понедельник, 11 декабря 2017 г.


ARK Survival Evolved: All Kibble Recipes

This page will list all of the Kibble recipes in ARK: Survival Evolved

(credit goes to shadowbannedkiwi from reddit for Kibble Ingredients and ballsymcnutt from Steam for Dinosaur's favorites)

Instructions [ edit ]

  • See general Kibble Recipe in the section "Kibble Recipe (General)"
  • Different types of Kibbles use different ingredients. See "Specific Kibble Ingredients" for which ingredient is required for which kibble
  • Different dinos have different favorite foods. See section "Dino's Favorite Food" and find the pic of your dino to see what kibble it likes.

Kibble Recipe (General) [ edit ]

Rockwell Recipes - Egg Based

This recipe needs to be tweaked on a per-egg basis, but this will make a balanced pet food that can be eaten by any tamed creature. A long cooking time removes excess water which means this will last a long time on the shelf. You will need to test the egg-meat-vegetable combinations.

  • 1 Egg
  • 1 Cooked/Jerked meat
  • 1 Vegetable
  • 2 Mejoberries
  • 3 Fibre (Aids digestion)
  • Submerge in water
  • Cook in a CookingPot


Specific Kibble Ingredients [ edit ]

Ankylo Kibble: Prime Jerky + Savoroot

Argentavis Kibble: Prime Jerky + Citronal

Brontosaurus Kibble: Meat Jerky + Rockarrot

Carbonemys Kibble: Prime Jerky + Rockarrot

Carno Kibble: Cooked Meat + Savoroot

Dilo Kibble: Meat Jerky + Citronal

Dimetrodon Kibble: Meat Jerky + Citronal

Dimorphodon Kibble: Meat Jerky + Longrass

Dodo Kibble: Cooked Meat + Rockarrot

Gallimimus Kibble: Meat Jerky + Savoroot

Kairuku Kibble: Meat Jerky + Savoroot

Lystrosaurus Kibble: Cooked Meat + Rockarrot

Pachy Kibble: Cooked Meat + Citronal

Parasaur Kibble: Cooked Meat + Longrass

Pteranodon Kibble: Meat Jerky + Rockarrot

Quetz Kibble: Prime Jerky x3 + Rockarrot x3

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Mysterious Mysteries: Introducing . Community Crunch 109 & ARK News!

What an intriguing discovery survivors, can you guess what creature it is?

Over the past few weeks, we have been carrying out analysis on our Official Servers to see where we can improve server performance and what the biggest difference is currently versus Early Access. Since ARK went retail, we were expecting to see our servers have better performance due to optimisations, better allocation and usage of hardware, and improved DDoS mitigation. What we have learnt is that there has been a dramatic change in how turrets are being used on Official Servers. The fundamental issue is that tribes are not only significantly increasing the number of turrets they use, but reducing the space they occupy, so the server is having to do more calculations in denser areas. In some cases, we've seen an increase of 7x versus the previous server-profiling data we had. It is clear that we need to make a change in regards to how turrets are placed, but we understand that they are an important part meta-game on Official PvP servers and therefore want to give you as much notice as possible.

TLDR: Turret usage had changed since the game went retail, it has been having a huge negative impact on the server. We will be introducing a limit to how many can be placed within a certain radius on the 5th of December. On PC a patch will be deployed today to inform you of the limit so you can make changes as necessary (and next week on console also). The change affects Plant Species X, Autoturrets, and TEK Turrets. We will also be buffing auto turrets, tek turrets, and minigun turrets.

It's that time of the month where we announce new mods entering the sponsored mod program! We've seen our fair share of maps, total conversions, rebalance, and creature mods but not often do we get to share mods that are tools that benefit other modders. This month we are excited to announce one of those mods, ArkFrame created by ZenRowe.

If you're interested in making your mod compatible with ArkFrame or want to start a new project using it, be sure to check out the website and Discord.

2x Faster Mating Interval Rates

Mysterious Mysteries: Introducing . & Live Action Trailer!

What an intriguing discovery survivors, can you guess what creature it is?

We just released our newest live action trailer! Revisit the ARK island as our hapless new survivor now "Respawns" and finds an unlikely friend. Produced by the award-winning PIXOMONDO team, including Executive Producer Mandie Briney, the VFX Supervisor from Game Of Thrones, Sven Martin, and CEO Thilo Kuther.

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π Rendered by PID 26643 on app-638 at 2017-11-21 00:00:47.402217+00:00 running 021be80 country code: RU.

ARK: Scorched Earth ★ Wyvern Eier und Babys - Live Stream Wiederholung 05.09.2016 | Teil 2 [Deutsch]

► Hier seht ihr die Live Stream Wiederholung vom 05.09.2016 zum ARK: Scorched Earth Expansion Pack.

► ARK: Scorched Earth für 16,99 statt 19,99 sicher auf: http://mmo.ga/sa3V. Als Gutscheincode noch ,,ChrizzPlay" eingeben und zusätzlich 3% Rabatt bekommen.

Vielen Dank fürs Einschalten! Euer Chrizz =)

► Entwickler: Entwickler: Studio Wildcard

► Publisher: Studio Wildcard http://www.studiowildcard.com/

► Mehr Informationen: http://playark.com/

► USK-Einstufung: Ab 12 Jahren

► Studio Projects C1: http://amzn.to/1UIGG3V

► Game Capture HD60: http://amzn.to/1F9TPzA

Let's Play - ARK Survival Evolved Deutsch Gameplay with Commentary (German/Deutsch) ARK: Scorched Earth


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  • MisterWoodhouse XBone, Master Builder, Half of Hot Fuzz
  • YT_Killer
  • WildcardTheRightHand Senior Technical and Gameplay Designer
  • AutoModerator
  • wildcardjen Community Manager
  • wildcardpanda Plant
  • WC-Drake Co-Founder, Co-Creative Director, Lead Designer, Lead Programmer
  • ReverbGames
  • WC_Drake Co-Founder, Co-Creative Director, Lead Designer, Lead Programmer
  • delicious_cheese
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π Rendered by PID 7060 on app-65 at 2017-11-21 00:00:47.381612+00:00 running 021be80 country code: RU.


The much larger ancestor of water birds like the stork or pelican, Pelagornis Miocaenus shares many traits with its modern-day brethren. However, it seems to spend much more time hunting for fish over the open deep-sea.

In fact, I have rarely spotted a wild Pelagornis anywhere near the coasts of the main Island, as it prefers to rest its wings by paddling along on the ocean's surface rather than waddling along the Island's beaches. Perhaps this behavior is a result of its survival instincts. The early Miocene was a post-dinosaur epoch, after all, and Pelagornis would not be accustomed to such predators. Considering how quickly it flees from humans, one can hardly blame its caution.

Because of its ability to fly, walk, and surface-swim, a tamed Pelagornis is one of the island's most versatile mounts, but this comes at a cost. The same webbed feet that allow Pelagornis to serenely maneuver along the ocean's surface prevent it from snatching prey from the ground, which may limit its appeal to some survivors.

The Pelagornis is a medium sized carnivorous (piscivorous) bird found near beaches throughout the Ark.


A relative of modern seagulls, Pelagornis is instantly recognizable from the more common Icthyornis by its size. With a wingspan rivaling Argentavis, it also possesses a beak filled with tooth-like projections for snagging fish, as well as webbed feet for paddling upon the ocean surface when it must rest its wings.

Flying a tamed Pelagornis into the water will cause it to "land", and swim around until you take off again.



  • The dossier was revealed on May 30, 2016.
  • Won't eat raw meat. Only fish.
  • Pelagornis will throw you off his back if you're flying over lava. Be careful!
  • You can place rafts while riding on one

Trivia not relevant for the game

  • The Pelagornis miocaenus is the same name as the type species of genus Pelagornis, the genus name means 'miocene' in Latin.
  • With a wingspan of around 6 m (20 ft), Pelagornis was one of the longest wingspan flying birds in history (Argentavis could have been bigger, but its wingspan is unknown).

Gameplay Images


Patch 245- Pelagornis, Allosaurus, Fishing & More!

ARK Survival Evolved: Dodo Egg

Dodos are the creatures that release Dodo Eggs. You can use them as consumable food or generate the Kibble (Dodo Egg) to domesticate Pteranodon, Ichthy or Mesopithecus.

Don’t try to make these eggs hatch because they won’t for sure, especially when they are at this point in development.

If you gather it when you are nearby Dodos (except for the tamed ones), you will make them aggressive, and they will start to assault the Player!

Dodo Eggs are very healthy for the players. Also, you can use them to create Kibble. Pteranodon, Ichthyosaurus and Mesopithecus are very interested in Kibbles of Dodos. You can use them to domesticate more quickly and effectively.


Oviraptor Philodator is a small-to-medium sized carnivore, common in the jungles and beaches of the island. Despite being a carnivore, Oviraptor's primary source of food is eggs, which it steals from nests. Unlike any other creature, Oviraptor seems to be able to surreptitiously steal these eggs usually without attracting the attention of the irate mother. In an incredible feat of natural selection, Oviraptor seems to emit a chemical pheromone that affects many creatures as an aphrodisiac. Mated creatures are much more likely to. "create" new eggs while Oviraptor is around, which allows the oviraptor to go about its business unperturbed.

Too small to fight or ride, Oviraptor is still one of the more commonly tamed creatures on the island. Its pheromone release ensures an increased stream of eggs from nearby mated wild creatures, for breeding, eating, or cooking kibble. And Oviraptor will autonomously do the dirty work of collecting them on your behalf without attracting unwanted attention. They also make quite adorable sounds, so many children simply like to keep them as rather strange companions.

The Oviraptor (Oh-vee-rahp-torr) is a small carnivorous dinosaur found on the Ark.


The Oviraptor is a small theropod that can often been spotted by survivors wandering across the island in search of its favorite food, eggs. It sports a crest on its head, presumably to attract mates, and a beak meant for cracking eggshells open to reach the nutritious contents within.

Very common through out the island, Oviraptor spends its days prancing around gleefully. Similarly to the Mesopithecus, the creature flees at a rather quick pace if one gets too close or if attacked.

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17. November

Mysterious Mysteries: Introducing . Community Crunch 109 & ARK News!

What an intriguing discovery survivors, can you guess what creature it is?

Over the past few weeks, we have been carrying out analysis on our Official Servers to see where we can improve server performance and what the biggest difference is currently versus Early Access. Since ARK went retail, we were expecting to see our servers have better performance due to optimisations, better allocation and usage of hardware, and improved DDoS mitigation. What we have learnt is that there has been a dramatic change in how turrets are being used on Official Servers. The fundamental issue is that tribes are not only significantly increasing the number of turrets they use, but reducing the space they occupy, so the server is having to do more calculations in denser areas. In some cases, we've seen an increase of 7x versus the previous server-profiling data we had. It is clear that we need to make a change in regards to how turrets are placed, but we understand that they are an important part meta-game on Official PvP servers and therefore want to give you as much notice as possible.

TLDR: Turret usage had changed since the game went retail, it has been having a huge negative impact on the server. We will be introducing a limit to how many can be placed within a certain radius on the 5th of December. On PC a patch will be deployed today to inform you of the limit so you can make changes as necessary (and next week on console also). The change affects Plant Species X, Autoturrets, and TEK Turrets. We will also be buffing auto turrets, tek turrets, and minigun turrets.

It's that time of the month where we announce new mods entering the sponsored mod program! We've seen our fair share of maps, total conversions, rebalance, and creature mods but not often do we get to share mods that are tools that benefit other modders. This month we are excited to announce one of those mods, ArkFrame created by ZenRowe.

If you're interested in making your mod compatible with ArkFrame or want to start a new project using it, be sure to check out the website and Discord.

2x Faster Mating Interval Rates

10. November

Mysterious Mysteries: Introducing . & Live Action Trailer!

What an intriguing discovery survivors, can you guess what creature it is?

We just released our newest live action trailer! Revisit the ARK island as our hapless new survivor now "Respawns" and finds an unlikely friend. Produced by the award-winning PIXOMONDO team, including Executive Producer Mandie Briney, the VFX Supervisor from Game Of Thrones, Sven Martin, and CEO Thilo Kuther.

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ARK Breeding Multipliers


Sunday, October 18th 2015, 5:28pm

ARK Breeding Multipliers


Sunday, October 18th 2015, 6:39pm


Sunday, October 18th 2015, 7:29pm

Quoted from "TwilightFox"

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Grangaard" (Oct 18th 2015, 7:42pm)


Sunday, October 18th 2015, 10:12pm

Quoted from "TwilightFox"

I put those in my Game.INI file and it didint work, I tried multiple times and whenever I check back it gets removed.


Monday, October 19th 2015, 4:51am

you can change the setting but this is the complete commnd list you need.


Monday, October 19th 2015, 9:33pm

Quoted from "oskzzo"

you can change the setting but this is the complete commnd list you need.


Thursday, October 22nd 2015, 3:10am

Quoted from "lopler2"

Quoted from "oskzzo"

you can change the setting but this is the complete commnd list you need.

I had the same issue, What I did was.


Thursday, October 22nd 2015, 9:00am


Thursday, October 22nd 2015, 3:05pm

Quoted from "lopler2"

Quoted from "oskzzo"

you can change the setting but this is the complete commnd list you need.

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