Demeter-Eier vom Bauckhof
So werden Überweidung der Flächen und damit verbundener Krankheitsdruck vermieden.
Zusätzlich gehört zu jedem Stall ein Wintergarten, in dem die Hennen im Sand baden und Körner picken können.
Der Auslauf ist bei fast jedem Wetter und ganzjährig möglich.
Demeter-Qualität vom Bauckhof -
Transparenz vom Küken bis zum Ei
- mit allen Stallnummern und Daten
Bauckhof Klein Süstedt
Erzeugercode: 0-DE-0330251, 0-DE-0330252, 0-DE-0330253, 0-DE-0330254, 0-DE-0330255, 0-DE-0330256
Erzeugercode: 0-DE-52-1113, 0-DE-52-1112, 0-DE-52-1111
Ein Hühnerleben in Würde
Scharren auf dem Hühnerhof gehört zu einem artgerechten Hühnerleben dazu. Und so ist Auslauf für unsere Hühner selbstverständlich. Damit die scheuen Fluchttiere den Auslauf auch nutzen, wird dieser mit Sträuchern oder anderen Versteckmöglichkeiten für die Hühner ausgestattet. Da Hühner nicht bei jedem Wetter vor die Tür mögen, gibt es zudem einen überdachten Außenklimabereich zum Scharren und Spazieren. Im Stall sorgen Scharrflächen und Sitzstangen für Abwechslung, maximal 3000 Legehennen leben bei Demeter unter einem Dach. Hält der Hof nur eine kleine Herde Hühner, wird der Hühnerstall durch die reguläre Demeter-/Biokontrolle mit begutachtet. Ab 1000 Legehennen schicken wir zur Abnahme des Stalles einen spezialisierten Kontrolleur auf den Hof, der sich mit Geflügel besonders auskennt. Detaillierte Informationen zur Geflügelhaltung.
Das Öko-Huhn von morgen
Zusammen mit Bioland hat Demeter die Ökologische Tierzucht gGmbH gegründet, die für Bio-Eier von Anfang an sorgt. Die Initiative hat das Ziel ein dem Ökologischen Landbau angepasstes Huhn zu züchten. Die Hühner sollen gut mit ökologischem Futter auskommen, robust sein und sich gerne im Freien aufhalten. Letztlich soll durch die Zucht eine Alternative zum Kükentöten entstehen: ein Zweinutzungshuhn, das sowohl Fleisch ansetzt, als auch Eier legt und eine Legehenne, deren Brüder als sogenannte Bruderhähne großgezogen werden.
Ein ökologisches Leben für die Zuchttiere
Die Ökologische Tierzucht verhilft außerdem den Eltern der Legehennen, also den Zuchttieren, zu einem Leben im Herdenverband. Zuchttiere werden sonst in Einzelkäfigen gehalten, um genaue Informationen über die Hühner zu sammeln: Wie viel fressen die Tiere? Wie schwer? Wie viele Eier legen sie? Wie groß sind die Eier? Wie dick ist die Schale? Die Zuchttiere der Ökologischen Tierzucht hingegen können sich frei bewegen und leben in einem Herdenverband. Mit einem aufwendigen System werden die gelegten Eier den jeweiligen Hühnern zugeordnet, um wichtige Informationen für die Zucht zu sammeln. So bietet die Ökologische Tierzucht eine Alternative zu industriellen Zuchtstrukturen. Und die Gemeinnützigkeit garantiert, dass die Zucht in Bauernhand bleibt.
Pluspunkte für Demeter-Geflügelhaltung
- 100 Prozent Bio-Futter mit 70 % Demeter-Anteil
- Täglich Körnerfutter zum Scharren und Picken
- Mehr Platz auf den Stangen, am Futtertrog, bei den Tränken als in der EU-Öko-VO
- Mehrklimazonenstall mit Tageslicht, Laufhof, Auslauf
- Täglicher Zugang zu Außenklimabereich und Auslauf
- Maximal 3000 Tiere pro Stall
- Schnäbel-Kupieren oder -Touchieren untersagt
- Hähne in jeder Hennenherde
- Junghennen werden ausschließlich bei Demeter-Junghennenaufzüchtern zugekauft oder selber aufgezogen (Ausnahme Rassegeflügel)
- Demeter arbeitet intensiv am Aufbau biodynamischer Elternherden, eigener Brütereien, Junghennenaufzucht und Entwicklung einer Zweinutzungsrasse
Sie möchten Ihre Hühner biodynamisch halten? Dann finden Sie hier nähere Informationen. Wenn Sie Tiere der Ökologischen Tierzucht gGmbH halten möchten, finden Sie hier Informationen.
Ein Hühnerleben in Würde
Scharren auf dem Hühnerhof gehört zu einem artgerechten Hühnerleben dazu. Und so ist Auslauf für unsere Hühner selbstverständlich. Damit die scheuen Fluchttiere den Auslauf auch nutzen, wird dieser mit Sträuchern oder anderen Versteckmöglichkeiten für die Hühner ausgestattet. Da Hühner nicht bei jedem Wetter vor die Tür mögen, gibt es zudem einen überdachten Außenklimabereich zum Scharren und Spazieren. Im Stall sorgen Scharrflächen und Sitzstangen für Abwechslung, maximal 3000 Legehennen leben bei Demeter unter einem Dach. Hält der Hof nur eine kleine Herde Hühner, wird der Hühnerstall durch die reguläre Demeter-/Biokontrolle mit begutachtet. Ab 1000 Legehennen schicken wir zur Abnahme des Stalles einen spezialisierten Kontrolleur auf den Hof, der sich mit Geflügel besonders auskennt. Detaillierte Informationen zur Geflügelhaltung.
Das Öko-Huhn von morgen
Zusammen mit Bioland hat Demeter die Ökologische Tierzucht gGmbH gegründet, die für Bio-Eier von Anfang an sorgt. Die Initiative hat das Ziel ein dem Ökologischen Landbau angepasstes Huhn zu züchten. Die Hühner sollen gut mit ökologischem Futter auskommen, robust sein und sich gerne im Freien aufhalten. Letztlich soll durch die Zucht eine Alternative zum Kükentöten entstehen: ein Zweinutzungshuhn, das sowohl Fleisch ansetzt, als auch Eier legt und eine Legehenne, deren Brüder als sogenannte Bruderhähne großgezogen werden.
Ein ökologisches Leben für die Zuchttiere
Die Ökologische Tierzucht verhilft außerdem den Eltern der Legehennen, also den Zuchttieren, zu einem Leben im Herdenverband. Zuchttiere werden sonst in Einzelkäfigen gehalten, um genaue Informationen über die Hühner zu sammeln: Wie viel fressen die Tiere? Wie schwer? Wie viele Eier legen sie? Wie groß sind die Eier? Wie dick ist die Schale? Die Zuchttiere der Ökologischen Tierzucht hingegen können sich frei bewegen und leben in einem Herdenverband. Mit einem aufwendigen System werden die gelegten Eier den jeweiligen Hühnern zugeordnet, um wichtige Informationen für die Zucht zu sammeln. So bietet die Ökologische Tierzucht eine Alternative zu industriellen Zuchtstrukturen. Und die Gemeinnützigkeit garantiert, dass die Zucht in Bauernhand bleibt.
Pluspunkte für Demeter-Geflügelhaltung
- 100 Prozent Bio-Futter mit 70 % Demeter-Anteil
- Täglich Körnerfutter zum Scharren und Picken
- Mehr Platz auf den Stangen, am Futtertrog, bei den Tränken als in der EU-Öko-VO
- Mehrklimazonenstall mit Tageslicht, Laufhof, Auslauf
- Täglicher Zugang zu Außenklimabereich und Auslauf
- Maximal 3000 Tiere pro Stall
- Schnäbel-Kupieren oder -Touchieren untersagt
- Hähne in jeder Hennenherde
- Junghennen werden ausschließlich bei Demeter-Junghennenaufzüchtern zugekauft oder selber aufgezogen (Ausnahme Rassegeflügel)
- Demeter arbeitet intensiv am Aufbau biodynamischer Elternherden, eigener Brütereien, Junghennenaufzucht und Entwicklung einer Zweinutzungsrasse
Sie möchten Ihre Hühner biodynamisch halten? Dann finden Sie hier nähere Informationen. Wenn Sie Tiere der Ökologischen Tierzucht gGmbH halten möchten, finden Sie hier Informationen.
Warum wir uns die Bruderhähne schmecken lassen sollten
Hahn, Huhn, Ei – die drei gehören zusammen. Eigentlich eine Selbstverständlichkeit, aber im Alltag allzu häufig nicht im Bewusstsein.
Demeter eier
In Germany a practical apprenticeship or training available only in German speaking areas is on offer. Information is available at
In Holland Warmonderhof offers a full time Biodynamic training that is recognised by countries throughout Europe. Information at:
In Belgium, in the North part of the country (Flanders - Dutch speaking) Landwijzer Training Centre offers a 2-years apprenticeship in organic and biodynamic agriculture (mixed farming). The training offers a basic foundation on biodynamic farming. See:
In France there is a two year accredited Biodynamic training starting every year either in the region Alsace or Maine-et-Loire. The training gives an official farming diploma, and is supported by a network of 50 biodynamic farms for practical work placements. Information at:
In the United Kingdom of Great Britain there is the Biodynamic Agricultural College - - which is now the main provider of BD training in the UK.
It is offering an online training, that allows access to Biodynamic professional development from anywhere in the world.
And it runs the certified two year work based “Diploma in Biodynamic Farming and Gardening”. This farm and garden based training is a hands-on learning supplemented by guided study and seminars.The objective of the course is to gain basic agricultural / horticultural skills, understand the principles and practice of biodynamic techniques and create a foundation for developing an independent understanding of the earth, life and human beings from a spiritual perspective. The Diploma is certified by Crossfields Institute and regulated and accredited by the UK OFQUAL (education regulatory body) at UK level3 and EU level4. The BD training started in the early 1990's and has been certified since 2010. The tutors are professionals in their area of expertise and predominantly experienced BD farmers and gardeners.
The Biodynamic specialist training in Switzerland takes four and a half years and is aimed at students who are seeking to combine a vocational training course that includes cultural and developmental components. It finishes with the same degree as that offered by the Ministry of Education and Technology (Bundesamt für Bildung und Technologie, BBT) recognised in Switzerland as “Specialist for Biodynamic Agriculture”. This allows a higher agricultural career designation - comparable in Switzerland to the level of Agricultural farm manager. More information is available at:
Biodynamic training in Austria includes training possibilities at different levels:
- Professional development for practising Biodynamic farmers and those converting to Demeter
- University courses: lectures cycles with seminar sections for students and other interested people.
- Training courses: the basic course on offer consists of several modules, covering perception, experience and recognition of Biodynamic agriculture in theory and praxis.
- Specialist training for those converting to Demeter.
In the USA courses are offered at the Pfeiffer Center The mission of the Pfeiffer Center is to practice, teach and spread awareness of the Biodynamic method of agriculture and land care.
Furthermore there is a 10 month program on Regenerative Organic Agriculture.This program will have 3 months of classroom teaching ( one month is on Biodynamic Agriculture course in collaboration with Demeter USA), 6 months of field work and a month of apprenticeship.
Rudolf Steiner College as a center for Biodynamic Education,we proudly offer a comprehensive selection of Biodynamic Workshops and Events, Evening Study Groups, a Biodynamic Farm Apprenticeship Program, Farm Visits for school children, Garden Tours and Volunteer Days. Students enrolled at the College also participate in a variety of biodynamic educational activities, including classes and garden work.
In Argentina the "fundamental course" consists of 4 parts, each of them in another place, climate zone and farm, and each of one week duration. Information at The students are encouraged to do stages in Biodynamic farms.
An intensive course of six weeks, and one week courses in Brasil are organised by for weekend courses please see :
Taruna In New Zealand has been running courses in Organics and Biodynamics for 21 years. The current format, in its 8th year and unique in the world, focuses on individual solutions tailored for those currently working the land (or aspiring to) alongside a wider exploration of organic and Biodynamic principles. The Certificate in Applied Organics & Biodynamics at Taruna is for those who do not have time to engage with a full-time programme but still want to integrate these principles into their approach to land management.
Spread over 32 weeks, the programme consists of three 8-day seminars combined with home-based study, where you apply what you’ve learned to your individual situation. In between the 2 nd and 3 rd seminars, you will receive a consultancy visit from a qualified tutor at your own property for a discussion and recommendations.
International vacant situations and internship advertisements are under jobs on this website - you can also insert an ad of your own.
Demeter eier
haben. Durch viele neue Ideen, Produkte und Tätigkeitsfelder sind die Aufgaben und das Angebot immer vielfältiger geworden.
Wir möchten Ihnen hier einen Einblick in unseren nachhaltig wirtschaftenden Demeter-, Naturland- und Bioland-zertifizierten Bio-Betrieb geben.
Mit unserer Arbeit wollen wir auch einen Beitrag leisten für ein ökologisch verantwortungsvolles, qualitätsbewusstes und sozial gerechtes Leben. Artgerechte Tierhaltung, nachhaltige Produkte, Transparenz und die Zufriedenheit unserer Kunden liegen uns sehr am Herzen.
Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Spaß beim Lesen und freuen uns auf Ihre Anregungen, Fragen und konstruktive Kritik.
Financial advisors to and investors in
Industry Specialization
We have deep e xperience in Beverage Alcohol with a focus on luxury and innovative brands
We partner with entrepreneurs years before a transaction because we understand that brand building requires patience to refine positioning through testing & learning and to develop community advocacy
Strategic Guidance
We bring our deep understanding of proven business models within the industry to help you navigate the challenges of rapid growth so you make the right strategic decisions at the right time
Corporate Development Mindset
We draw upon our roots and relationships as corporate development advisors to help you generate “quality” growth that maximizes exit value and strategic options
We have deep e xperience in Beverage Alcohol with a focus on luxury and innovative brands
We partner with entrepreneurs years before a transaction because we understand that brand building requires patience to refine positioning through testing & learning and to develop community advocacy
We bring our deep understanding of proven business models within the industry to help you navigate the challenges of rapid growth so you make the right strategic decisions at the right time
We draw upon our roots and relationships as corporate development advisors to help you generate “quality” growth that maximizes exit value and strategic options
What We Do
M&A Advisory
- M&A advisory for luxury Wine & Spirits brands in the U.S.
- Transact primarily with the world’s leading brand marketers
- $165 million average transaction size
Growth Investing
- Investments range from $3 - $25 million in Spirits companies
What We've Done
Jeff is Founder and CEO of Demeter Group, the San Francisco-based merchant bank providing M&A advisory services and minority growth capital to luxury Wine & Spirits brands. He has 19 years of investment banking and corporate development advisory experience and has advised on transactions with a total value exceeding $3.5 billion. Jeff is a member of Tate Modern's North American Acquisitions Committee and is Founding Sponsor of the Business of Wine Video Series at Sonoma State University's Wine Business Institute. Previously, he was Chairman of Teach the Teachers Collaborative, the K-12 education technology initiative financially supported by a $12 million gift from Safeway. He has a B.S. in Economics from Georgetown University and is an alumnus of The Thacher School.
Marc has over seven years of investment banking and corporate development advisory experience with Demeter Group, where he has advised on transactions with a total value exceeding $1.2 billion. Marc graduated with a B.A. in Economics and Communication of Science and Technology from Vanderbilt University.
Kevin has over five years of investment banking experience advising Consumer companies on M&A. Prior to Demeter Group, Kevin was an investment banker with North Point Advisors. He has advised on transactions with a total value exceeding $3.0 billion. Kevin has a B.S. in Applied Economics and Management with a specialization in finance from Cornell University.
Jodi has over 20 years of management and financial analysis experience in the public and private sectors. Prior to Demeter Group, Jodi worked at the Congressional Budget Office, Laguna Research Associates, and as a consultant providing financial and accounting services to businesses and organizations. Jodi has a B.A. in Economics from the University of California at Berkeley and an M.A. from the University of Minnesota.
Demeter Group Advises Woodinville Whiskey Company on its Sale to.
Demeter Group Advises Woodinville Whiskey Company on its Sale to Moët Hennessy
San Francisco, CA – (July 17, 2017) – Demeter Group, the San Francisco-based investment bank for premium Wine & Spirits companies, today announced that it acted as exclusive financial advisor to Woodinville Whiskey Company (WWC) on its sale to Moët Hennessy. Financial terms of the transaction were not disclosed.
Mr. Christophe Navarre, President and CEO of Moët Hennessy said, “ We are convinced that Woodinville fits very well within the Moët Hennessy portfolio. Orlin and Brett have done a great job to establish Woodinville Whiskey as an iconic brand in Washington state with significant potential for expanded distribution through our US and international networks. While we are no strangers to whiskey, with our Glenmorangie and Ardbeg single malts, we have much to learn from Orlin and Brett about American distilling and look forward to this important new partnership.”
Mr. Orlin Sorensen added, “We are very proud about what we have accomplished since founding Woodinville Whiskey Company just a few years ago. As we considered the many strategic opportunities before us, it was clear that being part of the Moët Hennessy portfolio and distribution network will allow us to reach our goals much more quickly. Brett and I are thrilled to continue leading the business and to be part of the accelerated growth we expect to achieve as part of Moët Hennessy, and its parent LVMH, the world’s leading luxury goods company.”
Since its founding, WWC has been based in the namesake town of Woodinville, Washington, a robust beverage alcohol hub of more than 100 wineries, microbreweries, distilleries, and cideries with more than 300,000 annual visitors. The new state of the art distillery and tasting room were completed in 2014. The company’s barrel warehouses are based in Quincy, Washington, where local resources are plentiful, and climatic conditions facilitate the aging process.
WWC’s Rye and Bourbon Whiskies are matured for at least five years. Having relied primarily on sales of its Micro Barreled Bourbon and Rye, the company was able to launch its 5-year-old Straight Bourbon in 2015, which was immediately crowned “Whiskey of the Year” for 2016 by the American Distilling Institute. Its 5-year-old Straight Rye followed in 2016, and that was named as Best Rye Whiskey for 2017, also by the American Distilling Institute.
Wine Business Institute Launches History-Making Video Series on L.
Wine Business Institute Launches History-Making Video Series on Leadership
Demeter Group to Provide $125,000 Gift as Founding Sponsor
Rohnert Park, California – (November 8, 2016) – The Wine Business Institute (WBI) at Sonoma State University (SSU) today announced the launch of a video interview series as part of its educational curriculum based on real-world case studies in leadership. The Business of Wine Video Series is under development by the Emmy Award-winning team of Dennis Scholl and Marlon Johnson, to provide a multifaceted look at top business leaders in the global wine industry in the areas of Leadership, Innovation, Sales and Marketing, Mergers and Acquisitions, Finance, Legal, Tax and Accounting, and Media and Communications. Demeter Group, the San Francisco investment bank to premium Wine & Spirits companies, is providing a $125,000 gift as Founding Sponsor of the project.
The individual 30-minute interviews and key learning vignettes will be edited for faculty to integrate into their teaching curriculum for the classroom, online learning, and broadcast in the Wine Spectator Learning Center, the new home of the Wine Business Institute set to open in 2017. The $9.15 million project was financed in part by an initial $3 million contribution from the Wine Spectator Scholarship Foundation.
“As the educational nucleus of the global wine industry, it’s our privilege to showcase the passion and experience of wine’s greatest leaders for the benefit of its next generation. This series gets beyond the romance of farming and winemaking to show how and why leaders make their decisions, what key challenges they face and overcome, and the skills needed to sustain their success in an evolving industry,” Dr. William S. Silver, Dean of the School of Business and Economics said.
The first seven interviews concluded with Andy Beckstoffer of Beckstoffer Vineyards, Bill Phelps of Joseph Phelps Vineyards, Joel and Sarah Gott of Joel Gott Wines, Mike Grgich of Grgich Hills Estate, Mike Benziger of Benziger Family Winery, Frank Farella of Farella Braun + Martel, and Mark Couchman of Silverado Winegrowers. Confirmed interviews in 2017 include Bill Newlands of Constellation Brands, John Dyson of Williams Selyem, Dario Sattui of V. Sattui Winery, Bill Hatcher of A to Z Wineworks, Darioush Khaledi of Darioush Winery, and Charles Smith of K Vintners, among others.
Each interview delves into the subject’s entry into the world of wine, their achievements, and setbacks. Specific discussion will be based around the difficulty of transitioning a family business to the next generation, the complexity of wine transactions, how wine is successfully marketed to today’s consumer, and factors that separate great brands from good brands. Additional discussion will include the role of technology in the selling and marketing of wine, how innovation is developed within the industry, and the constantly evolving relationships among vineyard, facility, and brand.
The Wine Business Institute is an education and research institute of the School of Business and Economics (SBE). SSU is the first institution of higher learning in the U.S. to offer professional certificates and degrees specializing in the business of wine. It is the first school of business in the world to offer an executive-level wine business degree.
The Business of Wine Video Series was unveiled on October 27 at an invitation-only dinner for the subject interviewees, as well as 100 CEOs of leading U.S. wine companies. For more information regarding the Business of Wine video series, the Wine Spectator Learning Center project, or for information regarding wine business education programs and degrees, please contact 707-664-3235 or, or visit
Demeter Group Advises Charles Smith Wines on Sale to Constellatio.
Demeter Group Advises Charles Smith Wines on Sale to Constellation Brands
San Francisco, CA - (October 17, 2016) - Demeter Group, the San Francisco-based investment bank for premium Beverage Alcohol companies, today announced that it acted as exclusive financial advisor to Charles Smith Wines on the sale of five super and ultra premium wines - Kung Fu Girl Riesling, The Velvet Devil Merlot, Boom Boom! Syrah, Eve Chardonnay and Chateau Smith Cabernet Sauvignon - to Constellation Brands for approximately $120 million. The transaction is expected to close in October.
Charles Smith started the core collection of Charles Smith Wines in 2006 with the goal to create high quality, varietal specific wines true to the place of origin at a price point for everyone to enjoy. These Washington State wines are full of flavor, balanced and approachable, and have consistently garnered 90+ scores by leading industry critics. The largest wine, Kung Fu Girl, is the #2 super premium Riesling growing retail sales at 45 percent over the last year. The wine has scored 90+ points for the past seven vintages and has been twice named a Wine Spectator Top 100 wine. Boom Boom! Syrah is the #1 ultra premium Syrah with IRI dollar sales growth of more than 50 percent while Velvet Devil Merlot is the #2 super premium Washington State Merlot and is outpacing sales growth of the leading brand in this category.
Smith will assist Constellation Brands under a consulting agreement as winemaker to maintain the high quality and consistency of the wines and will work with Constellation Brands to help drive further innovation across its wine portfolio.
“Charles Smith is a visionary in the wine business and we are excited to welcome him to Constellation Brands and bring these wines to a larger audience,” said Bill Newlands, president, wine and spirits division, Constellation Brands. “With the addition of this collection, we strengthen our core wine portfolio and augment our innovation capabilities to stay ahead of consumer trends. I am looking forward to working with Charles and tapping into his creative genius to fuel our wine innovation.”
“I created Charles Smith Wines so that everyone could experience a great tasting, quality wine, at an affordable price,” said founder Charles Smith. “The quality of grapes in Washington State is incredible, and I have been able to put the best wines I can in a bottle for people to enjoy. Constellation Brands has a proven track record of acquiring and working with brands and companies to help them reach the next level. With Constellation Brands, we now have the opportunity to share these wines with the world.”
The wines are sourced from prime vineyards across Columbia Valley and are produced in several custom crush facilities in Washington. Sustainable practices are utilized in both the vineyards and in the winemaking process for all of these wines. The following wines are not included in this deal and will continue to be nurtured and developed by Charles Smith's company: Wines of Substance, ViNO, Casa Smith, K Vintners, SIXTO and B. Leighton.
Wine Enthusiast named Smith, a former rock band manager, Winemaker of the Year in 2014 and Food & Wine bestowed the same honor in 2009.
Demeter Group Advises Constellation Brands on its Acquisition of.
Demeter Group Advises Constellation Brands on its Acquisition of High West Distillery
San Francisco, CA – (October 6, 2016) – Demeter Group, the San Francisco-based investment bank for premium Beverage Alcohol companies, today announced that it acted as buy-side advisor to Constellation Brands on its acquisition of High West Distillery.
The acquisition includes all of High West's operations and its portfolio of distinctive, award-winning and high-end American straight whiskeys. With High West, which has experienced double-digit volume growth year over year for the past three years, Constellation Brands enters the dynamic and profitable high-end craft whiskey segment. The transaction is expected to close by the end of October.
"High West's whiskeys are high-end, distinctive and delicious - perfect for today's knowledgeable consumer who enjoys artfully crafted whiskeys," said Bill Newlands, president, wine and spirits division, Constellation Brands. "With the addition of High West, Constellation Brands bolsters its position in the dynamic and growing craft spirits category. We look forward to welcoming this creative and talented team to Constellation Brands as we work together to drive growth for High West and build our premium spirits portfolio with brands that consumers love."
The High West portfolio sells approximately 70,000 cases annually. The portfolio includes four core High West Whiskey products: American Prairie Bourbon, Double Rye!, Rendezvous Rye and Campfire, the only blend of Scotch, bourbon and rye whiskeys on the market. In addition, High West Distillery produces several limited edition whiskeys.
Demeter Group Advises Copain Wines on Sale to Jackson Family Wines
Demeter Group Advises Copain Wines on Sale to Jackson Family Wines
San Francisco, CA – (May 17, 2016) – Demeter Group, the San Francisco-based investment bank for premium Beverage Alcohol companies, today announced that it acted as exclusive financial advisor to Copain Wines, the acclaimed Healdsburg winery and tasting room specializing in vineyard-designated wines from Anderson Valley, on its sale to Jackson Family Wines. Under the direction of Winemaker Wells Guthrie, who founded the winery in 1999, Copain combines French stylistic sensibilities with the best sustainably-farmed California fruit to craft wines – most notably Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Syrah – that are well balanced and food friendly. The acquisition of Copain Wines allows Jackson Family Wines to expand its portfolio with the addition of a stylistically-unique winery producing balanced, expressive, lower alcohol wines. The specific terms of the agreement were not disclosed.
“Joining the Jackson Family Wines portfolio is an exciting and logical next step as we look toward the future,” said Guthrie. “We believe the Jackson Family’s commitment to preserving the integrity of what we’ve built, while providing the resources to elevate our wines, will be a winning combination as we look to promote our style of winemaking on a broader scale.”
“My family and I were impressed by Wells’ exceptional wines and his dedication to producing wines that display a distinct expression of their vineyard site,” said Barbara Banke, chairman and proprietor of Jackson Family Wines. “The addition of Copain Wines and their impeccably balanced, classically styled wines is an exciting complement to our portfolio. We see significant opportunities for growth and look forward to collaborating with Wells and his team to continue the great work they do.”
Copain Wines will continue to operate and produce as it does currently, with Guthrie remaining in his role as winemaker, with control over winemaking decisions, including grape sourcing. Jackson Family Wines will focus its efforts on providing enhanced sales, marketing, distribution, and back-office administrative support. Copain Wines will be sold and distributed through Jackson Family Wines’ West Burgundy Wine Collective. The Copain Wines tasting room will remain open to visitors by appointment.
The parties anticipate that the transaction will close later this month. Murano Group, a San Francisco-based holding company that invests primarily in branded consumer businesses, was the strategic investor in Copain's growth over the last six years.
Demeter Group Advises The Ranch Winery on Sale to E. & J. Gal.
Demeter Group Advises The Ranch Winery on Sale to E. & J. Gallo Winery
San Francisco, CA - (December 17, 2015) - Demeter Group, the San Francisco-based investment bank for premium Beverage Alcohol and Beauty companies, today announced that it advised The Ranch Winery on its sale to E. & J. Gallo Winery (Gallo). The Ranch Winery is a custom crush winery specializing in both small and large scale production in St. Helena, California. Located within 15 miles of Gallo’s Louis M. Martini and William Hill wineries, The Ranch Winery sits between Highway 29 and the Silverado Trail, making it an ideal location. The property spans more than 70 acres, with a winery facility capable of crushing 30,000 tons of grapes.
In addition to the crush capacity, the acquisition includes 4.6 million cases of bottling capacity and approximately 8 million gallons of storage. Gallo already owns fourteen wineries strategically located in wine regions throughout California and Washington, and this latest purchase supports the company’s desire to have additional premium and luxury capacity in the Napa Valley. As part of the agreement, Gallo will honor all contracts with existing Ranch Winery customers.
According to Roger Nabedian, Senior Vice President and General Manager of Gallo’s Premium Wine Division, “We are excited to have this highly capable winery in close proximity to our other Napa wineries. This purchase supports the company’s continued growth in the super premium and luxury wine segment.” He added, “We look forward to integrating The Ranch Winery into our premium wine strategy and working with the existing customers.”
Demeter Group Recognized For Craft Beer Strategic Insight
Demeter Group Recognized For Craft Beer Strategic Insight
Constellation Brands Makes a $1 Billion Bet on Craft Beer
Reported by Chris Furnari for
November 16, 2015
It took some time, but Constellation Brands (NYSE: STZ) has officially entered the craft beer business, today announcing the $1 billion acquisition of San Diego’s Ballast Point Brewing & Spirits.
Based in Victor, N.Y., Constellation Brands — a cross-category alcoholic beverage company that produces and markets popular brands like Corona Extra, Robert Mondavi Wines and Svedka Vodka — will finance the purchase of Ballast Point with a combination of cash and debt, it said in a statement. The deal is expected to close this year.
It’s a blockbuster transaction — the largest ever in craft — and represents an astonishing $3,500 per barrel multiple, as Ballast Point is expected to produce 290,000 barrels in 2015.
From a cash perspective, it’s also the most any company has shelled out for a craft brewery to date. Heineken paid upwards of $500 million this year for half of Lagunitas Brewing, another California-based craft brewery that will produce almost three times as much liquid as Ballast Point in 2015.
Propelled by $14.99 six-packs of its popular Sculpin IPA, Ballast Point will generate upwards of $115 million in revenue in 2015, according a press statement, making today’s transaction nearly about an 8.7X multiple of annual sales.
Despite the hefty price tag, initial reactions from the financial community appear to be favorable — shares of Constellation traded up 2.3 percent, to $135.26, at the close.
“We are encouraged by STZ’s decision to enter into the craft beer space, which should complement its best in class portfolio of imported beers, including Corona and Modelo Especial,” wrote Vivien Azer, an alcoholic beverage focused analyst with Cowen & Company. “STZ certainly looks to have picked a top brewer with robust growth potential in Ballast Point.”
Ballast Point has grown sales more than 100 percent in 2015 and “delivered gross margin of 51.7 percent,” Azer wrote.
For years, Constellation watched as both domestic and international competitors bought into a fast-growing craft segment, one that research firm Mintel expects to grow by 22 percent, to $24 billion, in 2015.
Many routinely questioned why the country’s third largest beer producer had yet to purchase a craft brewery, especially as rival Anheuser-Busch bought brands like Goose Island, Blue Point, 10 Barrel, Elysian, and Golden Road.
If you follow the timeline all the way back to 2012, you’ll notice Constellation’s interest in the craft segment begin to take shape. In November of that year, CEO Rob Sands told a group of executives attending the Beer Marketers Insights Seminar, held annually in New York City, that his company saw “a lot of opportunity” in the space.
Six months later, and following Constellation’s full acquisition of the Grupo Modelo rights in the U.S., Jeff Menashe, the CEO of Demeter Group, a San Francisco-based investment bank, assembled a presentation about Constellation titled “Why Craft Beer Is Next.” In it, Menashe argued that Constellation would eventually make a craft acquisition, noting that a craft purchase would complement the company’s “import-centric” portfolio.
Despite a flurry of craft merger & acquisition activity over the next two years, Constellation remained quiet. It watched as Duvel Moortgat acquired Boulevard Brewing and Firestone Walker. It saw Heineken enter the space with a 50 percent purchase of Lagunitas and patiently stood by as MillerCoors, the second largest beer producer, acquired fellow San Diego craft producer, Saint Archer.
But Constellation could afford to sit on the sidelines for two big reasons: Corona Extra and Modelo Especial, the fifth and seventh largest beer brands in the U.S., according to market research firm IRI Worldwide.
“Our hair was never on fire to make an acquisition,” Mike McGrew, Constellation’s senior director of communications told Brewbound. “Because of the strong performance of our core business, we had the luxury of taking our time and aligning with a partner that was a great fit for us.”
But as word began to leak that Ballast Point was considering a public offering, even before the company officially filed its S-1 Form with the SEC, Constellation saw an opportunity to finally make a move.
“We had to figure out a way of playing in craft,” McGrew told Brewbound.
So Constellation executives headed west, to California, a rapidly evolving craft marketplace where nearly every major beer company now has a stake in craft (As noted above, A-B owns Golden Road; MillerCoors own Saint Archer; Heineken owns 50 percent of Lagunitas; Duvel Moortgat owns Firestone Walker and Boston Beer owns Angel City).
Demeter Group Advises Skalli Family on Sale of St. Supéry Estate.
Demeter Group Advises Skalli Family on Sale of St. Supéry Estate Vineyards & Winery to Chanel, Inc.
San Francisco, CA – (October 21, 2015) – Demeter Group, the San Francisco-based investment bank for premium Beverage Alcohol and Beauty companies, today announced that it advised the Skalli Family on the sale of St. Supéry Estate Vineyards & Winery to Chanel, Inc. Rothschild co-advised on the sale.
The Skalli family is pleased to announce that it will be selling its Napa Valley winery, St. Supéry Estate vineyards and Winery, to Chanel, Inc. Robert Skalli states "I am delighted to hand over St. Sup é ry to such a well-regarded company that understands luxury brands and will continue to enhance this special property. I am confident that they will continue my vision of a Napa Valley Chateau, crafting world class estate wines, and will build on that foundation, ever improving quality.”
Robert Skalli first purchased over 1530 acres in the Napa Valley in 1982. In 1985 he purchased an additional 52 acres in Rutherford, the heart of Napa Valley where he designed and built the estate winery. St. Supéry has grown into a world-class winery, garnering praise in both domestic and international markets. Owning all of their vineyards and directing every aspect of the grape-growing and winemaking process allows St Supéry to produce only the finest Napa Valley wines.
The sale will be co mpleted later this month. There is no significant change in operations or management anticipated.
St. Supéry Estate Vineyards & Winery is a sustainably farmed, estate winery in Napa Valley, California. St. Supéry Estate specializes in Sauvignon Blanc and Cabernet Sauvignon, with more than 500 acres of sustainably farmed, Napa Green certified vineyards. Its award-winning wines are available from local retailers, at restaurants, at the winery in Rutherford, and online from St. Supéry Estate.
Demeter Group Advises Sundial Brands on Securing Minority Stake I.
Demeter Group Advises Sundial Brands on Securing Minority Stake Investment from Bain Capital Private Equity
New York – (September 2, 2015) – Sundial Brands, a natural skin and hair products manufacturer and maker of brands including SheaMoisture and Nubian Heritage, today announced the signing of a strategic partnership with Bain Capital Private Equity to grow the business and invest in product innovation, consumer engagement and its social impact model. Founder and CEO Richelieu Dennis will continue to lead the Company, and Sundial will remain majority family-owned and operated. Financial terms of the minority investment were not disclosed.
Founded in 1992, Sundial creates and manufactures beauty and personal care products with natural, certified organic and ethically sourced ingredients. Proudly pioneering its global model of social entrepreneurism called Community Commerce, Sundial creates opportunities for sustainable social and economic empowerment throughout its supply chain and communities in the United States and Africa, focusing on entrepreneurship, women’s empowerment, education and wellness. Sundial Brands proudly manufactures its eco-friendly products at the Company’s state-of-the-art facilities in Amityville, New York.
“This partnership will accelerate Sundial’s social entrepreneurship platform, support our multi-brand portfolio strategy – including investments in like-minded entrepreneurs and brands – and drive our transformative approach to serving New General Market consumers,” said Dennis. “Our consumers have always been partners with us, and our goal is to now build Sundial into a world-class, family-owned and operated consumer goods company of which they can be even more proud. We are excited to welcome Bain Capital as a valuable partner who shares our commitments to our communities globally and understands how our brand of social entrepreneurism can be enhanced to achieve our vision for growth and impact.”
Bain Capital Private Equity has a long track record of investing in and partnering with management teams to help grow companies. Its consumer and retail investments have included TOMS, Canada Goose, Bright Horizons Family Solutions, Bombardier Recreational Products, Sealy Corporation, Michaels Stores, Dunkin’ Brands, Domino’s, Bob’s Discount Furniture and Burlington Stores.
“Richelieu and his family have built an amazing business and community centered on the idea of the New General Market, an idea that is very well aligned with where we as consumers and as a country are headed. We could not be more excited to partner with Sundial Brands to continue to enhance this differentiated approach to innovation, social entrepreneurship and community engagement,” said Ryan Cotton, a Managing Director at Bain Capital. Deval Patrick, a Managing Director at Bain Capital and the former Governor of Massachusetts, played an active role in the investment and will join the Board of Directors of Sundial.
Demeter Group, a San Francisco-based investment bank for high growth premium consumer brands, acted as Sundial Brands’ exclusive financial advisor. Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton LLP and Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP provided legal advice to Sundial. Financo served as financial advisor, Kirkland & Ellis LLP served as legal counsel, and PricewaterhouseCoopers served as accounting advisor to Bain Capital. Financing is being provided by Goldman Sachs.
For a list of Sundial’s “10 Key Reasons for Partnering with Bain Capital,” visit
Sundial Brands (, a leading skin care and hair care manufacturer is committed to making the highest quality products possible with natural, certified organic and ethically-sourced ingredients.
Widely credited with introducing the concept of the New General Market to the beauty and retail industries, Sundial founder and CEO Richelieu Dennis began the company in 1992 with his college roommate, Nyema Tubman, and his mother, Mary Dennis, shortly after graduating from college and being unable to return to his home country of Liberia because of civil war. From its humble beginnings selling products on the streets of New York City to distribution and co-creation of its flagship brands – including SheaMoisture and Nubian Heritage – with major retailers across the United States, Sundial is rooted in a commitment to community and a vision to fill unmet and underserved consumer needs. A certified B Corp company with a Fair for Life social and fair trade certification, Sundial engages in ethical and cruelty-free business practices and manufactures its products at its state-of-the-art facilities in Long Island, NY. Through its purpose-driven Community Commerce business model, the company creates opportunities for sustainable social and economic empowerment throughout its supply chain and communities in the United States and Africa, focusing on entrepreneurship, women’s empowerment, education and wellness.
In 2015, Sundial was named to the Inc. 5000 list of the fastest-growing private companies in the United States.
About Bain Capital Private Equity
Bain Capital, LLC ( is one of the world’s foremost private investment firms, with approximately $75 billion under management across several asset classes including private equity, venture capital, public equity, credit products and absolute return. Founded in 1984, Bain Capital’s more than 400 professionals are collectively the single largest investor in all of its funds and are dedicated to investing in and building its portfolio companies. Bain Capital Private Equity has a long history of investing in leading consumer and retail companies such as TOMS, Canada Goose, Bright HorizonsFamily Solutions, Bombardier Recreational Products, Sealy Corporation, Michaels Stores, Dunkin’ Brands, Domino’s, Bob’s Discount Furniture and Burlington Stores. Bain Capital has offices in Boston, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Palo Alto, London, Munich, Dublin, Luxembourg, Tokyo, Shanghai,Hong Kong, Mumbai and Melbourne.
Demeter Group Advises Redemption Whiskey on Sale to Deutsch Famil.
Demeter Group Advises Redemption Whiskey on Sale to Deutsch Family Wine & Spirits
San Francisco, CA – (June 9, 2015) – Demeter Group, the San Francisco-based investment bank for beverage alcohol companies, today announced that it acted as exclusive advisor to Bardstown Barrel Selections on the sale of Redemption Whiskey to Deutsch Family Wine & Spirits.
Redemption Whiskey was created serendipitously when industry veterans Dave Schmier and Michael Kanbar uncovered a cache of Rye Whiskey barrels they believed to be the perfect expression of this classic American spirit just as Rye was beginning to capture the interest of consumers. Dave explains, “Michael and I both have a passion for Rye, as the inspiration for so many classic cocktails, it is natural that Rye is experiencing a resurgence in interest from the mixology community given today’s cocktail culture. For us, the renewed popularity of Rye represents a ‘Redemption’ of sorts, for this segment.”
Once the Redemption Rye was launched successfully the brand’s offerings expanded to include Bourbons, and several Barrel Proof Selections of Rye aged between 6 and 10 years. These special, limited releases have consistently garnered accolades in prestigious competitions including achieving Gold and Double Gold medals in the 2015 San Francisco World Spirits Competition. The brand has tripled in size in the last two years despite demand consistently exceeding supply. “We knew the product quality was outstanding, and it is gratifying to see the brand embraced by mixologists and consumers alike,” said Michael. “We are very excited to see what Redemption can achieve in the future under the stewardship of the Deutsch Family.”
Demeter Group Advises Benziger Family Winery on Sale to The Wine Group
Demeter Group Advises Benziger Family Winery on Sale to The Wine Group
San Francisco, CA – (June 9, 2015) – Demeter Group, the San Francisco-based investment bank for beverage alcohol companies, today announced that it acted as exclusive advisor to Benziger Family Winery on the sale of their critically acclaimed Sonoma Mountain Benziger Family Winery and the Imagery Winery in Sonoma Valley to The Wine Group.
Founded by the Benziger family in 1981, Benziger Family Winery is located on a biodynamically certified 85-acre estate adjacent to Jack London State Park in the town of Glen Ellen. Benziger produces a wide range of Super- and Ultra-Premium wines sourced from Sonoma County, with many of the grapes grown in its six vineyards located in the Sonoma Valley, Sonoma Coast, Russian River Valley, Sonoma Mountain and Pine Mountain-Cloverdale Peak AVAs. "Thirty-five years ago my father and I purchased the Benziger site. I am proud of the work our family has done to grow the Benziger brand and create a destination for consumers that is founded on Biodynamics and green farming practices,” said Founder and CEO Mike Benziger.
“We are honored to bring the Benziger Family Winery and its team into The Wine Group. As we continue to move into the Super-Premium category, we have been thoughtful in our search for a winery that produces exceptional wines while sharing our values of integrity, social responsibility, and innovation. The Benziger family is not only celebrated for its outstanding wine quality, but their strong team will be a great cultural fit within The Wine Group,” said Brian Vos, CEO of The Wine Group.
Demeter Group Advises J Vineyards & Winery on Sale to E. &.
Demeter Group Advises J Vineyards & Winery on Sale to E. & J. Gallo Winery
San Francisco, CA – (March 30, 2015) – Demeter Group, the San Francisco-based investment bank for premium beverage alcohol companies, today announced that it advised critically-acclaimed J Vineyards & Winery on its sale to E. & J. Gallo Winery. Founded in 1986 by Judy Jordan, J Vineyards & Winery is located in Sonoma County's Russian River Valley and produces a wide range of prized sparkling wines, Pinot Noir and Pinot Gris.
According to Roger Nabedian, Senior Vice President and General Manager of Gallo's Premium Wine Division, "We are very excited to add the J Vineyards & Winery brands to our premium portfolio of wines. The brand's contemporary elegance has a unique position in the marketplace." He added, "J Vineyards & Winery is well known for their award-winning sparkling wines and we look forward to carrying on the winery's reputation of making elegant, luxurious wines."
The acquisition, which includes the Healdsburg winery and more than 300 acres spread over nine vineyards within the Sonoma Coast and Russian River Valley AVAs, expands Gallo's presence and properties in California's prestigious North Coast wine country. Gallo already owns nine wineries strategically located in wine regions throughout California and Washington.
"Over the last 30 years, I have created and built J Vineyards & Winery from a small sparkling wine house to an iconic luxury brand producing not only sparkling wines but also award-winning Pinot Noir and Pinot Gris," said founder Judy Jordan. She added, "I am proud to announce today that I have found the perfect fit to take this beautiful company to even greater heights. E. & J. Gallo is also privately owned and shares similar core values as both companies are dedicated to a balance of quality, community, and financial sustainability. I look forward to my new chapter of building a mentorship platform as I honor and salute the outstanding new stewards of J Vineyards & Winery."
Demeter Group Advises Michael Mondavi Family on Sale of Carneros.
Demeter Group Advises Michael Mondavi Family on Sale of Carneros Winery and Vineyard
Napa, CA—Thursday, June 5, 2014 — Demeter Group, the M&A advisor to the U.S. Ultra-Premium Wine Industry, today announced that it completed the sale of The Winery of Napa Valley, owned by the Michael Mondavi Family. The deal includes the Carneros winery, tasting room, and 13 acres of adjacent vineyard; no brands or other family-owned vineyard holdings are affected by the sale. Financial details of the sale were not disclosed.
Protecting Craft Against Pseudos
State of the Wine Industry 2013
State of the Spirits Industry 2013
State of the Craft Beer Industry 2013
Constellation / Grupo Modelo – Why Craft Beer is Next
® -significant-equity-investment-centerview-0" data-reveal-id="news-item-37" data-reveal="">Demeter Group Advises Ole Smoky Tennessee Moonshine ® On Signific.
Demeter Group Advises Ole Smoky Tennessee Moonshine ® On Significant Equity Investment From Centerview Capital To Accelerate Growth And Solidify Market Position
Distillery Recently Quadruples Production Facilities to Keep Up with Demand
San Francisco, CA - (November 4, 2013) – Demeter Group, the M&A investment bank for growth consumer retail companies, today announced that it has advised Ole Smoky Tennessee Moonshine ® , the leading distiller of premium moonshine in the U.S., on securing a significant equity investment from private investment firm Centerview Capital.
The new capital will allow Ole Smoky to further accelerate growth. Founded in the Smoky Mountains of East Tennessee by Joe Baker, Cory Cottongim and Tony Breeden, Ole Smoky has already experienced rapid growth since launching in 2010, fueled by consumer interest in the broader un-aged whiskey category. Its moonshine products, originally sold only to visitors of its Tennessee distillery, are now available in 49 states and Canada. Earlier this year Ole Smoky quadrupled its bottling capacity to keep up with rising demand with the addition of a nearby 20,000-sq. ft. facility. The founders continue to build the distillery and the brand to reach more consumers through advertising, partnerships and sponsorships, which include those with NASCAR, Daytona International Speedway, Talladega Speedway, Bristol Motor Speedway and Charlotte Motor Speedway.
“The story of moonshine embodies the American spirit and is a fundamental part of our heritage here in East Tennessee. Rebellious, resourceful and fiercely independent, our families honed the craft of making fine whiskey more than a century ago in the Smoky Mountains,” said Joe Baker, Chairman of Ole Smoky. “Tony, Cory and I are excited about this investment and the opportunity to work with Centerview to introduce even more folks to an authentic, Appalachian spirit that my family has enjoyed for generations.”
Ole Smoky’s CEO, John Cochran, added, “All of us are passionate about the company and our expanding line of authentic moonshine products. We have a lot of great plans to grow the business and are thrilled to have additional capital to accelerate that growth.”
Jim Kilts and David Hooper, Centerview Capital’s co-founders, said, “Ole Smoky’s products have broad adult appeal and benefit from important long-term spirits trends, such as increased consumer interest in craft distilling and flavored spirits, and also from a strong interest in products with deep American heritage. When you consider this in conjunction with the chance to work closely with the company’s founders and a truly talented management team, the merits of this investment speak for themselves.”
Demeter Group acted as exclusive financial advisor to Ole Smoky. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed.
About Ole Smoky Tennessee Moonshine ®
Ole Smoky is leading distiller of premium moonshine in the United States and the first federally licensed distillery in the history of East Tennessee. The company’s roots can be traced to the early settlers of the Smoky Mountains where they refined the art of whiskey making in order to survive during tough economic times. When Tennessee state law changed in 2009, allowing the licensed production of whiskey and other spirits across new counties, a group of local families saw an opportunity to showcase the art of superior, mountain-made moonshine.
Its line of authentic products are made from family recipes passed down through generations by inhabitants of the Great Smoky Mountains region of Appalachia. Products currently include Original Moonshine™, White Lightnin’™, Moonshine Cherries™, Peach Moonshine™, Apple Pie Moonshine™, Blackberry Moonshine™, Strawberry Moonshine™ and Lemon Drop Moonshine™. Ole Smoky is available at retail and on-premise in 49 states and Canada. For more information, visit Follow Ole Smoky on Facebook and Twitter @OleSmoky.
About Centerview Capital
Centerview Capital is a private investment firm that provides capital to high potential companies. Centerview Capital’s consumer fund is based in Greenwich, CT and is focused exclusively on making investments in the U.S. consumer industry. With approximately $500 million in committed capital, Centerview seeks to leverage its operational expertise and deep consumer industry relationships in partnership with existing owners and management to achieve strategic and operational excellence. Centerview’s other consumer investments include The Nielsen Company, Del Monte Foods and Richelieu Foods. Centerview Capital also operates a technology fund based in San Francisco, CA. More information about the firm is available at
Demeter Group Investment Bank is a Proud Sponsor of the Wine Lead.
Demeter Group Investment Bank is a Proud Sponsor of the Wine Leadership Series
First Wine Leadership Series: CEO Summit Draws Top Wine and Business Visionaries
February 6, 2013, Santa Rosa, CA -- Sonoma County Vintners, the trade marketing group representing over 200 Sonoma County winery and affiliate business members, introduced the Wine Leadership Series today with a CEO Summit held at Mayacama in Santa Rosa. Sponsored by the Demeter Group Investment Bank, the half-day session brought 30 of the wine industry’s leading executives together to gain insights from a prestigious collection of panelists on several key business themes in today’s global wine industry. Thought leaders from diverse sectors of the wine business and other industries offered inspired perspectives on the roles of digital marketing, China and other emerging markets, and strategies for marketing ultra-premium and luxury wines in today’s marketplace.
The first session, Successful Digital Marketing Models, was moderated by Tim Bucher, Principal,, and included panelists Owen Van Natta, currently on the Board of Directors for the leading digitial gaming company Zynga, and previously in executive leadership positions with MySpace and Facebook; and Stacy Bennett, VP Digital Marketing & CRM, J Vineyards & Winery, who previously worked across a broad spectrum of iconic brands including Nordstrom,, Tommy Bahama, and Clarisonic.
The second session, The Next Frontier: China and Beyond, was moderated by Steve Messinger, Proprietor, Vinum Exports, and featured panelists Ash Lilani, Managing Partner and Co-Founder of Saama Capital and non-executive Chairman of Silicon Valley Bank’s India busines; and Skip Whitney, Executive Vice President & Partner, Kidder Mathews.
The third and final session, The New Luxury Wine Paradigm, was moderated by Billy O’Neill, VP Sales & Operations, Chihuly Studio; and featured panelists Bob Cabral, Director Winemaking & General Manager, Williams Selyem Winery; and David K. Bowman, VP Marketing EMEA & DTC, FIJI Water, JUSTIN Vineyards & Winery, and Landmark Vineyards.
“There are a number of storied wine industry conferences, but we wanted the Wine Leadership Series to go in a more contemporary direction,” said Jeff Menashe, CEO of Demeter Group Investment Bank and Wine Leadership Series sponsor. “We didn’t see value in presenting previously seen topics and speakers from a wine-only point of view in a large group setting. Rather, we envisioned an intimate and strategic discussion of business issues among industry thought leaders, led by subject matter experts. I think it was a very valuable and insightful day for everyone.”
“The Wine Leadership Series is designed to provide wine industry executives and leadership with information that is impossible to obtain elsewhere,” said Sonoma County Vintners Executive Director Honore Comfort. “By gathering this stellar list of speakers from the wine industry and beyond, and combining it with top wine industry executives, we had dialog that could not be created outside of this venue. Our attendees are leaving this event with new thinking and ideas to enhance their businesses.”
About the Wine Leadership Series
The Wine Leadership Series: CEO Summit was sponsored by Demeter Group Investment Bank and presented by Sonoma County Vintners. Attendees were comprised of Winery CEOs, Managing Directors, Board Members, and Owners.
About Sonoma County Vintners
Sonoma County Vintners (SCV) is the leading voice of Sonoma County wine, dedicated to raising awareness and building understanding of Sonoma County as one of the world’s premier wine regions, noted for its heritage of artisan winemaking, distinct growing regions, and extraordinary quality. Founded in 1944, SCV represents more than 200 wineries and affiliates of all sizes throughout the county. Learn more about SCV at
About Demeter Group Investment Bank
Demeter Group Investment Bank provides merger and acquisition advisory services to mid-market companies in the Wine, Spirits, Craft Beer, Food, and Beauty industries. Demeter Group is recognized by the transaction community for its strategic thought and insight into how brands scale profitably across new channels, markets & product categories. Specifically, Demeter Group understands how optimal value is created by high-growth companies and, equally important, which strategic buyers are capable of capturing such value. Utilizing deep global relationships, Demeter Group’s sale processes are confidently tailored to a narrow set of strategic buyers versus a traditional broad auction approach. As a result, Demeter Group consistently delivers market-leading transaction multiples for clients. Learn more at
Demeter Group CEO Moderates Panel at 2013 Unified Wine & Grap.
Demeter Group CEO Moderates Panel at 2013 Unified Wine & Grape Symposium
Nation’s Largest Wine & Grape Show Continues To Grow With Record-breaking Attendance
SACRAMENTO, Calif., January 31, 2013 – More than 13,000 wine and grape professionals from around the globe gathered here at the 19th annual Unified Wine & Grape Symposium (Unified) to learn about new trends, sample the latest products and, in the process, set another attendance record for the largest show of its kind in the Americas.
This year’s official total of 13,400 Unified attendees surpassed last year’s record audience by 1,000. In addition to a massive trade show featuring close to 650 exhibitors from every corner of the world, the three-day event provides a full program of sessions exploring wine and grape production issues, maximizing marketing opportunities and the industry’s latest production, supply and sales figures.
“Industry professionals clearly value the Unified as an ideal opportunity not only to tap into market and sales trend figures that shape their business but also to meet with suppliers, experts and colleagues,” remarked Lyndie Boulton, executive director of the American Society for Enology and Viticulture (ASEV), which co-organizes the Unified with the California Association of Winegrape Growers (CAWG). “The Unified’s signature “State of the Industry” session Wednesday morning set a positive tone for the show when analysts forecast a strong year for the American wine industry. That encouraging economic news seems to have translated into great energy on the exhibit floor, in the sessions and throughout the conference,” she said.
While the Unified focuses on American wine making and winegrape production, more than 30 nations are represented among the guests, highlighting the global nature of the business. Each day of the three-day event includes sessions featuring panels of experts addressing four topic areas: grape growing, winemaking, marketing/public relations and business/operations. On Wednesday and Thursday, the event hosts an industry trade show.
“People are here because a resurgent economy, growing wine consumption and strong grape prices are fueling industry investment,” said John Aguirre, CAWG president. “Those looking to expand production or become more efficient are finding what they need at the Unified.”
Jointly organized by the ASEV and CAWG, the Unified Wine & Grape Symposium represents the collective experience, knowledge and background of the entire industry. For additional information and complete program listing with speakers and topics, visit the Unified Wine & Grape Symposium’s website at
Demeter Group Advises Star Avenue on Investment in Macadamia Natu.
Demeter Group Advises Star Avenue on Investment in Macadamia Natural Oil
(Los Angeles) September 12, 2012 – Star Avenue Capital, LLC (“Star Avenue”) announced today an investment in Macadamia Natural Oil (“Macadamia”), a premium, professional hair care brand based in Chatsworth, CA. Star Avenue will work with CEO and Founder John Fasan to support the company’s rapid growth and to help build Macadamia into a leader in the global hair care industry. The terms of the transaction were not disclosed.
Star Avenue is a consumer growth equity vehicle formed in partnership with private equity firm Irving Place Capital (“IPC”) and leading entertainment and sports agency Creative Artists Agency (“CAA”). Macadamia is Star Avenue’s second investment in the fashion and beauty space, having previously invested in J Brand, a premium denim and apparel brand.
Founded just three years ago in 2009, Macadamia incorporates nature-based ingredients, including macadamia and argan oils, into professional hair care products to heal, revitalize, and control problem hair. Since the release of its first product, the Macadamia Natural Oil Healing Oil Treatment, Macadamia has become a favorite of stylists and consumers around the world due to its straightening and smoothing effects on hair, rapid absorption, and its ease of use.
Demeter Group, a leading San Francisco-based investment bank for growth Consumer Retail companies, acted as financial advisor to Star Avenue.
Bloomberg News Coverage: America Back Drinking High-End Wine Fuel.
Bloomberg News Coverage: America Back Drinking High-End Wine Fuels Napa Deals: Mortgages
September 4, 2012 (Bloomberg) -- A new era for California’s priciest wine regions began Feb. 1, when PlumpJack Winery partners bought 50 acres in Napa Valley’s Stags Leap district, home to heralded vintners Shafer Vineyards, Clos du Val and Cliff Lede Vineyards.
The purchase kicked off a Sales spree for premium properties across the state that’s poised to climb to $800 million by year end, the most since the 2007 market peak, according to Demeter Group, a San Francisco-based consumer investment bank and advisory firm.
“It’s been a complete turnaround,” Stephen Rannekleiv, lead U.S. wine analyst in New York for Rabobank Nederland NV, the Utrecht, Netherlands-based bank that finances agriculture businesses, said in a telephone interview. “There’s lots of interest in good California properties right now. If you’ve got vineyard acreage, it’s a hot commodity.”
Renewed dealmaking follows three years of plunging demand for high-end California wine, which accounts for more than two- thirds of U.S. bottle Sales above $20, according to data compiled by Nielsen Holdings NV. The recession that started in December 2007 turned luxury consumers into bargain hunters “dancing on the graves of bloated wine inventories,” Rob McMillan, wine division founder at SVB Financial Group Inc.’s Silicon Valley Bank, wrote in an April 17 industry report.
Purchases of California premium wine totaled $410 million in the 12 months through July 21, up 14 percent year-over-year and better than the 11 percent gain for all U.S. luxury producers in the period, store-scan data from New York-based Nielsen show. High-end wine Sales are advancing at more than double the rate of overall wine Sales, with north coast warehouse shipments up 12 percent in the first half of 2012 from a year earlier, said Woodside, California-based industry consultant John Gomberg.
“Everything that was restricted is more fluid compared with two and three years ago,” Sam Bronfman II, former president of Seagram Chateau & Estate Wines Co. and now managing partner of San Francisco-based winery financier Bacchus Capital Management LLC, said in a telephone interview. “From expense accounts to travel to entertainment, things are moving.”
Credit availability is unlocking Sales, as mortgage distress abates and wineries streamline operations, said Jeff Menashe, Demeter Group’s chief executive officer. Vineyard defaults plunged last year by 61 percent in Napa and 44 percent in Sonoma from the 2009 peak, when 18 properties in each county entered the first stage of foreclosure, according to DataQuick. For the first seven months of 2012, only four vineyards in Napa, 50 miles (80 kilometers) north of San Francisco, and eight in Sonoma were in default, the San Diego-based research firm said.
“Luxury wine has gone from having significant headwinds to meaningful tailwinds,” Menashe said in a telephone interview. “The industry is growing at the ultra-premium end. Everyone is trying to push up.”
Distressed Sales in 2011 were limited to “fringe” properties outside prime growing districts, according to a year- end summary by the California chapter of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers. Five bank-owned vineyard Sales occurred in Lake County north of Napa, where premium vintners buy cheaper grapes for blending, said appraiser Michael Pipkin of Santa Rosa, California-based lender American AgCredit.
“It’s a fairly healthy situation, with access to credit again and strategic buyers looking for really good property,” said Bill Stevens, Silicon Valley Bank’s wine division manager in St. Helena, California. “Wine producers got right-sized.”
The lender’s wine unit had $374 million in mortgages secured by real estate as of June 30, an 8.1 percent increase from the end of 2011, according to an Aug. 8 regulatory filing from the Santa Clara, California-based company.
About $500 million in vineyard and winery deals in the premium north coast and central coast regions of California were completed this year through Aug. 13, Demeter Group data show. Another $300 million in transactions are pending, the company estimates. Property is changing hands after Sales “fell off a cliff” in late 2008 as the financial crisis took hold, said Sonoma-based land appraiser and real estate consultant Tony Correia.
The biggest deal so far in 2012 is Constellation Brands Inc.’s $160 million Acquisition in June of Mark West brand, produced from fruit around California and bottled in Sonoma and Napa, according to Demeter Group. Mark West is the best-selling U.S. pinot noir, with 600,000 annual cases, said Victor, New York-based Constellation, the world’s second-biggest wine company.
In Napa, deals include Fidelity National Financial Inc. Chairman William P. Foley’s Foley Family Wines purchase in May of the Sawyer Cellars winery and 49 acres (19.8 hectares) in the Rutherford district, and PlumpJack’s Acquisition of the Stags Leap property, first planted with wine grapes in 1963 and dubbed Odette Estate by the new owners, according to statements from the vintners that didn’t disclose price.
“The last couple years, some vineyards were laying fallow until the economy turned around and people felt there was demand for the wines,” John Conover, partner and general manager of Oakville-based PlumpJack, said in an Aug. 10 interview at the property, which includes a 25,000-case winery. “Grapes were available right through the harvest last year.”
In Sonoma, Wilson Family Wine Estates in March purchased 137 acres in Dry Creek Valley; GI Partners LLC’s Duckhorn Wine Co. in June bought more than 400 acres in Sonoma’s Alexander Valley; and West Coast Wine Partners LLC in August bought Valley of the Moon winery and 60 acres in Sonoma Valley, the companies said without giving prices.
E&J Gallo Winery Inc., the world’s biggest wine company, in August acquired Monterey County’s Courtside Cellars with a 60,000-ton capacity winery, as well as more than 300 acres, also in Monterey, in a separate central coast deal. Modesto, California-based Gallo didn’t disclose prices for either transaction.
Premium deals so far have hewed to valuations that haven’t changed much since the 2007 boom year, according to Correia. The best California vineyards are priced at $175,000 to $300,000 an acre on average in Napa; $75,000 to $125,000 in Sonoma; and $35,000 to $50,000 in Monterey. Very rarely, a small “A+ super- primo” Napa property changes hands for as much as $450,000 an acre, he said.
Napa wine grapes were the most expensive in California last year at $3,395 per ton, followed by Sonoma at $2,083 and Mendocino at $1,237, according to the state’s Department of Food and Agriculture 2011 grape crush report.
“We’re seeing some major players make some major moves,” Correia said in an interview at Valley of the Moon, where the new owners had begun pruning fruit in early August to increase the quality of grapes on the vine before harvest begins next month. “The wineries are the buyers today, versus hobbyists, the rich-and-famous, venture capital and vulture funds.”
The dollar value of California wine deals this year has already equaled last year’s tally and will be the highest since $1.4 billion in 2007, according to Demeter Group. Sales were $600 million in 2008 and less than $150 million in both 2009 and 2010.
Last year, almost half of the total was from one deal, Santiago-based Vina Concha & Toro S.A.’s $238 million Acquisition of Fetzer Vineyards, which included 1,060 acres of owned and leased vineyards in Mendocino County, brands including Fetzer and Bonterra, and production capacity for 11 million gallons. In 2007, the total was composed primarily of three deals, led by Constellation’s $885 million purchase of Fortune Brands Inc.’s wine unit.
“Today, financing has become more available, and banks are looking at a stabilizing market,” Dan Zepponi, co-owner of Glen Ellen, California-based West Coast Partners, said in a telephone interview. Valley of the Moon will concentrate its 45,000-case annual production on cabernet sauvignon, zinfandel and chardonnay from prime Sonoma growing districts, he said.
At Odette, whose other partners include billionaire oil heir Gordon Getty and California Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom, a new 20,000-square-foot wine cave with dining and tasting rooms is under construction in Napa’s Stags Leap.
The existing winery will be replaced by a new structure composed of recycled shipping containers and a “green living roof” that are intended to reduce energy consumption, according to Conover. A cabernet sauvignon from Stags Leap, made by pioneering vintner Warren Winiarski, triumphed in the 1976 “Judgment of Paris” blind tasting against French wines from Bordeaux, earning Napa its global reputation, he said.
“Spending the money makes sense for us, because we’re in it for the long haul,” Conover said. “We see the consumer coming back. Everybody is optimistic.”
--Editors: Pierre Paulden, Rob Urban
Demeter Group Advises Courtside Cellars on Sale to E. & J. Ga.
Demeter Group Advises Courtside Cellars on Sale to E. & J. Gallo Winery
MODESTO, Calif. (August 13, 2012) – E. & J. Gallo Winery (Gallo) announced Friday the intention to purchase Courtside Cellars in San Miguel, California. The twelve-year old winery will support the company’s continued growth in California’s Central Coast. The purchase includes 34 acres of land and a winery capable of crushing 60,000 tons of grapes.
According to Roger Nabedian, Senior Vice President and General Manager of Gallo’s Premium Wine Division, “We’ve been expanding our presence in the Central Coast over the past few years and consider the region to be a key part of our premium wine strategy moving forward. We are excited to have this highly capable winery to support our Bridlewood and Edna Valley Vineyards business.”
Earlier this year, Gallo purchased more than 300 acres of vineyards in Monterey County. Last year, the company purchased Edna Valley Vineyards which produces one of the best-selling Chardonnay brands in the U.S. In 2004, Gallo purchased Bridlewood Estate Winery located in the Santa Ynez Valley of Santa Barbara County.
Bob Schiebelhut, of Courtside Cellars, said “We will be keeping our San Luis Obispo Facility where we will focus our efforts on building our Tolosa Winery brand into one of the finest Pinot Noir and Chardonnay estates, as well as continue to offer custom wine services.”
Demeter Group, a San Francisco-based investment bank for consumer retail companies, acted as Courtside Cellars’ exclusive financial advisor on the deal which is expected to close this week. The purchase price was not disclosed.
Demeter Group Advises Mark West on Sale to Constellation Brands
Demeter Group Advises Mark West on Sale to Constellation Brands
VICTOR, N.Y. (July 16, 2012) - Constellation Brands, Inc. (NYSE: STZ), the world’s leading premium wine company, announced today that it has completed the acquisition of the Mark West wine brand from Purple Wine Company, LLC for approximately $160 million. The transaction includes the Mark West trademark, certain grape supply contracts and inventories of wines from California appellations: a California pinot noir, a Russian River reserve pinot noir and a Santa Lucia reserve pinot noir, along with a chardonnay. Constellation Brands announced its intent to purchase the brand last month.
Mark West pinot noir, with a 35 percent volume growth rate in the last 12 weeks according to SymphonyIRI, is the nation’s best-selling pinot noir and a leader in wine priced $10-$12 at retail. This recent success caps 10 years of double digit growth for Mark West, which has grown into a nearly 600,000-case brand sold primarily in the U.S.
"Mark West is one of the fastest-growing major pinot noirs in the market and has exceeded the growth of the category," said Rob Sands, chief executive officer, Constellation Brands. "The brand is an exciting addition and fills a gap in our portfolio of pinot noir brands."
Demeter Group, a leading Consumer Retail investment bank, acted as the exclusive financial advisor to Mark West on the transaction.
Demeter Group Advises Ascentia Wine Estates on the Sale of Geyser.
Demeter Group Advises Ascentia Wine Estates on the Sale of Geyser Peak to Accolade Wines
NAPA, CA June 1, 2012 – Global wine producer and distributor Accolade Wines has expanded its North American base by acquiring legendary Californian brand Geyser Peak and stablemates Atlas Peak and XYZin, together with their assets and inventory, from Ascentia Wine Estates.
Accolade Wines, the world’s fifth largest wine company, has a significant global footprint. However, Chief Executive Officer, Troy Christensen, said this new deal would spearhead Accolade Wines’ growth in the United States.
“I am delighted to welcome Geyser Peak, Atlas Peak and XYZin to the Accolade Wines’ family, their Acquisition will allow us to leverage the expertise we already have in global distribution and innovation and help us to develop the opportunities we see emerging within the United States,” said Christensen.
“Initially we see that there is tremendous opportunity within the U.S. to grow these brands but we also have the capacity to fit them within the portfolio we are now marketing in Europe, United Kingdom and the rapidly developing Asian markets, especially China.”
“Alexander Valley-based Geyser Peak in Sonoma and Napa Valley-based Atlas Peak bring two of California’s best appellations into our portfolio, which already includes top brands from key Australian, South African and old world wine regions.”
“We plan to bring to the U.S. our category, customer and consumer expertise which has underpinned our strength in the European and Australian markets,” said Christensen.
As part of the deal Accolade Wines will be leasing Geyser Peak’s iconic homestead, its winery, 98 acres (38 ha) of prime Cabernet Sauvignon vineyard and the winery’s cellar door.
Accolade Wines North America Managing Director, Tim Matz, said Accolade Wines now had a great opportunity to invigorate the fortunes of these iconic Californian wines.
“These brands have a great deal of history and resonance within the California story, this is a great opportunity to reinvigorate with investment,” said Matz.
“Geyser Peak in the Alexander Valley has an outstanding reputation, it’s one of the most awarded wineries in Sonoma County and we will be exploring the opportunity to expand the higher end of the range, while bringing new products to the market. We see Geyser Peak homestead as the centerpiece of a range of outstanding experiential events that will help bring new luster to the shining Geyser Peak story,” said Matz.
Demeter Group, a San Francisco-based investment bank for Consumer Retail companies, acted as Ascentia Wine Estates’ exclusive financial advisor.
Demeter Group Advises Ascentia Wine Estates on the Sale of Columb.
Demeter Group Advises Ascentia Wine Estates on the Sale of Columbia Winery & Covey Run Winery to E. & J. Gallo Winery
MODESTO, CA June 4, 2012 – E. & J. Gallo Winery announced today the purchase of Washington’s Columbia Winery and Covey Run Wine brands from Ascentia Wine Estates. Gallo has purchased the two wine brands and taken over the operation of the Woodinville and Sunnyside facilities. The purchase marks Gallo’s first expansion into the state. No price was given.
According to Roger Nabedian, Senior Vice President and General Manager of Gallo’s Premium Wine Division, “We have been watching the Washington wine industry grow for a number of years and consider these wine brands to be a key part of our premium wine strategy moving forward. This purchase will help us expand our footprint and offer our customers wines from the Columbia Valley and Yakima Valley Appellations.”
Washington is America’s second largest wine-producing state, after California, with 650 wineries and more than 36,000 acres of vineyards. It produces a wide variety of premium wines from more than 30 leading varietal types and is comprised of 11 distinct winegrowing regions.
Demeter Group, a San Francisco-based investment bank for consumer retail companies, acted as Ascentia Wine Estate’s exclusive financial advisor.
Demeter Group Advises Ascentia Wine Estates on the Sale of Ste. C.
Demeter Group Advises Ascentia Wine Estates on the Sale of Ste. Chapelle Winery to Precept Wine
SEATTLE, WA (May 15, 2012) – In a move that solidifies its presence as a significant wine producer in Idaho, Seattle-based Precept Wine announced today it has purchased Ste. Chapelle Winery from Healdsburg, CA based Ascentia Wine Estates.
Ste. Chapelle Winery, best known for its Riesling, Soft Red, Soft White and Huckleberry wines, overlooks Sunny Slope’s farmland in Southwestern Idaho in the Snake River Valley AVA. Producing approximately 130,000 cases of wine annually and distributed nationally, Ste. Chapelle is the largest winery in Idaho.
Demeter Group, a San Francisco-based investment bank for Consumer Retail companies, acted as Ascentia Wine Estates exclusive financial advisor.
Demeter Group CEO Leads Panel at the 2012 Central Coast Insights.
Demeter Group CEO Leads Panel at the 2012 Central Coast Insights Program
Wines & Vines Coverage: Demeter Group CEO, Jeff Menashe
Wines & Vines Coverage: Demeter Group CEO, Jeff Menashe
California Wine Industry in Shortage
San Luis Obispo, Calif.—The California wine market is experiencing a structural shortage and likely won’t return to balance for at least four years, according to Matt Turrentine, who spoke Thursday during the Central Coast Insights Conference. The partner with Turrentine Wine Brokerage said, “We’ve undisputedly entered a period of shortage for all areas and varieties.”
Turrentine said that in 2011 California shipped out 257 million cases of wine, while the 2011 harvest only yielded the equivalent of 210 million cases—a disparity of 47 million cases, or 750,000 tons.
Turrentine said vineyard plantings did not keep pace with demand, and the recession had winery owners clearing out inventory. With actual inventory of bulk wine is at its lowest point in more than a decade, Turrentine described the situation as a structural shortage. “There’s not enough grapes for everyone to get what they want,” he said. “We’ve all kind of run dry at the same time.”
Speaking to a crowd of about 200 Central Coast winery owners and grapegrowers, Turrentine detailed how the area’s 2011 harvest was especially bitter. An ill-timed frost and disease pressure trimmed the Central Coast harvest by nearly 30%, a loss of about 25 million gallons, an amount he likened to the highest point of the bulk wine glut in 2002.
Today bulk wine inventories are below 5 million gallons, and Turrentine said he expects no additional flow of wine to enter the market. “We’re below 5 (million gallons), and we expect to stay there. That’s not a balanced market, that’s a short market.”
In the past 12 months, Turrentine said most prices for the bulk wine have doubled. “The limited supply is being allocated by price,” he said.
The global market is also tight. Turrentine said there is no wine-producing nation with an untapped reservoir of wine. Spain—traditionally a good market for affordable, quality wine—is effectively sold out, he said.
Growers and wineries will need to plant more, but Turrentine said it would take four to six years to equalize the market. Plus, the challenges to planting more vineyards—tight credit, lack of nursery stock, land costs regulations and water—are ever present.
Long-term contracts vital
Mark Couchman, president of Silverado Premium Properties, recalled a negociant winery that was having trouble trying to sell just two years ago. At the time, he said, long-term grower contracts were viewed as a liability; today those same contracts are seen as vital to surviving the changed market.
Couchman’s comments came during a panel discussion about the future of the Central Coast wine industry. Joining Couchman on the dais was Jeff Menashe, president of Demeter Group, and Jean-Charles Boisset, president of Boisset Family Estates.
Boisset had nothing but enthusiastic praise for the Central Coast. He said the drive from Napa to San Luis Obispo reminded him of the drive from Burgundy to the south of France. The Central Coast is home to an exquisite terroir, Boisset said, and the name “Monterey” is known throughout the world as a top tourist destination. “We’re all sitting on the future gold rush,” he said.
Boisset Family Estates formed a partnership with Lockwood Vineyard in 2011, and Boisset said the winery’s 1,850-acre vineyard is a testament to the audacity and hopefulness that he finds so inspiring about American entrepreneurship.
Yet Boisset also cautioned that people must not forget the terroir of the Central Coast and not deviate from varieties that are best suited for the area. Producers also should focus on making the finest wines possible. “My advice is to always focus on premium or super premium grapes. That’s where America belongs,” he said. “America does not belong in selling $2.99 or $3.99 wine in an emerging market.”
Menashe said the United States is on track to consume 500 million cases of wine per year by 2025. To meet that growing demand, he said vineyard planting needs to take “a gigantic leap forward.”
In addition to planting vines, Menashe said he expects there to be growing interest in buying or acquiring Central Coast and North Coast brands that have or can be repositioned to offer a California label. Lastly, he said there needs to be a significant investment in increasing winemaking capacity.
Survey of local growers
Nearly nine out of every 10 growers in the Central Coast think this year will be better than 2011, according to a survey conducted by the Wine Symposium Group. Growers also expect higher profits, and 11% reported that they expect to plant more than 100 acres.
David Freed, chairman of The Silverado Group, presented the survey and said based on the findings, “It seems like a very positive year.”
A survey of winery owners and winemakers found that Cabernet Sauvignon and Pinot Noir will be in high demand, while the demand for Syrah and Merlot will stay at the same level.
The survey also found that most respondents in the Central Coast area expect that Cabernet Sauvignon will fetch higher pr ices this year. “Cabernet, from your perspective and ours, is hot and getting hotter,” Freed said.
Industry members see the improving economy, large wineries buying more grapes and increased direct-to-consumer Sales as the most positive trends. Possible challenges, however, could include a slow economic recovery, imports gaining market share and tight credit.
More than 60% of those surveyed said vineyard development would require investment in the next three years. Only 30% said fermentation and barrel capacity would need investment. The results of the full survey will be available March 19 at
Copyright © Wines & Vines
Demeter Group CEO, Jeff Menashe on Beauty Trends to Watch
Demeter Group CEO, Jeff Menashe on Beauty Trends to Watch
While the economy showed signs of modest improvement in 2011, lingering global headwinds threaten the sustainability of a full recovery. Strong holiday shopping and a spike in consumer confidence (64.8 in December, the highest level in eight months) drove a 2.2% increase in consumer spending for 2011, slightly above a 2.0% increase in 2010.
The Federal Reserve is currently forecasting real GDP growth in the range of 2.2% to 2.7% for 2012. Enthusiasm is tempered, however, by persistent unemployment, deflated home values, and soaring gasoline prices. While the economic climate is improved from prior years, cautious optimism is still the key theme.
U.S. Beauty Industry Growth Rates
Beauty and Personal Care Sales in the U.S. grew 4.0% in 2011, reaching $59.9 billion. Growth was led by Color Cosmetics and Skincare as well as Prestige channel gains.
Demeter Group forecasts the U.S. Beauty market to reach $59.8 billion in 2012 and is bullish on expectations for further growth in Skincare. Haircare and Color Cosmetics will likely plateau while Fragrance and Bath & Shower will decline.
Four Trends to Watch
1. A New Incubator Model: Sephora is the original beauty incubator for innovative, independent prestige brands and continues to develop and nurture brands across an increasingly integrated global platform. Duane Reade’s Look Boutique is emerging as a strong challenger to Sephora’s role as industry incubator in the U.S. and is investing heavily in upscale fixtures, high-traffic real estate, and meaningful promotional support for brands to play this role effectively. Unlike Sephora, Look Boutique is less concerned with brand exclusivity or the boundary between Prestige and Mass, and instead, focused on scale and reach.
2. Migration from Medical to Consumer Channel: As pharmaceutical brands develop breakthrough technologies in skin repair and rejuvenation, and marketing and editorial stimulate demand of such products by touting efficacy, the potential for Retail distribution becomes appealing if it’s not dilutive to the brand’s distribution with physicians. Not all women can or do shop at their dermatologist, and given the lack of channel conflict, there is the potential for brands with medical positioning to co-exist with some form of Retail or direct-to-consumer.
3. Mobile Retail Concepts: Consumers want unfettered access when it comes to when and how they make purchases. Progressive Beauty brands and retailers are reaching the consumer in new and unexpected ways, breaking the mold on traditional channels and eliminating the reliance on promotions and discounting at retail. Two interesting new concepts to watch include roaming Beauty trucks (à la the food truck craze in California) and Korean Air’s in-flight Sales of prestige beauty brands via onboard kiosks.
4. Nut Oil Optimism: Brands like Moroccan Oil, Josie Maran, Ojon, and Carol’s Daughter are investing heavily in educating women on the healing, restoring, and protective properties inherent in nut oil-based beauty solutions. While these brands successfully launched with a single ingredient as their point of differentiation, over time the ingredient (or modest variations) is incorporated into competitive brand assortments as either the basis for a collection or a single product extension. The long term trend here looks remarkably similar to what was witnessed over a decade ago in the mineral makeup category.
Public Market and M&A Trends
In 2011, the Dow increased 5.5% while the NASDAQ and S&P decreased 1.8% and 3.1%, respectively. U.S. IPO volume remained flat compared to 2010, but total dollars raised fell by 16.7%. Beauty and Personal Care stocks on average gained 4.4% and public market valuations ended the year slightly below where they began, with a median Enterprise Value / EBITDA multiple of 9.0x in December 2011 vs. 9.9x in December 2010.
Beauty M&A volume increased 4.5% from 2010 to 2011, but transaction size decreased 11.3%, signaling an increase in smaller deals. Strategic buyers continued to make up the lion’s share of transactions (81% in total) as they actively deployed internally generated cash in pursuit of incremental growth from alternative distribution channels and emerging markets. Private equity buyers made up 19% of transactions, up from 15% in 2010.
WWD Ranks Demeter Group Transaction as one of the best in 2011
WWD Ranks Demeter Group Transaction as one of the best in 2011
Beauty companies and private equity firms have started the year in a buying mood.
On Thursday, sources said the private equity firm Weston Presidio completed a majority investment in Too Faced, a longtime holdout from the indie cosmetics brand craze. At press time, neither firm could be reached for comment. With Too Faced potentially off the table, industry watchers have turned their attention to other possible investment or Acquisition targets, including fellow independent beauty brand Urban Decay and on the larger end, Avon Products Inc., given its recent string of challenges.
All eyes also are on the Estée Lauder Cos. Inc., as the beauty behemoth has declared both Asia and skin care strategic priorities, making an Acquisition of an Asian skin care company seem likely.
In fact, international plays are expected to be the big story in 2012. The Japanese company Pola Orbis Holdings Inc. is expected to complete its Acquisition of the Australian skin care company Jurlique from the private equity fund JH Partners later this year. The two firms are currently in contract. Both Jurlique and H2O Plus, which Pola Orbis acquired in July, have a strong resonance in the Asian markets, said Vennette Ho, a director at the investment bank Financo, which advised e.l.f. Cosmetics on its Sale to TSG Consumer Partners in 2010. She added that buyers are looking for brands with a broad global reach.
Although not as impressive as the size of deals that marked 2010 — think Shiseido Co. Ltd.'s purchase of Bare Escentuals, Coty Inc.'s Acquisition of Philosophy and Lauder's bid for Smashbox — last year was awash with M&A activity.
Investment banker Elsa Berry, head of Houlihan Lokey's cross-border consumer coverage, expects that pace to continue.
By her count, there were 27 beauty M&A deals in 2011, up from 20 in the prior year. "Those are very strong trends," she said, adding that attractive Acquisition targets continue to emerge. For instance, as more players fortify their presence in Eastern Europe, Oriflame — once a leader in this market — may be a target or a buyer of another group outside Eastern Europe.
She also anticipates Japanese and Korean beauty firms to eye companies that would expand their reach to the U.S. and Europe. "Global players are looking for innovation and an entrepreneurial approach that they can bring to the next level," said Berry.
But from Berry's vantage point, Latin America may garner the most interest.
"If there is a place to buy, it is Brazil," she said, noting that Jequiti, a Brazilian direct seller, is on the hunt for a buyer. An Acquisition in the Brazilian market could lower some of the numerous barriers to entry to the Latin American market, she added. In the U.S., the retail environment has become less hospitable to independent beauty brands, prompting their founders to sell, said financial observers.
"The bar has been raised in terms of what critical mass means," said Joyce Greenberg, a partner at the investment bank Coburn Greenberg Partners, referring to rampant consolidation within beauty. Greenberg forecasted that a number of independent companies, with revenues under $50 million, will sell to strategic buyers. "You'll see further consolidation this year." In terms of categories that she thinks will be brisk movers on the M&A front Greenberg said, "everything but fragrance."
"Sephora and QVC offered a lifeline to new brands and they've all had to rationalize their businesses. It's more difficult for independent brands to get in their doors," Greenberg said. "There are still opportunities to launch brands in these channels, but they are more limited."
Michael John, a partner JH Partners, said two dynamics have changed the M&A landscape: Smaller brands are finding it more difficult and costly to do business at retail, but at the same time strategic buyers are showing more of an interest in smaller-sized brands. "It's less expensive to buy a brand than create one from scratch," said John, adding he anticipates more movement of brands with less than $100 million in revenue.
But, others assert, retail opportunities are still plentiful for the right brands.
"Ulta is still rolling out significantly more doors and HSN and QVC are expanding into new markets," said Sandra Horbach, managing director of the Carlyle Group and head of its Consumer & Retail team. The private equity fund sold Philosophy to Coty in 2010 for an estimated $1 billion. Horbach noted the multiples remain high and are holding rather steady at a range of 2 to 4 times revenue and low- to mid-digits times earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization.
Horbach expects the antiaging skin care category to garner significant interest this year. "Skin care continues to be very attractive. We are also looking at health and wellness, or beauty from within," she said.
Jani Friedman, a managing director for the investment bank Demeter Group, which advised Ole Henriksen on its Sale to LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton, said the rise of retail concepts, such as Duane Reade's Look Boutique, are beginning to play the role that Sephora did in the previous decade as an incubator of niche brands. These concepts, said Friedman, "are not focused on exclusivity but more on novelty." Friedman said the hair care category is attracting lots of interest, as firms such as Living Proof and Carol's Daughter introduce straightening and strengthening treatments, tapping consumers' growing obsession with a perfect coif.
Meanwhile, LVMH is busy making changes to Ole Henriksen's top ranks, appointing Alexandra Kole as chief executive officer. She was previously senior vice president of strategy and business development at Sephora.
On the Acquisition front, Jeff Menashe, Demeter Group's ceo, said bids by pharmaceutical firms or life sciences companies are likely as they increasingly look at beauty as a way to reach a broader consumer base. He named derm-centric skin care brands as a likely fit.
He said that in 2011, strategic buyers accounted for nearly 80 percent of the deals, and in 2010 approximately 85 percent, with private equity accounting for the remainder. "We expect that will hold true this year," said Menashe.
"Beauty is still a very interesting space," said Menashe. "This is an area that continues to reward innovation."
Demeter Group Advises Freeman Beauty on Acquisition of Eclos &.
Demeter Group Advises Freeman Beauty on Acquisition of Eclos & c. Booth
NEW YORK — Freeman Beauty has acquired Eclos and c. Booth, two lines that were developed by Delicious Brands. Demeter Group, a leading investment bank for growth Consumer Retail companies, acted as exclusive financial advisor to Freeman Beauty on the transactions.
With the purchase, Freeman gains access to the plant stem cell technology used in Eclos, as well as the regimen products associated with c. Booth. Freeman is traditionally known for its product-specific lineup rather than a system. Eclos is comprised of 12 stockkeeping units, with c. Booth spanning 35.
“Freeman Beauty has always been about leading the industry with great beauty products at the intersection of science and nature,” said Doug Hosking, chief executive officer of Freeman Beauty. “From our long history with high-quality facial masks to our industry-leading dry shampoo, Pssssst!, Freeman strives to make products that perform and are affordable. We are excited to bring the Eclos and c. Booth brands to our networks because of the incredible technology that is a perfect complement to our brand portfolio.”
For Delicious Brands, the deal furthers development of new products by bringing prestige technology to the mass market. “We are so happy to have found the right organization to take our fabulous brands to the next level,” said Colleen Rothschild, founder of Delicious Brands. Both Colleen and Stan Rothschild, president and chief executive officer, will continue to serve in a consulting role with Freeman as they further develop the Eclos and c. Booth brands. They will also continue to operate Delicious Brands.
“Freeman was a good fit to take the brands to the next level,” said Colleen Rothschild, who founded Delicious in 2002. That next level includes product extensions, U.S. and international growth. Freeman already has distribution in virtually every major mass market chain. Freeman hopes to tap Rothschild’s creative abilities. “We’re ecstatic about Colleen’s formulations. We didn’t just buy brands, we wanted the team,” said Hosking. “We like how the cultures of the two companies fit together.”
Freeman has successfully integrated other Acquisitions in the past, such as Pssssst! shampoo and Vita-K, retailers noted.
Demeter Group Advises Colorescience on Sale to SkinMedica
Demeter Group Advises Colorescience on Sale to SkinMedica
WWD: SkinMedica Inc. Buys Colorescience
SkinMedica Inc. is expanding its presence at doctors’ offices with the Acquisition of mineral makeup brand Colorescience.
Demeter Group Advises Guthy-Renker on Joint Venture with Supersmile
Demeter Group Advises Guthy-Renker on Joint Venture with Supersmile
WWD Coverage: Dr. Irwin Smigel Taps Guthy-Renker
Demeter Group, a leading investment bank for growth Consumer Retail companies, acted as exclusive financial advisor to Guthy-Renker on the transaction.
® -water" data-reveal-id="news-item-53" data-reveal="">Demeter Group Advises Landmark Vineyards on Sale to FIJI ® Water
Demeter Group Advises Landmark Vineyards on Sale to FIJI ® Water
SAN FRANCISCO, CA (August 3, 2011) - Jeff Menashe, CEO of Demeter Group, a San Francisco-based investment bank focused exclusively on high-growth Consumer and Retail companies, announced today the Sale of award-winning Landmark Vineyards in Kenwood, California to FIJI ® Water, the country's leading premium imported bottled water. Landmark Vineyards is known for its outstanding Chardonnay winemaking sourced from the best grapes in California.
"The addition of Landmark Vineyards to the growing portfolio of wine brands in the FIJI Water/Roll Global family is an important step for the company," said Stewart Resnick, Chairman, Roll Global, which owns FIJI Water and JUSTIN Vineyards & Winery. "Proprietors Mike and Mary Calhoun have done a fantastic job creating world-class Chardonnay and we look forward to carrying on that tradition."
FIJI Water plans to maintain the wine making and hospitality operations of Landmark Vineyards in its current location in Kenwood, California. Winemaker Greg Stach will be staying on to manage the award-winning Landmark Vineyards program.
"Mary and I are thrilled that a well-respected company will be taking the reins at Landmark," said Mike Colhoun, who along with wife Mary will maintain a limited role with Landmark Vineyards. "We look forward to seeing the careful and thoughtful growth of the Landmark name that has been in our family for over 37 years."
"This transaction continues our well-established track record of delivering strategic outcomes for the industry's most prominent ultra-premium and luxury wineries,” said Demeter Group’s Menashe. “We are happy to have been able to work with Stewart Resnick and Roll Global to continue building their wine portfolio."
Demeter Group acted as Landmark Vineyards' exclusive investment banking advisor on the transaction. This Acquisition follows FIJI Water's December 2010 Acquisition of Paso Robles-based JUSTIN Vineyards & Winery, where Demeter Group acted as JUSTIN Vineyards & Winery’s exclusive investment banking advisor. In addition to the Landmark Vineyards and JUSTIN Vineyards & Winery Sales, Demeter Group advised Skinnygirl Margarita™ on its Sale to Beam Global Spirits & Wine in March 2011 and Seghesio Family Vineyard on its Sale to Crimson Wine Group in May 2011.
Demeter Group Advises Seghesio Family Vineyards on Sale to Crimso.
Demeter Group Advises Seghesio Family Vineyards on Sale to Crimson Wine Group
Investment Bank Adds to Impressive List of Top 100 Wine Clients
May 31, 2011 – Jeff Menashe, CEO of Demeter Group, announced today the Sale of Seghesio Family Vineyards, one of California’s oldest family-owned wineries specializing in estate-grown Zinfandel wines, to Crimson Wine Group. Seghesio Family Vineyards joins Crimson’s estate-focused portfolio of luxury domestic brands including Archery Summit (Willamette Valley, OR), Chamisal Vineyards (Edna Valley, CA) and Pine Ridge Vineyards (Stag’s Leap District of Napa Valley, CA). The Healdsburg-based winery has gained a place on the Wine Spectator’s Top 100 list an impressive six times in the past decade.
Pete Seghesio, who will remain with the winery after the transaction is complete, represents the fourth generation of the Seghesio family. The Seghesios literally and metaphorically put down roots in the Dry Creek Valley of Sonoma in 1895 and were instrumental in the development of Sonoma County as a wine region. Over the years, the family acquired 400 acres, of which 300 acres are planted. “Much like the best things in life, it’s always serendipitous when you find a great match in business or in your personal endeavors,” stated Seghesio. “Crimson Wine Group represented just that, a company and team whose philosophy towards nurturing brands along with vision, strong distribution network and access to capital, would allow us to grow to the next level, a level that business on a family scale would have difficulty attaining on its own.”
Demeter Group acted as exclusive financial advisor to Seghesio Family Vineyards. "Demeter Group was instrumental in advising our family throughout this transaction," stated Seghesio. In the last six months, the San Francisco-based investment bank for high-growth consumer and retail companies has advised on four transactions representing enterprise value of approximately $400 million. Demeter Group’s alcohol beverage clients during this time period include Skinnygirl Margarita which was sold to Beam Global Spirits & Wine and JUSTIN Vineyards & Winery which was sold to Fiji Water. In addition to Seghesio and JUSTIN, Demeter Group’s recent wine industry transactions include the Sale of Prisoner, Saldo, Flowers Vineyard & Winery, and Rosenblum Cellars.
Demeter Group Advises Skinnygirl Margarita on Sale to Beam Global
Demeter Group Advises Skinnygirl Margarita on Sale to Beam Global
Deerfield, Illinois, March 21, 2011 – Beam Global Spirits & Wine, the premium spirits business of Fortune Brands (NYSE: FO), today announced it has acquired the Skinnygirl ® spirits brand, created by renowned natural foods chef, reality TV star and entrepreneur, Bethenny Frankel. The brand’s flagship product, Skinnygirl Margarita™, the spirits industry’s fastest growing ready-to-drink (RTD) product in the U.S., is the all-natural, low-calorie "margarita you can trust."
"We’re thrilled to add Skinnygirl to our Beam Global Spirits portfolio," said Bill Newlands, Beam Global’s President North America. "Skinnygirl is an innovative premium brand that’s growing fast in a rapidly expanding segment. In just the past year, Skinnygirl has built strong consumer equity and momentum, particularly among women seeking convenient, low-calorie premium cocktails. We believe our strong Sales and distribution organization will build on this success by bringing Skinnygirl to more consumers and growing this high-quality brand from coast to coast. We’re also excited that Skinnygirl offers an excellent platform for further innovation.”
Distribution for Skinnygirl, launched in 2009 by Bethenny Frankel and spirits veteran David Kanbar, is currently concentrated in the New York, Florida and New Jersey markets. Annual shipments already exceed 100,000 9-liter cases.
“Beam Global is the right organization to partner with at the right time to take Skinnygirl to the next level in the U.S. and internationally,” said Bethenny Frankel, Founder and Chief Creative Officer of Skinnygirl who will continue to serve as the committed brand collaborator, developer and marketer. “As an entrepreneur focused on practical solutions for everyday, I know Beam Global and Skinnygirl share that same vision. I look forward to an exciting future working with the leading American spirits company.”
“Skinnygirl offers an excellent high-return opportunity to enhance our portfolio and leverage our scale and agility to accelerate the brand’s future growth,” Newlands said. “Bethenny is a driven, focused and talented entrepreneur, and we look forward to partnering with her to fully capitalize on Skinnygirl’s growth potential.”
Demeter Group, the San Francisco-based investment bank for growth consumer and retail companies, acted as exclusive financial advisor to Skinny Girl Cocktails.
Demeter Group Advises Ole Henriksen on Sale to LVMH
Demeter Group Advises Ole Henriksen on Sale to LVMH
February 7, 2011 • Paris, France and Los Angeles, CA - LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton, the world’s leading luxury products group, has completed the Acquisition of Ole Henriksen, a leading botanical skincare company founded and owned by its namesake. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed.
The Acquisition of Ole Henriksen is aligned with the strategies of LVMH, which include identifying brands with strong, long-term potential and helping them to capitalize on it. In the perfumes and cosmetics sector, specifically, the Group has a strong track record of successfully partnering with innovative brands such as Benefit, Make Up For Ever, and Fresh. These brands have each achieved significant growth as part of LVMH’s portfolio and they are positioned for continued success.
Ole Henriksen, the namesake of the brand, is a world-renowned skincare specialist. In 1985, following studies in cosmetic chemistry, along with his hands-on experience treating Hollywood’s most famous complexions at his Los Angeles spa, he created the ultimate in at-home luxury – botanical-based skincare that treats the face and body while helping to achieve overall health and wellness. The brand is currently sold at Sephora as well as spas in a total of 22 countries. LVMH will focus on future product development breakthroughs as well as expanding its international distribution.
“I am thrilled to join LVMH. Supported by the global knowledge of the leading luxury products group, I am confident my brand can expand its presence well beyond what we have achieved today to become a world-recognized and most highly desired brand in the skincare market,” explained Ole Henriksen, Founder of Ole Henriksen.
“Ole Henriksen has developed a unique skincare brand, with great consumer appeal and clear prospects for continued success. We are proud to welcome Ole Henriksen into the LVMH family and participate in the next phase of its development. In particular, Ole Henriksen will benefit from working closely with Sephora -- our fast-growing, global prestige beauty retailer -- to accelerate the brand’s worldwide expansion,” commented Antonio Belloni, Group Managing Director of LVMH.
Demeter Group, the San Francisco-based investment bank for growth Consumer and Retail companies, acted as exclusive financial advisor to Ole Henriksen. Mr. Henriksen will remain the brand’s Visionary/Creative Director. The Company, which will continue to be based in Los Angeles, expects to appoint a new CEO in early 2011, who will report to David Suliteanu, CEO and President of Sephora Americas.
® -water" data-reveal-id="news-item-57" data-reveal="">Demeter Group Advises JUSTIN Vineyards & Winery on Sale to Fi.
Demeter Group Advises JUSTIN Vineyards & Winery on Sale to Fiji ® Water
LOS ANGELES (December 6, 2010) – FIJI ® Water, the country’s leading premium imported bottled water, announced today that it has acquired the award-winning JUSTIN Vineyards & Winery in Paso Robles, California. Known for its Bordeaux-style blends and single varietals, combining Old World tradition with New World techniques, JUSTIN Vineyards & Winery is a critically-acclaimed, world class premium wine brand that FIJI Water and its parent company, Roll International, are proud to add to their portfolio.
”FIJI Water and JUSTIN Vineyards & Winery are both industry leaders with super premium products, strong branding and state-of-the-art operations with a dedication to unprecedented quality,” said John Cochran, President and COO, FIJI Water. “We’re proud to be adding the JUSTIN folks to our family at FIJI Water. JUSTIN’s winemaking knowledge and exceptional team coupled with FIJI Water’s outstanding global Sales force, offers an opportunity to carefully achieve mutual growth and success for both brands.”
“Deborah and I are honored to be partnering with FIJI Water and Roll International to help JUSTIN achieve broader distribution and Sales success,” said Justin Baldwin, Founder of JUSTIN Vineyards and Winery. “Roll International is highly regarded for its California-based agricultural operations and its ability to build world-class iconic brands, like FIJI Water and POM Wonderful. We look forward to working alongside the FIJI Water team to bring JUSTIN wines to the global marketplace.”
FIJI Water plans to maintain the operations of JUSTIN Vineyards & Winery in its current location of Paso Robles, California. Both Justin and Deborah Baldwin will be staying on and working closely with the companies’ senior executives to increase production and distribution in upcoming years. Fred Holloway, vice president, director of production and winemaking, will also continue to create world-class vintages in his current capacity.
Advising on the transaction on behalf of JUSTIN Vineyards & Winery was San Francisco-based investment bank, Demeter Group. “As the preferred advisor of the industry’s most prominent ultra-premium winery transactions, we are thrilled to have been a part of the joining of two great brands,” said Jeff Menashe, Chairman, Demeter Group. “The deal between JUSTIN Vineyards and FIJI Water is truly unique.”
Demeter Group Advises Castanea Partners on Acquisition of Urban Decay
Demeter Group Advises Castanea Partners on Acquisition of Urban Decay
Newton, MA – March 30, 2009 - Castanea Partners today announced that it has completed the Acquisition of Urban Decay Cosmetics, LLC from The Falic Group. Headquartered in Newport Beach, CA, Urban Decay is a leading premium color cosmetic brand known for its alternative spin on beauty, imaginative, high-quality products, and unique artistic style.
Founded in 1996, Urban Decay immediately established itself as a trend-setting cosmetic company that revolutionized the way make-up companies name, package and market their products. The brand, known for its innovative, bold packaging and colors, always stays true to its “Beauty with an Edge” mantra. Urban Decay appeals to all ages and its broad base of loyal customers is diverse, ranging from trendsetters to mainstream cosmetic consumers.
Urban Decay markets its products primarily through domestic and international specialty beauty retailers, including Sephora and Ulta Beauty, better department stores, and through its website ( The company has over 300 color cosmetic SKUs in all major cosmetics categories with its largest category in eye products.
Castanea will support the Company as it continues to strengthen the distinctive Urban Decay brand, broaden its existing product line and expand into new markets. Considered among the best teams in the industry, Tim Warner, Wende Zomnir, and Eric Jimenez will continue in their current roles as General Manager, Co-Founder and Executive Creative Director, and Worldwide Retail Director and International Make-up Artist, respectively.
“Urban Decay is a great example of the types of entrepreneurial, growth-oriented businesses we seek to invest in at Castanea Partners,” said Brian Knez, Co-Managing Partner of Castanea Partners. “We are very excited to partner with Tim, Wende, Eric and the rest of the Urban Decay team and look forward to working with them to help realize the brands full growth potential.”
“Castanea brings a wealth of brand knowledge and operating expertise which made them our preferred choice in selecting a partner,” said Tim Warner.
Added Wende Zomnir, “As we continue to grow and add new channels of distribution, Castanea will help us build the infrastructure to meet that demand and realize exciting growth opportunities.”
“Our customers love to have fun with their make-up, demand high quality, and appreciate the edgy nature of the brand. Castanea will help us support our wholeSale customers and our growth at the retail level,” said Eric Jimenez.
Demeter Group, a leading San Francisco-based investment bank for growth Consumer Retail companies, acted as financial advisor to Castanea Partners.
New “Benchmarking” Survey of Wineries and Grape Growers
New “Benchmarking” Survey of Wineries and Grape Growers
SAN FRANCISCO, CA (MARKET WIRE) - The first extensive survey in at least a decade designed to detail the financial and operating performance of wineries and grape growers throughout the states of California, Oregon and Washington is being launched this week in a joint effort by Moss Adams LLP, the largest west coast-based accounting, tax and consulting firm, and Demeter Group, a San Francisco-based investment bank, both deeply involved as advisors to the wine industry. A panel of leading executives assisted in designing the survey and prominent industry associations have indicated their support for the survey.
The objective of "The Wine Industry Financial Benchmarking Survey," which is being conducted at a cost of approximately $250,000, is to provide participating wineries and grape growers with industry-aggregated data on a confidential basis that can be used to measure and compare their own company’s performances. A comprehensive online questionnaire will soon be available to all West and Northwestern wineries and growers. Plans are to conduct the survey every two years.
"There has been a notable lack in recent years of useful and accurate industry data that can assist winery and vineyard owners in managing and measuring their businesses, and the Financial Benchmark Survey is aimed at filling that gap," said Jeff Gutsch, Partner and Wine Industry Group Chairman of Moss Adams.
Jeff Menashe, CEO of Demeter Group, added, "In discussing this with numerous owners and executives, and based on our own experience in the industry, there clearly is a need, which the survey is intended to address. We believe this will be a valuable tool and will be of great assistance to operators of both wineries and vineyards."
"An important feature of the survey is that all the individual data including identities of participants will be strictly confidential," said Gutsch. "While we plan to report on the survey’s key findings early this fall, the detailed information will be supplied only to participants in aggregate form for use in comparing their performance to the industry and their peer group. No individual information will be released."
Participation is on a voluntary basis, but both Demeter and Moss Adams expect a wide response. The final report will be available only to participating wineries and growers and will not be available to non-participants for 18 months following its release. Among the topics covered in the benchmarking survey are questions on viticulture, grape Sales, wine production, wine Sales, production costs, capital expenditures, and accounting policies.
Both Moss Adams and Demeter Group pointed out that, based on their extensive involvement in the industry, there is a major need, especially in the current economic environment, for such information. They plan to conduct the Benchmark Survey as a long-range project, but because of the extensive information required will do so every two years. "We envision this ongoing program as an important undertaking that will benefit the industry, and one that will establish itself as the standard by which wineries and vineyard operators up and down the west coast can gauge their activities as well as establish useful financial and operating objectives," they said.
The survey was designed with the participation of senior financial and operating executives from a range of prominent grape growers and wine producers including Jackson Family Wines, Williams Selyem Winery, Frog’s Leap Winery, JUSTIN Vineyards & Winery, and Long Shadows Vintners LLC.
Industry associations that have already expressed their support for the survey to their members and constituents include Sonoma County Vintners, Sonoma County Winegrape Commission, California Certified Organic Farmers, and the Washington Wine Industry Foundation.
Demeter Group Advises Flowers Vineyards and Winery on sale to Huneeus
Demeter Group Advises Flowers Vineyards and Winery on sale to Huneeus
RUTHERFORD, CA, January 6, 2009 – Huneeus Vintners, the fine wine portfolio owned by the Huneeus family based in Rutherford, Calif., has announced the acquisition of Flowers Vineyards and Winery of the Sonoma Coast. Walt and Joan Flowers, and Agustin and Valeria Huneeus, will join their wineries, bringing Flowers and the Huneeus portfolio, which includes Quintessa, Faust, Illumination, Primus and Veramonte, together to create a family-owned portfolio focused on quality, in the vineyards, wineries and marketplace.
Flowers established it self as a pioneer of the true Sonoma Coast when they purchased property on a ridge-top within two miles of the Pacific Ocean in 1990, long before the Sonoma Coast had gained its reputation as California’s most sought-after appellation for Pinot Noir and Chardonnay. Flowers’ ranches, located in the northern Sonoma Coast, include vineyard neighbors such as Hirsch, Martinelli, Marcassin, Helenthal, Pahlmeyer and Peter Michael, and producers including Williams Selyem, Siduri and Littorai also sourcing fruit from the region.
Both families have developed a reputation for producing wines that are the expression of their vineyards. While the Huneeus portfolio is dedicated to properties that excel in Cabernet Sauvignon and Bordeaux origin varietals, the Flowers have been dedicated exclusively Chardonnay and Pinot Noir.
"This partnership is a rare match between two like-minded families making great wines. We are committed to making wines from unique vineyard properties and to remaining family owned," Agustin Francisco Huneeus, of Huneeus Vintners said. "We bring together vineyards in Napa and Sonoma counties, and wines that represent some of California’s most interesting Meritage, Cabernet Sauvignon, Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay and Pinot Noir bottlings."
"The Huneeus family has been in the wine industry for nearly 50 years, through two generations, and is committed to continue for many more. Their perspective has always been that great properties and vineyards will prevail in a crowded marketplace." Jim Harris, president of Huneeus Vintners, said. "We are delighted to be working with Joan and Walt Flowers, the world-class vineyards and the Flowers team."
The Flowers team, headed by President Tom Hinde, will work closely with Huneeus Vintners to service their retail and restaurant partners across the country.
Demeter Group of San Francisco, Calif., an investment bank, advised Flowers Vineyard & Winery on the transaction.
Demeter Group Advises Zoot Sports on Sale to K2 Sports
Demeter Group Advises Zoot Sports on Sale to K2 Sports
Triathlon footwear, apparel and wetsuit operator Zoot Sports, has been acquired by action sport company K2 Sports for an undisclosed amount. While this may seem like an aside to action sports for K2, the purchase brings together two companies with complimentary distribution channels.
Founded in Kona, Hawaii, in 1983, Zoot Sports is a leading player in triathlon race apparel. Its endurance multisports brand is focused on apparel, wetsuits and accessories to outfit athletes in each discipline of the sport – swim, bike and run.
Commenting on the announcement, Robert Marcovitch, CEO of Seattle based K2 Sports said, “We are excited to welcome Zoot to our family. Zoot is a fast-growing brand whose shared dedication to innovation and quality make them a terrific fit for us and we look forward to their continued growth and expansion into new product categories and geographies.”
Brian Enge, CEO of Zoot, added, “We are extremely proud of what we have all achieved in growing Zoot in the last several years, due to the hard work and dedication of all of our staff. We are excited to enter a new chapter in our company’s history and we will only benefit from the ability to tap into a best-in-class partner with strong operating capabilities and a similar commitment to quality and innovation.”
Demeter Group Advises Nestlé USA on Sale of Albers Brand to Cont.
Demeter Group Advises Nestlé USA on Sale of Albers Brand to Continental Mills
SAN FRANCISCO, CA, October 1, 2008 – Demeter Group, an investment bank focused on high-growth brands in the food, beverage and beauty industries, served as advisor to Nestlé USA in the Sale of its Albers ® corn meal and grits business to privately owned Continental Mills of Tukwila, WA. Nestlé USA is a subsidiary of Nestlé SA of Switzerland, the world’s largest food company.
The Albers brand (, founded more than 100 years ago, is dominant in the western U.S. Albers’ corn meal and grits are the number one brands in their categories, with market shares of 64% and 59%, respectively. Albers brand yellow and white corn meal are essential ingredients in everything from corn bread and muffins to fried fish and chicken. Albers brand grits create both side and main dishes at breakfast, lunch and dinner.
"Demeter Group, being expert in the middle market, was able to identify Continental Mills as a likely buyer for Albers," said Bob Gatto, Nestlé USA Vice President of Business Development. "As a result, it was a very smooth transaction."
Continental Mills ( produces leading breakfast food, baking mix and beverage brands such as Krusteaz, Snoqualmie Falls and Alpine. "Albers fits perfectly into the Continental Mills family of products," said Michael Castle, Continental’s CFO. "It’s a strong regional brand that we can grow through the national reach of our existing Sales and marketing infrastructure."
Demeter Group Advises GU Sports on Recapitalization by Adventure Funds
Demeter Group Advises GU Sports on Recapitalization by Adventure Funds
SAN FRANCISCO, CA, August 19, 2008 – Demeter Group, an investment bank focused on high-growth brands in the food, beverage and beauty industries, served as exclusive strategic and financial advisor to GU Sports on the Company’s recent recapitalization. GU Sports is the leading producer of the endurance sports nutrition products GU Energy Gel™ ("GU"), an energy food product in gel form, and GU2O Sports Drink™ ("GU2O"), hydration electrolyte drink in dry powder form designed to be mixed with water.
The recapitalization transitions majority ownership of the company to President Brian Vaughan from his father and company founder Dr. William Vaughan. GU Sports launched in 1991 with GU, a revolutionary product that provides a more effective nutritional method for keeping athletes fueled during intense activity. In June, GU Sports introduced Roctane Ultra Endurance Energy Gel™ ("Roctane"), a premium energy gel that amplifies GU’s original recipe, adding new ingredients to boost performance.
The equity capital was provided by Adventure Funds, an Oregon-based private equity fund founded by Tal Johnson, who was previously CEO of Tazo Tea throughout much of the company’s growth. Tazo Tea was acquired in 1999 by Starbucks.
"Demeter Group provided valuable assistance in enabling us to reach our immediate management and financial goals, as well as helping us to identify an equity partner whose experience, we anticipate, will greatly benefit our business as we move forward," said Brian Vaughan. "As a result, we can continue to focus our resources on serving the nutritional needs of athletes from around the world."
"Advising GU Sports and bringing its recapitalization to fruition, including bringing on board a world class investor like Tal Johnson and Adventure Funds, has been a highly satisfying experience," said Jeff Menashe, Demeter Group CEO. "GU Sports is a company that bristles with excitement and energy, and despite the complexities involved, we achieved results that benefited all parties, enabled Brian Vaughn and his team to reach their objectives, and helped to enhance the Company’s growth opportunities."
Demeter Group Advises Equity Firms on Investment in Yes to Carrots
Demeter Group Advises Equity Firms on Investment in Yes to Carrots
SAN FRANCISCO, CA, June 13, 2008 – Demeter Group, an investment bank focused on three consumer verticals, food, beverage and beauty, served as advisor to San Francisco Equity Partners and Simon Equity Partners on their investments in Yes To Carrots, an innovative, high growth natural personal care company. Both funds participated in a $14 million Series A funding round that Yes To Carrots recently announced it has closed, and which was led by San Francisco Equity Partners.
San Francisco Equity Partners is a private equity firm, and Simon Equity Partners is the private investment arm of the Simon family, founders of Simon Property Group (NYSE: SPG).
"We identified Yes To Carrots as an exciting category innovator last year and were pleased when subsequently both investment firms retained us to advise them on the transaction," said Jeff Menashe, CEO at San Francisco-based Demeter Group. "Our industry expertise and relationships with the leading masstige and prestige beauty retailers around the globe allowed us to fine-tune projections for the company’s multi-channel distribution strategy."
Yes To Carrots was founded in Israel two years ago by Ido Leffler and Lance Karish, and introduced its products in the U.S. in April 2007 through an exclusive national Sales arrangement with Walgreens. Yes To Carrots is currently in the process of moving its headquarters to San Francisco, and carefully broadening its distribution to other retail thought leaders. The company formulated and markets all-natural products containing Beta-carotene, which is derived from such natural and organic ingredients as carrots and other orange fruits and vegetables. These are combined with detoxifying Dead Sea mud and minerals to create a paraben-free formula that provides a natural glow for skin and hair. Next month, the company is launching product extensions with Walgreens for different skin types.
"Consumers clearly are increasingly concerned about paraben and other chemicals used in their personal care products and consequently are turning to natural products. We identified this trend early on at Sephora where I was part of senior team that made the strategic decision to give natural brands prime importance in the skincare planogram," says Jani Friedman, a Demeter Group Managing Director with 20 years brand development experience in the beauty and fashion industries, and who previously was Vice President and Divisional Merchandise Manager of Skincare at Sephora USA. "Natural products are growing at a double-digit annual rate and is now a $7.2 billion category, or roughly 7% of the personal care industry, which, by contrast, is today a much slower single-digit growing business."
Since offering its products through Walgreens, which remains the company’s largest customer, Yes To Carrots is now also sold by Target, Duane Reade and Longs Drug Stores as well as via the Home Shopping Network and beauty products retailer Ulta, among others. Yes To Carrots is also sold in 16 countries internationally.
The new capital will be used to finance the company’s growth which includes expanding its world-class management team. "This is an important step for us, and we are especially pleased to have the participation and support of knowledgeable investors like Simon Equity Partners and San Francisco Equity Partners, who as key investors are helping guide Method Products, a successful marketer of non-toxic, biodegradable products for the home that’s been ranked among the top 10 fastest-growing companies," said Leffler and Karish.
"Yes To Carrots has all the attributes – superior products, an experienced management team and a solid game plan – to succeed in the natural personal care market," said Steven Simon. "Demeter Group’s expertise in the vertical was especially helpful to us in defining the company’s potential, and their assistance will be valuable going forward."
Demeter Group Advises Rosenblum Cellars on Sale to Diageo Chateau.
Demeter Group Advises Rosenblum Cellars on Sale to Diageo Chateau & Estate Wines
SAN FRANCISCO, CA, February 29, 2008 - Demeter Group, a boutique investment bank specializing in consumer companies, has advised Rosenblum Cellars on its Sale to Diageo Chateau & Estate Wines (DC&E), part of Diageo, the world’s leading premium drinks business. DC&E announced its Acquisition of Rosenblum Cellars for $105 million.
Rosenblum Cellars, founded in 1978 by Kent and Kathy Rosenblum and based in Alameda, Calif., is one of the leading producers of Zinfandel and Rhone varietals in the United States. The Acquisition of Rosenblum Cellars is a strategic fit for DC&E, as the company currently does not have a brand primarily focused on Zinfandel. The addition of Rosenblum Cellars will immediately give DC&E one of the most recognizable names in a booming category.
"Demeter Group was the clear choice to serve as our advisor during this transaction due to the firm’s deep expertise within the wine industry as well as the firm’s complementary food and beverage focus," said Kent Rosenblum, founder of Rosenblum Cellars. "Demeter Group’s senior team of wine industry professionals leveraged their unparalleled relationships within the industry as well private equity community to help guide us through the Sale process. In particular, the firm helped us to develop credible projections to detail our brand’s full potential and ensured our speed to market."
"This Acquisition further solidifies Demeter Group’s position as the preeminent investment bank for the wine industry," said Jeff Menashe, CEO, Demeter Group. "We were thrilled with the opportunity to partner with Rosenblum to identify prospective buyers that were not only a strategic fit but also understood the uniqueness and potential of the Rosenblum brand. This is a terrific partnership between two companies that share the same commitment and passion for making the highest quality wines."
According to IRI data, the premium Zinfandel category continues to show consistent growth, and over the past six months has been the fastest growing major varietal in both volume and value.
The last decade has been an exceptional one for Rosenblum Cellars. The winery has continued to gain the respect and appreciation of both the public and its peers, and has been honored with numerous gold medals and 90-plus scores. Still loved for its world-class zinfandels, Rosenblum has also established a reputation for crafting acclaimed Rhône varietals in its own ripe and robust style. This unique approach has culminated in a diverse portfolio of award-winning wines in several categories, including its Reserves, Vineyard Designates, Appellation Series and Cuvée Series. Rosenblum Cellars is currently distributed in every state.
Demeter Group Advises National Pretzel on Shultz Foods Acquisition
Demeter Group Advises National Pretzel on Shultz Foods Acquisition
SAN FRANCISCO, CA, September 10, 2007 – Demeter Group, a boutique investment bank specializing in consumer companies, has advised National Pretzel Holdings, Inc., the nation’s largest producer of private label pretzels, on the Acquisition of Shultz Foods, a leading private label pretzel manufacturer.
Shultz Foods joins National Pretzel Holdings’ family of leading regional pretzel businesses, which includes California Pretzel Co., the largest co-pack and contract manufacturing pretzel supplier on the west coast, and Anderson Bakery Co., the nation’s oldest bakery. This Acquisition expands National Pretzel Holdings’ national production and distribution capabilities in addition to enhancing its product innovation expertise.
"Demeter Group’s expertise has been invaluable during this Acquisition," said Michael Uytengsu, CEO of National Pretzel Holdings. "Their counsel was a key contributor during the decision-making process of this Acquisition, assisting us with both analyzing our company’s strategic growth initiatives as well as understanding the implications of integrating Shultz Foods into our existing business."
"This Acquisition showcases Demeter Group’s ability to leverage our considerable experience and expertise within the food industry to provide clients with exceptional advice tailored to their needs," said Jeff Menashe, CEO of Demeter Group. "Particularly, our focused approach and superior transaction-management skills help our clients better understand the strategic and financial integration of a new business."
The retail pretzel category in the U.S. is an estimated $1.2 billion market. The private label category represents 10 percent of this market, which is two to three times larger than private label penetration in comparable salty snack categories.
California Pretzel Co., founded in 1959, is the largest co-pack and contract manufacturing pretzel supplier on the west coast and serves customers both domestically and abroad. Its sister company, Anderson Bakery, founded in 1888, is located in Pennsylvania, and augments National Pretzel Holdings offerings to economically service customer’s needs.
Demeter Group Completes Equity Raise for Dr. Susan Taylor’s Rx.
Demeter Group Completes Equity Raise for Dr. Susan Taylor’s Rx for Brown Skin
SAN FRANCISCO, CA, August 28, 2007 – Demeter Group, a boutique investment bank specializing in consumer companies, has secured equity capital for Dr. Susan Taylor’s Rx for Brown Skin from Simon Equity Partners, a family office focused primarily on consumer brands driven by innovation.
Dermatologist Dr. Susan Taylor, a leading expert in skin of color, co-founded T2 Skincare, LLC with Anne Thomas in 2006 to launch a skincare line addressing the unique, yet underserved needs of women of Latin, Asian, African, Middle Eastern, Mediterranean, and Native American descent. Sephora USA, the Beauty Authority with 180 stores throughout the U.S. and Canada and a leader in launching new beauty brands and concepts, has recognized this underserved market and has launched T2 Skincare’s product line, Rx for Brown Skin, exclusively for one year.
"We are becoming recognized in the prestige beauty industry as having the expertise and industry experience to dramatically help brand owners define their growth strategy and secure the necessary funding from strategic investors," said Jeff Menashe, CEO of Demeter Group. "As a firm, we expect to remain active within the beauty space, and see many more opportunities to help brand owners access growth capital."
"Rx for Brown Skin, a brand created with the needs of the ethnic consumer in mind, is positioned to become the leader within the ethnic skincare market," said Jani Friedman, head of Demeter Group’s beauty practice. "Until now, no one has addressed specific brown skincare needs with a customized product solution, and as a result, there is a major untapped market opportunity at hand."
Ms. Friedman, who will be joining the Board of Directors of Rx for Brown Skin, has more than 20 years of experience in brand development. Previously, Ms. Friedman held the position of Vice President and Divisional Merchandise Manager of Skincare at Sephora prior to joining Demeter Group in March of 2007.
Ethnic personal care is currently a $1.9 billion market and is growing at a record pace, even though a credible skincare product line to serve this consumer has not yet surfaced. The $7 billion cosmeceutical skincare market, which comprises formulations that not only enhance appearance but also offer a preventative or therapeutic benefit, is proliferating, particularly in the prestige segment. The convergence of these major trends creates an opportunity for the right brand to capture significant market share in the ethnic beauty and personal care category.
"We identified Dr. Taylor and her plans for Rx for Brown Skin almost a year ago and have collaborated on successfully launching the brand at Sephora. Sephora is focused on providing beauty products for all women, and this helps build our assortment to meet the distinct needs of women with dark skin," said Margarita Arriagada, Senior Vice President of Merchandising at Sephora.
"People are fundamentally the same—but their skin isn’t. For the past two decades my passion has been understanding skin of color. As a practicing dermatologist, and Founding Director of the Skin of Color Center, I have treated sensitive skin, hyper-pigmentation (dark marks), acne and dull, uneven skin tone, all major problems for skin of color. I am delighted to launch Dr. Susan Taylor’s Rx for Brown Skin, which I personally formulated to provide safe and effective skincare solutions for these problems," commented Dr. Susan Taylor.
Demeter-Eier vom Bauckhof
So werden Überweidung der Flächen und damit verbundener Krankheitsdruck vermieden.
Zusätzlich gehört zu jedem Stall ein Wintergarten, in dem die Hennen im Sand baden und Körner picken können.
Der Auslauf ist bei fast jedem Wetter und ganzjährig möglich.
Demeter-Qualität vom Bauckhof -
Transparenz vom Küken bis zum Ei
- mit allen Stallnummern und Daten
Bauckhof Klein Süstedt
Erzeugercode: 0-DE-0330251, 0-DE-0330252, 0-DE-0330253, 0-DE-0330254, 0-DE-0330255, 0-DE-0330256
Erzeugercode: 0-DE-52-1113, 0-DE-52-1112, 0-DE-52-1111
Eier im Test: Schmeckt Bio besser?
Ein Ei gleicht dem anderen - das gilt schon lange nicht mehr. Es gibt Eier mit weißer und brauner Schale, große und kleine, konventionell und ökologisch produzierte Eier. Und das sind längst nicht alle Unterschiede: Wie viel Auslauf haben die Hühner, die Frühstückseier legen? Und welches Futter bekommen sie? Auch darauf können Verbraucher achten. Doch welche Eier schmecken am besten? In einer Stichprobe vergleicht Markt verschiedene Eier (Preis pro Stück):
- Bio-Eier vom Demeter-Hof für 60 Cent
- Bio-Eier vom Discounter für 26 Cent
- Eier aus Freilandhaltung für 16 Cent
- Eier aus Bodenhaltung für 12 Cent
Für Markt bewerten Teilnehmer einer Straßenumfrage den Geschmack der Eier.
Eier und Hühnerhaltung im Vergleich
Für Markt bewerten Teilnehmer einer Straßenumfrage den Geschmack von Eiern aus Bodenhaltung (12 Cent pro Stück), aus Freilandhaltung (16 Cent), Bio-Eier vom Discounter (26 Cent) und Demeter-Eier (60 Cent).
Beim Ei aus Freilandhaltung ist das Eigelb nicht ganz so kräftig. Den Geschmack fanden die Tester "wässrig".
Bei den Bio-Eiern vom Discounter ist das Eigelb noch etwas blasser. Den Testern schmeckte es ziemlich gut.
Die kräftig orangenen Eier aus Bodenhaltung gefielen den Testern optisch am besten. Auch den Geschmack fanden sie überzeugend.
Das Eigelb von Demeter-Eiern ist im Winter eher hellgelb, im Sommer etwas dunkler - weil die Hühner dann mehr Grünfutter fressen. Den helleren Farbton fanden viele Tester unattraktiv, den Geschmack jedoch am besten.
Die Zahlen und Buchstaben geben Auskunft über die Hühnerhaltung, das Herkunftsland und das Bundesland. Dieses Ei stammt aus Bodenhaltung in Schleswig-Holstein.
In der Kleingruppenhaltung (Stempel-Code 3) sind es 13 Hennen pro Quadratmeter.
In der Bodenhaltung (Stempel-Code 2) teilen sich neun Hennen einen Quadratmeter. Bei Freilandhaltung (Stempel-Code 1) haben die Hennen zusätzlich vier Quadratmeter Auslauf.
Nach dem europäischen Bio-Standard (Stempel-Code 0) teilen sich sechs Hühner einen Quadratmeter bei vier Quadratmetern Auslauffläche.
In der Demeter-Produktion von Carsten Bauck werden männliche Küken nicht getötet, sondern gemästet und vermarktet. Mit dem höheren Aufwand begründet Bauck die höheren Preise der Demeter-Eier gegenüber Bio-Eiern nach EU-Standard.
Warum sind Demeter-Eier so teuer?
Bei der Eierproduktion in vielen Demeter-Höfen werden männliche Küken nicht getötet, sondern gemästet und vermarktet. Das ist nach Auskunft von Demeter-Landwirten wie Carsten Bauck mit einem höheren Aufwand verbunden und führt zu meist deutlich höheren Preisen für Demeter-Eier gegenüber Bio-Eiern nach EU-Standard.
Wie werden Eier produziert?
Für die Eierproduktion werden besonders leistungsfähige Hühner gezüchtet. Sie legen fast jeden Tag ein Ei. Dazu ziehen sie sich in abgedunkelte Ställe zurück. Dort befinden sich Nester, die mit Matten ausgelegt sind. Die frisch gelegten Eier rollen vom Nest direkt auf ein Transportband. Übrigens: In den Morgenstunden legen Hühner die meisten Eier.
Unter welchen Bedingungen leben Hühner?
Wie viel Platz Hühner haben und welches Futter sie bekommen, ist gesetzlich geregelt:
- Kleingruppen sind der Mindeststandard für die Hühnerhaltung, seitdem die herkömmliche Käfighaltung verboten wurde. Jedem Huhn stehen mindestens 800 Quadratzentimeter zur Verfügung. Das entspricht etwa der Fläche von eineinhalb DIN-A4-Blättern. Es gibt Nester zum Ablegen der Eier, einen Einstreubereich und Sitzstangen zum Schlafen.
- In Bodenhaltung wird mehr als die Hälfte der Eier in Deutschland produziert. Erlaubt sind bis zu neun Hühner pro Quadratmeter Stallfläche. Mindestens ein Drittel der Bodenfläche muss mit Streumaterial wie Stroh, Holzspänen, Sand oder Ton bedeckt sein.
- Bei der Freilandhaltung hat jedes Huhn zusätzlich eine Auslauffläche von vier Quadratmetern.
- Die ökologische Haltung sieht sechs Legehenne pro Quadratmeter vor und zusätzlich vier Quadratmeter Auslauffläche. Außerdem muss das Futter ökologisch erzeugt sein. Der Einsatz von Gentechnik im Tierfutter ist verboten.
Was bedeutet der Stempel auf dem Ei?
Jedes Ei muss mit einem Stempelaufdruck versehen werden. Daran lässt sich die Haltung, das Herkunftsland und der Legebetrieb erkennen. Die erste Ziffer des Herkunftsstempels steht für die Haltungsform. Die Buchstabenabkürzung steht für das Herkunftsland. DE steht für Deutschland. Es folgt dann die Nummer des Betriebs. Immer mehr Betriebe drucken die Informationen auch auf die Verpackung oder stellen sie im Internet bereit. Dort können Verbraucher die aufgestempelte Kontrollnummer eintippen, um beispielsweise Fotos vom Legebetrieb zu sehen.
Die Kennzeichnung von Eiern verstehen
Auch heute noch werden Legehennen in engen Käfigen gehalten. Doch immer mehr Menschen legen Wert auf Eier aus artgerechter Haltung. Wie erkennt der Verbraucher sie? mehr
Wie findet man das richtige Ei?
Im Supermarkt werden ausschließlich Eier der Güteklasse A angeboten. Sie erfüllen die höchsten Qualitätsansprüche: Die Schale ist unversehrt, das Eiklar beim Durchleuchten praktisch durchsichtig, der Dotter befindet sich ziemlich genau in der Ei-Mitte. Eier der Güteklasse B kommen nur für die industrielle Weiterverarbeitung infrage. Die im Supermarkt angebotenen Eier unterscheiden sich aber im Gewicht:
- Gewichtsklasse S: weniger als 53 Gramm
- Gewichtsklasse M: mittelgroßes Ei mit 53 bis 63 Gramm
- Gewichtsklasse L: großes Ei mit 63 bis 73 Gramm
- Gewichtsklasse XL: 73 Gramm und schwerer
Wenn in Rezepten nichts anderes angegeben ist, sind in der Regel mittelgroße Eier (Gewichtsklasse M) gemeint. Wie groß und schwer ein Ei wird, hängt von verschiedenen Faktoren ab. Vor allem die Hühnerrasse und das Alter des Huhns spielen eine entscheidende Rolle. Junge Hühner legen kleinere Eier als alte Hühner.
Wie lange bleiben Eier frisch?
Die Frische lässt sich mit mithilfe des Legedatums überprüfen - einfach 28 Tage vom Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum (steht auf dem Eierkarton) abziehen. Bis zu 18 Tage ab Legedatum dürfen Eier ungekühlt gelagert werden, weil sie solange über einen eigenen sogenannten Immunschutz verfügen. Waren sie einmal im Kühlschrank, ist die natürliche Schutzschicht nicht mehr intakt. Ab dem 18. Tag müssen Eier ununterbrochen gekühlt werden. Nach Ablauf der Mindesthaltbarkeit müssen Eier nicht in den Müll. Sie gehören dann aber nur noch in Speisen, die mehrere Minuten bei mindestens 70 Grad erhitzt werden.
Frische-Test für Eier
Auch wenn ein Ei noch haltbar ist, muss es nicht unbedingt frisch sein. Rainer Sass zeigt drei Küchentricks, wie sich der Frischegrad von jedem Ei bestimmen lässt Bildergalerie
Wie lange kann man Eier lagern?
Eier bewahrt man im Kühlschrank auf, am besten im Eierfach oder im Eierkarton. Das Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum zeigt an, wie lange rohe Eier haltbar sind. Gekochte Eier sind im Kühlschrank zwei bis vier Wochen haltbar.
Wie kocht man Eier?
Damit die Schale im kochenden Wasser nicht platzt, vorher mit einer Nadel die Schale vorsichtig einstechen. So kann beim Kochen Luft aus dem Ei entweichen. Eier am besten in sprudelnd heißes Wasser geben und mindestens fünf Minuten kochen. Ein zehn Minuten lang gekochtes Ei ist schnittfest.
Wie gut sind Eier für die Gesundheit?
Unter der Schale stecken viele Nährstoffe, zum Beispiel Vitamin A (gut für die Augen) sowie die Vitamine B1 und B2 (gut für die Nerven). Für Warnungen vor dem relativ hohen Cholesterin-Gehalt von Eiern gibt es offenbar keine wissenschaftliche Grundlage.
Braune oder weiße Schale: Woher kommt die Farbe?
Ob ein Huhn braune oder weiße Eier legt, lässt sich an der Farbe der Ohrmuschel des Huhns erkennen. Die Farbe der Eierschale ist unabhängig vom Futter, von der Farbe des Gefieders oder der Haltungsform.
Beeinflusst der Farbton des Eigelbs den Geschmack?
Viele Verbraucher wünschen sich ein kräftiges orangefarbenes Eigelb. Um das zu erreichen, mischen konventionelle Eierproduzenten häufig Farbstoffe (synthetische Carotinoide) ins Futter. Bei Bio-Eiern sind natürliche Futterzusätze wie Karotten und Mais erlaubt, die das Eigelb ebenfalls färben. Demeter-Landwirt Carsten Bauck verzichtet auf eine Manipulation der Eigelbfarbe. Das bedeutet: Im Winter ist das Eigelb eher hellgelb, im Sommer eher dunkelorange - weil die Hühner dann mehr Grünfutter fressen.
Warum schmecken einige Eier nach Fisch?
Für einen Fischgeschmack von Eiern sieht Landwirt Carsten Bauck drei mögliche Ursachen: Das Huhn ist krank oder im Futter waren Fischmehl oder Pflanzen wie Raps, die für einen fischigen Geschmack sorgen können.
Schmecken Bio-Eier besser als konventionelle Eier?
In der Stichprobe von Markt schmeckten den Teilnehmern der Straßenumfrage die Eier aus Demeter-Produktion am besten. Auf Platz zwei kamen die Eier aus Bodenhaltung, auf Platz drei die Bio-Eier vom Discounter. Die Eier aus Freilandhaltung fanden die Tester "wässrig".
Dieses Thema im Programm:
Markt | 07.03.2016 | 20:15 Uhr
Rezepte mit Eiern
Eier schmecken nicht nur zum Frühstück, sondern können in der Küche vielfältig eingesetzt werden. Rezepte für leckere süße und pikante Gerichte. mehr
Tipps: Eier gesund zubereiten
Gerührt, gekocht, gebraten: Wie sind Eier am gesündesten? Markt macht den Vergleich und gibt Tipps zum Einkauf, zur Lagerung und zur Zubereitung. mehr
Weniger als ein Cent Gewinn pro Ei
Die Eierproduktion hat sich in den letzten Jahren radikal verändert. Verbrauch und Ertrag steigen und die Landwirte verdienen immer weniger pro Ei, oft unter einem Cent. mehr
Mehr Ratgeber
Iss besser!: Gesundes vor der Haustür
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Wildunfall: Wann zahlt die Versicherung?
Diese Tipps helfen Heizkosten zu senken
Newsletter: Alle Themen, Tipps und Videos
Per E-Mail informiert Moderator Jo Hiller über die Themen von Markt. mehr
Für den Ernstfall richtig vorsorgen
Rechtliche Sicherheit, wenn man selbst nicht mehr entscheiden kann. mehr
Demeter eier
Bio-Regionalität wird sichtbar
Die derzeitigen „Unsere Höfe im Norden“ Eier stammen vom Demeter-Hof Wittschap, aus der Nähe von Kiel oder dem nach Demeter Richtlinien geführten Arpshof aus Dierstorf in der Nordheide .
Alle Eier stammen aus Beständen, die der Bruderhahn-Initiative Deutschland angeschlossen sind und garantieren somit:
- 100% Bio-Futter von Anfang an
- Bruderhahn-Mast
- Premiumhaltung
- Antibiotikafreies Geflügelfleisch
- Von Bioland oder Demeter Geflügelhöfen
Making-of Pochierte Eier
Wenn ich mein perfektes Frühstück zubereite, dann sind zwei Komponenten wichtig, Avocado und ein pochiertes Ei. Zur Feiertagvariante darf sich dann gerne noch etwas Speck, Hollandaise und sautierter Spinat gesellen, aber das "normale" Sonntagsfrühstück sieht so aus (und achtet bitte besonders auf das Schnittchen im Vordergrund, denn darauf kommt's an):
Je älter ein Ei ist, desto flüssiger wird das Eiweiß. Ihr kennt das sicher, bei einem sehr frischen Ei klebt das Eiweiß sprichwörtlich am Eigelb und behält auch in der Pfanne wunderbar seine Form, während ein älteres Eiweiß zerläuft. Das ist natürlich beim Pochieren sehr ungünstig, weil das Ei dadurch im Wasser nahezu atomisiert wird und sich nicht als Mantel um das Eigelb legt.
Da sich Eier nach dem Legen geschmacklich verändern und innerhalb einiger Tage "reifen", ist es auch eine Geschmacksfrage, die Eier nicht sofort nach dem Legen zu verwenden - mal davon abgesehen, dass sicher die wenigsten von uns eine eigene Hühnerzucht haben und die Eier im Handel nunmal nicht legefrisch sind.
Es gibt aber ein paar Tricks, wie man auch Eier aus dem Handel optimal auf das Pochieren vorbereitet.
- Etwas Weißweinessig, der dafür sorgt, dass sich das Eiweiß schneller zusammenzieht
- Ein kleines Sieb, mit dem das Ei ins Wasser gehalten und behutsam wieder rausgehoben wird. So ein kleines Kaffeesieb funktioniert erfahrungsgemäß besser als ein Schöpflöffel, weil das Ei damit besonders behutsam heraus- gehoben werden kann
- Ein Löffel oder Schneebesen, mit dem der Strudel erzeugt wird - womit auch immer Ihr besser klar kommt. Ich verwende das, was gerade in der Nähe ist.
- Eine Eieruhr
- Ein Teller, auf dem das Ei zwischengeparkt wird und etwas abtropfen kann
Ein Problem gibt es bei dieser Methode, vorausgesetzt, dass man die Eier im gleichen Topf vorgart, wie später pochiert.
Da Salmonellen mit Vorliebe auf der Eierschale sitzen und erst nach einer Garzeit von 10 Minuten bei einer Temperatur von 75°C absterben, tummeln sie sich theoretisch natürlich noch im Wasser, wenn die Eier ohne Schale pochiert werden.
Wer also ganz besonders vorsichtig ist, der sollte einen Topf zum Vorgaren und einen zum Pochieren verwenden.
Wenn Ihr mal etwas ganz Besonderes probieren wollt, könnt Ihr pochierte Eier auch frittieren. Ja, Ihr habt richtig gehört.
Dazu müsst Ihr die Eier nur bereits nach 2 Minuten aus dem Wasser heben, eiskalt abschrecken und könnt sie dann ganz behutsam panieren, also erst durch verkleppertes Ei ziehen und dann in Semmelbröseln oder Panko wälzen. Frittiert werden die Eier dann in neutralem Öl - dekadent, aber ein Traum!
Darf's noch etwas mehr sein?
Vielen Dank für diese tolle Anleitung, da ich es noch nie geschafft habe, ein so schönes pochiertes Ei zu machen, werde ich deine Version ausprobieren
so, bis Oster muss ich auch so ein Ei machen,
danke einer tollen Anleitung dürfte es ja wohl kein Problem mehr sein!
vorher heißt es üben :-)
Das vorgeragt Ei hab ich nicht aus der Schale bekommen. Das gegarte blieb drin und der flüssige Rest kam raus.
Zerfezt ist es mir im Wasser auch. aber geschmeckt hat es trotzdem ;)
Das Ei ist hängengeblieben? Damit passiert doch kaum was Sichtbares! Hast Du das Wasser kochen lassen?
Mhhhhh dein Frühstück sieht verdammt lecker aus. Endlich mal jemand der das pochieren ausführlich erklärt danke.liebe Grüße Ida
Ich liebe die knalligen Farben auf dem Bild - das Gelbe vom Ei, die grüne Avocado und dann noch das Rot-Violett! So macht Essen im trüben Januar Freude!
Danke für diese tolle Anleitung. Eigentlich hatte ich bereits aufgegeben.
Dank deiner sensationellen Anleitung hat es super geklappt und geschmeckt.
Leider ist die Avocado noch nicht verzehrreif - ich kann es kaum erwarten
diese Kombination zu versuchen.
Liebe ♥ Grüße aus Oldenburg
Ist das Eiweiß denn innen auch noch flüssig bzw. schleimig?
Ich würde das zu gern ausprobieren, aber ich hasse es wenn das Eiweiß noch schwabbelt.
Kommentare, die Werbelinks enthalten (Links, die auf kommerzielle Seiten verlinken und keinen Bezug zum Beitragsthema haben, sondern lediglich der Werbung dienen), werden selbstverständlich nicht veröffentlicht und ich behalte mir ausdrücklich rechtliche Schritte vor. Mein Blog dient nicht als kostenlose Werbeplattform!
Mayonnaise ohne Ei
Nach Geschmack mit Salz, Pfeffer und Zitronensaft würzen und evtl. noch andere Aromen oder Joghurt zum Verlängern zufügen.
Darf's noch etwas mehr sein?
Das ist wirklich spannend. Ich habe neulich schon nach einem solchen Rezept gesucht, aber keins gefunden. In einem Kommentar wurde die Möglichkeit mal so beiläufig erwähnt (Isi? warst Du das?). Es kommt ja gelegentlich mal vor, dass jemand kein rohes Eigelb essen möchte und im Hochsommer habe ich auch ein kleines Problem mit dem rohen Ei.
Danke für das Rezept!
Ja, darüber habe ich mal was in einem Kommentar geschrieben, ich weiß aber nicht mehr wo . Ich mache es aber fast so wie Steph. Ein ähnliches Rezept hatte ein User mal bei Chefkoch gepostet, deshalb wurde ich darauf aufmerksam. Ich finde es für den Sommer total praktisch und mache es wenn es heiß ist nur so. Es schmeckt halt nur ein wenig "neutral" finde ich, also ich würze die Mayo irgendwie mehr als die mit Ei. Das stört aber ja nicht. Also danke Steph, dass du es gepostet hast. Ich finde das ist eine super Variante für (hoffentlich. ) bald heißere Tage und für Allergiker.
Es klappt übrigens auch ohne Senf, da ich den nie hineingebe. Was ich nur festgestellt habe ist, dass es mir mal nicht gelang, als die Milch aus dem Kühlschrank kam und das Öl nicht. Also beide Flüssigkeiten sollten ungefähr zimmerwarm sein, dann geht es gut.
Cool! Danke schön :) Ich gebe den Jungs oft Sandhexen mit und traue mich nie, diese mit Mayo einzustreichen, weil es tagsüber keine Möglichkeit zur Kühlung haben. DIE ZEITEN SIND JA NUN VORBEI.
Das finde ich auch sehr interessant. Wird auspobiert.
Isi, du hast das mal bei Ellja gepostet. Ich habe noch nie eine Milch-Mayonaise gemacht, das probier ich im Sommer mal. Es müsste ja sogar mit in Flüssigkeit aufgelöstem Lezithinpulver oder Sojamilch (würg) statt Eigelb besonders gut funktionieren. Muss man sicher stark würzen, damit es schmeckt.
Das ist ja interessant. Kannte ich noch nicht. Nur die Variante mit gekochtem Eigelb. Gut abgeschmeckt ist das ne super Alternative!
So mache ich immer meine Aioli! Ich habe diverse Öle (Sonnenblumen, Raps, mildes Olivenöl) ausprobiert und finde, dass diese Majo am besten mit "stinknormalem" Livio-Öl schmeckt. Hätte das damit nie freiwillig probiert, aber da Gäste ins Haus standen und ich nur Olivenöle etc. da hatte, mußte ich mir von Schwiegermama Livio borgen in der Hoffnung, dass es damit auch geht - und BINGO - es war besser als alle Versuche davor.
@Isi: Stimmt, die beiden Flüssigkeiten sollten die gleiche Temp. haben. Geht aber auch, wenn beide kalt sind.
@Steph: Das mit dem Senf werde ich - allerdings ohne Knobi - mal ausprobieren.
Sauber, schon kopiert! Danke
da geb ich doch gleich auch mal meinen senf ab.
Auch von ein erstauntes "Ooooh" ;o)
Stelle mich mit in die Reihe der bislang Ahnungslosen und werde es ebenfalls beizeiten versuchen.
Danke für deinen Beitrag.
man lernt wohl nie aus.
Tolle Idee! Wird gespeichert und garantiert beim nächsten Kartoffelsalat ausprobiert. Dankeschön!
Für den TM gibt es auch so ein Rezept. Das habe ich mal probiert, aber ich meine mich erinnern zu können, dass das nicht hingehauen hat. Deine Variante werde ich unbedingt nachmachen.
Spannende Idee - ich habe mich bisher immer von selbstgemachter Mayonaise ferngehalten - eben wegen dem rohen Ei. Das Rezept probiere ich bestimmt bald aus. Danke. :-)
So, habs heute ausprobiert und war total überrascht, dass s sooo gut funzt.
Diese Mayo schmeckt schon etwas anders, irgendwie milder als die Mit-Ei-Variante, aber es ist eine echt gute Alternative wenn mal keine Eier im Hause sind oder gerade für den Sommer, wenn man nicht garantieren kann, dass die Mayonnaise immer ausreichend gekühlt ist. Klasse!
das probier ich aus. für meinen kartoffelsalat diese woche gerdae richtig. schön gepostet. danke.
ach übrigens: haste an deinem layout rumgefummelt. so wie ich das auch immer mache. da ist tierisch viel leere fläche zwischen den bildern und dem text. oder liegt das an meinen augen?
Ich sehe alles bestens - Peppinella, du weißt ja, wo es Brillen gibt :-)
Ob man das auch mit Sojamilch machen kann?? Und Soja Letizin?
DAS würde mich interessieren.
Mensch, da lässt man seinen Laden mal ein paar Tage unbeaufsichtigt und dann jagste mir sonen Schrecken ein, Josie ;o)
Also auf den ersten Blick sieht's hier für mich eigentlich normal aus, ich hab auch nirgends rumgebastelt - ausnahmsweise ;o)
Keine Ahnung, ich ernähre mich nicht vegan, aber im Zweifelsfall würd ich sagen, ausprobieren! ;o)
Nachdem ich aber am Wochenende meine erste "Sojamilch-Erfahrung" hatte, würd ich vermuten, dass eine Mayo, die auf Sojamilch basiert eher in Richtung Vanillepudding, denn in Richtung Mayo geht.
Grrr, nu hab ich mir den KuLa gerade mal im IE angeschaut, da sieht es wirklich sehr merkwürdig aus. Keine Ahnung, woran das liegt.
Ich werde der Sache aber auf den Grund gehen ;o)
Danke für den Tipp!
danke erstmal fuer dne genialen Blog. Habe schon einiges nuetzliches gelernt.
Beim ersten Mal hat es glaube ich fast 5 Minuten gedauert, im Regelfall ist sie bei mir aber innerhalb weniger Sekunden fest.
Da ich aufgrund schlechter Erfahrungen eine gewisse Rohe-Eier-"Phobie" habe, ist das Rezept für mich natürlich perfekt. Jetzt gibts auch bei uns mal selbstgemachte Mayonnaise:-)
Hab heute diese Mayo gemacht, die wird morgen zu deinen Parmesankartoffeln gegessen. Hab nur leider das Öl vorher nicht probiert und nu schmeckts nach Sonnenblumenkernen xD Aber egal. Der Rest wird dann zu Salat verarbeitet, in Kartoffelsalat kommt das bestimmt gut mit diesen nussigen Geschmack. btw: Dein Blog ist toll!
Mein Tip: Mayonnaise kann man auch mit gekochtem Eigelb machen. Funktioniert wunderbar!
Wow, super Tipp! Werd' ich bei Gelegenheit auch mal ausprobieren! :-)
Du hast mir mit dieser Mayo den Tag bzw. Grillabend gerettet. Danke! Ich hatte noch Würzöle da, die ich darin kombiniert habe. Sehr lecker!
Bin grad über diese Mayo gestolpert - Du hast immer so klasse Tips, die einem echt den Alltag erleichtern, Knoblauch-Confit ist sowas, die selbstgemachte Creme-fraiche auch! Vor allem, wenn man nicht in Deutschland wohnt und die Sachen nicht so einfach bekommt. Vielen Dank dafür!
Super Sache, die Mayo. Ich habe das Öl des Knoblauch-Cnfit sowie einige der Zehen verwendet, riecht super, schmeckt klasse (und gibt eine kleine Fahne *ggg*).
Danke für die tollen Rezepte.
Schmeckt ganz genauso wie eine Mayonnaise mit Ei und hat eine Minute gedauert! Das aufwendige unterrühren des Öls ist hier gar nicht notwendig.War erst misstrauisch,alles in einen Topf zu werfen,hat aber prima geklappt! Ich bin wirklich begeistert.
Anne-Kathrin, das langsame Einrühren des Öls ist auch bei der normalen Mayonnaise nicht notwendig, die funktioniert genauso wie diese eifreie. Alles in ein Gefäß und dann drauflosmixen - vorausgesetzt, man hat nen anständigen Pürierstab ;-)
Heute erstmalig ausprobiert. Ohne Senf, dafür mit confiertem und frischen Knoblauch. Habe halb Sonnenblumenöl und halb Rapsöl genommen. Sehr lecker!
Danke fürs Rezept!
da ich im Wohnmbil in den südlichen Ländern lebe, habe ich mich sehr gefreut, dass ich Dein Rezept gefunden hab. ich lese den KuLa zwar schon lange aber bei der Fülle stolpert manchmal später über anderes ;). Jedenfalls produzier ich die Creme zur Zeit sehr oft für ALLES (dieverse Salat, Sandwiches, Aioli) und find sie eine klasse und günstige Alternativ zur Ei-Mayo. habe Sie heute auch mit Link zu Dir auf meinem Blog veröffentlicht.
Liebe Grüße aus Portugal, Doreen
Super Idee! Ich war schon ein bisschen überrascht, _wie_ unkompliziert das war. Mein Mayonnaise-liebender Freund war vorher total dagegen, Mayo ohne Ei zu machen (von veganer Mayo geschädigt), aber er fand sie auch super. An der Würzung arbeite ich noch ein bisschen, aber das Grundprinzip ist toll. Eine Hälfte davon gab es dann mit saurer Sahne und ganz viel frischen Kräutern gemixt als grüne Sauce zu Ofenkartoffelpuffern. Danke! LG Lara
Hab heute die Mayo ausprobiert mit Lactosefreier Milch, da meine Schwester unter der Lacto-Unverträglichkeit leidet. Sie hat super geklappt, steht wie ne eins und schmeckt himmlich. Danke für das tolle Rezept!!
Super, das freut mich sehr!
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