понедельник, 5 февраля 2018 г.


Oliver Kahn

Als Oliver Kahn (* 15. Juni 1969 in Antarktis) bezeichnet man eine prähistorische Gorillapopulation, bestehend aus nur noch einem Exemplar, welches als Fußball-Spieler und Schaumschläger aktiv ist. Sein weit aufgerissener Mund nimmt in der Regel ein Viertel der Gesichtsfläche ein, sein Gesicht wiederum beherbergt ca. 18% der Körperoberfläche, was neben seinen Armen den größten Teil ausmacht. Es handelt sich im Übrigen um den ehemaligen Vize-Torhüter der WM 2006 oder auch von Holland. Während der WM wurde Oliver Kahn fälschlicherweise auch als „Nummer 2“ bezeichnet.

Der Sportler muss öfter hinter sich greifen als ihm lieb ist. Erschwert wird diese Situation dadurch, dass er Spieler beim an der Ostgrenze Österreichs gelegenen FC Hollywood ist und daher sehr oft zeigen muss, welch toller Kerl er ist und immer wieder mit raubtierartigen Angriffen auf seine zebra-ähnlichen Gegenspieler auf sich aufmerksam machen muss.

Neben seinem gefürchteten Nackenkneifer setzt er auch häufig den Nasenbohrer oder Kung-Fu-Tritte ein. Nur der Mike-Tyson-Ohrenbiss ist ihm bisher noch nicht gelungen. Er befördert den Ball gerne mal auch per Hand ins gegnerische Tor oder ändert dessen Flugbahn mit seinem Blick.

Ansonsten sagt man ihm nach, dass er noch nie gegartes Fleisch gegessen habe und auch nie essen wird. Zumindest sein affiges Gebiss, das Oliver Kahn gerne zeigt, unterstreicht diesen Verdacht. Bei Fußballspielen werfen ihm seine Fans (besonders aus dem Block des gegnerischen Vereins) deshalb auch oft rohe Bananen in sein Gehege. Seine Ballfalltechnik mit aufgerissenem Mund ist bisher einzigartig und wurde oft belächelt. Dies änderte sich jedoch schlagartig als er eines Tages einen Elfmeter mit einem gezielten Biss fing. Nach Abpfiff fraß er den Großteil des gegnerischen Fanblocks bevor es den herbeigeeilten Pflegern gelang ihn zu überwältigen. Nach diesem Vorfall wurden in den Stadien weltweit vor den Tribünen hohe Zäune errichtet, um die Zuschauer vor Übergriffen durch Kahn zu schützen.


Meinungen [ Bearbeiten ]

Die Meinungen über Oliver Kahn gehen weit auseinander. Man kann jedoch neutral feststellen, dass man Kahn als ersten fanatischen Terroristen dieses Jahrtausends bezeichnen kann. Ausgewählte Fans bezeichnen Kahn als "Hackfresse", andere wiederum würden ihm gerne etwas in den Arsch schieben.

Durch Oliver Kahn wurde auch die berühmte „Gewinn-Theorie“ bewiesen:

„Mal verliert man und mal gewinnen halt die Anderen.“

So wie die Feststellung das allen Eunuchen etwas wichtiges fehlt:

"Eier! Wir brauchen Eier!"

Nach der Meinung diverser Reporter dieser Welt ist Oliver Kahn auch der einzige, der bei Interviews IMMER nach links oben schaut!

Lebenslauf [ Bearbeiten ]

Oliver Kahn wurde als Lemurenkind (Vater: King Julien aus Madagascar, Mutter: Streichelzoo-Ziege) aus Affghanistan eingeliefert und wuchs im Karlsruher Zoo auf. Er wurde von seiner Gorilla-Mutter verstoßen, da er blond und nicht dunkelhaarig war. Deswegen wurde er von einem Pfleger namens Schäfer aufgenommen und wurde beim KSC als Torhüter eingesetzt. Dank seiner langen Arme konnte er, ohne sich groß zu bewegen, in jeden Winkel des Tores kommen. Diese Fähigkeit blieb auch nicht beim FC Hollywood unbemerkt. Diese verpflichteten unseren jungen Affen, indem sie ihm eine Million Bananen jährlich versprachen. Nachdem er seine Karriere beim FC Hollywood beendet hatte, führte er sie doch noch als neuer Affenexperte beim ZDF fort, wo er einen Rekord von 30 Gorillabrüllern pro Sekunde verzeichnen ließ, das bisher weder einem seiner Nachfolger im Tor noch dem legendären Gerd Müller jemals gelang. Während der EM 2012 wurde der Titan unter Vorwand auf die Insel Usedom verbannt um mentale Eingriffe ins Spielgeschehen und eine Gefährdung der polnischen Hooligan-Szene zu verhindern. Durch die Figur des Khan Noonien Singh, einem durch gentechnische Experimente optimierten Supermenschen und Hobbygärtner, wurde sein Wirken auch im Star-Trek-Franchise gewürdigt. Des Weiteren ist Kahn Leadsänger des Hardchores.

Synonyme [ Bearbeiten ]

Berühmt wurde Oliver Kahn unter anderem als:

  • Flying Olli,
  • Dschingis Kahn
  • Vul-Kahn, Orang Ukahn, Kung-Fu-Kahn
  • Ku-Klux-Kahn, Vatikahn
  • der Pelikahn
  • der Kahn im Wahn
  • Golfball- Angsthase
  • Titan Kran
  • der Titan
  • Oliver Kran
  • Khan Singh
  • Kahnnibahl
  • Kh-anal
  • Khanisterkopf
  • Oliver lässt einen fahn
  • U-Kahn

sodass er nach seinem Spiel gegen den BVB, unter anderem zum „Liebling des Monats“ bei Harald Schmidt wurde. Außerdem hatte er eine eigene Fernsehsendung im ZDF, wo er den sogenannten Charly spielt und für jeden Spaß zu haben ist.

Titan-Parade [ Bearbeiten ]

Als Titan-Parade wird im allgemeinen ein fabulöser Hechtsprung des Königs vom Planet der Affen, King Kong Kahn, bezeichnet. Weiter ausgeholt könnte man diese fabulöse Fabulösität im Fabulösitätenkabinett der fabulösesten Fabulösitäten, kurz die Titan-Parade, als Wunder bezeichnen, welches laut Medienberichten schon mehreren Kindern das Leben im perspektivlosen Düsseldorf gerettet hat. Anders als Bielefeld existiert die Stadt Düsseldorf nämlich.

Filmografie (Auswahl) [ Bearbeiten ]

  • 1982 Star Trek II: Der Zorn des Khan
  • 2001 Planet der Affen (Cameo-Auftritt)

Zitate [ Bearbeiten ]

  • „Eeeeeh, eeem, ääääähhh…“
  • „Jaa…aaa. Des es einfach Weltklasse!“
  • „DA IST DAS DING!“ (Er hat seinen Penis gesucht)
  • „Den hält sonst keiner!“ (Standardkommentar bei jeder Parade)
  • „Überirdisch!“
  • „Jetzt habe ich Hunger auf eine Banane…“
  • „Eier, wir brauchen Eier!“
  • „Das ist geil - das ist richtig geil.“
  • „Des is mir scheißegal!“
  • „Das einzige Tier bei uns zu Hause bin ich.“
  • „Wir werden uns zu einer Krisensitzung zusammensetzen, weil wir nur 4:2 gegen den VfB gewonnen haben.“
  • „Ich bin in meinem Privatleben exakt genau so wild wie ich auf dem Platz bin, deshalb hat mich meine Frau auch geheiratet.“
  • „Heute hätte ich meine Sporttasche ins Tor stellen können, dann hätten wir zwei Stück weniger gekriegt.“ (nach dem 1:5 der deutschen Mannschaft gegen England)
  • „Da muss man schon gucken, ob noch alles dran ist.“ (nachdem er einen Schuss des Stuttgarters Ganea mit dem Unterleib abgewehrt hatte)
  • „Im ersten Spiel als Kapitän muss man einfach ein Tor schießen.“ (nachdem er in seinem ersten Spiel als Kapitän der deutschen Nationalmannschaft ein Eigentor gegen Israel schoss)
  • „Wir werden uns jetzt nicht Puderzucker in den Arsch blasen.“ (Nach der Niederlage gegen Aachen 2007)
  • „Einen Oliver Kahn interessiert so was nicht!“
  • „Was interessiert einen Oliver Kahn der Schnee von gestern? Gar nichts, interessiert nicht!“
  • „Jaaaaa, ein Oliver Kahn steht in solchen Situationen immer besonders unter Druck, jaaa!“
  • „Jaaaaa, ich liebe es wenn das ganze Stadion gegen mich ist.“
  • „Jaaaaaa, da kann ein Kahn auch nichts machen.“
  • „Ein Oliver Kahn braucht keine Freunde.“
  • „Das ganze Stadion wird gegen uns sein, etwas schöneres gibt es nicht.“
  • „Das war natürlich schon ein fantastischer Augenblick.“
  • „Ich steh am Pfosten,

der Pfosten ist weiß,

der Pfosten raaaaagt in den Himmel,

mein Freund? Mein Feind ?

Doch wende ich mich ab vom Pfosten ist da noch ein Pfosten, ich Vollpfosten …“

(Ausschnitt aus seinem neuen Gedichtszyklus „Der Pfosten und noch ein Pfosten“)

  • „Wenn's scheiße läuft, läuft's Scheiße“
  • „Es ist mir scheißegal, wer der erste in der Bundesliga ist, hauptsache wir sind es.“
  • „Ein Oliver Kahn liest nicht!“
  • „Jaaaaa, die Fliege da oben sieht lecker aus…“ (auf die Frage was ihn nach seiner Fußball-Karriere so alles beschäftigen wird)
  • „Wir haben das Kapitel Nationalmannschaft endgültig auf den Grund gefahren.“
  • „Ich rotiere höchstens, wenn ich Opfer des Rotationsprinzips werde.“
  • „Ich dachte der Torwart darf im Strafraum die Hände benutzen.“ (nach seinem Handtor im gegnerischen Strafraum)

Siehe auch [ Bearbeiten ]

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Oliver Kahn Eier

  • Published By: Fuppes Juppes
  • Views: 269,661
  • Likes: 507
  • Dislikes: 14
  • Est. Revenue: $640
  • Online Since: February, 24 2013
  • Dimensions: 480 x 360
  • YouTube URL:https://youtu.be/GMnBOQAxe4c





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Oliver Kahn Eier

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Reporter: "Die Mannschaft hat sich nicht gewehrt, die Mannschaft hat nicht das gezeigt, was wir schon seit Wochen eingefordert haben." Oliver Kahn: "Eier, wir .

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Eier, wir brauchen Eier (- Oliver Kahn) Ex-Torhüter/Sport-Moderator/Food-Blogger Oliver Kahn brachte es auf den Punkt: Das Ei, ein wunderbares Lebensmittel.

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. “Drei Eier might be referring to a popular footballing expression ‘Drei Eier ins Nest’” – a 3-0 lead – while Sebastian Singer prefers “Oliver Kahn’s famous quote ‘Eier, wir brauchen Eier’ or ‘we need eggs’… egg meaning a .

The Guardian • 3 years ago

Oliver Kahn Eier - YouTube

This feature is not available right now. Please try again later. Published on Feb 24, 2013. Category . Sports; License . Standard YouTube License

oliver kahn eier - YouTube

Oliver Kahn Eier - Video Dailymotion

Jun 11, 2015 · On This Day: August 31st, 1993 - Jay-Jay Okocha scored one his greatest ever goals against a young Oliver Kahn. by Sports Transmission

Oliver Kahn - Eier wir brauchen Eier - Eier Fußball | Video

Oliver Kahn - Eier wir brauchen Eier myvideo.de - Der legendäre Ausspruch von Oliver Kahn: "Eier wir brauchen Eier". 1 Comment 0 Favorites 0 Tweets 36 Likes .

Oliver Kahn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oliver Rolf Kahn (born 15 June 1969) is a former German football goalkeeper. He started his career in the Karlsruher SC Junior team in 1975. Twelve years later, Kahn .

Oliver Kahn – Stupidedia

Als Oliver Kahn (* 15. Juni 1969 in Antarktis) . "Eier! Wir brauchen Eier!" Nach der Meinung diverser Reporter dieser Welt ist Oliver Kahn auch der einzige, .

Von welchem Fußball-Torhüter stammt die Aussage: “Wir .

Frage: Von welchem Fußball-Torhüter stammt die Aussage: “Wir brauchen Eier”? Optionen: Jens Lehmann . Oliver Kahn . Manuel Neuer . Eike Immel. Richtige Antwort:

Kto jest Kahn Oliver - waatp.pl

Kto jest Kahn Oliver.Zobacz także Kahn Oliver: zdjęcia, sieci społeczne profili, wideo, linki, na blogach, na nowości, książki, mikroblogów profili

Oliver Kahn | LinkedIn

View Oliver Kahn's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Oliver Kahn discover inside .

Oliver Kahn | Facebook

Oliver Kahn. 2,448 likes. Oliver Kahn Best goal keeper ever. Facebook logo. . How many like for Oliver and his wife. Like Comment Share. Oliver Kahn.

Oliver Kahn - Biography - IMDb

Oliver Kahn was born on June 15, 1969 in Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, West Germany as Oliver Rolf Kahn. He has been married to Svenja since July 8, 2011.

Oliver Kahn Interview - Fußball Interview Oliver Kahn | …

Oliver Kahn Interview youtube.com - Oliver Kahn in einem legendären Interview, ihm ist alles Scheißegal 2 Comments 2 Favorites 32 Tweets 8898 Likes moviemaster .

Oliver Kahn, The Best Goalkeeper | Facebook

Oliver Kahn, The Best Goalkeeper. 995 likes · 4 talking about this. The Professional Footballers' Association's No Official Facebook Fan Page for Oliver Kahn

Oliver Kahn - IMDb

Oliver Kahn was born on June 15, 1969 in Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, West Germany as Oliver Rolf Kahn. He has been married to Svenja since July 8, 2011.

Oliver Kahn | biography - German football player .

Oliver Kahn, in full Oliver Rolf Kahn, byname King Kahn (born June 15, 1969, Karlsruhe, West Germany [now Germany]), German football (soccer) player who is …

Planet Hop

The string should be slightly tighter than normal for this trick

Freitag, März 21, 2008

Zu Ostern rufen Tierschützer dazu auf, keine Eier aus der Legebatterie zu kaufen, Veganer verzichten sowieso auf Eier. Was suchen Veganerkinder eigentlich zu Ostern im Garten? Tofueier? Egal. Ich wollte gar nicht über Eier reden, sondern über deren Produzenten, die Hühner. Also eigentlich nicht ich, sondern Moby. Moby ist nicht nur Popsänger, sondern gleichzeitig Nachfahre von Herman Melville, dem Autor von Moby Dick. Er war sein Ur-Ur-Großonkel, ein Pelzhändler und Walfänger. Moby hingegen ist Veganer und Tierrechtler und sagt so schöne, zu Herzen gehende Sätze wie: „Hühner haben auch Gefühle.“ Dies beweist er denn auch glatt in seinem neuen Video. Und was für Gefühle! Die reine Mordlust! Oder hat der gute Herr Moby da womöglich seinen eigenen Blutrausch und Hass auf die armen Küken projiziert?

posted by Ivo Bozic @ 16:48 4 comments


omega hühner? legen die diese omega-eier, auf die ich neulich zu meinem erstaunen im supermarkt stieß?

und die sind ganz unten in der hackordnung? wer will denn bitteschön ein ei von so einem verlierer-huhn essen? ich jedenfalls nicht!

At 3:50 nachm., Ivo Bozic said.

:-) oh das ist ja interessant. omega-eier, das kannte ich noch gar nicht. die aufwendige google-recherche hat allerdings ergeben, dass sie nichts mit den omega-hühnern zu tun haben

At 2:31 vorm., josefine said.

ja, das habe ich tatsächlich leider auch schon rausgekriegt, bevor ich diesen kommentar schrieb, aber ich wollte den witz unbedingt unterbringen, von wegen verlierer hühner und so. hahaha.

uh, ah, oliver kahns eier. das hat meine fantasie getötet. da fällt mir jetzt nichts mehr ein. nie wieder wahrscheinlich, schönen dank auch.

At 2:41 nachm., Ivo Bozic said.

da sieht man mal, was wir beide bereit sind, für einen witz zu opfern. uiuiui :-)

Oliver Kahn: “İş yapmak için de yumurtalar gerekli”

Oliver Kahn, 2003 yılında söylediği efsane cümleyi bu sefer iş dünyası için kurdu

Bayern Münih’in ve Alman Milli Takımı’nın efsane kalecisi Oliver Kahn’ın artık girişimci bir iş adamı olduğundan bahsetmiştik.

Oliver Kahn Goalplay, Philippe Lahm ise Fanmiles ile spor girişimciliği sahasında yerlerini aldılar Girişimcileri bir…sportuptr.com

Kariyerinde Dünya Kupası ve Şampiyonlar Ligi şampiyonluğu başarılarını yaşayan Kahn, iş dünyasına sıfırdan başladı ve işin hiç de dışarıdan bakıldığı kadar kolay olmadığını anlatıyor ve iş dünyasında başarılı olmak için ihtiyaç duyulan şeyin ne olduğunu kendine has bir dille belirtiyor: “Business Balls”

Kibarca Oliver Kahn “Testislere” ihtiyaç duyulduğunu ifade ediyor

Kahn amatör ve profesyonel kalecilere yönelik hizmetler sunduğu Goalplay firması ile ilgili olarak Bits & Pretzels konferansında konuştu.

2008’de futbolu 39 yaşındayken bıraktıktan sonra Business Management okuyan ve Goalplay’den önce Titaneon AG ve Fanorakel Ag firmalarını kuran Kahn girişimcilik deneyimlerini şu şekilde aktardı:

“İşe iki, üç veya dört kişiyle başlıyorsunuz ve her şeyden siz sorumlusunuz. Goalplay’de logo tasarımı, uluslararası açılım, teknoloji ve ürün geliştirme gerekliydi ve hepsini tek başıma yaptım.”

“Başarısız olmak bu işin bir parçası. Ben tek başıma birkaç projeti batırdım. Ama olsun. Elbette acı verici bir deneyim ama kısa süre içerisinde tekrar yola çıkıyorsunuz. Her zaman ayağı kalkmak için güce ihtiyaç duyuyorsunuz.”

“Bu iş futbola çok benziyor. Her şey takımınızın nasıl olduğuna bağlı. Bir takımda lider oyuncular, paylaşımcı oyuncular, yaratıcı oyuncular ve bireysel oyuncular vardır. Şirketler için de aynısı geçerli. Her zaman stratejik pozisyon olmak ve vizyon sahibi olmak çok önemlidir. Ama bu tek başına asla yeterli değil. Her gün yeni bir vizyon yakalayamam.”

Oliver Kahn, 2003 yılında Schalke’ye 2–0 yenildikleri bir maçtan sonra şöyle demişti:

“Eier, wir brauchen Eier!”

Şöyle çevirebiliriz: “Yumurtalar, bizim yumurtalara ihtiyacımız var!”

Buradaki yumurtanın hangi anlamda kullanıldığını anlamışsınızdır.

Bits & Pretzels koferansında Oliver Kahn kendisi ile efsaneleşmiş olan bu lafı tekrarladı. “Günün sonunda, iş yapmak için yumurtaları olan insanlara ihtiyaç duyuyorsunuz. Hedeflere bu şekilde ulaşabilirsiniz.”

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Spor, Teknoloji ve Girişimcilik Konferansı. Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 30 Mayıs 2017

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Sprüche von Oliver Kahn FußballZitate. Oliver Kahn deutscher "Titan" und VizeWeltmeister von 2002 Oliver Kahn wurde im Jahr 1969 geboren und spielte als aktiver ProfiFußballer für lediglich

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oliver Rolf Kahn (born 15 June 1969) is a former German football goalkeeper. He started his career at Karlsruher SC and in 1994 was transferred to Bayern Munich, his last professional club. He is one of the most successful German players in recent history, having won eight German championships, six German cups, the UEFA Cup (1996), the UEFA Champions League and the Intercontinental Cup (both 2001). His individual contributions have earned him four consecutive UEFA Best European Goalkeeper awards, three IFFHS World's Best Goalkeeper of the Year awards, the Golden Ball at the 2002 FIFA World Cup and two German "Footballer of the Year" trophies. He played for the German national team (from 1994 to 2006), where he was starting goalkeeper of the 2002 World Cup squad which reached the Finals and won the FIFA World Cup Golden Ball for his performance. Kahn is nicknamed "King Kahn" [ 2 ] or "The Titan" [ 3 ] due to his formidable presence and influence.

He made his last professional appearance for Bayern Munich on 27 May 2008 at the Salt Lake Stadium (Yuvabharati Krirangam), Kolkata in a friendly against Mohun Bagan of India during Bayern's Asian tour of 2008. Around 120,000 people turned up for the match. The match ended 0-3 in favour of Bayern and Michael Rensing substituted 'King Kahn' in the 55th minute. [ 4 ] He is considered to be one of the greatest goalkeepers of all time and is the only goalkeeper in the history of football to win the FIFA World Cup Golden Ball (in World Cup 2002).


Karlsruher SC

Kahn signed his first professional contract at Karlsruher SC in the 1987–88 season, at first being the reserve goalkeeper behind Alexander Famulla. However, he had to wait until 1990 until KSC coach Winfried Schäfer decided to start Kahn over Famulla. In the following years, Kahn established himself as a quality goalkeeper, greatly contributing in establishing KSC as a force to reckon with in the Bundesliga. He was a key player in the fondly-remembered KSC team which reached the semi finals in the 1993–94 UEFA Cup, the most memorable moment being a historic 7-0 rout of Valencia after losing the first match 1-3.

Bayern Munich

Kahn was first signed by Bayern Munich at the beginning of the 1994–95 season, and has since gone on to win multiple honors, both at the domestic and international level. The Bavarian club paid him a then record fee for a goalkeeper of €2,385,000, and thus Kahn was firmly established as Bayern’s first-choice. Although suffering a rupture of his cruciate ligament in the next season, he developed into a formidable player. In 1999, he led Bayern to the Champions League final, although Manchester United scored two goals in injury time to win the title (called the "Tragedy of Camp Nou" by fans of Bayern Munich, and "Miracle of Camp Nou" by fans of Manchester United). He was named Man of the Match when he supported his club to the 2001 Champions League title, making several crucial saves in the penalty shootout that commenced after the teams remained tied 1-1 after extra time. He also received the UEFA Fair Play Award for this match, after he walked up to a devastated Santiago Cañizares after the penalties and attempted to comfort him. [ 5 ]

Due to injuries, personal problems and a lack of motivation according to himself, his game went into a rapid decline after the 2002–03 season. This culminated with Kahn allowing a seemingly soft shot into the net against Real Madrid in the 2004 Champions League season, contributing to the elimination of his team from the competition. However, since the 2003–04 season and despite advancing in age, Kahn’s performances have vastly improved and he has re-established himself as a reliable shot stopper.

Kahn announced his intention to honor his contract and play through the 2007–08 season. [ 6 ] As of 2009, he is the all time clean sheet leader in the history of the Bundesliga with 197. [ 7 ] Milestones continued to fall for Kahn; on 2 September 2007, he played in his 535th Bundesliga match, becoming the league’s all time leader in matches played among goalkeepers. Kahn made his final European appearance for Bayern in a 4-0 defeat to Zenit Saint Petersburg in the UEFA cup semi-final on 1 May 2008. Kahn played his last Bundesliga game on Saturday 17 May against Hertha Berlin. [ 8 ] Kahn captained his team to a 4–1 victory.

He played a testimonial match with Bayern Munich versus the select Germany XI on 2 September 2008 which ended 1-1.

International career

Kahn’s international debut for Germany came in a match against Switzerland on 23 June 1995; [ 9 ] however, it was some time before he became the team’s primary goalkeeper. Initially Kahn was the reserve keeper as Germany were victorious in Euro 96 in England. He spent the 1998 FIFA World Cup in France on the bench, and it was not until Andreas Köpke announced his retirement at the end of the tournament that Kahn was finally given his chance in the No. 1 shirt. Euro 2000 was a difficult period for then-defending champions Germany, as they made an embarrassing exit in the group stage, having scored only one goal. The team drew with Romania and suffered losses to England and Portugal. Afterwards, Kahn became captain of the national team, succeeding Oliver Bierhoff.

Kahn put in what was perhaps his worst performance of his international career against England in Munich in 2001. Germany were favored to win by many as they had beaten England in 2000 1-0 at Wembley stadium. Many in the media were touting Kahn's remarkably fast reflexes. Despite a strong start from Germany, they were routed 5-1 by a hat-trick by Michael Owen. [ 10 ] After the match, Kahn called the defeat a "catastrophe" but still was optimistic Germany would qualify. Kahn's German team managed to make the World Cup by winning a playoff against Ukraine. Despite criticism, Kahn remained as Germany's number one for the upcoming World Cup. Kahn was also named the best goalkeeper in the world by IFFHS for the second time in his career.

Expectations for Germany were comparatively low entering the 2002 FIFA World Cup, but it was Kahn’s shot-stopping prowess and leadership that carried the team to a surprise appearance in the finals, and allowed only three goals in the course of the competition. Despite playing much of the final match with torn ligaments in his right ring finger, Kahn was still blamed by some (perhaps unfairly due to the injury) for losing the championship after allowing the first goal by Brazilian striker Ronaldo off a rebound in the 67th minute. Kahn nevertheless won the Lev Yashin Award for the best goalkeeper of the tournament, and became the first goalkeeper in history to win the Golden Ball for the best individual performance. [ 11 ] He also became the first German goalkeeper to keep five clean sheets in a World Cup tournament. Kahn maintained his number one spot for Euro 2004, but Germany were once again eliminated in the group stage. Oliver Kahn gave up his captaincy to Michael Ballack after the tournament.

Since then, Kahn had lost his status as the first choice goalkeeper for the national team, with team manager Jürgen Klinsmann rotating the number one spot between Kahn and his longtime competitor whom he had been attempting to fend off, Jens Lehmann of Arsenal. On 7 April 2006 Klinsmann announced Lehmann was his first-choice goalkeeper for the 2006 World Cup. Kahn decided to stay on as a backup for the competition. Despite their acrimonious pre-tournament battle for Germany’s starting role, Kahn openly accepted Klinsmann’s decision. Kahn and Lehmann embraced and shook hands as the former offered words of encouragement before the quarter-final penalty shootout against Argentina. In the postgame conference, Kahn publicly praised Lehmann for his two decisive penalty saves.

After Germany was eliminated in the semi-finals by Italy, Kahn was given the start for the Third Place play-offs held on 8 July 2006. Kahn was also the captain of the team in the absence of the injured Michael Ballack, and so earned his last international appearance for Germany, who defeated Portugal 3-1. Although overshadowed by Bastian Schweinsteiger’s game-winning performance in the match, Kahn played to a high standard, pulling off several saves throughout the match. Kahn deflected a shot by Portuguese forward Pauleta after he beat the German defence, and he later saved Deco’s shot made from just inside the box. [ 12 ] Following the match, Oliver Kahn announced his retirement from the German National Team. Throughout his international career he earned 86 caps for Germany, including 50 as team captain. He never won a World Cup, but finished as runner-up in 2002 and third in 2006.

Personal life

Kahn was born in Karlsruhe. In 2003, Kahn split with his wife Simone, with whom he has had two children. In 2009 he announced that they will get a divorce. [ 13 ]

His father Rolf Kahn is former professional player for Karlsruher SC.

Popular culture

Kahn is the subject of the song Olli Kahn by the German pop group Die Prinzen, [ 14 ] which was recorded during the 2002 World Cup. The song was later covered by Die Toten Hosen, another popular German band.

  • Kahn was sent off in an incident against Hansa Rostock on 3 March 2001. With his Bayern Munich team losing 2-3 in the final minutes, he snuck into the area during a corner kick, jumped up, and punched the ball into the opponent’s net. He immediately received his second yellow card of the game. [ 15 ][ 16 ]
  • Prior to a 2006 match against Arminia Bielefeld in Munich, fellow Bayern Munich goalkeeper Michael Rensing peppered Kahn with practice shots. One shot hit Kahn squarely in the eye, causing enough swelling and discoloration to keep him from taking the field. With Rensing in goal, Bayern Munich won the match 2-0. [ 17 ]
  • During a bad spell for Bayern Munich, Kahn was asked at a press conference what he felt the team lacked; his reply, translated from German, was: "Balls! Balls! We need balls, if you know what I mean."[ 18 ]
  • Kahn is named Kalm on the popular sports game Pro Evolution Soccer 6 as a result of Kahn holding the rights to his image.
  • In the popular Football Manager series (marketed as Worldwide Soccer Manager in the United States) Kahn is known as Jens Mustermann as a result of Kahn holding the rights to his image. Mustermann translates from German into English as Sample Man and is a common placeholder name in Germany and Austria, while Jens is a reference to Jens Lehmann, Kahn’s main international goalkeeping rival.
  • In the LMA Manager Series, Kahn is known as Daniel Schmidt.
  • Has never once scored a goal. Came close to one in the 6-0 victory over FC Energie Cottbus on 23 February 2002 in the 90th minute, where he claimed a penalty kick awarded to FC Bayern Munich drawn by Samuel Kuffour, but lucked out and hit the right post. He also came close to scoring in a 1995DFB-Pokal match against Fortuna Düsseldorf. With Bayern 2–1 down and winning a corner with time running out, Kahn ran into the penalty area, connected with the corner, but the header only just went astray of the post by inches. Bayern then went on to concede another goal to lose 3–1.

Career statistics

1 Includes German Super Cup


  • Nummer eins, Droemer/Knaur 2004, ISBN 3426273462
  • Ich. Erfolg kommt von Innen, riva premium Verlag 2008, ISBN 3936994994

Bayern Munich

  • Bundesliga: 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2008
  • German Cup: 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2008
  • DFB-Ligapokal: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2004, 2007
  • UEFA Cup: 1996
  • UEFA Champions League: 2001
  • Intercontinental Cup: 2001



  • UEFA Champions League Man of the Match: 2001
  • UEFA Fair-Play Award: 2001
  • German Footballer of the Year: 2000, 2001
  • Runner Up FIFA World Player of the Year: 2002
  • IFFHS World's Best Goalkeeper: 1999, 2001, 2002
  • Best European Goalkeeper: 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002
  • European Footballer of the Year Bronze Ball: 2001, 2002
  • UEFA Club Football Awards - Best Goalkeeper: 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002
  • Best Bundesliga Keeper: 1994, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002
  • FIFA World Cup Golden Ball: 2002
  • Yashin Award: 2002
  • FIFA World Cup awards: All-Star Team 2002
  • FIFA 100


  1. ^"Oliver Kahn" (in German). fussballdaten.de . http://fussballdaten.de/spieler/kahnoliver/ . Retrieved 3 October 2009 .
  2. ^ Marc Heidenreich (15 April 2003). "Training mit "King Kahn"" (in German). ZDF.de . http://www.zdf.de/ZDFde/inhalt/5/0,1872,2042053,00.html . Retrieved 11 November 2007 .
  3. ^"Der Titan sagt Servus" (in German). Vanity Fair. 13 July 2007 . http://www.vanityfair.de/articles/agenda/oliver-kahn/2007/07/13/02085/ . Retrieved 11 November 2007 .
  4. ^"Modern great Kahn bids adieu in Kolkata". FC Bayern Munich Website. 27 May 2008 . http://www.fcbayern.t-home.de/en/news/news/2008/16419.php?fcb_sid=f27cc1e25c50252f8a7c7f56b8193c9d . Retrieved 24 July 2008 .
  5. ^"Bayern dominate awards". BBC Sport Online. 22 August 2001 . http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/low/football/europe/1504731.stm . Retrieved 24 July 2008 .
  6. ^"Kahn legt sich fest: 2008 ist Schluss" (in German). 11freunde.de. 7 January 2007 . http://www.11freunde.de/newsticker/19467 . Retrieved 11 November 2007 .
  7. ^"Bundesliga — Die offizielle Webseite" . http://bundesliga.de/en/statistik/spieler/index.php . Retrieved 11 November 2007 .
  8. ^"Colossus Kahn brings career to an end". FourFourTwo. 16 May 2007 . http://fourfourtwo.com/news/restofeurope/9277/default.aspx . Retrieved 15 May 2008 .
  9. ^"Players Info Kahn". dfb.de . http://www.dfb.de/index.php?action=search&liga=Nationalmannschaft&id=500397&lang=E&no_cache=1&name=%3BKahn&gegner= . Retrieved 26 June 2009 .
  10. ^"Awesome England thrash Germany". BBC Sport. 1 September 2001 . http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/1515667.stm . Retrieved 3 November 2009 .
  11. ^"Kahn wins Golden Ball award". BBC Sport. 2 July 2002 . http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport3/worldcup2002/hi/team_pages/germany/newsid_2081000/2081522.stm . Retrieved 3 November 2009 .
  12. ^"Germany 3-1 Portugal". BBC Sport. 8 July 2006 . http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/world_cup_2006/4991644.stm . Retrieved 3 November 2009 .
  13. ^"Oliver Kahn lässt sich scheiden" (in German). spiegel.de. 17 August 2009 . http://www.spiegel.de/panorama/leute/0,1518,643360,00.html . Retrieved 4 October 2009 .
  14. ^"Olli Kahn". Amazon.co.uk . http://www.amazon.co.uk/Olli-Kahn-Die-Prinzen/dp/B000065CZS/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1205689221&sr=1-6 . Retrieved 24 July 2008 .
  15. ^"Arsenal boss has a striking dilemma". Dispatch Online. 6 March 2001 . http://www.dispatch.co.za/2001/03/06/sport/SOCCER2.HTM . Retrieved 11 November 2007 .
  16. ^"Spiele von Oliver Kahn 2000/2001" (in German) . http://www.fussballdaten.de/spieler/kahnoliver/2001/ . Retrieved 11 November 2007 .
  17. ^"Quirky Injuries". goalkeepersaredifferent.com . http://www.goalkeepersaredifferent.com/keeper/injuries.htm . Retrieved 11 November 2007 .
  18. ^ Christoph Ries (26 April 2007). ""Eier, wir brauchen Eier"" (in German). 11freunde.de . http://www.11freunde.de/bundesligen/101381 . Retrieved 28 August 2007 .

External links

  • Career stats at fussballdaten.de (German)
  • Official website
  • FootballDatabase provides Oliver Kahn's profile and stats
  • Autograph Oliver Kahn
  • Kahn caricature (German)

Simple English

Oliver Rolf Kahn (born 15 June 1969 in Karlsruhe, Germany) is a former German football player. He also played the position of the goalkeeper for Bayern Munich. From 1988 until 1994, Kahn played for Karlsruhe. He has played 86 matches for the Germany national team.

After 2006 FIFA World Cup, he retired from the national team. After the season 2007/2008 he ended his career and stopped playing for his club Bayern Munich, too.

Kahn has won several titles with Bayern München, among them are the UEFA champions league, the UEFA cup, the intercontinental cup, eight national championships and six national cups.

In the world championships in 2002 he become vice champion with the German national team.

Kahns nicknames are "King Kahn" or "the titan".

Oliver Kahn

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oliver Rolf Kahn (born 15 June 1969) is a former German football goalkeeper. He started his career at Karlsruher SC and in 1994 was transferred to Bayern Munich, his last professional club. He is one of the most successful German players in recent history, having won eight German championships, six German cups, the UEFA Cup (1996), the UEFA Champions League and the Intercontinental Cup (both 2001). His individual contributions have earned him four consecutive UEFA Best European Goalkeeper awards, three IFFHS World's Best Goalkeeper of the Year awards, the Golden Ball at the 2002 FIFA World Cup and two German "Footballer of the Year" trophies. He played for the German national team (from 1994 to 2006), where he was starting goalkeeper of the 2002 World Cup squad which reached the Finals and won the FIFA World Cup Golden Ball for his performance. Kahn is nicknamed "King Kahn" [ 2 ] or "The Titan" [ 3 ] due to his formidable presence and influence.

He made his last professional appearance for Bayern Munich on 27 May 2008 at the Salt Lake Stadium (Yuvabharati Krirangam), Kolkata in a friendly against Mohun Bagan of India during Bayern's Asian tour of 2008. Around 120,000 people turned up for the match. The match ended 0-3 in favour of Bayern and Michael Rensing substituted 'King Kahn' in the 55th minute. [ 4 ] He is considered to be one of the greatest goalkeepers of all time and is the only goalkeeper in the history of football to win the FIFA World Cup Golden Ball (in World Cup 2002).


Karlsruher SC

Kahn signed his first professional contract at Karlsruher SC in the 1987–88 season, at first being the reserve goalkeeper behind Alexander Famulla. However, he had to wait until 1990 until KSC coach Winfried Schäfer decided to start Kahn over Famulla. In the following years, Kahn established himself as a quality goalkeeper, greatly contributing in establishing KSC as a force to reckon with in the Bundesliga. He was a key player in the fondly-remembered KSC team which reached the semi finals in the 1993–94 UEFA Cup, the most memorable moment being a historic 7-0 rout of Valencia after losing the first match 1-3.

Bayern Munich

Kahn was first signed by Bayern Munich at the beginning of the 1994–95 season, and has since gone on to win multiple honors, both at the domestic and international level. The Bavarian club paid him a then record fee for a goalkeeper of €2,385,000, and thus Kahn was firmly established as Bayern’s first-choice. Although suffering a rupture of his cruciate ligament in the next season, he developed into a formidable player. In 1999, he led Bayern to the Champions League final, although Manchester United scored two goals in injury time to win the title (called the "Tragedy of Camp Nou" by fans of Bayern Munich, and "Miracle of Camp Nou" by fans of Manchester United). He was named Man of the Match when he supported his club to the 2001 Champions League title, making several crucial saves in the penalty shootout that commenced after the teams remained tied 1-1 after extra time. He also received the UEFA Fair Play Award for this match, after he walked up to a devastated Santiago Cañizares after the penalties and attempted to comfort him. [ 5 ]

Due to injuries, personal problems and a lack of motivation according to himself, his game went into a rapid decline after the 2002–03 season. This culminated with Kahn allowing a seemingly soft shot into the net against Real Madrid in the 2004 Champions League season, contributing to the elimination of his team from the competition. However, since the 2003–04 season and despite advancing in age, Kahn’s performances have vastly improved and he has re-established himself as a reliable shot stopper.

Kahn announced his intention to honor his contract and play through the 2007–08 season. [ 6 ] As of 2009, he is the all time clean sheet leader in the history of the Bundesliga with 197. [ 7 ] Milestones continued to fall for Kahn; on 2 September 2007, he played in his 535th Bundesliga match, becoming the league’s all time leader in matches played among goalkeepers. Kahn made his final European appearance for Bayern in a 4-0 defeat to Zenit Saint Petersburg in the UEFA cup semi-final on 1 May 2008. Kahn played his last Bundesliga game on Saturday 17 May against Hertha Berlin. [ 8 ] Kahn captained his team to a 4–1 victory.

He played a testimonial match with Bayern Munich versus the select Germany XI on 2 September 2008 which ended 1-1.

International career

Kahn’s international debut for Germany came in a match against Switzerland on 23 June 1995; [ 9 ] however, it was some time before he became the team’s primary goalkeeper. Initially Kahn was the reserve keeper as Germany were victorious in Euro 96 in England. He spent the 1998 FIFA World Cup in France on the bench, and it was not until Andreas Köpke announced his retirement at the end of the tournament that Kahn was finally given his chance in the No. 1 shirt. Euro 2000 was a difficult period for then-defending champions Germany, as they made an embarrassing exit in the group stage, having scored only one goal. The team drew with Romania and suffered losses to England and Portugal. Afterwards, Kahn became captain of the national team, succeeding Oliver Bierhoff.

Kahn put in what was perhaps his worst performance of his international career against England in Munich in 2001. Germany were favored to win by many as they had beaten England in 2000 1-0 at Wembley stadium. Many in the media were touting Kahn's remarkably fast reflexes. Despite a strong start from Germany, they were routed 5-1 by a hat-trick by Michael Owen. [ 10 ] After the match, Kahn called the defeat a "catastrophe" but still was optimistic Germany would qualify. Kahn's German team managed to make the World Cup by winning a playoff against Ukraine. Despite criticism, Kahn remained as Germany's number one for the upcoming World Cup. Kahn was also named the best goalkeeper in the world by IFFHS for the second time in his career.

Expectations for Germany were comparatively low entering the 2002 FIFA World Cup, but it was Kahn’s shot-stopping prowess and leadership that carried the team to a surprise appearance in the finals, and allowed only three goals in the course of the competition. Despite playing much of the final match with torn ligaments in his right ring finger, Kahn was still blamed by some (perhaps unfairly due to the injury) for losing the championship after allowing the first goal by Brazilian striker Ronaldo off a rebound in the 67th minute. Kahn nevertheless won the Lev Yashin Award for the best goalkeeper of the tournament, and became the first goalkeeper in history to win the Golden Ball for the best individual performance. [ 11 ] He also became the first German goalkeeper to keep five clean sheets in a World Cup tournament. Kahn maintained his number one spot for Euro 2004, but Germany were once again eliminated in the group stage. Oliver Kahn gave up his captaincy to Michael Ballack after the tournament.

Since then, Kahn had lost his status as the first choice goalkeeper for the national team, with team manager Jürgen Klinsmann rotating the number one spot between Kahn and his longtime competitor whom he had been attempting to fend off, Jens Lehmann of Arsenal. On 7 April 2006 Klinsmann announced Lehmann was his first-choice goalkeeper for the 2006 World Cup. Kahn decided to stay on as a backup for the competition. Despite their acrimonious pre-tournament battle for Germany’s starting role, Kahn openly accepted Klinsmann’s decision. Kahn and Lehmann embraced and shook hands as the former offered words of encouragement before the quarter-final penalty shootout against Argentina. In the postgame conference, Kahn publicly praised Lehmann for his two decisive penalty saves.

After Germany was eliminated in the semi-finals by Italy, Kahn was given the start for the Third Place play-offs held on 8 July 2006. Kahn was also the captain of the team in the absence of the injured Michael Ballack, and so earned his last international appearance for Germany, who defeated Portugal 3-1. Although overshadowed by Bastian Schweinsteiger’s game-winning performance in the match, Kahn played to a high standard, pulling off several saves throughout the match. Kahn deflected a shot by Portuguese forward Pauleta after he beat the German defence, and he later saved Deco’s shot made from just inside the box. [ 12 ] Following the match, Oliver Kahn announced his retirement from the German National Team. Throughout his international career he earned 86 caps for Germany, including 50 as team captain. He never won a World Cup, but finished as runner-up in 2002 and third in 2006.

Personal life

Kahn was born in Karlsruhe. In 2003, Kahn split with his wife Simone, with whom he has had two children. In 2009 he announced that they will get a divorce. [ 13 ]

His father Rolf Kahn is former professional player for Karlsruher SC.

Popular culture

Kahn is the subject of the song Olli Kahn by the German pop group Die Prinzen, [ 14 ] which was recorded during the 2002 World Cup. The song was later covered by Die Toten Hosen, another popular German band.

  • Kahn was sent off in an incident against Hansa Rostock on 3 March 2001. With his Bayern Munich team losing 2-3 in the final minutes, he snuck into the area during a corner kick, jumped up, and punched the ball into the opponent’s net. He immediately received his second yellow card of the game. [ 15 ][ 16 ]
  • Prior to a 2006 match against Arminia Bielefeld in Munich, fellow Bayern Munich goalkeeper Michael Rensing peppered Kahn with practice shots. One shot hit Kahn squarely in the eye, causing enough swelling and discoloration to keep him from taking the field. With Rensing in goal, Bayern Munich won the match 2-0. [ 17 ]
  • During a bad spell for Bayern Munich, Kahn was asked at a press conference what he felt the team lacked; his reply, translated from German, was: "Balls! Balls! We need balls, if you know what I mean."[ 18 ]
  • Kahn is named Kalm on the popular sports game Pro Evolution Soccer 6 as a result of Kahn holding the rights to his image.
  • In the popular Football Manager series (marketed as Worldwide Soccer Manager in the United States) Kahn is known as Jens Mustermann as a result of Kahn holding the rights to his image. Mustermann translates from German into English as Sample Man and is a common placeholder name in Germany and Austria, while Jens is a reference to Jens Lehmann, Kahn’s main international goalkeeping rival.
  • In the LMA Manager Series, Kahn is known as Daniel Schmidt.
  • Has never once scored a goal. Came close to one in the 6-0 mega victory over FC Energie Cottbus on 23 February 2002 in the 90th minute, where he claimed a penalty kick awarded to FC Bayern Munich drawn by Samuel Kuffour, but lucked out and hit the right post. He also came close to scoring in a 1995DFB-Pokal match against Fortuna Düsseldorf. With Bayern 2–1 down and winning a corner with time running out, Kahn ran into the penalty area, connected with the corner, but the header only just went astray of the post by inches. Bayern then went on to concede another goal to lose 3–1.

Career statistics

1 Includes German Super Cup

Bayern Munich

  • Bundesliga: 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2008
  • German Cup: 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2008
  • DFB-Ligapokal: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2004, 2007
  • UEFA Cup: 1996
  • UEFA Champions League: 2001
  • Intercontinental Cup: 2001



  • UEFA Champions League Man of the Match: 2001
  • UEFA Fair-Play Award: 2001
  • German Footballer of the Year: 2000, 2001
  • Runner Up FIFA World Player of the Year: 2002
  • IFFHS World's Best Goalkeeper: 1999, 2001, 2002
  • Best European Goalkeeper: 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002
  • European Footballer of the Year Bronze Ball: 2001, 2002
  • UEFA Club Football Awards - Best Goalkeeper: 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002
  • Best Bundesliga Keeper: 1994, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002
  • FIFA World Cup Golden Ball: 2002
  • Yashin Award: 2002
  • FIFA World Cup awards: All-Star Team 2002
  • FIFA 100


  1. ^"Oliver Kahn" (in German). fussballdaten.de . http://fussballdaten.de/spieler/kahnoliver/ . Retrieved 3 October 2009 .
  2. ^ Marc Heidenreich (15 April 2003). "Training mit "King Kahn"" (in German). ZDF.de . http://www.zdf.de/ZDFde/inhalt/5/0,1872,2042053,00.html . Retrieved 11 November 2007 .
  3. ^"Der Titan sagt Servus" (in German). Vanity Fair. 13 July 2007 . http://www.vanityfair.de/articles/agenda/oliver-kahn/2007/07/13/02085/ . Retrieved 11 November 2007 .
  4. ^"Modern great Kahn bids adieu in Kolkata". FC Bayern Munich Website. 27 May 2008 . http://www.fcbayern.t-home.de/en/news/news/2008/16419.php?fcb_sid=f27cc1e25c50252f8a7c7f56b8193c9d . Retrieved 24 July 2008 .
  5. ^"Bayern dominate awards". BBC Sport Online. 22 August 2001 . http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/low/football/europe/1504731.stm . Retrieved 24 July 2008 .
  6. ^"Kahn legt sich fest: 2008 ist Schluss" (in German). 11freunde.de. 7 January 2007 . http://www.11freunde.de/newsticker/19467 . Retrieved 11 November 2007 .
  7. ^"Bundesliga — Die offizielle Webseite" . http://bundesliga.de/en/statistik/spieler/index.php . Retrieved 11 November 2007 .
  8. ^"Colossus Kahn brings career to an end". FourFourTwo. 16 May 2007 . http://fourfourtwo.com/news/restofeurope/9277/default.aspx . Retrieved 15 May 2008 .
  9. ^"Players Info Kahn". dfb.de . http://www.dfb.de/index.php?action=search&liga=Nationalmannschaft&id=500397&lang=E&no_cache=1&name=%3BKahn&gegner= . Retrieved 26 June 2009 .
  10. ^"Awesome England thrash Germany". BBC Sport. 1 September 2001 . http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/1515667.stm . Retrieved 3 November 2009 .
  11. ^"Kahn wins Golden Ball award". BBC Sport. 2 July 2002 . http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport3/worldcup2002/hi/team_pages/germany/newsid_2081000/2081522.stm . Retrieved 3 November 2009 .
  12. ^"Germany 3-1 Portugal". BBC Sport. 8 July 2006 . http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/world_cup_2006/4991644.stm . Retrieved 3 November 2009 .
  13. ^"Oliver Kahn lässt sich scheiden" (in German). spiegel.de. 17 August 2009 . http://www.spiegel.de/panorama/leute/0,1518,643360,00.html . Retrieved 4 October 2009 .
  14. ^"Olli Kahn". Amazon.co.uk . http://www.amazon.co.uk/Olli-Kahn-Die-Prinzen/dp/B000065CZS/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1205689221&sr=1-6 . Retrieved 24 July 2008 .
  15. ^"Arsenal boss has a striking dilemma". Dispatch Online. 6 March 2001 . http://www.dispatch.co.za/2001/03/06/sport/SOCCER2.HTM . Retrieved 11 November 2007 .
  16. ^"Spiele von Oliver Kahn 2000/2001" (in German) . http://www.fussballdaten.de/spieler/kahnoliver/2001/ . Retrieved 11 November 2007 .
  17. ^"Quirky Injuries". goalkeepersaredifferent.com . http://www.goalkeepersaredifferent.com/keeper/injuries.htm . Retrieved 11 November 2007 .
  18. ^ Christoph Ries (26 April 2007). ""Eier, wir brauchen Eier"" (in German). 11freunde.de . http://www.11freunde.de/bundesligen/101381 . Retrieved 28 August 2007 .

External links

  • Career stats at fussballdaten.de (German)
  • Official website
  • FootballDatabase provides Oliver Kahn's profile and stats
  • Autograph Oliver Kahn
  • Kahn caricature (German)

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Zum Geburtstag: Kahns Handschuhe

Erstellt am 14.06.2015 um 09:56 Uhr

Oliver Kahn war bisher noch kein Stammgast der FC Bayern Erlebniswelt – im Gegenteil: Der ehemalige Welttorhüter war vor zwei Wochen tatsächlich zum allerersten Mal im Vereinsmuseum des FC Bayern. Als er die Ausstellung durch den Zeittunnel betrat, wusste er noch nicht, was ihn erwartet. Aber als er nach ein paar Stunden wieder ging, war er begeistert.

„Ein Lieblingsexponat?“ fragte Kahn, als er danach gefragt wurde – und musste nicht lange überlegen: „Natürlich etwas von 2001.“ Damals, in der magischen Nacht von Mailand, erlebte Kahn den wohl schönsten Erfolg im Bayern-Trikot. Und als er die Koje zum Triumph im Champions-League-Finale 2001 betrat, wusste Kahn auch sofort: „Mein Lieblingsexponat sind die Handschuhe, die ich damals getragen habe. Mit ihnen habe ich den Höhepunkt meiner Karriere erlebt.“

Es war ein umkämpftes Spiel an jenem 23. Mai 2001 im Giuseppe-Meazza-Stadion gegen den FC Valencia. Die Bayern gerieten früh in Rückstand, glichen durch Stefan Effenberg aber auch schnell aus. Verlängerung, Elfmeterschießen – und dann: Ein überragender Oliver Kahn. Der ehemalige Nationaltorhüter, danach zum besten Spieler des Endspiels ausgezeichnet, hielt drei Elfmeter, die Partie endete 5:4 im Elfmeterschießen. Legendär war Kahn schon vor dem Titelgewinn, er setzte einer großartigen Karriere aber noch mal die Krone auf. Die Handschuhe aus dem Finale sollen daher, pünktlich zu Kahns 46. Geburtstag an diesem Montag, unser Exponat der Woche sein.

Heute ist Kahn Ehrenspielführer

Nicht nur wegen seiner Sprüche („Eier, wir brauchen Eier!“), sondern natürlich wegen seiner herausragenden sportlichen Erfolge ist Kahn unbestritten ein großer Star. Der gebürtige Karlsruher wechselte nach 128 Bundesligaspielen für den Karlsruher SC 1994 nach München. In seinen folgenden 14 Jahren beim FC Bayern brachte er es auf acht deutsche Meistertitel. Den DFB-Pokal gewann Kahn sechs Mal. International konnte er seiner Vita neben dem Gewinn der Champions League (2001) den Weltpokals (2001) und den UEFA-Cup (1996) hinzufügen. Nach 557 Bundesligaeinsätzen beendete „King Kahn“ seine Karriere im September 2008 – seitdem ist er Ehrenspielführer des FC Bayern.

Die Spieler des FC Bayern und der deutschen Nationalmannschaft standen Spalier, als Kahn den Platz bei seinem Abschiedsspiel in der 76. Minute verließ. „Es war ein klasse Abschied für Oliver, der mir immer imponiert hat. Er wird allen fehlen, ganz sicher“, sagte Bundestrainer Joachim Löw am Tag des Abschiedsspiels über den 68-maligen Nationalspieler. Zumindest in der FC Bayern Erlebniswelt ist er aber weiterhin Tag für Tag zu sehen. Zum Glück!

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Oliver Kahn Angry

Sub now: http://redirect.bundesliga.com/_bwBd Although Oliver Kahn was one of the best goalkeepers in the world, his aggressive style and manner were not so .

German Soccer: Oliver Kahn's Best Freakouts.

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Show the other epic Oliver Kahn Storytelling Video /watch?v=8_h_qxzq5ic Or just the cool /watch?v=gzUmh9yQEvM /watch?v=X6c_ui6aefQ Mit meinen .

Sub now: http://redirect.bundesliga.com/_bwBd He is the goalkeeping titan: Oliver Kahn. Lots of you asked to see the legendary keeper's best saves, but it wasn't .

This is my second tribute to the best goalkeeper in the world Oliver Kahn The Wining Mind: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkTsvBx9k2U SOUNDTRACKS: .

Wo ist Lothar Matthäus? Die beiden Torwart-Legenden Oliver Kahn und Peter Schmeichel sprechen über das Champions-League-Finale überhaupt.

GKShowcase - No.1 Goalkeeper HDTV Channel! ▻ Subscribe: http://bit.ly/1D5nDvo ▻ Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GKShowcase ▻ Follow .

Bayern VS getafi 3#3, the joy of oliver kahn. Oliver Kahn Fights with Van Bommel.

I DO NOT OWN RIGHTS FOR CLIPS AND MUSIC! All rights of video clips belong to BUNDESLIGA, UEFA, and FIFA & All rights of music belong to their .

Bayern München vs. FC Schalke 04 2:0 27.Spieltag 2006/2007 - 31.03.2007 Kahn vs. Neuer.

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My other videos Last Minute Goals https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZDtg. Footballers and their superhero equivalents .

Sub now: http://redirect.bundesliga.com/_bwBd Here's legendary goalkeeper Oliver Kahn with one of his infamous moments: He couldn't bear his FC Bayern .

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Sub now: Although Oliver Kahn was one of the best goalkeepers in the world, his aggressive style and manner were not so . German Soccer: Oliver Kahns Best .

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The 2nd part of the Angry Goalkeepers has arrived! Featuring *Volkan Demirel *Jens Lehmann *Jose Luis Chilavert and some more furious gentlemen between .

Oliver Kahn wird nach einem 0:2 auf Schalke auf die Gründe für die Niederlage angesprochen - was dann folgte ist legendär: "Eier, wir brauchen Eier."

Germany's Oliver Kahn would rather console an opposing player than revel in what was the crowning moment of his long and distinguished career.

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