in denen Eier positiv auf Fipronil getestet wurden. Weitere Details nannte die Sprecherin zunächst nicht.

Bislang waren Ermittlungsverfahren in Belgien und den Niederlanden bekannt geworden. In Belgien gerät unterdessen auch das Vorgehen der nationalen Lebensmittelbehörde in die Kritik. Bundesagrarminister Christian Schmidt (CSU) wollte am Montag mit seinem belgischen Kollegen telefonieren.

Bislang bereits 15 Bundesländer betroffen

Bislang ist von drei Legehennenbetrieben im niedersächsischen Landkreis Grafschaft Bentheim bekannt, dass ihre Eier mit Fipronil belastet waren. Hinzugekommen ist inzwischen ein weiterer Betrieb mit 25.000 Legehennen im Landkreis Leer. Alle Betriebe wurden von den Behörden bis auf weiteres geschlossen und die Eier aus dem Verkehr gezogen. Im Landkreis Emsland wurde eine Junghennenaufzucht gesperrt.

Zudem wurde bekannt, dass auch im Saarland mit Fipronil belastete Eier in den Handel gelangt sind.

Es ist sicher, dass wir beliefert wurden", sagte eine Sprecherin des Verbraucherschutzministeriums in Saarbrücken der Deutschen Presse-Agentur am Montag.

Damit sind nach Zählung der Deutschen Presse-Agentur mittlerweile alle Bundesländer - mit Ausnahme Sachsens - betroffen.

Die Verwendung von Fipronil bei Tieren, die Lebensmittel liefern, ist in der EU verboten. Derzeit wird angenommen, dass ein belgischer Hersteller einem gängigen Reinigungsmittel verbotenerweise Fipronil beigemengt und die Mischung an Betriebe in Belgien, den Niederlanden und Deutschland verkauft hat. Das Insektizid soll Tiere vor Flöhen, Läusen und Zecken schützen.

Der Agrarminister Belgiens, Denis Ducarme, reagierte mit Unverständnis auf das Vorgehen der Behörde FASNK. Laufende Ermittlungen der Staatsanwaltschaft seien "kein Argument", um solche Informationen geheim zu halten, sagte Ducarme am Montag dem belgischen Sender RTBF. Der Verbraucherschutz habe Vorrang. Die Behörde FASNK hatte am Wochenende eingeräumt, schon Anfang Juni über einen ersten Verdachtsfall informiert gewesen zu sein. Erst am 20. Juli wurden andere EU-Staaten in Kenntnis gesetzt.

Haben belgische Behörden zu lange zugewartet?

Auch die Vorsitzende des Verbraucherausschusses des Bundestags, Renate Künast, kritisierte das Vorgehen der belgischen Behörden. Dies sei "ein starkes Stück", sagte die Grünen-Politikerin am Montag im ARD-Morgenmagazin. Bundesagrarminister Schmidt müsse auf europäischer Ebene aktiv werden, damit sich so etwas in Zukunft nicht wiederhole.

Nach der offiziellen Bekanntgabe des Verdachts hatte es Dutzende Nachweise in Eiern niederländischer Produzenten gegeben, Millionen dieser Eier waren nach Deutschland, die Schweiz und Schweden geliefert worden. In Deutschland wurde zudem klar, dass das Fipronil-Gemisch an eine Briefkastenfirma sowie vier Geflügelhöfe in Niedersachsen verkauft worden war. Supermärkte nahmen daraufhin Millionen Eier aus ihren Regalen und vernichteten diese. Zudem gab es auch erste Rückrufe für Produkte mit verarbeiteten Eiern.

Inzwischen verstärkten die nordrhein-westfälischen Behörden die Untersuchung von Eiern auf eine Belastung mit Fipronil. Seit Montag fahndet auch das Chemische und Veterinäruntersuchungsamt in Krefeld nach möglichen weiteren belasteten Eiern. Bisher war nur das entsprechende Amt in Münster damit befasst.

Gefahr der Schädigung von Organen bei hoher Dosierung

Aus nordrhein-westfälischer Produktion wurden bislang keine belasteten Eier gefunden, sagte ein Sprecher des Düsseldorfer Umweltministeriums. Die bisher bekannten, mit Fipronil belasteten Chargen stammen aus den Niederlanden. Verbraucher sollten belastete Eier dem Handel zurückgeben oder mit dem Restmüll entsorgen, empfiehlt das Ministerium. Bundesweit untersuchten Labore Eier auf Fipronil.

Zwar sind die von Fipronil-Eiern und -Produkten ausgehenden Gefahren für Verbraucher aus Expertensicht bei den bisher gemessenen Konzentrationen überschaubar. In hohen Dosen kann Fipronil für Menschen aber gefährlich sein - in Experimenten mit Ratten schädigte die Substanz nach Angaben des Bundesinstituts für Risikobewertung (BfR) das Nervensystem und die Leber. Laut Umweltbundesamt ist Fipronil als Gefahrstoff eingestuft:

Der Wirkstoff ist giftig beim Einatmen, bei Hautkontakt und Verschlucken und führt zur Schädigung von Organen.

Eier Family History

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Eier Name Meaning

Historically, surnames evolved as a way to sort people into groups - by occupation, place of origin, clan affiliation, patronage, parentage, adoption, and even physical characteristics (like red hair). Many of the modern surnames in the dictionary can be traced back to Britain and Ireland.

Ready to discover your family story?

Simply start with yourself and we'll do the searching for you.

Eier Family Origin

Where is the Eier family from?

Eier Family Occupations

What did your Eier ancestors do for a living?

Census records can tell you a lot of little known facts about your Eier ancestors, such as occupation. Occupation can tell you about your ancestor's social and economic status.

In 1880, Farmer and Cheese Maker were the top 2 reported jobs worked by Eier. The most common Eier occupation in the USA was Farmer. 67% of Eier's were Farmers.

Eier Historical Records

What Eier family records will you find?

Census records can give you a fascinating window into the day-to-day lives of your Eier ancestors - like hours worked per week, level of education, veteran status, employers, and more.

Sample Census Record

Sample Passenger List

Sample Draft Card

Solve your own mystery as you explore your history.

Eier Life Expectancy

What is the average Eier lifespan?

An unusually short lifespan might indicate that your Eier ancestors lived in harsh conditions. A short lifespan might also indicate health problems that were once prevalent in your family. The SSDI is a searchable database of more than 70 million names. You can find birthdates, death dates, addresses and more.

United States

Between 1962 and 2002, Eier life expectancy was at its lowest point in 1962, and highest in 1997. The average life expectancy for Eier in 1962 was 45, and 76 in 2002.

Eier gift

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Privacy Policy

We appreciate that protection of your privacy is very important to you. Accordingly, the Fabergé group will only use personal information you give us for strictly limited purposes. Your personal information includes details like your name, email addresses, physical addresses, phone numbers. We do not hold or transmit your credit card details. These are held directly by WorldPay, our payment service provider. We will hold and use your personal data only for authorised purposes such as dealing with any enquiries you make to us, including registering you as a user on our web site if you request it, carrying out appropriate credit or identity checks if you want to buy something from us, processing your order, delivering your purchases to you. We may pass your data on to third parties in different jurisdictions for these purposes.

We will not pass your personal information on to parties outside the Fabergé group for marketing purposes, but we may use it for our own marketing and in offering you our products and services, or inviting you to events. This may mean your personal information is passed to a Fabergé group company outside the jurisdiction where you live. You will of course be entitled to opt out of receiving our marketing information if you wish.

We and our service providers collate statistical information about website traffic, sales and other commercial information, but these statistics are not passed to other parties.

Our website uses cookies (a cookie is a piece of software that is stored on your computer or mobile device by your web browser which allows the website to remember your preferences). Most browsers are automatically set to accept cookies but usually you can alter the settings of your browser to prevent automatic acceptance. If you chose not to accept cookies, you will still be able to use most of the features on our website. However, if you do experience any problems or questions then please contact us at info@faberge.com.

Please note that we may disclose your personal data to regulatory or other bodies in order to comply with any legal obligation. This may include exchanging information with other organisations for the purpose of fraud prevention.

By giving us your personal information, you promise that the personal data you give us is accurate, that you will let us know if it changes, and you agree that we may hold and use your data for the purposes set out above and any other lawful purpose.

This Policy reflects Fabergé’s current practices but may be changed and updated. The last update will be noted at the end of this Policy.

You may ask Fabergé for access to or to correct, update or delete information about you by contacting our team at info@faberge.com.


This website is owned and operated by Fabergé (UK) Limited which has its registered office at 23 King Street, London SW1Y 6QY, United Kingdom.

If you do not wish to accept these terms and conditions of use of our website, you should not use our website. By using our website, you agree to these terms and conditions of use. We may revise these terms- if we do the latest date of update will be noted at the end of these terms.

1 Intellectual Property Rights

The Fabergé group is the owner or licensee of the intellectual property rights (designs, images, graphics, photographs, sounds, videos, copyright, trademarks etc) in the website and any material published on it. This material, including the design of any items featured on the website, is protected by intellectual property laws around the world.

Nothing on this website or any material displayed on it (including the design of any items featured) may be copied, reproduced, adapted, downloaded, distributed, or used or exploited in any way, in whole or in part, without the prior express written permission of Fabergé. This is an important term for us and Fabergé is vigilant in protecting its intellectual property rights.

You may link to our website but you must link to our home page so that users of your site do not think we are associated or connected to you. When sites do link to our website, or when we link to other sites, we are not responsible for the content on the other sites or any use you make of those sites. Those sites will have their own terms and conditions of use.

3 No Commercial Use

You are permitted to print one copy of any of the pages from our website for your own personal, non-commercial reference. You may not copy, adapt, publish, transmit, generate advertising, or use or exploit the site in any other way.

4 Accuracy of Information on this Website

We have taken care to ensure that information and material on this site is accurate but we make no representation and give no guarantee that it meets any particular standard of reliability or accuracy. It is provided free of charge for your own personal information. The information is not intended for business or academic use.

5 Limitation of our Liability

To the maximum extent permissible by law, we expressly exclude liability for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages, whether in contract, negligence or otherwise, arising out of your or anyone else’s use of this website or the reliance of information on it.

If we are held liable by a court of competent jurisdiction for any loss you suffer as a result of your use of, or inability to use, this website, or use of any information on it, you agree that the maximum liability to the Fabergé group of companies, is GBP 5,000.

Nothing in this section limits or excludes the liability of the Fabergé group of companies for death or personal injury arising from our negligence, nor our liability for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation, nor any other liability which cannot be excluded or limited by law.

6 Governing Law and Jurisdiction.

These terms and conditions of use are governed by the laws of England and you agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts irrespective of where you live or access our website.

updated on 18/01/2016

Cookie Policy

A new law on cookies demands that you, as a website user, are given the opportunity to understand how cookies are used on our websites and consent to cookies being stored on your computer (laptop/mobile/tablet).

A cookie is a small text file, typically of letters and numbers, downloaded to your computer when you access websites. Typically, they contain the following information: a site name and unique user ID, the duration of the cookie's abilities and effects, and a random number. As a rule, cookies cannot be used to reveal your identity or personally identifying information.

When you visit a website that uses cookies for the first time, a cookie is downloaded onto your computer. The next time you visit that website, your computer checks to see if it has a cookie that is relevant and sends the information contained in that cookie back to the website. The website then notes that you have been there before, and in some cases, tailors what pops up on screen to take account of that fact. They also might record how long you spend on each page on a site, what links you click, even your preferences for page layouts and colour schemes.

Generally, the role of cookies is beneficial, making your interaction with frequently-visited sites smoother with no extra effort on your part. Without cookies, online shopping would be much harder. Without cookies, some websites will become less interactive with the cookie option turned off.

These cookies expire when you close your web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome). These cookies are used for various reasons, for example, remembering what you have put in your shopping basket as you browse a website. They can also be used for security to access your Internet banking or email.

These cookies are still stored on your computer after you have closed your web browser which allows your preferences on websites to be remembered. These cookies are used for a variety of purposes, for example, remembering your preferences on a website (your language choice or your user name on a particular website).

This refers to the website placing the cookie. First party cookies are cookies set by the website you are visiting. Third party cookies are set by another website; the website you are visiting may have advertising on the page and this other website will be able to set a cookie on your computer. Third party cookies on the main web browsers allow third party cookies by default. Changing the settings on your browsers can prevent this.

There are some exemptions to the above where it is essential for a website to store information on your computer, for example, to provide a service to you that you have requested.

  • We use cookies to improve your experience on our websites and for functionality purposes, for example, if you choose to buy any of our products, we place a cookie on your computer to remember the currency that you have selected so next time you visit our website we can display the correct currency to you;
  • We also use cookies to understand your usage of our website;

  1. Most web browsers (Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc.) are configured to automatically accept cookies. However, most web browsers allow some control of most cookies through the browser settings, including the disabling of cookies at any time, etc.

For Opera: http://help.opera.com/Windows/10.20/en/cookies.html

  • In order to disable analytical cookies and to opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites, you can download the Google Analytics Opt Out Browser Add-on: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.
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    Terms & Conditions

    Fabergé Terms and Conditions of Sale

    These Terms and Conditions apply to all sales made on our web site or in our company stores (currently in London, New York and Geneva). Unless we tell you otherwise, they do not apply to any purchases you make from Authorised Fabergé Retailers or other outlets - those retailers will have their own terms and conditions of sale.

    The particular Fabergé entity you contract with to sell your purchase to you varies depending on how and where you purchase your items. In all instances, we will refer to this party as “Fabergé”, or “us” or “we” etc in this agreement.

    If you purchase your items ONLINE or at our LONDON store, the seller is Fabergé (UK) Limited, whose registered office is 23 King Street, London SW1Y 6QY.

    If you purchase your items from our GENEVA store, the seller is Fabergé Suisse S.A., whose registered address is Grand Hotel Kempinski Arcades, Quai du Mont-Blanc 19, 1201 Genève, Switzerland.

    If you purchase your items from our NEW YORK store, the seller is Fabergé Inc, whose registered address is 2711 Centreville Road, Suite 400, Wilmington 19808, Delaware, USA.

    In general, to contact us, you should do so at sales@faberge.com

    2 Eligibility and Personal Details

    By placing an order with us you must be legally capable of entering into a contract with us. This normally includes being at least 18 years of age.

    You confirm that the information you provide about yourself is true, accurate and complete and that you are the person referred to in the billing information. If any information changes, you should advise us straight away.

    For online sales, you promise to keep your login details secure and not give them to anybody else. You must notify us immediately if you think there has been a breach of security or unauthorised use of your account.

    We do not guarantee that you will be able to make online purchases in all countries, or that we will accept all payment cards.

    By making an offer (asking) to purchase merchandise from us you authorise us to carry out credit checks, to transmit or obtain information about you to or from third parties in any jurisdiction, to authenticate your identity, and to process your personal information to complete the transaction. See our Privacy Policy for how we may use your personal information.

    3 How the Contract for Sale is Formed


    If you are purchasing IN-STORE, the contract to purchase is formed when you agree with our sales assistant to purchase a particular item, even if you don’t pay for it right then. Simply asking to see an item that is not in stock does not create a contract to buy it. Paying a deposit would be taken as evidence of a contract to buy the item. If you subsequently change your mind, depending on applicable law and subject to our cancellation and returns policy, we do not have to refund your deposit or purchase price.

    If you ask us to make a personalised item or some other item especially for you then our agreement to make it and part payment by you will create the contract. From that point on you will be liable for the full contract price. We do not accept cancellations or returns on personalised items or items made especially for you.

    For ONLINE contracts, your order constitutes an offer to Fabergé that you will buy the merchandise. All orders are subject to acceptance by us. Our online sales procedure is intended to make available for sale only those items we have in stock and items for delivery to countries in the drop down menu. If there is any discrepancy between the sales procedure and these terms and conditions of sale, these terms and conditions take precedence. Not all items advertised on our web site are available for sale online. Items in your shopping basket are not necessarily secure and may be purchased by other customers. We will confirm receipt of your order (Order Confirmation Receipt) but the contract will not be formed until we have checked availability and actually despatched the order to you. We will send you a Despatch Confirmation when the order has been despatched to you. The Despatch Confirmation serves to confirm that the contract has been formed and also advises you of the delivery details.

    If you do not receive an Order Confirmation Receipt within 5 hours of placing your order, or you do not receive a Despatch Confirmation within 5 days of placing your order, you should contact our online sales staff at sales@faberge.com.

    Ownership of any items you have agreed to buy from us will pass to you at the latter of the time you take delivery of the items or the time you pay for them in full. We do not normally give customers items “on approval” or allow them to take possession of merchandise before it is paid for in full. On the rare occasion that we might allow customers to take possession of goods before they are paid for, the customer will be fully responsible for the merchandise after they have taken possession of it, and if it is lost or damaged, the customer will have to pay for it.

    4 Price, Taxes, Payment and Delivery

    For IN-STORE purchases, the price you actually pay will include any taxes applicable in that jurisdiction. However, in some countries, for example the USA, the displayed or advertised price may not include sales tax which will be added at the time of purchase. You may be entitled to refunds from Customs when leaving a jurisdiction where you bought an item if you are permanently exporting the item. You may also be liable for customs duty or tax for items imported into another jurisdiction. If you are exporting an item you should check the tax implications with the authorities in the country of your intended destination.

    For ONLINE purchases, the prices displayed on our website for online sales depend on the country the goods will be delivered to, and for the countries in the drop down menu, the quoted price is the “delivered price” (i.e. includes taxes, insurance, shipping). If you want delivery to a country not on the drop down menu, please contact sales@faberge.com. For deliveries to New York State, NY State Sales Tax will be added to the “delivered price”.

    We try to ensure that all our advertised prices are accurate, but errors may sometimes occur. If we discover an error in the price of an advertised item or an item you have ordered, we will contact you as soon as possible. You will have an option to reconfirm your order at the correct price or to cancel it.

    You may pay for your merchandise by credit card, debit card or bank transfer. If you are buying in-store you may be able to pay with cash but local stores will have to comply with local money laundering and other legislation which may restrict the amount of cash we are allowed to accept. All debit and credit card holders are subject to validation checks and if the issuer of your card refuses to authorise payment, we will not be liable for any delay or non-delivery.

    For online sales we will arrange for delivery to the delivery address but we and our agents reserve the right to delay or decline delivery to any address for security or other reasons. If delivery cannot be made at your chosen address, we will ask you to provide an alternative address.

    We take reasonable care to keep details of your order and payment secure but third parties are necessarily involved in processing your card information. In the absence of negligence by Fabergé, we will not be liable for any loss you suffer for unauthorised access to any data you provide us when ordering from our web site or in-store.

    If you buy ONLINE, many jurisdictions give you the right to cancel your order and return items for a short period after you have received them. In the European Union this period is 14 days. Where you bought online, we will honour any such period which is effective in the jurisdiction we delivered your merchandise to. In order to cancel your online order under applicable law, you must write to us at our London address or email us at sales@faberge.com, using the subject heading “Cancellation of Sale in Cooling Off Period.” If you cancel under applicable law (where it is available) we will give you a full refund. You must return the full order to us at our London address at your cost, you must arrange for its insurance at the price you paid for it, and the items must be returned unused and in their original condition and with original packaging and certificates. Except where otherwise required by applicable law, we will not accept items returned if they are used or damaged or returned without their original packaging, or if the sale was not an online sale or if the item was specially made or personalised for you.

    In some jurisdictions you may be entitled to cancel online orders if they are not delivered to you within a defined or reasonable time from placing your order, and you have not agreed to a specific delivery date. In the European Union, the defined period is 30 days (unless you have agreed something else with us). We will try to get your order to you as soon as possible and we will honour any law applicable in the jurisdiction the merchandise is intended to be delivered to, that gives you the right to cancel for delayed delivery. If you wish to cancel under this law you should write to us at our London address or email us at sales@faberge.com using the heading “Cancellation of Sale for Non Delivery.” If you cancel under this law (where it is available) we will give you a full refund.

    In addition to the legal rights provided in some jurisdictions to cancel your contract for sale (as above), we also offer all customers, both online and in-store, the opportunity to return unwanted items to us for store credit or exchange within 30 days of delivery of the items. The items must be returned within 30 days to the store where you purchased them, or to our London address if you purchased online, and they must be returned unused and in their original condition, with original packaging and certificates. We will exchange or give you a store credit note for returned items (at your option) to the price you paid for the item subject to any special conditions of sale. Items that have been specially made for you and personalised items cannot be returned under this policy. You must use the credit note at the same store (or online) you purchased the item from and you must use it within 12 months of the original purchase. We cannot give a cash refund for any part of your store credit but you can use it to purchase any available items. We will normally refund tax and duty on the item too, but we cannot do this for items purchased on the web site and you will have to take responsibility yourself for claiming refunds if they are available in your jurisdiction. You must arrange and pay for all insurance, post and packaging costs if you return goods under this policy.

    Where appropriate we will resize rings, free of charge within 90 days of purchase, but resizing will not always be possible. We will treat your request sympathetically, but we reserve the right to offer this service completely at our discretion.

    We offer a lifetime warranty to our customers against manufacturing defects in all jewellery and objets we sell. For watches, the warranty is for three years from the date of purchase. This means that if a manufacturing defect becomes apparent during the guarantee period in any of those items we sell you, we will fix the defect (where reasonably possible) at no cost to you. If we cannot fix the manufacturing defect at a reasonable cost we will discuss some other form of compensation with you. This warranty covers gifts you buy for others and give to them within one year of purchase, but it does not extend to any other disposition of the product. Of course, you must take good care of the product, comply with any care recommendations we suggest and if the item requires servicing, then it must be serviced regularly. You must be able to provide proof that you bought the item from us.

    You should always ensure you have insurance to cover loss of stones or other accidental loss or damage to any item. We will not be liable for loss of or damage to stones under this warranty, or for any indirect loss you suffer due to a manufacturing defect in any item you have purchased from us.

    This warranty does not affect any legal rights you may have if you have been supplied with faulty goods.

    If your item is damaged in an accident or by normal wear and tear, please contact our sales team at sales@faberge.com and we will try to provide a quote for repair where possible.

    We may change these terms and conditions at any time but once you have purchased an item, the terms and conditions current at the time of your purchase will apply.

    If any of these terms and conditions is invalid or unenforceable, the remainder will continue to have full force and effect.

    These terms and conditions will not be binding on our assignees or successors unless they adopt these terms and conditions or they are affiliated with Fabergé.

    If we breach these terms and conditions we will be liable only for your direct losses and the reasonably foreseeable consequences of our breach.

    Our liability is limited to the price you paid for the goods purchased from us.

    We will not be responsible to you for any delay or failure to comply with our obligations if the delay or failure arises from any cause beyond our reasonable control.

    We do not seek to limit our liability for death or personal injury arising from our negligence, or to exclude liability for fraudulent misrepresentation by ourselves or our agents.

    Orders placed in the U.S. are subject to the law of the State of New York, excluding principles of conflicts of law, and all disputes regarding deliveries to U.S. addresses shall be resolved in the courts located in New York, New York.

    Privacy Policy

    We appreciate that protection of your privacy is very important to you. Accordingly, the Fabergé group will only use personal information you give us for strictly limited purposes. Your personal information includes details like your name, email addresses, physical addresses, phone numbers. We do not hold or transmit your credit card details. These are held directly by WorldPay, our payment service provider. We will hold and use your personal data only for authorised purposes such as dealing with any enquiries you make to us, including registering you as a user on our web site if you request it, carrying out appropriate credit or identity checks if you want to buy something from us, processing your order, delivering your purchases to you. We may pass your data on to third parties in different jurisdictions for these purposes.

    We will not pass your personal information on to parties outside the Fabergé group for marketing purposes, but we may use it for our own marketing and in offering you our products and services, or inviting you to events. This may mean your personal information is passed to a Fabergé group company outside the jurisdiction where you live. You will of course be entitled to opt out of receiving our marketing information if you wish.

    We and our service providers collate statistical information about website traffic, sales and other commercial information, but these statistics are not passed to other parties.

    Our website uses cookies (a cookie is a piece of software that is stored on your computer or mobile device by your web browser which allows the website to remember your preferences). Most browsers are automatically set to accept cookies but usually you can alter the settings of your browser to prevent automatic acceptance. If you chose not to accept cookies, you will still be able to use most of the features on our website. However, if you do experience any problems or questions then please contact us at info@faberge.com.

    Please note that we may disclose your personal data to regulatory or other bodies in order to comply with any legal obligation. This may include exchanging information with other organisations for the purpose of fraud prevention.

    By giving us your personal information, you promise that the personal data you give us is accurate, that you will let us know if it changes, and you agree that we may hold and use your data for the purposes set out above and any other lawful purpose.

    This Policy reflects Fabergé’s current practices but may be changed and updated. The last update will be noted at the end of this Policy.

    You may ask Fabergé for access to or to correct, update or delete information about you by contacting our team at info@faberge.com.


    This website is owned and operated by Fabergé (UK) Limited which has its registered office at 23 King Street, London SW1Y 6QY, United Kingdom.

    If you do not wish to accept these terms and conditions of use of our website, you should not use our website. By using our website, you agree to these terms and conditions of use. We may revise these terms- if we do the latest date of update will be noted at the end of these terms.

    1 Intellectual Property Rights

    The Fabergé group is the owner or licensee of the intellectual property rights (designs, images, graphics, photographs, sounds, videos, copyright, trademarks etc) in the website and any material published on it. This material, including the design of any items featured on the website, is protected by intellectual property laws around the world.

    Nothing on this website or any material displayed on it (including the design of any items featured) may be copied, reproduced, adapted, downloaded, distributed, or used or exploited in any way, in whole or in part, without the prior express written permission of Fabergé. This is an important term for us and Fabergé is vigilant in protecting its intellectual property rights.

    You may link to our website but you must link to our home page so that users of your site do not think we are associated or connected to you. When sites do link to our website, or when we link to other sites, we are not responsible for the content on the other sites or any use you make of those sites. Those sites will have their own terms and conditions of use.

    3 No Commercial Use

    You are permitted to print one copy of any of the pages from our website for your own personal, non-commercial reference. You may not copy, adapt, publish, transmit, generate advertising, or use or exploit the site in any other way.

    4 Accuracy of Information on this Website

    We have taken care to ensure that information and material on this site is accurate but we make no representation and give no guarantee that it meets any particular standard of reliability or accuracy. It is provided free of charge for your own personal information. The information is not intended for business or academic use.

    5 Limitation of our Liability

    To the maximum extent permissible by law, we expressly exclude liability for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages, whether in contract, negligence or otherwise, arising out of your or anyone else’s use of this website or the reliance of information on it.

    If we are held liable by a court of competent jurisdiction for any loss you suffer as a result of your use of, or inability to use, this website, or use of any information on it, you agree that the maximum liability to the Fabergé group of companies, is GBP 5,000.

    Nothing in this section limits or excludes the liability of the Fabergé group of companies for death or personal injury arising from our negligence, nor our liability for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation, nor any other liability which cannot be excluded or limited by law.

    6 Governing Law and Jurisdiction.

    These terms and conditions of use are governed by the laws of England and you agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts irrespective of where you live or access our website.

    updated on 18/01/2016

    Cookie Policy

    A new law on cookies demands that you, as a website user, are given the opportunity to understand how cookies are used on our websites and consent to cookies being stored on your computer (laptop/mobile/tablet).

    A cookie is a small text file, typically of letters and numbers, downloaded to your computer when you access websites. Typically, they contain the following information: a site name and unique user ID, the duration of the cookie's abilities and effects, and a random number. As a rule, cookies cannot be used to reveal your identity or personally identifying information.

    When you visit a website that uses cookies for the first time, a cookie is downloaded onto your computer. The next time you visit that website, your computer checks to see if it has a cookie that is relevant and sends the information contained in that cookie back to the website. The website then notes that you have been there before, and in some cases, tailors what pops up on screen to take account of that fact. They also might record how long you spend on each page on a site, what links you click, even your preferences for page layouts and colour schemes.

    Generally, the role of cookies is beneficial, making your interaction with frequently-visited sites smoother with no extra effort on your part. Without cookies, online shopping would be much harder. Without cookies, some websites will become less interactive with the cookie option turned off.

    These cookies expire when you close your web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome). These cookies are used for various reasons, for example, remembering what you have put in your shopping basket as you browse a website. They can also be used for security to access your Internet banking or email.

    These cookies are still stored on your computer after you have closed your web browser which allows your preferences on websites to be remembered. These cookies are used for a variety of purposes, for example, remembering your preferences on a website (your language choice or your user name on a particular website).

    This refers to the website placing the cookie. First party cookies are cookies set by the website you are visiting. Third party cookies are set by another website; the website you are visiting may have advertising on the page and this other website will be able to set a cookie on your computer. Third party cookies on the main web browsers allow third party cookies by default. Changing the settings on your browsers can prevent this.

    There are some exemptions to the above where it is essential for a website to store information on your computer, for example, to provide a service to you that you have requested.

    • We use cookies to improve your experience on our websites and for functionality purposes, for example, if you choose to buy any of our products, we place a cookie on your computer to remember the currency that you have selected so next time you visit our website we can display the correct currency to you;
    • We also use cookies to understand your usage of our website;

    1. Most web browsers (Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc.) are configured to automatically accept cookies. However, most web browsers allow some control of most cookies through the browser settings, including the disabling of cookies at any time, etc.

    For Opera: http://help.opera.com/Windows/10.20/en/cookies.html

  • In order to disable analytical cookies and to opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites, you can download the Google Analytics Opt Out Browser Add-on: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.
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    1 sqft

    • 1sqft plot of land in Glencoe Wood
    • You may style yourself as Laird, Lord or Lady of Glencoe
    • Gift Pack
    • VIP Membership

    (₽2,464.00 per sqft)

    • 1sqft plot of land in Glencoe Wood
    • You may style yourself as Laird, Lord or Lady of Glencoe
    • Gift Pack
    • VIP Membership

    (₽2,464.00 per sqft)

    10 sqft

    • 10sqft plot of land in Lochaber
    • You may style yourself as Laird, Lord or Lady of Glencoe and Lochaber
    • Gift Pack
    • VIP Membership
    • 'Meet and Greet' Service - Free
    • Free 1sqft plot of land in Glencoe Wood
    • DVD Tour of the Area
    • 10sqft plot of land in Lochaber
    • You may style yourself as Laird, Lord or Lady of Glencoe and Lochaber
    • Gift Pack
    • VIP Membership
    • 'Meet and Greet' Service - Free
    • Free 1sqft plot of land in Glencoe Wood
    • DVD Tour of the Area

    100 sqft

    • 100sqft plot of land in Lochaber
    • You may style yourself as Laird, Lord or Lady of Glencoe and Lochaber
    • Gift Pack
    • VIP Membership
    • 'Meet and Greet' Service - Free
    • Free 1sqft plot of land in Glencoe Wood
    • DVD Tour of the Area
    • Presentation Gift Box
    • Tree dedication in your honour
    • Camping Access to Keil Hill
    • Printed 5 Year Plan
    • 100sqft plot of land in Lochaber
    • You may style yourself as Laird, Lord or Lady of Glencoe and Lochaber
    • Gift Pack
    • VIP Membership
    • 'Meet and Greet' Service - Free
    • Free 1sqft plot of land in Glencoe Wood
    • DVD Tour of the Area
    • Presentation Gift Box
    • Tree dedication in your honour
    • Camping Access to Keil Hill
    • Printed 5 Year Plan

    1000 sqft

    • 1000sqft plot of land in Lochaber
    • You may style yourself as Laird, Lord or Lady of Glencoe and Lochaber
    • Gift Pack
    • VIP Club Membership
    • 'Meet and Greet' Service - Free
    • Free 1sqft plot of land in Glencoe Wood
    • DVD Tour of the Area
    • Presentation Gift Box
    • Tree dedication in your honour
    • Camping Access to Keil Hill
    • Printed 5 Year Plan
    • Framed Certificate
    • Lambswool Scarf
    • 1000sqft plot of land in Lochaber
    • You may style yourself as Laird, Lord or Lady of Glencoe and Lochaber
    • Gift Pack
    • VIP Club Membership
    • 'Meet and Greet' Service - Free
    • Free 1sqft plot of land in Glencoe Wood
    • DVD Tour of the Area
    • Presentation Gift Box
    • Tree dedication in your honour
    • Camping Access to Keil Hill
    • Printed 5 Year Plan
    • Framed Certificate
    • Lambswool Scarf

    You need to select at least one plot. You can do this using the plus (+) and minus (-) controls for each plot size above.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What will you receive when you order?

    Your Plot Essentials

    Information on your plot location, visiting rights and customised ID card.

    Master Title Deed

    Assert your right to use your title with this quality printed title deed.

    Laird Accessories

    Depending on your plot size you'll get everything from stationery templates through to a quality lambswool scarf.

    Join 100,000 members and vote on important land management decisions

    Smartphone App

    Interact and show-off your estate. Available for iPhone and Android devices.

    Reserve Tour

    Visit your estate and take advantage of our 'meet and greet' service. Limited spaces!

    Is the land in Glencoe?

    Highland Titles Nature Reserve is located just south of Duror, Appin; less than 10 miles from historic Glencoe and some of the most breathtaking scenery in the world. Our reserve is called Glencoe Wood due to its close proximity. The titles Laird of Glencoe, Lord of Glencoe, and Lady of Glencoe have all been trademarked by Highland Titles and you are free to style yourself accordingly once you purchase a souvenir plot.

    What rights do I have when I buy a plot?

    Our customers obtain a “personal right” to their land. This is essentially a contract where we pass our rights to the land over to you. So you can visit your plot, call it your own and essentially do what you please with the land within the normal confines of law (we do also retain rights to prevent the land being used for hunting and shooting).

    Further you can sell or pass on the contract as you can with any property. So the gift can be passed down the generations, not just once but forever.

    Please note however that the Land Registration etc. (Scotland) Act 2012 does not allow souvenir plots of land to be officially registered so technically Highland Titles Limited has to remain as the registered owner of the land on your behalf. Highland Titles will also manage (at no cost to you) the land as a nature reserve on an ongoing basis.

    This, combined with the fact that Highland Titles Ltd is owned by The Highland Titles Charitable Trust for Scotland (a charity registered in Guernsey, number CH444), ensures that the land can only ever be used for the purposes of conservation.

    Why are there two different locations?

    Thanks to the support of all those who have joined us as Lairds, Lords and Ladies over the years, we now have two nature reserves. Our first reserve, “The Highland Titles Nature Reserve”, near Duror and 10 miles from Glencoe, was created from the land we bought in 2007 and is now an established 4-star tourist attraction with thousands of visitors each year.

    The second location is Mountain View Nature Reserve, roughly 10 miles West of Invergarry, which we bought in 2014. If the success of Highland Titles continues through the support of customers such as yourself, our goal will be to continue to purchase more land and create more reserves.

    As The Highland Titles Nature Reserve is best set-up to welcome visitors, we want to ensure that all customers receive a plot here and have the right to style themselves as a Lord or Lady of Glencoe. We only sell 1 sqft plots from the original reserve, as we have a visitor centre and run our Meet and Greet tours from here and want to be able to provide everyone the chance to see and visit their land.

    As such, if you buy a 1sqft plot, it will be in the Highland Titles Nature Reserve and you be able to style yourself as a Lord or Lady of Glencoe.

    If you buy a larger plot, ie: the 10 sqft, 100 sqft and 1000 sqft plot, it will be located at Mountain View and, to celebrate that, you’ll be able to style yourself as a Lord or Lady of Lochaber. However, you will also get a free 1sqft plot at the Highland Titles Nature Reserve. This means you can also style yourself as a Lord or Lady of Glencoe as well! Of course it also means you can fully enjoy the guided tours and other facilities on offer the original reserve too.

    What Our Community Says

    Our Customers Love Us

    “My Ancestors would be Proud”

    Having worked on my family genealogy for nearly 3 decades, it was a real treat to find Highland Titles. I descend from 3 Scottish clans and was intrigued by the prospect of owning land in Scotland. I am able to help conserve the land of my forefathers, and add a title to my name and my brother's.

    Ordered on a Monday, received it on a Thursday! (Shipped to Sweden). The package was gorgeously wrapped in red with a gold bow. The certificates are absolutely amazing. Awesome quality paper and printing. Would absolutely recommend to others.

    “Fun gift that my husband loved”

    Isn't it fun to be a laird or a lord? And to support a nature preserve in the beautiful Scottish countryside? The website was very helpful in answering all questions. The packet arrived in the US within days despite it being a holiday week. If you are thinking about purchasing a plot, do it!

    “Very quick delivery outside U.K”

    Very happy with my purchase as it is for A Birthday present for Hubby, having Scottish heritage. Great Gift idea for someone who is difficult to buy for. The delivery was very quick. He is going to be so surprised and happy with this gift for sure.

    “Everything was great”

    The process was completely painless. My package arrived quickly from Scotland. It was packaged well. Two of the titles were gifts and they were thrilled to receive them.

    “Perfect Anniversary gift”

    This was the perfect gift for the man that has everything. My husband has a fascination with Scotland and was delighted to become a laird! Nice knowing that a gift is also conserving nature.

    “Great gift for any occasion”

    I gave this gift to my husband along with a bottle of scotch. He absolutely loved it! Not only are we helping to conserve but he gets a title too. We're planning a trip across the pond for a visit and can't wait for a tour.

    “Awesome experience”

    Such a great experience, welcome pack is amazing and arrived so quickly, I would recommend this to anyone - in fact I have!

    “Best gift ever”

    For a relative who is owner/operator of a craft brewery called Highlander Brew. Easy to order, shipped overseas & received in 12 days. Felt the "kit" was very classy & will be on display.

    “Lovely idea to conserve Scotland”

    Ordering my plot of land was a very smooth transaction and the delivery of the documents was fast. Highland Titles makes helping Mother Nature not only easy but a great experience or a perfect gift.

    Keep in touch with your Highland estate and the Highland Titles community

    Safe and secure

    We use the Checkout.com secure payment system so you can be confident your details are safe.

    Customer Services

    Useful Links

    Get in touch

    Highland Titles, York House, Victoria Street, Alderney, C.I., GY9 3TA

    You will be addressed by your choice of Laird, Lord or Lady by us and within our 100,000+ strong community. We will also provide documentation that will allow you to formally change your name to include "Lord". Please note you cannot buy a noble title. This is for enjoyment purposes only.

    You obtain a personal right to a souvenir plot of land. This is a form of heritable property that you can pass on to future generations. Highland Titles remains as the registered landowner and manages the land on your behalf.

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