четверг, 1 февраля 2018 г.


Lindt eier

Willkommen auf meinem Blog. Hier geht es um Genuss, um gesunde Ernährung und um die Liebe zum Essen.

Dienstag, 26. April 2011

Lindt Choco-Himbeer-Torte von Johann Lafer

Für die Zubereitung der Schoko-Himbeer-Torte braucht ihr:

Für den Boden

50 g Lindt Excellence 70%

100 g weiche Butter

50 g Puderzucker

Für die Joghurtmousse

3 Blatt Gelatine

250 g Naturjoghurt

Für das Himbeergelee

2 Blatt Gelatine

500 g Himbeeren

50 g Puderzucker

Für die Chococrème

100 g Lindt Excellence 70%


  1. Die Schokolade klein hacken und in einer Schüssel im heißen Wasserbad schmelzen. Ofen auf 180 Grad vorheizen.
  2. Butter und Puderzucker schaumig schlagen und dann die Eier nacheinander unterrühren. Dann die flüssige Schokolade unterrühren und danach das Mehl untermischen. Den Teig in einer Springform gleichmäßig verteilen und im vorgeheizten Ofen 15 Min. backen. Den Boden in der Form abkühlen lassen.
  3. Für die Joghurtmousse die Gelatine 5 Minuten in kaltem Wasser einweichen. Milch mit Vanillemark erhitzen, Gelatine ausdrücken und in der heißen Milch auflösen. Nach und nach den Joghurt einrühren.
  4. Eiweiß mit einer Prise Salz zu Eischnee schlagen, wenn der Schnee steif wird, langsam den Zucker einrieseln lassen. Den Eischnee unter die Vanille-Joghurt-Masse heben. Die Mousse auf den Chocoboden verteilen. Dabei den Ring um den Boden lassen. Die Torte dann für ca. 2 Stunden in den Kühlschrank stellen.
  5. Für das Himbeergelee die Gelatine wieder in kaltem Wasser einweichen. Ca. 20 schöne Himbeeren für die Deko zur Seite legen. Die restlichen Himbeeren mit Puderzucker aufkochen und dann durch ein feines Sieb streichen. Die Gelatine in der heißen Himbeersauce auflösen, abkühlen lassen, auf die Mousse in der Form gießen und dann für 1 weitere Stunde in den Kühlschrank stellen bis das Gelee fest ist.
  6. Für die Schokomousse müsst ihr erst die Schokolade schmelzen, dann die Sahne steif schlage. Dann schlagt ihr das Ei, die Eigelbe und den Zucker 5 Minuten schaumig. 1/3 der Sahne mit der flüssigen Schokolade glatt rühren. Dann die restliche Sahne und den Eischaum vorsichtig unterheben und für 30 Minuten kalt stellen. Die Creme mit dem Handrührgerät noch einmal aufschlagen und in einen Spritzbeutel füllen. Die Mousse nach Belieben rosettenartig auf dem fest gewordenen Himbeergelee verteilen und mit den Himbeeren verzieren.

Ihr solltet aber auf keinen Fall den vielen Aufwand scheuen, denn es lohnt sich wirklich, die Torte zu backen. Es ist die Beste, die ich seit langem gegessen habe.


ich habe diese Torte auch mit gefrorenen Himbeeren zubereitet, allerdings ist das Himbeergelee am Ende nicht fest geworden. Hast du trotz der gefrorenen Himbeeren genau so viel Gelatine genommen wie angegeben oder hast du die Menge erhöht?

Ich bin mir nicht mehr ganz sicher, aber vielleicht hatte ich auch nur etwas weniger Himbeeren. Hatte das was ich noch hatte nicht nachgewogen. Aber bei Gelantine gucke ich auch am Besten nach welches Verhältnis die Verpackung angibt.

Ein glutenfreier Blog

Ein Blog für alle Gluten-Allergiker/Zöliakie Patienten. Glutenfrei Einkaufen, Reisen, Kochen & Backen!

Mittwoch, 31. März 2010

glutenfreies Osternest

  • Ü-Eier und Kinder Schoko Bons (Kinder)
  • Lindt Eier (Lindt kennzeichnet deren Produkte relativ gut: "Gluten ist nur in Produkten enthalten, bei denen in der Zutatenliste Getreidebestandteile aufgeführt sind.")
  • Dammenberg Osterei
  • Lubs Ostereier
  • Minus-L (UPDATE 30.03.2012, siehe Kommentar unten von FoodOase: "Bei den Minus-L Hasen und Weihnachtssachen ist die Rohware (Schokolade) garantiert glutenfrei, aber da Firma Riegelein die Gießformen daraus macht, kann auch hier eine Kontermination beim Gießen nicht ausgeschlossen werden."
  • Kinder
  • Lindt Goldhase
  • Bonvita
  • Chocolina
  • Minus-L
  • Riegelein
  • Rosengarten (siehe Kommentar unten von FoodOase: "Rosengarten verwendet für seine Osterprodukte zwar keine glutenhaltigen Zutaten, testet die Osterware aber nicht und produziert diese auch nicht getrennt. Spuren sind also nicht auszuschließen. Wir haben uns daher entschlossen diese nicht als glutenfrei zu kennzeichnen."
    • "Beide Hersteller (Rosengarten & Minus-L) wollten uns aufgrund dessen keine schriftliche Zusicherung geben, dass die Produkte garantiert glutenfrei sind. Wir haben die Produkte nicht als glutenfrei gekennzeichnet. Selbstverständlich sollte jeder selber entscheiden, ob das reicht."


- Schokolutscher Osterhase von Rosengarten (z.B. bei Alnatura)

- Easter Bunnies von Sweet William


da wir die oben genannten Osterprodukte auch vertreiben, haben wir uns intensiv mit den Herstellern zum Thema glutenfrei unterhalten. Rosengarten verwendet für seine Osterprodukte zwar keine glutenhaltigen Zutaten, testet die Osterware aber nicht und produziert diese auch nicht getrennt. Spuren sind also nicht auszuschließen. Wir haben uns daher entschlossen diese nicht als glutenfrei zu kennzeichnen.

Bei den Minus-L Hasen und Weihnachtssachen ist die Rohware (Schokolade) garantiert glutenfrei, aber da Firma Riegelein die Gießformen daraus macht, kann auch hier eine Kontermination beim Gießen nicht ausgeschlossen werden.

Beide Hersteller wollten uns aufgrund dessen keine schriftliche Zusicherung geben, dass die Produkte garantiert glutenfrei sind.

Wir haben die Produkte nicht als glutenfrei gekennzeichnet. Selbstverständlich sollte jeder selber entscheiden, ob das reicht.

Was ist mit dem Gerstenmalzextrakt im Lindt-Hasen?

Maggi Eiermuschel Suppe 51g



Description in German

  • Eiermuschelsuppe mit Gemüse wie z.B. Karotten, Lauch und Sellerie.
  • Ergibt 4 Teller.
  • Verfeinert mit Petersilie

Ingredients in German

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Absolutely delicious!

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Basel Community

Happy Easter!

Already spring has begun, and the city is brimming with new life. Grey skies or blue, it’s something you can sense—from walking through the forests of Allschwil, to the new songs the birds sing in the city, or the way the Tinguely fountains seem to have wakened from a long winter just in time to stretch out their arms and catch the sun.

And with this spring comes an early Easter, and the promise of restoration that it brings. As the church bells ring this Sunday morning, you’ll find yourself waking to a brand new celebration. And don’t forget: Daylight saving time begins Easter morning!

Here’s a quick sketch of what a typical Swiss Easter might look like…

Easter Surprises

It’s traditional in Switzerland to attend church in the morning, followed by brunch or dinner and a family celebration. A typical Easter menu could include lamb with potatoes; pastetli, a meat pie with mushrooms and cream sauce; chicken in lemon thyme butter; fish with couscous and yogurt sauce; pork, or rabbit.

Most children—and adults—also look forward every year to an Easter egg hunt. Eggs are usually painted the day before, and then in the morning are hidden outside in the park or garden, in the house, even inside boots and shoes! It’s uncommon to use plastic eggs, as Switzerland in general likes to keep things eco-friendly.

And don’t forget the Easter Bunny! Many children wake up on Easter morning to a magical nest or Easter basket filled with a chocolate bunny and eggs.

Unforgettable Edibles

Basel whips up plenty of specialties just for Easter. Here’s a quick guide to a few of the seasonal favourites:

Biskuithässli and Biskuitlämmli: Bunny-shaped and lamb-shaped almond cookies with a delicate lemon flavour. Available in chocolate too.

Ostertauben: Pastry “doves” with candied fruit, hazelnuts, and almonds.

Osterfladen or Osterflädeli: A cross between a custard tart and a cake, often filled with rice pudding, speckled with raisins, and topped with frosting or powdered sugar. It can range from a very simple custard-like filling, to something more ornate with several layers of jam, cream, and nuts. Here’s a recipe via the Swiss Club of New South Wales. You can also learn how to make a breadier version on YouTube, thanks to @cakeclassics from Germany.

Praline Eier: Oversized candy eggs with a hard praline shell, filled with chocolates and decorated with piped frosting. Each boxed individually, these gourmet and somewhat costly praline eggs are given to close family and friends…a gift that tells a loved one just how very much they mean to you!

And everyone knows, Switzerland is the place to be for chocolate. Walk into any confiserie or bakery and you’ll be overwhelmed by all the choices—chocolate bunnies, candy eggs, marzipan carrots. Migros and Coop sell plenty favourites as well, from Lindt to Cailler, to Milka and beyond!

(S)Hop Around

Easter and spring go perfectly hand in hand, bringing new life to the city that you can feel as you walk from shop to shop and from city square to city square. You’ll find extra special treats, flowers, and fashions in every shop, and in the open markets of Marktplatz and Barfüsserplatz. But don’t forget that shops keep different hours for the holidays: you may need to check opening times for Good Friday, Easter Sunday, and Easter Monday, but in a pinch you can find almost everything you need at the SBB train station shopping center.

Easter Extras

A fun event you might want to catch this year is The 16th International Tango Festival OsterTango 2015! It will take place from 2 to 6 April, 2015 Hosted by the Basel Tango School, the event brings everyone together for a colourful weekend of music and dance, with a Tango Concert and Show, After Hours Tango, a special film presentation, DJs, and more. Don’t forget to stop by their website for tickets and more information.

There’s always something going on in Basel, and Easter brings much to do outside the ordinary. But of all it offers, maybe the best is opportunity—opportunity to be with family and friends, to relax, to party, to hike and bike, walk in the city or wander through the forest. You’re limited only by your creativity…and sometimes the weather!

What are you doing today to prepare for Easter? Are you colouring eggs with family and friends? Doing some last minute shopping for chocolate bunnies and flowers, or just relaxing at home? We’d love to hear how you’re celebrating this year!

Happy Easter from Basel Community!

A Swiss Affair to Remember: Valentine’s Day in Basel

Romance, elegance, and a table set for two–whether this is your first, fifth, or fiftieth Valentine’s Day in Basel, thriving in the breath-taking romance of historic castles and cobblestones are a variety of places to celebrate life and love. Here are just a few ideas of what you can do this February 14.

Chocolate Love

Nothing says love like Swiss chocolate! In Basel you’ll find the best Switzerland has to offer, with bakeries, patisseries, and confiseries of all kinds: Lindt-Sprüngli, Bachmann, Merkur, Schiesser. These are the ‘jewelers’ of chocolatiering, crafting each truffle a gem and every treat a treasure. Confiserie Schiesser in Markplatz sells row upon row of chocolates, ranging from homemade champagne truffles, to Patoro Truffes, Pralinés, chocolate figures, and more.

Merkur Chocolaterie next door displays a wide variety of chocolate bark with dried fruits and nuts as well as traditional truffles and chocolates in all shapes and sizes—white, milk, dark, striped, dipped in chocolate or rolled in cocoa. Konditorei Rieder on Allschwilerstrasse is famous for its original Whisky-Truffes, as well as their Champagner- and Kirsch-Truffes. And all over the city, at any Coop or Migros, you can find melt-in-your-mouth Lindt truffles, Valentine’s Day specials, and of course chocolate hearts.

Reservation for Two

Lady and the Tramp // © Disney // Valentine's Day If you want to go all out, the Grand Hotel Les Trois Rois overlooking the Rhein River is one of the oldest city hotels in Europe and a beautiful tribute to Basel’s rich history, with origins dating back to 1681. Boasting a guest list that spans centuries and all avenues of culture and the arts, the hotel has served royalty, dignitaries, leaders, and artists including Monaco’s Prince Rainier, Queen Elisabeth II, the Dalai Lama, Charles Dickens, Pablo Picasso, Franz Liszt, Bob Dylan, and the Rolling Stones.

This Valentine’s Day Les Trois Rois is hosting a deluxe five-course dinner for CHF 135.- per person, where you can savor the evening amidst chandeliers and candlelight. The hotel comprises 101 rooms and suites, reminiscent of the ‘Tales from 101 Nights,’ each with its own unique decor and ambience. A double room at the hotel can cost upwards of CHF 660.-, including breakfast, minibar service, and free use of the city’s public transportation. On a clear day, if the weather isn’t too cold, a cozy tram ride through the ins and outs of the city, taking breaks for a stroll by the Rhein or through the park, can become an extraordinary Valentine’s adventure.

Tel. +41 61 260 50 50

Dinner at the Castle

Another romantic hideaway is the Schloss Bottmingen outside the city in Baselland—a charming ‘Wasserburg’ or Water Castle with roots in the 1300s, where a beautiful wooden bridge leads the way across a small pond to the front entrance. The castle’s restaurant began in the late 1800s and still stands today as a monument to yesterday’s heritage and today’s all-star dining. Specializing in French cuisine, the restaurant is also a popular spot for weddings with it’s beautiful gardens and terrace in the summer.

Their unique winter menu for CHF 125.- includes a duo of salmon, marinated and tartare with lime sauce and a winter bouquet; grilled prawns and scallops on a bed of pearl barley risotto perfumed au curry; and an iced cinnamon cube with apple turnover for dessert. You can download the complete menu from their website.

Restaurant Schloss Bottmingen

4103 Bottmingen bei Basel

+41 (0)61 421 15 15

A nice homemade fondue with fresh bread from any Basel bakery is hard to beat. You can choose a specialty mix of fondue cheeses from the fromageries located in grocery sections of Globus and Manor, or something simpler in any supermarket, like Migros and Coop. They all offer tons of choices and cuisines for even the most hard to please. Many department stores also have an in-house florist for your pick of expert bouquets and arrangements.

Storz Edelvollmilch-Eier, Schokolade, 60 Stück

inkl. ges. MwSt 7%

Storz Edelvollmilch-Eier massiv, Schokolade

Beschreibung: Feine Schokoladeneier aus massiver Edelvollmilchschokolade. Die zartschmelzende Schokolade zergeht auf der Zunge. An diesen Eiern haben junge und alte Schokoliebhaber Ihre Freude. Jedes Ei ist einzeln in Folie verpackt.

Zutaten: Kakao ( 33% mindestens ) , Zucker, Vollmilchpulver , Kakaobutter, Kakaomasse, Emulgator, Lecithine ( Soja ) , Bourbon-Vanille-Extrakt. Kann Spuren von Haselnüssen enthalten

Nährwertangaben pro 100 g:

Brennwert: 2266 kJ / 541 kcal

davon gesättigte Fettsäuren: 21 g

Kohlenhydrate: 49 g

davon Zucker: 48 g

Aufbewahrungshinweis: Trocken lagern und vor Wärme schützen

Lebensmittelunternehmer: Chr. Storz GmbH & Co. KG, Föhrenstr. 15, 78532 Deutschland

Kunden, die diesen Artikel gekauft haben, kauften auch.

Sie erreichen uns per Telefon unter 05121 - 80 90 666

von Mo. - Do. 8-17 Uhr und Fr. 8-15 Uhr

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Basel Community

Happy Easter!

Already spring has begun, and the city is brimming with new life. Grey skies or blue, it’s something you can sense—from walking through the forests of Allschwil, to the new songs the birds sing in the city, or the way the Tinguely fountains seem to have wakened from a long winter just in time to stretch out their arms and catch the sun.

And with this spring comes an early Easter, and the promise of restoration that it brings. As the church bells ring this Sunday morning, you’ll find yourself waking to a brand new celebration. And don’t forget: Daylight saving time begins Easter morning!

Here’s a quick sketch of what a typical Swiss Easter might look like…

Easter Surprises

It’s traditional in Switzerland to attend church in the morning, followed by brunch or dinner and a family celebration. A typical Easter menu could include lamb with potatoes; pastetli, a meat pie with mushrooms and cream sauce; chicken in lemon thyme butter; fish with couscous and yogurt sauce; pork, or rabbit.

Most children—and adults—also look forward every year to an Easter egg hunt. Eggs are usually painted the day before, and then in the morning are hidden outside in the park or garden, in the house, even inside boots and shoes! It’s uncommon to use plastic eggs, as Switzerland in general likes to keep things eco-friendly.

And don’t forget the Easter Bunny! Many children wake up on Easter morning to a magical nest or Easter basket filled with a chocolate bunny and eggs.

Unforgettable Edibles

Basel whips up plenty of specialties just for Easter. Here’s a quick guide to a few of the seasonal favourites:

Biskuithässli and Biskuitlämmli: Bunny-shaped and lamb-shaped almond cookies with a delicate lemon flavour. Available in chocolate too.

Ostertauben: Pastry “doves” with candied fruit, hazelnuts, and almonds.

Osterfladen or Osterflädeli: A cross between a custard tart and a cake, often filled with rice pudding, speckled with raisins, and topped with frosting or powdered sugar. It can range from a very simple custard-like filling, to something more ornate with several layers of jam, cream, and nuts. Here’s a recipe via the Swiss Club of New South Wales. You can also learn how to make a breadier version on YouTube, thanks to @cakeclassics from Germany.

Praline Eier: Oversized candy eggs with a hard praline shell, filled with chocolates and decorated with piped frosting. Each boxed individually, these gourmet and somewhat costly praline eggs are given to close family and friends…a gift that tells a loved one just how very much they mean to you!

And everyone knows, Switzerland is the place to be for chocolate. Walk into any confiserie or bakery and you’ll be overwhelmed by all the choices—chocolate bunnies, candy eggs, marzipan carrots. Migros and Coop sell plenty favourites as well, from Lindt to Cailler, to Milka and beyond!

(S)Hop Around

Easter and spring go perfectly hand in hand, bringing new life to the city that you can feel as you walk from shop to shop and from city square to city square. You’ll find extra special treats, flowers, and fashions in every shop, and in the open markets of Marktplatz and Barfüsserplatz. But don’t forget that shops keep different hours for the holidays: you may need to check opening times for Good Friday, Easter Sunday, and Easter Monday, but in a pinch you can find almost everything you need at the SBB train station shopping center.

Easter Extras

A fun event you might want to catch this year is The 16th International Tango Festival OsterTango 2015! It will take place from 2 to 6 April, 2015 Hosted by the Basel Tango School, the event brings everyone together for a colourful weekend of music and dance, with a Tango Concert and Show, After Hours Tango, a special film presentation, DJs, and more. Don’t forget to stop by their website for tickets and more information.

There’s always something going on in Basel, and Easter brings much to do outside the ordinary. But of all it offers, maybe the best is opportunity—opportunity to be with family and friends, to relax, to party, to hike and bike, walk in the city or wander through the forest. You’re limited only by your creativity…and sometimes the weather!

What are you doing today to prepare for Easter? Are you colouring eggs with family and friends? Doing some last minute shopping for chocolate bunnies and flowers, or just relaxing at home? We’d love to hear how you’re celebrating this year!

Happy Easter from Basel Community!

A Swiss Affair to Remember: Valentine’s Day in Basel

Romance, elegance, and a table set for two–whether this is your first, fifth, or fiftieth Valentine’s Day in Basel, thriving in the breath-taking romance of historic castles and cobblestones are a variety of places to celebrate life and love. Here are just a few ideas of what you can do this February 14.

Chocolate Love

Nothing says love like Swiss chocolate! In Basel you’ll find the best Switzerland has to offer, with bakeries, patisseries, and confiseries of all kinds: Lindt-Sprüngli, Bachmann, Merkur, Schiesser. These are the ‘jewelers’ of chocolatiering, crafting each truffle a gem and every treat a treasure. Confiserie Schiesser in Markplatz sells row upon row of chocolates, ranging from homemade champagne truffles, to Patoro Truffes, Pralinés, chocolate figures, and more.

Merkur Chocolaterie next door displays a wide variety of chocolate bark with dried fruits and nuts as well as traditional truffles and chocolates in all shapes and sizes—white, milk, dark, striped, dipped in chocolate or rolled in cocoa. Konditorei Rieder on Allschwilerstrasse is famous for its original Whisky-Truffes, as well as their Champagner- and Kirsch-Truffes. And all over the city, at any Coop or Migros, you can find melt-in-your-mouth Lindt truffles, Valentine’s Day specials, and of course chocolate hearts.

Reservation for Two

Lady and the Tramp // © Disney // Valentine's Day If you want to go all out, the Grand Hotel Les Trois Rois overlooking the Rhein River is one of the oldest city hotels in Europe and a beautiful tribute to Basel’s rich history, with origins dating back to 1681. Boasting a guest list that spans centuries and all avenues of culture and the arts, the hotel has served royalty, dignitaries, leaders, and artists including Monaco’s Prince Rainier, Queen Elisabeth II, the Dalai Lama, Charles Dickens, Pablo Picasso, Franz Liszt, Bob Dylan, and the Rolling Stones.

This Valentine’s Day Les Trois Rois is hosting a deluxe five-course dinner for CHF 135.- per person, where you can savor the evening amidst chandeliers and candlelight. The hotel comprises 101 rooms and suites, reminiscent of the ‘Tales from 101 Nights,’ each with its own unique decor and ambience. A double room at the hotel can cost upwards of CHF 660.-, including breakfast, minibar service, and free use of the city’s public transportation. On a clear day, if the weather isn’t too cold, a cozy tram ride through the ins and outs of the city, taking breaks for a stroll by the Rhein or through the park, can become an extraordinary Valentine’s adventure.

Tel. +41 61 260 50 50

Dinner at the Castle

Another romantic hideaway is the Schloss Bottmingen outside the city in Baselland—a charming ‘Wasserburg’ or Water Castle with roots in the 1300s, where a beautiful wooden bridge leads the way across a small pond to the front entrance. The castle’s restaurant began in the late 1800s and still stands today as a monument to yesterday’s heritage and today’s all-star dining. Specializing in French cuisine, the restaurant is also a popular spot for weddings with it’s beautiful gardens and terrace in the summer.

Their unique winter menu for CHF 125.- includes a duo of salmon, marinated and tartare with lime sauce and a winter bouquet; grilled prawns and scallops on a bed of pearl barley risotto perfumed au curry; and an iced cinnamon cube with apple turnover for dessert. You can download the complete menu from their website.

Restaurant Schloss Bottmingen

4103 Bottmingen bei Basel

+41 (0)61 421 15 15

A nice homemade fondue with fresh bread from any Basel bakery is hard to beat. You can choose a specialty mix of fondue cheeses from the fromageries located in grocery sections of Globus and Manor, or something simpler in any supermarket, like Migros and Coop. They all offer tons of choices and cuisines for even the most hard to please. Many department stores also have an in-house florist for your pick of expert bouquets and arrangements.

talkalota chocolate

Chocolate can be addictive.

Fortunately, the treatment is to eat more chocolate.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Lindt Edel Marzipan

I do remember buying them half-price after Easter, choosing them because marzipan and chocolate is my husband’s favorite, and really enjoying the one I had.

Then suddenly the rest just faded into oblivion. Next thing I knew the bag was empty, one more stinkin’ thing I had to cart off to the recycling, and I could see a big smile on my husband’s face.

Personality: Husband pacifier, better even than beer

How to enjoy: Drop one into the husband’s hands, then ask for anything you want


Überraschungseier sind Süßigkeiten, von denen eine ungeheure Faszination ausgeht

Dass Überraschungseier eigentlich für Kinder erdacht wurden, erscheint logisch. Doch immer mehr Erwachsene entdecken diese interessanten Süßigkeiten für sich. Grund dafür sind die unzähligen Sammelfiguren, die teilweise im Laufe der Jahre richtig wertvoll werden.

Kinder und Erwachsene lieben Überraschungseier gleichermaßen. Dabei steht nicht einmal die Süßigkeit im Vordergrund. Das eigentliche Objekt der Begierde ist das darin versteckte, kleine Spielzeug. Was für Kinder einfach nur ein spannendes Spielzeug ist, wird für viele Erwachsene zum wertvollen Sammlerobjekt. Jedes Ei enthält ein kleines Spielzeug aus einer bestimmten Serie, die Sammler möglichst vollständig besitzen wollen.

Bei Kindern ist diese kleine Aufmerksamkeit jederzeit willkommen. Ihre Augen glänzen, wenn sie ein Ei geschenkt bekommen. Es wird geschüttelt, geraten, was sich darin befinden könnte und schließlich ganz vorsichtig geöffnet. Dass die Schokolade, aus der das Ü-Ei gemacht ist, nur eine nebensächliche Rolle spielt, erscheint irgendwie untypisch für Kinder. Doch das Wichtigste am ganzen Ei ist tatsächlich das darin enthaltene Spielzeug. Meist muss es vor dem Spielen erst zusammengebaut werden. Die Bastelanleitung liegt dem Spielzeug klein zusammengefaltet bei. Sie ist in Bildern dargestellt, sodass auch die Kleinsten mühelos in der Lage sind, den Ablauf richtig zu deuten. Ist das kleine Spielzeug erst einmal fertig gestellt, ist die Freude groß. Dann ist es endlich soweit und der Spielspaß kann beginnen.

Für Erwachsene stellen Überraschungseier ein interessantes Sammlerobjekt dar. Besonders begehrt sind die Serien aus handbemalten Figuren, die vollständig in ein paar Jahren schon ein kleines Vermögen wert sein könnten. In Katalogen können die begeisterten Sammler den Wert ihrer Stücke nachschlagen. Eine große Resonanz erfahren Sammlerbörsen, auf denen sich alles um die kleinen Spielzeuge dreht. Dort sind Sammler aus den verschiedensten Regionen zu finden, die alle nur ein einziges Ziel vor Augen haben. Sie alle wollen möglichst wertvolle Stücke zum Schnäppchenpreis ergattern, um die eigenen Kollektionen zu vervollständigen. Das eine oder andere Schnäppchen lässt sich auch auf Auktionen machen, auf denen die kleinen Spielzeuge aus dem Ü-Ei im Mittelpunkt stehen. Außenstehende werden überrascht sein, zu welchen Preisen die kleinen Schätze teilweise versteigert werden. Dass Menschen so viel in das Objekt ihrer Begierde investieren, erscheint schwer nachvollziehbar. Doch wer ein richtiger Sammler ist, dem ist kein Preis zu hoch, um seine Sammlung zu ergänzen. Der Wert einer Sammlung steigt noch an, wenn neben den Figuren auch noch die Bastelanleitungen unversehrt vorhanden sind.

Die Hersteller von Süßigkeiten lassen sich immer neue Dinge einfallen, um besonders Kinder zu begeistern. Deshalb war es nur eine Frage der Zeit, wann das Prinzip der Ü-Eier von anderen Herstellern abgewandelt wird. Im Handel sind derzeit verschiedene Formen von Eiern zu finden, die alle mit einer Überraschung versehen sind. Es gibt neben den Klassikern zum Beispiel Sandmann-Eier, Eier, die sich mit dem Thema Disney's Princess befassen und Eier, die Winnie Pooh-Figuren enthalten. Die Themenvielfalt ist grenzenlos. Doch egal wie unterschiedlich die Themen auch sein mögen, haben sie doch alle etwas gemeinsam. Sie bringen genau wie die klassischen Überraschungseier Spannung, Spiel und Schokolade.

Überraschungseier versprechen Spannung, Spiel und Schokolade. Doch was für Kinder einfach ein nettes Spielzeug ist, wird für einige zum begehrten Sammlerobjekt.

Sie erreichen uns per Telefon unter 05121 - 80 90 666

von Mo. - Do. 8-17 Uhr und Fr. 8-15 Uhr

einmalig 5,00 € - egal wieviel sie bestellen!

Steffi testet.

Herzlich Willkommen auf unserer Seite! Wir, das sind mein Mann, meine Tochter (3), mein Sohn (5) und ich. Wir veröffentlichen regelmäßig Produktrezensionen, neue innovative Produkte, Gewinnspiele und Online- Shops aus allen Bereichen. Wir lieben es neue Produkte zu entdecken, auszuprobieren und euch darüber zu berichten. Unsere Erfahrungen möchten wir gerne mit euch teilen.

Lindt Hello Ostern

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nicht mehr lange und der Osterhase kommt und bringt Geschenke :-)

Der Osterhase mit Sonnenbrille, Kopfhörern und Stirnband besteht aus Vollmilch Schokolade und mindestens 30% Kakao. Er wiegt ganze 140g, ist eine Hohlfigur und kostet in der unverbindlichen Preisempfehlung 3,99€.

Der große HELLO Bunny hat noch viele weitere coole Bunnys im Miniformat.


Diese kleinen Hasen gibt es als 5er Packung, welche in den coolen Farben schwarz/ pink gehalten ist. Jeder Hase lässt sich auch einzeln abtrennen und verschenken. Platz für einen Namen des Beschenkten ist auch vorhanden.

Jeder einzelne Hase hat auch ein Loch zum aufhängen, einfach ans Geschenk oder an den Osterstrauß.

Diese Mini Bunnys bestehen aus Milchschokolade, mindestens 30% Kakao und mindestens 14% Milch.

Die Packung mit 5 Häschen hat insgesamt 50g und kostet 2,99€.

Zum Schluss kommen noch ein paar sündhaft leckeren Eier :-)

HELLO Easter Egg Mix

Vielleicht habt ihr schon von den leckeren und kreativen Sorten wie Strawberry Cheesecake oder Cookies und Cream gehört? Mit dieser Tüte habt ihr jetzt alle Sorten zusammen.

Die Packung enthält 150g zu einem Preis von 4,89€.

Und sie schmecken auch richtig lecker! Lindt ist ja für seinen zarten Schmelz bekannt.

Am besten schmecken mir die gefüllten Eier mit Erdbeer-Quark-Creme, einfach lecker!

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LR Aloe Vera Box

Aloe Vera Concentrate 100 ml

Aloe Vera Emergency Spray 150 ml

Preis: Die Box kostet 37,95€. Aber da die Produkte sehr ergiebig sind, vielseitig einsetzbar sind und wirklich helfen, finde ich den Preis gerechtfertigt.

Hersteller: LR Health Beauty Systems GmbH

Die Aloe Vera Cream mit Propolis ist eine reichhaltige, intensive Pflege für ein seidenweiches Hautgefühlt. Sie…

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Beliebte Posts aus diesem Blog

LR Aloe Vera Box

Aloe Vera Concentrate 100 ml

Aloe Vera Emergency Spray 150 ml

Preis: Die Box kostet 37,95€. Aber da die Produkte sehr ergiebig sind, vielseitig einsetzbar sind und wirklich helfen, finde ich den Preis gerechtfertigt.

Hersteller: LR Health Beauty Systems GmbH

Die Aloe Vera Cream mit Propolis ist eine reichhaltige, intensive Pflege für ein seidenweiches Hautgefühlt. Sie…

International Chocolates


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    International Chocolate Online Shop for international beers and chocolates

July 3, 2012

Hofbauer Wiener Composition

Hofbauer has a very big name in Austria for chocolates. The chocolate box “Hofbauer Wiener Composition” is the crowning of Viennese chocolate art. Reason enough to take a closer look into the box, and introduce those delicious products to the visitors of international-chocolates.com.

Hofbauer stands for the finest chocolate art since 1882!

The box in a clear blue.

The first look inside the chocolate box.

A closer look on the chocolates.

This chocolate is called “Einspänner”. Tender melting coffee truffle in white chocolate.

This one is called “Orange Dessert”. Fruity orange marzipan in dark chocolate. You can taste the high quality dark chocolate. The perfect candy!

Wiener Schmankerl. Hazelnut crispy nougat cream in milk chocolate.

Baci is nougat with a whole hazelnut.

Wiener Nougat is the finest three layer nougat.

It’s very soft, and gone on the tongue soon.

This is a milk truffle dessert. The half of it.

And here we have the Franz Schubert chocolate.

It looks like that: the finest nougat orange cream.

February 13, 2010

Milka Toffee Caramel Cream Hazelnut Chocolate

Milka Toffee Caramel Cream Hazelnut Chocolate is one of the latest chocolate creations of Milka. The product consists of a whole hazelnut, milk cream, and caramel cream. The chocolate is tender as always for a Milka chocolate bar. The filling tastes very soft and melts very quickly on the tongue. The last experience is the whole hazelnut in the centre. A quick bite and another piece of Milka Toffee Caramel Cream Hazelnut Chocolate is gone.

A very sweet taste characterizes the product.

Milka Chocolate “Choco Cookie”

Milka Chocolate cookies are made of wheat, oat flakes, and tender chocolate pieces. The cookies tastes quite dry. Not too bad, but other chocolate cookies of the same kind are not such bad either. I would label Milka Choco Cookie as medium cookies. Nothing really exciting. Only the lical wrapping with the Milka logo is the most impressing thing.

The package includes 12 pieces which have a weight of 168g.

The wrapping looks very appealing.

12 chocolate cookies.

February 2, 2009

Casali Liqueur Chocolate Bottles

The roots of Casali Liqueur Chocolate Bottles can be found in the Italian harbour town of Trieste. It was in the year 1792 when Joseph Casali decided to establish his company. He was manufacturing rum and liqueurs.

In 1810 he moved with his company to Vienna. Napoleon and his soldiers made to much troubles in Trieste, and the continuity of the company was in danger. In Vienna he found more economical freedom, and he was able to continue his successful work.

During the difficult times of the first world war a new idea turned out to be a top seller. The liquers and rum specialities were sold as filling in little chocolates. This was the birth of Casalis liqueur chocolate bottles.

Today those chocolates were sold mainly before christmas as delicious christmas tree decoration.

– Casali Eier Likör (Egg Liqueur)

– Casali Gold Teufel (Golden Devil)

The chocolate has a cocoa content of 50 percent, and a strong and filling character. Its liquid filling results in a wonderful and delicious combination. Casali Karabik is filled with Carribean rum. Similar like the famous Casali Rum Kokos.

Casali Golden Devil chocolate bottle is filled with tasty Viennese spirits. The vodka inside the Casali Wodka chocolate bottle tastes very smoothly. Casali chocolate bottles are quite traditional before christmas, and very popular in Austria. Now I have to wait until December again, when I am going to be able to buy some new of those delicious chocolate bottles.

December 14, 2008

Tiroler Edle Cranberry Chocolate

Tiroler Edle is a very special chocolate from Austria. The chocolate factory is located in the Tirolean town of Landeck, which can be found on the border between the federal states of Tirol and Vorarlberg. Deep in the Western part of Austria, and quite close to Switzerland.

The special thing about this chocolate is that the milk is only taken from the happiest and best local cows. The cow must be declared as “noble one”, that her milk is worth to be used for this chocolate bar. Another mentionable thing about this chocolate is the filling of cranberries. Also these cranberries are not any cranberries, but exclusively cranberries from the Tirolean Ötztal valley.

So “Tiroler Edle” is a true chocolate from Tirol. The milk from Tirolean cows. The cranberry filling from Tirolean cranberries. And … if you are not living in Tirol, you might have a problem to find this precious product.

While I was unwrapping the chocolate, I have experienced a very strong and cosy chocolate smell. The first bite turned out to be fruity and juicy.

There is a juicy bitter chocolate with a very noble character and cocoa content of 60 percent, and a fruity filling of cranberries.

Tiroler Edle Cranberry Chocolate is a very good creation and a true enjoyment for the senses. A top class chocolate. My honest congratulations to Tirol!

November 30, 2008

Schwedenbomben Chocolate

Schwedenbomben are creations from Austria, and consist of glair foam and a filmy covering of bitter chocolate with and without coco crumbles. A legend tells that this kind of candy speciality was invented 90 years ago. Schwedenbomen means “Swedish bombs” in English language. It’s told that the inventors best friend was from Sweden.

Today the Schwedenbomben factory is located in Linz and known as Niemetz. Their shop can be seen on the following link: Niemetz Linz. Schwedenbomben are a top seller in Austria, and available in almost every supermarket.

This Niemetz Schwedenbomben box is protected by law. It’s not allowed to use it for other candy products.

Inside the holy candy box: a mix of Schwedenbomben with coco crumbles and without.

A “Swedish bomb” in full pomp and splendour. Now it’s time to take a bite …

… so that’s the inside. A very sweet glair foam. The thin chocolate covering breaks easily, and unconveres the massiv amount of the soft filling. The bottom of every Schwedenbombe is a waffle.

Schwedenbomben are a divine treat, but eating the whole box at once alone makes me sick for sure.

November 23, 2008

Apple Wine Chocolate (Mostschokolade)

Gosh! What is that? Mostschokolade! A chocolate with Austrian apple wine flavour. A very unusual creation. I have never seen something like that before, and so I thought I should try and take this product.

Mostschokolade is manufactured in the Upper Austrian town of Frankenmarkt by a company called “Frucht und Sinne”, which means “Fruit and Senses” in English language. On their website it’s written that this chocolate factory received an official sponsorship by the European Union. Very interesting.

Frucht & Sinne Mostschokolade is white chocolate with dried fruits, and a cocoa content of 28 percent, as well as vanilla, dried apples, and an apple wine concentrate. In my opinion a very adventurous but interesting creation. But let me have a try.

The first bite and my hair stands on end. This chocolate is extremely sour. I have never tried such a sour chocolate before in my whole life. Some seconds later I am able to experience the typical “Most flavour”. The national drink of some certain Austrian provinces.

I think now it depends if you are an apple wine lover or not. I don’t like apple wine, and so I am not so excited about the flavour. The flavour is extremly sourish, and of course the taste of apples is also very strong.

After some more bites I get more used to the Mostschokolade. Now the taste is not that shocking anymore. Yes, I was shocked after my first bite. Mostschokolade is a new and funny way to enjoy a bar of white chocolate. Not more. I don’t think I am going to buy another bar.

Maye this review would be more positive, if I would enjoy drinking the Austrian apple wine. I think at the end the chocolate is not that bad. You really must be used to the new and unique taste. The first bite is truely a shock. Usually chocolates are sweet or bitter, but this one is sour[!]

November 16, 2008

Pardos Crisp Chocolate

The manufacturer of those little Pardos crisp chocolate balls is not an unknown one. It’s the chocolate factory “Salzburg Schokolade” from the south of Salzburgs province, in the little town Grödig.

Salzburg Schokolade is also the manufacturer of the famous Mirabell Mozartkugeln. This promise a good quality. The product is a paper box of 140g finest little chocolate balls.

The core of the Pardos chocolate ball is a mass of rice and wheat cisp. The covering consists of a mix of white and milk chocolate.

Pardos Crisp Chocolate is a funny sweet snack. The chocolate enjoyment is not seeping, as the covering has only a thin layer. The core has more weight. But the good and attractive taste is not affected by such economical use of chocolate in the composition.

The chocolate covering is melting smoothly on the tongue. The core crunches crispy under the teeth. It’s similar to Maltesers, only with better and more chocolate. I am very excited about Pardos Crisp Chocolate. A great Alpine chocolate product from Austria.

A look into Pardos chocolate box. Many little candy balls covered with the finest milk and white chocolate.

August 31, 2008

Sissi Kugeln Chocolates

On a sunny Sunday at the end of August like today, I thought its time for a very special chocolate creation.

I have found my delight in an organge chocolate box with the title “Sissikugeln”. Sissi Kugeln were tradionally manufactured by the Viennese chocolate maker “Hofbauer”, but as the company was sold to “Lindt & Sprüngli, the delicious chocolates are now produced in the chocolate factoy of Gloggnitz, which can be found in the Eastern part of Lower Austria.

Sissi Kugeln are part of Viennas wonderful chocolate history. Those delicious chocolate piece are named according to Austrias queen “Elisabeth of Austria”, who lived from 1837 to 1898. She was also called the worlds most beautiful queen in history.

Sissikugeln chocolates consist of an apricot marzipan and nougat filling, covered by a mixture of the finest bitter and milk chocolate.

Sissi Chocolates are available on the market since 1998. This certain year was the time of the Sissi anniversary. As the chocolates celebrated an unbelievable success in sales, the product is still available since that time.

When I took my first try, I have experienced a full, intensive, and magnificent taste of apricot. This is the apricot marzipan. An unique creation of confiserie skills, only made for the Sissi chocolate. It’s the first impression of this special and impressive candy delicacy.

At the end of the whole enjoyment comes the wonderful taste of the chocolate coating to its full expansion. I have tasted a tenter chocolate taste, not too sweet, not too bitter, melting on my tongue. Sissi Kugeln chocolates are a wonderful seducement for special and unique moments. My opinion: very good!

August 21, 2008

Manner Mozartwurfel Chocolate Cubes

Manner Mozartwürfel Chocolate Cubes are manufactured by one of Austrias most traditional chocolate manufacturers.

The chocolate factory is located in the centre of Vienna, and known as “Manner”. Manner was the surname of Josef Manner. A highly gifted chocolate maker with a certain vision. His dream was to offer chocolate delicacies for everyone. At the beginning of the 20th century, chocolates were a luxury item. It was impossible for an average worker to buy chocolates. It was too expensive. Josef Manner, the founder of the chocolate factory, wanted to change that. Chocolate should be affordable for everyone. This was his vision.

Mozartwürfel are on of many delicious chocolate items from Manner. Those chocolates are coated in dark chocolate. The filling consists of marzipan and nougat. The form of the delicacy is a cube.

The dark chocolate is very tasty. A clear enjoyment with full flavour. Also the filling has a brillant character: fresh and fruity. Yes, Mozartwurfel Chocolate Cubes are really something nice to increase its mood. Especially if you are a fan of dark chocolate, nougat and marzipan, Mozartwurfel could be something for you.

A look inside the Manner Mozartwurfel: wonderful nougat and brillant marzipan coated with exquisite dark chocolate. A true enjoyment the Viennese way.

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