понедельник, 5 февраля 2018 г.


Rewe, Aldi und Penny rufen Eier zurück

Wegen Salmonellenverdachts hat die Firma Eifrisch Freiland-Eier zurückgerufen. Man sollte dann auch auf den Verdacht auf Salmonellen hinweisen. Daher wird nachdrücklich vom Verzehr der Eier gewarnt.

Die Eier seien bei Penny, Aldi Nord und Rewe in Brandenburg, Sachsen-Anhalt, Sachsen, Thüringen und Bayern verkauft worden.

Die Eier haben das Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum 20. September - 12. Oktober 2017 und die Nummer 1-DE-1504401. Die Verbraucher wurden gebeten, vorsorglich alle Eier zu den Discountern zurückzubringen oder gegebenenfalls direkt zu entsorgen. Der Verzehr könne zu Übelkeit, Erbrechen und Durchfall führen. Menschen mit einem schwächeren oder geschwächten Immunsystem - also Kinder, chronisch Erkrankte oder Senioren - sollten besonders aufpassen, da Salmonellen bei ihnen sich auch lebensbedrohlich auswirken können. In der Regel dauert es durchschnittlich 48 bis 72 Stunden, bis sich die bekannten Symptome einstellen.

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Penny eier

Paolo Parisi's Eggs Fetch a Pretty Penny

A couple of months ago I was in Volpetti shopping for guanciale and pecorino so I could make spaghetti alla gricia. Yeah, I know August isn’t the best time for a porky pasta dish, but I was craving some. While at the counter placing my order, I spied Paolo Parisi’s famous eggs , the ones that come from goat’s milk fed Livorno hens. Intoxicated by a combination of air conditioning and stinky cheese aromas, I decided to change the menu to carbonara and picked up a package of the most expensive eggs I have ever purchased.

The half-dozen pack cost €8, or $11. So that day I committed two terrible crimes: I made carbonara in August and I contributed to a vile, elitest movement that places the “best” products far from the reach of the average consumer, or at least from the practical one.

As much as I hate myself for contributing to the demand for such a silly thing, I have to admit I was curious. Were these fancy eggs really worth their price? And is it really so wrong to charge so much for a basic food product, no matter how niche? I had just read an interview with Michael Pollan in which he promotes buying $8 cartons of a dozen eggs. At that price, he says, you can make a two-egg meal for $1.50. Fine, but at €8, a two-egg meal with Parisi’s eggs becomes $3.66. Still not outrageous, but so out of reach for most Italians in a crisis economy.

Photo from PaoloParisi.it.

According to Parisi’s website, these particular eggs have a fresh taste, a yolk that is softer and richer in fat than most, with an uncommonly long protein structure and a mild almond flavor. They also have the capacity to incorporate three times the amount of air than the average yolk when whipped. Parisi recommends using his eggs for to mayo, zabaione, creams, and fresh pastas. I can add that they also make a nice carbonara.

As I ate, I pondered if they were worth the price. Did they provide a dramatically improved flavor to the pasta? No, at least not one relative to the price. Would you pay $22 for a dozen eggs?

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could it be that you would have noticed a bigger difference if you had them raw? or in crema or zabaione?

I agree that the price is outrageous, but maybe they are a little special? Now I feel like going to Volpetti and buying them just to try:-)

A hen is a bird and should be fed like a bird. In the last decades we made a disaster feeding the vegetarian cows with animal flours (I’m speaking about the mad cow disease)

Katie, I can say that you have written my doubts… Even if I’m sure that Parisi’s hens are feeded in the best way, I still cannot find the difference or, better, I cannot recognize the value for money… I’ve talked a lot about it, and the answer is always “… but it’s from Parisi!”. It’s not enough for me… tks, you have opened Pandora’s box, maybe….

Katie, I can say that you have written my doubts… Even if I’m sure that Parisi’s hens are feeded in the best way, I still cannot find the difference or, better, I cannot recognize the value for money… I’ve talked a lot about it, and the answer is always “… but it’s from Parisi!”. It’s not enough for me… tks, you have opened Pandora’s box, maybe….!

maybe. shit now i have to buy another carton. wanna split it? 🙂

I buy fancy organic, free range eggs here in the states (but still only

$4-6/ dozen). I’ve found the best eggs by far are the freshest… at my old farmer’s mkt in pasadena you could buy eggs harvested in the previous 24 hours and those always tasted better than the same eggs at ages of 48hours+ (and who knows how old the supermarket ones are). I really should just get a hen for my backyard =P

@Bruno the idea of feeding milk to poultry initially put me off. it seemed just as you say, potentially dangerous. i did a bit of poking around and found that milk was “commonly fed to livestock in the 1940’s to help make use of excess milk production from the family cow…milk was a useful, if incomplete, vitamin source for poultry… Because milk is 90% water and only 3.5% protein, birds must drink large quantities of milk to supply a small portion of their daily needs…You would need to keep the milk trough full (and the water trough empty) for half of each day for the hens to drink this much milk. This amount of milk would supply only about 3% of the calcium needed for good shell quality. Such high levels of milk may cause diarrhea because birds produce low amounts of the enzyme needed to digest milk sugars.” Source. That last bit was what worries me. Making animals sick

by giving them things they are not naturally adapted to consume.

@Alberto I think Parisi is a clever business man for having tapped into ideas of branding and celebrity, both very powerful in the food and beverage industry, for egg production. Like you, I dont find a value in the product. they arent THAT much better to warrant the price tag.

@Mel i think it is great that free range organic eggs are available for a reasonable price in your neck of the woods. at my local market in rome, the cost ranges anywhere from €2,20 to €3 for a half-dozen. i wish i could get them straight off the farm too!

You clabbers the milk which thickens it. The milk would of also probably been raw which is much easier to digest . Raw goat milk is even easier to digest and chickens love it. You know the problem with so much of this controversy is non of you live on a farm or raise chicken and dairy animals. It’s what you do with your surplus milk. I understand it’s a lot to charge for eggs so there is that.Anyways I live on a farm and raise both and that’s what I do with my excess milk and my chickens are healthy happy and make delicious free range eggs!

Hmmm…do I really want a “mild almond flavor” in an egg? Also, “(Parisi’s eggs)have the capacity to incorporate three times the amount of air than the average yolk when whipped.” Will this alter a recipe when using one of Parisi’s eggs for a recipe developed with your average egg from the grocery? Just a couple of things to think about.

@tom good question. may have some impact on baking recipes but i doubt the difference is huge in something like pasta. and i made a frittata with a few and, while it was fluffy, it wasnt ridiculously so.

And here is a bit more on parisi’s eggs by the man himself:

Funny…I was just thinking of this, since I chose not to buy the Parisi eggs at Tradizione the other day. I think there is actually a huge difference in flavor of eggs, but so much depends on what you do with them.

[…] sandwich said burger to me. I think next time I’ll have them hold the bread and ask for a Paolo Parisi egg, onions and […]

[…] of the Roman classic is made with Verrigni‘s thick spaghetti, guanciale* from Monte Conero, Paolo Parisi eggs, Rimbas malesiano black pepper (recognized by Slow Food), pecorino romano, and pecorino from […]

There is a little old lady at the Testaccio market selling only fresh eggs, at €1 for six, and they sure taste wonderful to me!

And although I am not sure my virgin palette would appreciate the difference between those and Parisi’s eggs: I ate a carbonara he cooked at a Chianti vineyard last week and, perhaps because it was just one among many strongly flavored courses accompanied by excellent glasses of wine, I did not taste any real difference, at least worth the price, between my lovely brown neighborhood variety and the precious Livornese variety. I must admit I am not a fan of Volpetti, where I find the salespeople obnoxious and the products rarely worth the inflated price compared to the simply fresh food I find at my market.

PS: On the other hand, Parisi’s prosciutto, made in the Spanish style, with the fat integrated into the meat, is to DIE FOR!

@Cathryn the consensus amongst chefs in Rome, where carbonara is on most menus, is that a good, organic egg from the market is just as good if not better than a Parisi egg. many use PP anyway because it is trendy and in some places, every branded ingredient is identified on the menu. if you make zabaglione, on the other hand, the difference is more discernable. parisi’s cured pork products, however are all immediately discernable as exceptional and superior to many similar products.

[…] are maniacally sourced (the milk comes from a biodynamic producer in Germany, the eggs are from Paolo Parisi, the chocolate is Amedei) and di Pomponio’s gelato is creamy and intense, with a consistency […]

[…] Note the intense yellow orange of the yolk. Parisi feeds his chickens goat milk to obtain the rich flavor and color. The best egg I’ve ever had, hands down. (See Katie Parla’s excellent post on Parisi.) […]

[…] Parisi’s hens just days before. These Livornesi hens are famous partially for laying the most expensive eggs in Italy. I’ve eaten them in Chef Stabile’s version of green eggs and ham (egg, purée […]

[…] Note the intense yellow orange of the yolk. Parisi feeds his chickens goat milk to obtain the rich flavor and color. The best egg I’ve ever had, hands down. (See Katie Parla’s excellent post on Parisi.) […]

I think Paolo’s eggs are expensive if you compare them to regular eggs. Since I love eggs so much I don’t see it as so high priced especially since eggs can last a while and are so versatile. However, if you didn’t taste a difference than no, not worth it!

I finally got to meet him at his farm house by Pisa and loved the Uova 61. I was able to taste the difference and it was really amazing. I have not seen his eggs for sale anywhere in Florence, but then again I never knew to look for them. I may buy a batch next time and do a tasting at my house.

Penny eier

Aldi Eier | News Reader

Aktuelle News im Ticker - Montag, 20. November 2017

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feine Eierplätzchen - penny - 400g

Product characteristics

Countries where sold: Germany


→ Ingredients are listed in order of importance (quantity).

Nutrition facts

Product added on September 25, 2016 at 4:58:58 PM CEST by smias.

Last edit of product page on September 25, 2016 at 4:59:01 PM CEST by smias.

Open Food Facts

A collaborative, free and open database of food products from around the world.

Rückseite der Reeperbahn

31 März 2016

Rewe hat keine Eier!

Update v. 24.02.2017: Der Rewe-Markt im Brauerknechtsgraben (Hamburg, Nähe Michel) hat inzwischen die schredderfreien Eier. In der Edeka-Filiale Rindermarkthalle gibt es ebenfalls welche.


Hallo Herr Wagner,

Ihre REWE Group

Dann sollten Sie alsbald damit auch nach Hamburg kommen – und ihre Filialleiter dazu verdonnern, bundesweite Rewe-Anzeigen wenigstens zur Kenntnis zu nehmen … ;)

Ist das der Edeka am Großneumarkt? Dann hätte er noch einen Käufer für diese Eier.

Nein, der in der Paul-Roosen-Straße. Die wollen in drei Jahren so weit sein, beschied man mir heute. Phh.

Also, erlauben Sie mir die Anmerkung, warum den Großen nachlaufen, wenn sie in der Breite sowieso nicht liefern können. Eier aus biologischer Landwirtschaft erfüllen die Kriterien schon lange.

Das stimmt leider nicht. Die schreddern die Küken ebenfalls.

Mein kleiner, unbedeutender Rewe-Markt im kleinen, unbedeutenden Lüchow (Wendland) führt Hähnlein-Eier, da überleben die männlichen Küken auch. Aber schon die zweite Filiale am Ort (neuer, größer, "grün" gebaut) führt nur die üblichen Marken .

Jaja, REWE schreibt sich Nachhaltigkeit und son Kram auf die Fahnen.

Ich habe ein Jahr lang einen Selbstversuch gestartet um dort zur Vernichtung "freigegebene" Lebensmittel zu retten. und das ist alles mehr als erschreckend:

Herr Matt - schön, daß Sie darüber schreiben, sehr vielen Dank dafür. Ich habe mir jahrelang die Hacken für alles mögliche Gute/ Nötige/ Sinnvolle abgelaufen (damals war das Flugblätter verteilen, Unterschriften sammeln und Demonstrieren) und mag langsam nicht mehr - ehrlich gesagt. Ich bin jetzt sechzig Jahre alt und schäme mich dafür, was wir der Folgegeneration überlassen. Sie sind noch jung, aber wir haben uns in den 70ern/ 80ern mit der Polizei wegen AKWs geprügelt. In Brokdorf, Grohnde, Kalkar, Malville (F). Und anderes (Chemieindustrie- und sonstwas -Standorte) es hat nicht gereicht. Sorry dafür. Ob es um Tierhaltung, Verkehrsmittel, Umwelt-, Natur-, Menschen- und sonstigen Lebensinteressenschutz geht: Ihre Generation wird das durchstehen müssen. Machen wir/ Ihr/ Sie alle weiter. Es wird nicht aufhören. In ca. 20 Jahren werde ich dahin = tot sein und Ihr alle noch am Leben sein und Ihre/ Eure Kinder auch.Tut etwas.

Olaf Möller aus Pauli/ Altona

Zweierlei: 1. Wir sind eine Generation. Ich gehe auch rasant auf die 60 zu. 2. Wenn man sieht, was die 70er- und 80er-Generation für Spuren in der Gesetzgebung (Lebensmittelrecht, Atomausstieg, Umweltbestimmungen) erreicht hat, ist das beeindruckend viel. Wir leben zurzeit in einer ganz erheblich saubereren Umgebung als damals – und das wäre anders, wenn niemand auf die Straße (und in die Wahllokale) gegangen wäre.

Herr Matt- o.k., wir haben damals alles versucht und uns auch "strafbar" gemacht. Aber es könnte mehr sein/ es hätte mehr werden können, sollen, werden.

Und ich dachte, Sie wären jünger ;-)

Alles Gute an Sie und die Ihren.

ein sehr schöner Artikel, ich bin darauf gestoßen, da ich gerade einen Rewe Werbeprospekt für Norddeutschland in der Hand halte, wo für diese Eier geworben wird.

Google hat mich dann zu deinem Blog gebracht.

Gehe mal zum Edeka in der Rindermarkthalle, dort gibt es Eier vom Bauckhof, die die Initiative "Bruderhahn" unterstützen. Ein paar Regale weiter kannst Du auch die "Brüderhähne" kaufen, allerdings nur Gekühlt. Aber immerhin hatten sie länger als ein paar Minuten auf dieser schönen Erde.

Hallo Mads, dieser Tipp ist Gold wert, vielen Dank!

Dass du diesem Thema in deinem reichweitenstarken Blog Raum schenkst und "vor deiner Haustür" so beharrlich dranbleibst: Gefällt mir. Sehr.

Danke! Inzwischen ist Rewe raus aus dem Rennen – Edeka hat gewonnen, mit Bauckhof-Eiern.

Auf die Bauckhof Eier wollte ich gerade verweisen. die haben mit der Bruderhahn-Initiative angefangen. Mal ganz abgesehen davon schmecken die Eier auch einfach richtig gut. Ich gönne mir ab und den Luxus bei meinen Heimfahrten nach Hamburg, direkt bei denen vorbei zu fahren.

Dein Text ist super, richtig gut geschrieben auch.

Gestern habe ich meine Packung Spitz&Bube Eier gekauft, in Düsseldorf, und ich bin echt happy. Eine Freundin hatte mir davon erzählt bzw. mich auf die Zustände aufmerksam gemacht. Hatte es einfach lange Zeit verdrängt, wie mit den Hühnern und en männlichen Küken umgegangen wird.

Wäre schön wenn derartiges auch in Freiburg angeboten würde

Gehen Sie doch einfach mit diesem Text zu Ihrem örtlichen Edeka-Center und machen Sie Druck. Nur Nachfrage schafft Angebot.

Eine Alternative sind auch die Bruderhahn-Eier, die von einigen Ökokisten-Betrieben angeboten werden. Es wird damit ein Zuchtprogramm unterstützt, wo das Ökohuhn von morgen gezüchtet werden soll. Wir haben dazu auf unserer Seite eine Info: https://www.bosshammersch-hof.de/angebot-bruderhahn.html

Ökokistenbetriebe gibt es in ganz Deutschland. Zu finden über www.oekokiste.de - fragt nach, ob sie die Initiative unterstützen.

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Coca-Cola Dissolves Teeth

Will a tooth left in a glass of Coca-Cola dissolve overnight?

Claim: A tooth left in a glass of Coca-Cola will dissolve overnight.

don’t know of anyone who hasn’t heard the rumor that too much Coca-Cola rots your innards, and the proof of this can be determined by dropping a baby tooth into a glass of it, then going back the next morning to find most of it eaten away. If Coca-Cola can dissolve a tooth overnight, imagine what it must be doing to your teeth, not to mention your stomach and digestive tract!

All such claims ignore a few salient points:

  • Coca-Cola will not dissolve a tooth (or a nail, or a penny, or a piece of meat) overnight.

  • Coca-Cola contains acids (such as citric acid and phosphoric acid) which will eventually dissolve items such as teeth (given enough time), but so do plenty of other substances we commonly ingest (such as orange juice). The concentration of acid in these products is so low that our digestive systems are easily capable of coping with it with no harm to us.

  • The idea that any substance which can dissolve teeth must therefore damage our teeth if we drink it is nonsensical. We don’t hold drinks in our mouths for days at a time — any liquids we drink simply wash over our teeth very briefly, and our teeth are further protected by their enamel coating and the ameliorating effects of saliva.

    Vince Staten describes the legendary version of this tale:

    Perhaps you’ve heard the story. It goes something like this: At Harvard they left a fly in a Coke overnight and the next morning, the fly had been completely dissolved. The name of the university changes and so does the item to be soaked overnight, but the result is always the same: Coke eats it. The lesson is that if it

    does that to a fly, just think of what it does to your stomach.

    To test this theory I swatted two flies: a test fly and a control fly. I put the test fly in a cup of Coke and let it soak for twenty-four hours. I put the control fly in a cup of Roto-Rooter drain cleaner and let it soak an equal length of time.

    When I returned to the Coke fly the next day, I discovered, to my surprise, the fly floating around, unscathed. The Roto-Rooter fly, on the other hand, was dissolved down to a couple of tiny fly bits. The Roto-Rooter had also eaten through the bottom of the plastic cup.

    Frederick Allen discussed the origins of this rumor in his book on Coca-Cola :

    In the fall of 1950, a Cornell University professor named Clive M. McCay testified before a select committee in the U.S. House of Representatives that the sugar in Coke caused cavities. And, he said, the phosphoric acid was a dangerous additive. Giving a vivid account that instantly became part of the national folklore, Dr. McCay described how a tooth left in a glass of Coca-Cola would soften and begin to dissolve in a period of two days.

    Coca-Cola ‘s top chemist, Orville May, explained to Hobbs [then president of Coca-Cola ] and the company’s other executives that anything containing sugar and phosphoric acid — fresh orange juice, for example — would dissolve teeth over a period of time. The point was people did not hold food and beverages in their mouths for days on end. They swallowed, and their saliva washed away the sugar and acid before lasting damage was done. Otherwise the whole country would be toothless.

    Mark Pendergrast tackled the same subject:

    McCay made headlines with his allegations that Coke would eat away the marble steps of the Capitol Building and soften teeth placed in a glass of the beverage. “The molar teeth of rats were dissolved down to the gum line,” McCay told the politicians, when “given nothing to drink except cola beverages for a period of six months.”

    In response, Coca-Cola ‘s head chemist, Orville May, testified that McCay offered a “distorted picture” intended to frighten unsuspecting consumers. May pointed out that the .055 percent level of phosphoric acid was far below the 1.09 percent acid content of an orange and that McCay’s studies ignored the neutralizing effect of saliva. Finally, he noted that orange juice or lemonade would also dissolve ten-penny nails and eat holes in the Capitol steps.

    We have to agree with Vince Staten’s conclusion:

    I think there are two lessons here: Don’t believe all those Coke stories you hear. And don’t, for any reason, let a fly drink Roto-Rooter.

    Barbara “truth fairy” Mikkelson

    Last updated: 21 May 2011

    Allen, Frederick. Secret Formula.

    New York: HarperCollins, 1994. ISBN 0-88730-672-1.

    Pendergrast, Mark. For God, Country, and Coca-Cola.

    New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1993. ISBN 0-684-19347-7.

    Staten, Vince. Can You Trust a Tomato in January?

    New York: Simon & Schuster, 1993. ISBN 0-671-76941-3 (p. 165).

    Got a tip or a rumor? Contact us here.

    Snopes Delivered to Your Inbox:

    Published: 22 May 2011

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    Department Store Credit Card

    I am wroking on my credit but currently it is pretty poor. Mid 500's. I was approved for my first Department Store Credit Card in a long time and it was NY&C a womans clothing store. Victoria's Secret, Walmart, and Kohls as well.

    sbailey76's response was:

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    Wal-Mart approved me when my score was in the high 500s . It has really helped build my credit and in the 9 months I've had it they have increased my limit twice. I started out with 800 I am now at 2400.

    jmack918's response was:

    3 People Helped

    I don't understand.

    I was just turned down for Walmart twice in 3 years but just accepted by Khols. Everyone seems to have a credit card with walmart. I just paid off my car perfect payments and I was an authorized user on my parents discover cards and they were never late. They had those cards when they first came out. They are closed out now becuase they are dead. So I need to show something. I've brought my credit from very bad to bad. And finally have gotten to over 600. First time since my divorce and car accident. I'm thirlled. I just don't get some of this though.

    Marysway's response was:

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    Easy Store Cards to Get Approved for

    I would know a lot about this with my scores. I noticed GE Retail has given me much credit probably because they have mainly pulled TU-my highest. I have a Belk's (EASY but low cl to start (200)), Amazon store card(800), Walmart(400), JCPenney (500), and Q-Card (400). I heard Wal-Mart and Belk will give out cli's around every four months. I started with a Capital One Secured at 200, and they gave me a cli of 100 after six months. No other bank will haave anything to do with me at this point-I believe because my EQ and EX scores are super low 500's.

    davisd1985's response was:

    30 People Helped

    I forgot, TU-627, EQ and EX-around 533.

    davisd1985's reply was:

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    eastcoastman73's reply was:

    604 People Helped

    Yes you should get this card. If you do not plan to use it, good! It will decrease your utilization and this helps boost your score. Following is some other good advice.

    Get a Household bank MasterCard. You can prequalify for this card to see what you will probably be offered in regards to the terms. I was offered a Platinum Card with no annual fee. They are the same company as Orchard Bank, until they are merged with Cap One. I prequalified for an Orchard Bank card with a $39 annual fee, but with Household I prequalified for a card with no annual fee. This probably means that Household offers lower fees.

    Get a gas card, such as Marathon. Marathon does their own credit accounts and tend to approve better than most of the others. Many of the other gas cards are done by Citibank. Marathon might not give you a high limit, but it will increase in time.

    Get a second CapOne card. You can have more than one account with them. Their prequalification system works like Household and Orchard, using a soft pull to help determine which card you might qualify for. This means that you can be offered a lower interest rate or annual fee for you second card. You might also qualify for a better card with more benefits.

    Opening cards hurts your score in regards to the pull on your credit report. It does take 2 years until they don't affect your score. Lower utilization helps boost your score. More accounts help boost your score. Higher limits show that you can manage the responsibility of what you could do, versus what you are doing.

    How to boost your limit at CapOne? According to a rep I spoke with maxing it out helps. Pay it off after each month, this way they know they cannot make money off you in interest charges and it shows you can afford the amount of the limit. Multiple payments can also help to give you a limit increase. Work on getting one card at a time to higher limits. This will keep your utilization down as your limits increase.

    Some department store cards are said to be easy to get. If you visit a friend or family in a different area of the country and there is a local dept store there that you can get credit at, do so. This also helps with the utilization rate, as you will probably not use the card often and it is good to have for holiday visits to that area. Supposedly the following cards are easy to get Target, Dillards, Belks, and The Buckle. I just got a Bealls card, with a low limit, in Florida. I don't live there, so it is unlikely I will use the card often. (My sister does and is an authorized buyer, so she can help me to build the limit and history with them. I like how that works out!)

    If you can afford to do it, get a secured card from your bank. Once you give up the money to get the card, you usually stop thinking about it, so give up as much money as you can. The fees are usually reasonable (about $30 a year) and many times will have a system that after a period of time it will become unsecure. I plan on opening a secured card later this year when I return home. I will use the card to help build my credit score and save for purchasing a home, so I don't mind putting it away for a while! I already have one secured card from Merrick Bank and regardless of some of the bad things I have read about them, I have had very few issues with them. The few that I have had, have been cleared up rather quickly with the right kind of communication with them.

    Don't spend more than you can afford to. Don't get into or revive any bad habits. Don't use too much of your overall credit. Sign up for online statements and bill pay, this makes it easier to pay your bill and avoid problems. (Most companies will allow you to pay before the end of business hours on the date your payment is due.) Pay you bills early and fully. Don't blame others, even the banks, for the errors you made in the past. Use your cards to keep them active, but don't abuse them. Make a plan for what you will do to get what and where you want.

    My plan is to qualify for a house loan and a car loan in the same year. I am working on it and have seen my credit score rise about 150 or more points in the last 4 years. I started out with a secure card, then I got 2 CapOne cards,, a FingerHut card, then Household bank, then Marathon, and finally Bealls. I might actually have a few others on the way, since I recently applied for a few others and was not given an immediate answer. The more the merrier, as I currently use about 5% of my available limits. I will work on building my limits with CapOne and Household bank later, around Christmas. (I have chosen Christmas, as this will be where I will need to use the cards most and I can pay them off very quickly.) Since I am paying almost $100 in annual fees right now, I prefer not to pay interest.

    bernhardtra's response was:

    7 People Helped

    Only get cards you will actually use at least a few times a year. Easy ones would be Target or Wal Mart cards. Most people shop at one or the other already. Both are easy to get approved for, even if only for a small amount of credit, and both are stores that most people shop at least least semi-regularly for everyday needs. Best of all, if you shop at Target, their card now offers a 5% discount on every purchase you make using the card. So really so long as you pay it off and never carry a balance, you are actually SAVING money by having and using their card. Just use the cards there for your normal shopping and simply pay them off right away. (Personally any time I use either of mine, as soon as I get home from shopping I will go online and schedule a payment for the amount I spent). While they are not as "good" of credit as regular cards such as MasterCard/Visa/Discover/Amex, having a good history with them will improve your credit in the long run, especially as the accounts age and thus improve your average credit line age.

    p4madeus's response was:

    24 People Helped

    Kohls has better quality merchandise at cheaper prices than both Target and Walmart). Their clearance selections are super cheap and pretty constant. You can get nice clothing that doesn't fall apart (Walmart) and pay much less than Walmart or Target. $3 for a shirt that was $40 the previous month is an exceptional buy. Keep your balance/utilization at 1% (for ALL cards) and your credit increases.

    fishburp's reply was:

    2 People Helped

    Yes that is a very good suggestion indeed.

    hehehehez's reply was:

    1 Person Helped

    better off with visa/mc acct

    department store cards don't raise your score as much as regular visa and mc will. you are better off getting the capital one card for bad credit and paying it off every mth. then they will raise your limit after 5 on time pymts.

    dmplatinum1's response was:

    409 People Helped

    You are right, trying to build credit. Just got Cap1 card and Finhut, don't know why I would need more as long as I'm keeping % fair.

    CowboynSpurs2121's reply was:

    6 People Helped

    For some reason Capital One refuses to approve me for ANY of their cards except maybe a secured one. I could understand 6 months ago when all my scores were in the low 500s, but now I'm mostly in the mid 600s and I'm approved for other card, but CapOne just won't frickin budge. They must hate me.

    jacksonkaila's reply was:

    4 People Helped

    Getting a department store credit card only makes sense if you are going to use it and subsequently pay it off in full at the end of the month. I would recommend that you get a different card if you want to increase your available credit. Make sure it is something you can use. Otherwise, just ask for an increase to your limit for an existing account. Personally, though, I have not found it difficult to get approved for a department store credit card. Most department stores seem willing to approve people for their cards as long as you haven't done anything wrong. You can have no credit and get approved, but you're a lot less likely to get approved if you have missed payments or something along those lines.

    kwatson242's response was:

    2 People Helped

    Well, to be completely honest with you, it depends on each store, other stores may be kind. others may not be so kind.

    So you need to play your cards right and be smartlol ;).

    hehehehez's reply was:

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