воскресенье, 21 января 2018 г.


Eier vegan

Montag, 18. März 2013

Eier von glücklichen Hühnern

Zuerst hat er auf Mulesing hingewiesen und anschließend erklärt, dass er nicht nur vegan isst, sondern auch vegan lebt. Daher kommt für ihn keine Form von Tierausbeutung in Frage. Die Wolle der Schafe sei nun mal für die Schafe gedacht und nicht für den Menschen. Egal ob das Schaf schlecht gehalten wird und in Australien lebt oder glücklich und zufrieden in der Lüneburger Heide.

Schafe wie wir sie heute kennen, wurden diesen riesigen Wollberge angezüchtet. Einige Rassen verlieren im Frühjahr ihre Unterwolle. Wollschafe hingegen müssen geschoren werden, sonst wird es zu heiß und zu schwer.

Der Mensch züchtet also Hühner die umfallen, weil sie ihr Fleisch nicht mehr selbst tragen können und Schafe, die geschoren werden müssen. Verrückte Welt, oder?

Letzen Endes läuft es nämlich immer darauf hinaus, dass sich der Mensch das Produkt eines nicht-meschnlichen Tieres zur eigenen Verwendung stibitzt.

Das kommt für mich, nach über zwei Jahren vegan leben überhaupt nicht mehr in Frage.

Daunen? Nein! Bettüberzug aus Wolle oder Seide? Nein!

In meinem Bad befindet sich ausschließlich vegane Naturkosmetik.

Kleidung: ich brauche nicht-veganes teilweise noch immer auf (beispielsweise Highheels aus Leder - die ich aber fast nicht mehr trage *aua*), aber kaufe garantiert keine unvegane Kleidung nach. Außerdem achte ich auf bio und fairtrade. Essen: sowieso vegan.

Wie bereits angekündigt war ich am Samstag auf Vitalesser-Treff im Gratitude. Zuerst haben wir festgestellt, dass sich "Rohkost" ganz schön hart anhört und "Vitalkost" viel besser klingt :-)

Zur Feier des Kennenlernens wurden wir alle mit frisch gepresstem Dinkelgrassaft überrascht. Kannte ich bisher nicht und bin begeistert! Schmeckt richtig lecker.

Hier noch ein Foto vom Tagessalat (spiralisierte Gurken mit Asia Dressing):

Am Abend hab ich mir dann einen Salat mit Süßkartoffelnudeln zubereitet.

Dressing (ganz simpel): Tamari.

Nun wünsche ich euch einen schönen Montagabend. Ich werde mich mit Finn auf der Couch einmummeln und den Tatort von gestern anschauen.

VIDEO - MOOP MAMA - LIEBE entfernt. Kann jedoch online gefunden werden!


Ich bin seit fast 8 Monaten vegan und habe erst vor einigen Tagen für mich einigermaßen sortiert, was ich von dem Thema halten soll. Und ich habe es mir nicht einfach gemacht.

jeder muss selbst sehen, wie weit er geht. Ich finde es immer gut, wenn man sich über seinen eigenen Standpunkt Gedanken macht.

Ich finde die Nutzung von einigen Tierprodukten von Tieren, die man privat aufnimmt (z.B. aus Tierheimen), um diese Tiere vor Tötung oder Qual zu schützen, völlig in Ordnung. Es spielt nämlich keine Rolle, ob man die Wolle verwenden würde oder nicht - für das Tier hat dies keine Relevanz.

Da nur weibliche Tiere Eier legen haben männliche Tiere wenig "Glück" und werden aus wirtschaftlichen Gründen umgebracht. Mit dem Kauf von Eiern unterstützt Du also deren Tötung. Das ist ähnlich wie beim Konsum von Milch.

Wenn im größeren Stil Eier produziert werden, hast du natürlich Recht. Aber auf dem besagten Hof werden unter Garantie keine Hühner getötet. Und dadurch, dass die Eier der handvoll Hühner konsumiert werden, kommen ja auch keine Küken nach. Wie gesagt, ich kaufe keine Eier, da ich vegan lebe (zudem ist der Hof auch über 350km weit weg von mir), aber ich kann meiner Freundin, die vegetarisch lebt, nicht davon abraten, die Eier zu kaufen -wenn sie Eier möchte, ist das die einzig vertretbare Lösung, finde ich.

. und wenn dann ein Nest vielleicht mal nicht gefunden wird, weil die Hühner eben überall frei herumlaufen dürfen, dann ist es für sie auch in Ordnung, anschließend ein paar mehr Hühner zu haben. Platz ist unglaublich viel vorhanden. Und -so hart es auch klingt- in der Freiheit gibt es auch natürliche Feinde.

Seit ich gelesen habe, dass Eier das Menstruationsprodukt von Hühnern sind, finde ich die Vorstellung auch etwas gruselig.

Claudi, die Fotos vom Essen sehen so unglaublich lecker aus. *sabber* Wann ist Mittag? *aufdieuhrguck*

De Plantaardige Keuken

Want een betere wereld begint bij je vork!

woensdag 13 juli 2011


  • 125 gram tofu, goed uitgeknepen
  • 2 eetlepels (vegan) mayonaise
  • 1/2 theelepel mosterd
  • 1/2 theelepel kurkuma
  • 1 theelepel kerriepoeder
  • 1/2 theelepel bieslook
  • 1/2 theelepel zwart zout (kala namak)
  • 1/4 theelepel peper
Verkruimel de tofu boven een kom. Voeg alle overige ingrediënten door en roer goed door met een vork, prak het nog een beetje fijn. Laat een uur staan om de smaken goed in te laten trekken, roer het in dat uur 1 of 2 keer nog goed door.

5 opmerkingen:

Ziet er lekker uit!

Gebruik je voor deze, en de scrambled tofu, de firm tofu (die ook bv in de supermarkt te koop is) of de silken tofu van de toko?

Ik heb voor bijna alle tofu gerechten firm tofu, dus idd die je ook in de supermarkt kunt kopen. Zijde tofu ben ik niet zo gek op, als ik dat gebruik zet ik het er expliciet bij. Die neem ik eerder voor sausjes en chocoladepudding oid (hoewel ik chocolademousse met avocado véél lekkerder vind). Waarvoor gebruik jij zijde tofu?

Ziet er erg lekker uit, ik doe er ook wel eens wat edelgistvlokken over voor een 'kaassmaakje'

Ik heb sinds kort zijde tofu ontdekt nadat ik bij een geweldig Japans restaurant heb gegeten. Nu snijd ik ze in blokjes, bestuif ze met bloem en frituur ze voorzichtig samen met een toefje geraspte gember. Serveren met sojasaus en lente-ui. Enorm lekker!

En ik heb het gebruikt voor de tofu cheesecake die ik laatst heb gemaakt (zie mijn blog).

Met firm tofu kon ik eigenlijk nooit overweg, het viel altijd tegen, maar ik zal het weer eens een kans geven :-)

Mmmm ziet er heel lekker uit!

Ik eet alleen eitjes van onze kippen (enfin, als er ei in koeken zit eigenlijk ook), maar ik ben er tevreden mee. Toch ga ik zeker deze tofusalade ook eens proberen :D

Where To Buy VeganEgg

The rumors are true! VeganEgg is HERE!

Delight in the taste and texture of eggs with this incredible new whole egg replacer! Enjoy the versatility you expect from eggs while positively impacting your health, the environment, and creating a more humane world. Bake cookies, muffins, cakes, and even cook up fluffy scrambled eggs and omelets!

INGREDIENTS (vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free, non-gmo, soy-free): Whole Algal Flour, Whole Algal Protein, Modified Cellulose, Cellulose, Gellan Gum, Calcium Lactate (Plant Source), Carrageenan, Nutritional Yeast, Black Salt.

Please use our store locator to find VeganEgg near you. Please search using City, State and always call ahead to ensure the product is on shelf. VeganEgg is now available in the United States, Canada, UK, Germany, Paris, Norway, Sweden, and Mexico.

VeganEgg is also currently available online from:

Sign up here to join our mailing list to receive up to the minute updates on when and where you can buy VeganEgg. You can also stay up to date by liking us on Facebook.


Vegans live longer than those who eat meat or eggs, research finds

Every three per cent increase in calories from plant protein was found to reduce risk of death by 10 per cent

  • Siobhan Fenton Health and Social Affairs correspondent
  • @siobhanfenton
  • Tuesday 2 August 2016 11:55 BST

Vegans have substantially lower death rates than meat-eaters, a major study has found.

The study has been published in the JAMA Internal Medicine Journal and reignites debate around increasingly popular vegan diets amid conflicting medical advice and evidence over their impact of proponents' health.

The research was undertaken by scientists at Massachusetts General Hospital, who monitored health and diet records of more than 130,000 people over the course of thirty years.

They found every three per cent increase in calories from plant protein was found to reduce risk of death by 10 per cent. The figure rises to 12 per cent for risk of dying from heart disease.

By contrast, raising the share of animal protein in one's diet by 10 per cent led to a two per cent higher risk of death from all causes. This increased to an eight per cent higher chance of dying from heart disease.

Substituting eggs for plant protein led to a 19 per cent reduction in death risk and eliminating unprocessed red meat saw a drop of 12 per cent.

As would be expected, the risk was found to be most pronounced among people who also engaged in other unhealthy activities, including having a history of smoking, drinking heavily or being obese.

However, caution should be exercised when interpreting the results, as other more complex social and environment factors could affect the results rather than being solely related to diet. For instance, vegans are more likely to be younger than the general population and therefore have much lower mortality rates. Similarly, vegans can be more likely to come from socially affluent backgrounds, which can also influence mortality risk.

Health news in pictures

Health news in pictures

1/32 Long commutes carry health risks

Hours of commuting may be mind-numbingly dull, but new research shows that it might also be having an adverse effect on both your health and performance at work. Longer commutes also appear to have a significant impact on mental wellbeing, with those commuting longer 33 per cent more likely to suffer from depression

2/32 You cannot be fit and fat

It is not possible to be overweight and healthy, a major new study has concluded. The study of 3.5 million Britons found that even “metabolically healthy” obese people are still at a higher risk of heart disease or a stroke than those with a normal weight range

3/32 Sleep deprivation

When you feel particularly exhausted, it can definitely feel like you are also lacking in brain capacity. Now, a new study has suggested this could be because chronic sleep deprivation can actually cause the brain to eat itself

4/32 Exercise classes offering 45 minute naps launch

David Lloyd Gyms have launched a new health and fitness class which is essentially a bunch of people taking a nap for 45 minutes. The fitness group was spurred to launch the ‘napercise’ class after research revealed 86 per cent of parents said they were fatigued. The class is therefore predominantly aimed at parents but you actually do not have to have children to take part

5/32 'Fundamental right to health' to be axed after Brexit, lawyers warn

Tobacco and alcohol companies could win more easily in court cases such as the recent battle over plain cigarette packaging if the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights is abandoned, a barrister and public health professor have said.

6/32 'Thousands dying' due to fear over non-existent statin side-effects

A major new study into the side effects of the cholesterol-lowering medicine suggests common symptoms such as muscle pain and weakness are not caused by the drugs themselves

7/32 Babies born to fathers aged under 25 have higher risk of autism

New research has found that babies born to fathers under the age of 25 or over 51 are at higher risk of developing autism and other social disorders. The study, conducted by the Seaver Autism Center for Research and Treatment at Mount Sinai, found that these children are actually more advanced than their peers as infants, but then fall behind by the time they hit their teenage years.

8/32 Cycling to work ‘could halve risk of cancer and heart disease’

Commuters who swap their car or bus pass for a bike could cut their risk of developing heart disease and cancer by almost half, new research suggests – but campaigners have warned there is still an “urgent need” to improve road conditions for cyclists. Cycling to work is linked to a lower risk of developing cancer by 45 per cent and cardiovascular disease by 46 per cent, according to a study of a quarter of a million people. Walking to work also brought health benefits, the University of Glasgow researchers found, but not to the same degree as cycling.

9/32 Ketamine helps patients with severe depression ‘when nothing else works’ doctors say

Ketamine helps patients with severe depression ‘when nothing else works’ doctors say

10/32 Playing Tetris in hospital after a traumatic incident could prevent PTSD

Scientists conducted the research on 71 car crash victims as they were waiting for treatment at one hospital’s accident and emergency department. They asked half of the patients to briefly recall the incident and then play the classic computer game, the others were given a written activity to complete. The researchers, from Karolinska Institute in Sweden and the University of Oxford, found that the patients who had played Tetris reported fewer intrusive memories, commonly known as flashbacks, in the week that followed

11/32 Measles outbreak spreads across Europe as parents shun vaccinations, WHO warns

Major measles outbreaks are spreading across Europe despite the availability of a safe, effective vaccine, the World Health Organisation has warned. Anti-vaccine movements are believed to have contributed to low rates of immunisation against the highly contagious disease in countries such as Italy and Romania, which have both seen a recent spike in infections. Zsuzsanna Jakab, the WHO’s regional director for Europe, said it was “of particular concern that measles cases are climbing in Europe” when they had been dropping for years

12/32 Vaping backed as healthier nicotine alternative to cigarettes after latest study

Vaping has been given an emphatic thumbs up by health experts after the first long-term study of its effects in ex-smokers. After six months, people who switched from real to e-cigarettes had far fewer toxins and cancer-causing substances in their bodies than continual smokers, scientists found

13/32 Common method of cooking rice can leave traces of arsenic in food, scientists warn

Millions of people are putting themselves at risk by cooking their rice incorrectly, scientists have warned. Recent experiments show a common method of cooking rice — simply boiling it in a pan until the water has steamed out — can expose those who eat it to traces of the poison arsenic, which contaminates rice while it is growing as a result of industrial toxins and pesticides

14/32 Contraceptive gel that creates ‘reversible vasectomy’ shown to be effective in monkeys

An injectable contraceptive gel that acts as a ‘reversible vasectomy’ is a step closer to being offered to men following successful trials on monkeys. Vasalgel is injected into the vas deferens, the small duct between the testicles and the urethra. It has so far been found to prevent 100 per cent of conceptions

15/32 Shift work and heavy lifting may reduce women’s fertility, study finds

Women who work at night or do irregular shifts may experience a decline in fertility, a new study has found. Shift and night workers had fewer eggs capable of developing into healthy embryos than those who work regular daytime hours, according to researchers at Harvard University

16/32 Breakfast cereals targeted at children contain 'steadily high' sugar levels since 1992 despite producer claims

A major pressure group has issued a fresh warning about perilously high amounts of sugar in breakfast cereals, specifically those designed for children, and has said that levels have barely been cut at all in the last two and a half decades

17/32 Fight against pancreatic cancer takes ‘monumental leap forward’

Scientists have made a “monumental leap forward” in the treatment of pancreatic cancer after discovering using two drugs together dramatically improved patients’ chances of living more than five years after diagnosis.

18/32 Japanese government tells people to stop overworking

The Japanese government has announced measures to limit the amount of overtime employees can do – in an attempt to stop people literally working themselves to death. A fifth of Japan’s workforce are at risk of death by overwork, known as karoshi, as they work more than 80 hours of overtime each month, according to a government survey.

19/32 Over-cooked potatoes and burnt toast ‘could cause cancer’

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has issued a public warning over the risks of acrylamide - a chemical compound that forms in some foods when they are cooked at high temperatures (above 120C).

20/32 Cervical cancer screening attendance hits 19 year low

Cervical screening tests are a vital method of preventing cancer through the detection and treatment of abnormalities in the cervix, but new research shows that the number of women using this service has dropped to a 19 year low.

21/32 High blood pressure may protect over 80s from dementia

The ConversationIt is well known that high blood pressure is a risk factor for dementia, so the results of a new study from the University of California, Irvine, are quite surprising. The researchers found that people who developed high blood pressure between the ages of 80-89 are less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease (the most common form of dementia) over the next three years than people of the same age with normal blood pressure.

22/32 Most child antidepressants are ineffective and can lead to suicidal thoughts

The majority of antidepressants are ineffective and may be unsafe, for children and teenager with major depression, experts have warned. In what is the most comprehensive comparison of 14 commonly prescribed antidepressant drugs to date, researchers found that only one brand was more effective at relieving symptoms of depression than a placebo. Another popular drug, venlafaxine, was shown increase the risk users engaging in suicidal thoughts and attempts at suicide

23/32 'Universal cancer vaccine’ breakthrough claimed by experts

Scientists have taken a “very positive step” towards creating a universal vaccine against cancer that makes the body’s immune system attack tumours as if they were a virus, experts have said. Writing in Nature, an international team of researchers described how they had taken pieces of cancer’s genetic RNA code, put them into tiny nanoparticles of fat and then injected the mixture into the bloodstreams of three patients in the advanced stages of the disease. The patients' immune systems responded by producing "killer" T-cells designed to attack cancer. The vaccine was also found to be effective in fighting “aggressively growing” tumours in mice, according to researchers, who were led by Professor Ugur Sahin from Johannes Gutenberg University in Germany

24/32 Green tea could be used to treat brain issues caused by Down’s Syndrome

A compound found in green tea could improve the cognitive abilities of those with Down’s syndrome, a team of scientists has discovered. Researchers found epigallocatechin gallate – which is especially present in green tea but can also be found in white and black teas – combined with cognitive stimulation, improved visual memory and led to more adaptive behaviour. Dr Rafael de la Torre, who led the year-long clinical trial along with Dr Mara Dierrssen, said: “The results suggest that individuals who received treatment with the green tea compound, together with the cognitive stimulation protocol, had better scores in their cognitive capacities”

25/32 Taking antidepressants in pregnancy ‘could double the risk of autism in toddlers’

Taking antidepressants during pregnancy could almost double the risk of a child being diagnosed with autism in the first years of life, a major study of nearly 150,000 pregnancies has suggested. Researchers have found a link between women in the later stages of pregnancy who were prescribed one of the most common types of antidepressant drugs, and autism diagnosed in children under seven years of age

26/32 Warning over Calpol

Parents have been warned that giving children paracetamol-based medicines such as Calpol and Disprol too often could lead to serious health issues later in life. Leading paediatrician and professor of general paediatrics at University College London, Alastair Sutcliffe, said parents were overusing paracetamol to treat mild fevers. As a result, the risk of developing asthma, as well as kidney, heart and liver damage is heightened

27/32 Connections between brain cells destroyed in early stages of Alzheimer’s disease

Scientists have pinpointed how connections in the brain are destroyed in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease, in a study which it is hoped will help in the development of treatments for the debilitating condition. At the early stages of the development of Alzheimer’s disease the synapses – which connect the neurons in the brain – are destroyed, according to researchers at the University of New South Wales, Australia. The synapses are vital for brain function, particularly learning and forming memories

28/32 A prosthetic hand that lets people actually feel through

The technology lets paralysed people feel actual sensations when touching objects — including light taps on the mechanical finger — and could be a huge breakthrough for prosthetics, according to its makers. The tool was used to let a 28-year-old man who has been paralysed for more than a decade. While prosthetics have previously been able to be controlled directly from the brain, it is the first time that signals have been successfully sent the other way

29/32 Research shows that diabetes drug can be used to stop first signs of Parkinson’s

Scientists in a new study show that the first signs of Parkinson’s can be stopped. The UCL study is still in its research period but the team are ‘excited’. Today’s Parkinson’s drugs manage the symptoms of the disease but ultimately do not stop its progression in the brain.

30/32 Drinking alcohol could reduce risk of diabetes

A new study shows that drinking alcohol three to four days a week could reduce the risk of diabetes. Wine was found to be most effective in reducing the risk due to the chemical compounds that balance blood sugar levels.

31/32 NHS agree, after loosing legal battle, to fund HIV prevention drug

Having lost the legal battle over who was to pay for the drug the NHS have finally agreed to fund the HIV prevention treatment. National Aids Trust, whom Princess Diana supported, said that it was a ‘pivotal moment’.

32/32 Scientists discover biological fat-switch

Scientists have discovered that the switch is controlled in the hypothalamus area of the brain. The switch acts on insulin receptors and involves the protein TCPTP. Scientists have discovered the switch in mice and are hopeful but yet to find out if the switch would be the same in humans.

Lead scientist Dr Mingyang Song said: ‘Overall, our findings support the importance of the sources of dietary protein for long-term health outcomes.

“While previous studies have primarily focused on the overall amount of protein intake - which is important - from a broad dietary perspective, the particular foods people consume to get protein are equally important.

“Our findings suggest people should consider eating more plant proteins than animal proteins, and when they do choose among sources of animal protein, fish and chicken are probably better choices.”

The number of people in Britain who follow a vegan diet has increased 360 per cent over the course of the last decade. Vegans eliminate all animal products from their diet, including meat, dairy and other products processed using animal products, such as some forms of sugar and wines.

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Eiersatz MyEy

Eiersatz, natural eggreplacer


The valuable alternative to animal egg products plant-based and natural!

Egg substitutes – VollEy

Replace eggs quite natural

Always used universally for eggless baking.

For sauces , creams ,

Cakes , batters and much more.

(75% BIO ) whippable

Nutrient replacement of egg yolk

Vivid in color, strong flavor .

Ideal for SpiegelEy ,

Noodles , rolls , sauces and much more .

(pure BIO product)not whippable

Replace animal eggwhite brings volume and Fluffigkeit

esp . suitable for cakes,

foam mass , meringues ,

Soufflets , biscuit rolls and more.

Anyone looking for a vegan pure vegetable alternative for baking and cooking without eggs will discover something in the MyEy product range. The finest ingredients were cleverly combined to make vegan dishes with pure vegetable ingredients delicious. But not only people with vegan way of nourishment are interested in the new egg substitute, but also people who must pay attention to the intake of animal fats due to cholesterol will find the adequate alternative for cooking and baking without eggs.

When using the alternative egg products, the baking performance, consistency, color, characteristic taste and the functionality of the egg itself should be preserved but based on pure vegetable ingredients giving their vegan recipes the ultimate flavor kick.

Whether baking or cooking without egg or a pure plant-based fried or scrambled egg, MyEy unites the whole spectrum of functionality with the finest vegan taste experience. Does not matter if for whipping, binding, loosening or just trying it out to refine vegan recipes, now MyEy is on the table and in the kitchen! The vegan egg substitute makes it possible! It is unique- MyEy products from Austria!


Vegan schwanger - Essen, Heißhunger, Käse, Eier, Abnehmen #4

NEU. Vegan schwanger - Essen, Heißhunger, Käse, Eier, Abnehmen #4 - Moni und Alexandra unterhalten sich in dieser 6-teiligen Videoreihe über ihre vegane Schangerschaft und die Stillzeit. Insgesamt sind es über zwei Stunden an Material. Unten findet ihr die Playlist, in der ihr bald alle 6 Folgen finden könnt.Endlich Vegan: HypnoBirthing: Das Stillbuch: Vegan for Kids: Gesund von Geburt an: Impfen Pro amp; Contra: Doppel-Milchpumpe für Zuhause: Dr. Jacobs Vitamin D3 Öl: B12 Lutschtabletten: Vegan Society VEG 1: Biofood Eisen aktiv: OPC Traubenkernextrakt: Ovega3 life DHA+EPA Algenöl: Alle Videos zu Vegan schwanger - Vegane SchwangerschaftAbonniere uns: ----------------------------------------shy;­­­­------------------------------------shy;-­-­-­-­--------Endlich Vegan - Unsere neue DVD Bester Wasserfilter für Zuhause Unser Veganer Amazon-Shop Unser absoluter Lieblings-Mixer Vitamix - Der tolle Profimixer Blender, Entsafter amp; Mehr ----------------------------------------shy;­­­­------------------------------------shy;-­-­-­-­-------- Alles Liebe Lars amp; AlexandraWebseite: Facebook: Instagram:

Schlagworte: Vegan schwanger - Essen, Heißhunger, Käse, Eier, Abnehmen #4 folgen, Vegan schwanger - Essen, Heißhunger, Käse, Eier, Abnehmen #4 achten auf , Vegan schwanger - Essen, Heißhunger, Käse, Eier, Abnehmen #4 über , Vegan schwanger - Essen, Heißhunger, Käse, Eier, Abnehmen #4 herunterladen , Vegan schwanger - Essen, Heißhunger, Käse, Eier, Abnehmen #4 video #4 , Abnehmen , Eier , Endlich Vegan , essen , Heißhunger , käse , R. , Rohe Energie , roheEnergie , schwanger , Schwangerschaft , vegan , Vegan schwanger , Vegane , Veganer

Advocaat (German Eierlikor)

Recipe by BecR2400

Top Review by

Top Review by

Advocaat (German Eierlikor)


Ingredients Nutrition

  • 10 egg yolks, at room temperature
  • 1 ⁄2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 1 ⁄3 cups superfine sugar
  • 1 1 ⁄2 cups brandy (preferably a clear brandy or eau de vie, such as Kirschwasser) or 1 1 ⁄2 cups cognac (preferably a clear brandy or eau de vie, such as Kirschwasser)
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract


  1. Beat the egg yolks, salt and sugar until thickened and lemony in color.
  2. Slowly trickle in the brandy, while still beating.
  3. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and warm over a LOW heat, continuously whisking. Do not boil.
  4. The Advocaat is ready when it coats the back of a spoon.
  5. Remove from heat and whisk in the vanilla extract.
  6. Let cool.
  7. Serve immediately, or cover & refrigerate until serving time.
  8. Serve Advocaat in a wide brimmed cocktail glass, with whipped cream and dust with cocoa powder.
  9. Or, fold some whipped cream through the Advocaat to create a decadent dessert called Tokkelroom.

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Nutrition Info

Serving Size: 1 (127 g)

Servings Per Recipe: 6

Amt. Per Serving % Daily Value Calories 422.1 Calories from Fat 60 14% Total Fat 6.8 g 10% Saturated Fat 2.4 g 12% Cholesterol 276.7 mg 92% Sodium 207.2 mg 8% Total Carbohydrate 45.5 g 15% Dietary Fiber 0 g 0% Sugars 44.7 g 178% Protein 4 g 8%

Rich Choline Foods and List of Vegan/Vegetarian Sources

Choline is an essential nutrient that is necessary both for your brain and for the health of your liver.

This nutrient is needed to synthesize the neurotransmitter Acetylcholine, which is used in brain functions related to memory, consciousness, reasoning, and creativity.

Choline can be found in small amounts in a few different plant and animal food sources. A well balanced diet containing an abundance of whole foods should provide you with sufficient choline intake.

To ensure this you may want to include tofu, soy milk, quinoa, broccoli, and/or animal products as these choline foods are particularly high in this nutrient.

Choline is an Essential Nutrient

It was discovered that people who were receiving parenteral nutrition via a catheter going directly into the bloodstream (bypassing digestion) over extended periods of time, began to develop fatty livers.

When choline was added to their feeding regimen, their fatty livers became less so.

The condition was apparently being caused by the build-up of triglycerides due to the liver’s inability to synthesize particles of very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL).

It was determine that this was because the synthesis of phosphatidylcholine was reduced. The nutrient is necessary for the transportation of fats from the liver through the body, in addition to its role in brain health.

Choline is now considered to be an essential nutrient by the Institute of Medicine’s Food and Nutrition Board. Essential nutrients are the ones that must be included in the diet for normal bodily function.

Choline appears in food and body tissues in a number of different forms:

Recommended Choline Intake

The recommended intake of choline for men is 500mg a day and for women 425mg a day, according to the Dietary Reference Intake (DRI). This recommendation is derived from one study that compared those recommended amounts to an intake of just 50mg a day.

In this study they did not consider any intermediary amounts. People consuming less than 50mg of choline a day could suffer liver damage, however it is highly unlikely that an average person would consume less than that in any case.

There are people with genetic mutations that need more choline in their system but it has not been determined how much these people actually need to be healthy. The recommendations from the DRI are probably adequate for most individuals.

If you think you have any liver dysfunction you may want to discuss this with your physician and see if boosting your intake of choline might help, either by increasing the amount of choline foods in your diet or with a moderate amount in supplements.

Choline Functions in the Body

Choline performs a number of different functions in the body. Most of the body’s choline is needed to synthesize phosphatidylcholine, which is the main phospholipid found in cell membranes. Choline, along with betaine, functions to keep homocysteine levels low by being a methyl donor.

There are other molecules that perform similar functions including vitamin B12, folate, and s-adenosylmethionine (SAMe). Choline is required for the synthesis of low-density lipoproteins (LDL) to take place. Choline is also required to synthesize Acetylcholine, a powerful neurotransmitter associated with memory, concentration, and learning.

The information on how choline relates to chronic disease, such as cancer, dementia and cardiovascular disease, is mixed at best and more research is still needed. Looking at all the data it seems as if 300mg a day would be about right for most people for normal functions in the body.

Women who are trying to become pregnant should try to meet or mildly exceed the DRI recommendations for choline to lower the risk for neural tube defects in their baby. Taking a moderate amount in the form of a supplement or pre-natal vitamin may be smart.

Research on choline as it relates to cancer suggests that a moderate amount (

300mg a day) could possibly reduce breast cancer when compared to lower amounts. However taking in too much choline could increase the risk of prostate, colon, and rectal cancers.

Choline could possibly lower homocysteine levels, but there is no clear evidence that this can benefit health. It is best to avoid very high homocysteine levels by making sure you are not deficient in vitamin B12.

Top Choline Supplements

Best Choline Foods Sources

By having 2 large eggs for breakfast you can almost meet your choline requirement for the day.

This would provide 240mg of choline, but only if you eat the whole egg including the yolk. By adding a cup of skim milk you would add another 38mg of choline.

A 100g serving of dried egg yolk is very high in choline, containing almost 1,400mg.

If you have a sweet tooth, eating chocolate is a great way to get your choline intake for the day.

A 1.5oz bar of milk chocolate has 20mg of choline, while a 4oz piece of chocolate cake has almost 130mg of choline. Powdered cocoa mix, without any sugar, provides about 15mg of choline per tablespoon.

Meat and seafood are abundant in choline according to the Linus Pauling Institute.

Consuming 3oz of beef liver derives 350mg. The same amount of turkey or chicken liver has 220mg – 320mg of choline. By having a 3oz portion of lean beef, veal, turkey, ham, lamb, bison, chicken, Atlantic cod, shrimp, and salmon you would get between 60 to 140mg of choline.

The chart below details specific servings of some choline foods high in this essential nutrient, along with their calorie content:

Vegetarian and Vegan Choline Foods

By eating 3oz of tofu you would get about 100mg of choline. By using 3oz of low-fat soy flour in a recipe you would get about 190mg of choline.

The Linus Pauling Institute has reported that soy used in meat substitutes is a good way to add choline foods to your vegan or vegetarian diet.

Those wanting to add more foods containing choline to their diets may consider flax seed, nuts and soy. Flax seed as well as pistachio nuts contain 70mg – 80mg of choline per 3oz serving.

Peanut butter is also a good source, providing about 10mg per tablespoon. Three or four tablespoons in a peanut butter sandwich would give you approximately 30mg – 40mg.

Certain vegetables are relatively high choline foods. One cup of steamed broccoli or Brussels sprouts each contain about 60mg. Herbs and spices like sun-dried tomatoes, celery flakes, coriander leaf, mustard seed, garlic, dried parsley, or chili powder can add choline to your dishes plus a lot of flavor.

Summary on Choline Foods Intake

Eating a healthy, balanced and varied diet is an excellent way to reach your daily choline intake requirements. For maintaining a minimum level of health, 300mg a day is enough for most individuals.

However, it may not be adequate for women attempting to get pregnant. They should try to consume 425mg a day as recommended by the above guidelines. Dietary choline supplements are also available in cases of deficiency.

There are other types of choline – including Alpha GPC and CDP Choline – that are commonly used as brain supplements for memory enhancement. Eating choline rich foods may also improve memory function, in addition to preventing fatty liver disease.

I read a study that indicates Choline causes kidney disease, yet there’s no mention of it here. Why?

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How It Works:

  • Supports memory and synaptic plasticity
  • Raises acetylcholine levels
  • Promotes brain health and focus

Vantastic Foods Organic VAYONNAISE SINGLE PORTION PACK new recipe, 35ml

Vantastic Foods

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Delivery time appr. 5 workdays

Our delicious Vayonnaise with new recipe and here as a single portion pack is the perfect purely vegetable alternative to mayonnaise. Not only does it taste light and spicy, it also takes p otato salad, noodle salad and sandwiches to a higher level. Even savoury sauces and fantastic creamy dips for snacks and fast food are ready before you know it, which makes the Vayonnaise absolutely versatile and essential in the vegan cuisine. Content 35 ml INGREDIENTS : Sunflower oil*, water*, vinegar*, cane sugar*, mustard *, p . show more

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alles perfekt

die mayo ist hammer lecker und hat die perfekte größe für meinen minimalen verbrauch an mayo. also alles perfekt

Super praktisch

Ich habe lange danach gesucht, eine vegane Mayonnaise to go. Wenn ich mir in der Arbeit Pommes aus der Kantine hole, was nur alle zwei Wochen mal vorkommt, musste ich sie bisher ohne Mayo essen. Ein Glas geht zu schnell kaputt bei dem geringen Verbrauch, kleine Portionen habe ich bisher nicht gefunden. Danke für dieses Produkt! Geschmack und Konsistenz sind auch perfekt.

Wenn die Lust auf Pommes Schranke kommt

Dieser kleine Mayo-Pack ist super für alle, die wie ich nicht so große Mengen von Mayonnaise kaufen möchten, da sie es nicht verbrauchen würden. Da die Mayo ungekühlt haltbar ist, ist sie perfekt für den Vorrat und wenn dann doch mal die Lust auf Pommes mit Mayo oder ein "Ey"-Sandwich kommt, dann kann man sich hiermit schnell helfen. Ist auch fürs Camping oder Festivals prima! Der Geschmack ist super, eben eine leckere Mayo. :-)

Trade with and manufacture of organic products certified by eco checkpoint DE-ÖKO-006

AVE, Siemensstraße 5 , 92507 Nabburg, DE

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Recipe ideas for the chose article

Cold Cuts Salad Nabburg Style

Ingredients (for two people):

  • 100g vegan lyon
  • 100g veggie beef
  • 70g gherkins
  • 1 onion
  • chives, finely chopped
  • mustard, medium hot
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon white wine vinegar
  • 150ml vegetable stock
  • black pepper, freshly ground
  • 2 lemon slices with peel
  • rosemary
  • 10g ginger, sliced into rings

From our assortment


  1. Dressing: Mix mustard with olive oil and vinegar, pour in vegetable stock and add pepper to taste. Pour the stock in a large bowl and add lemon and ginger slices as well as rosemary.
  2. Chop cold cuts and gherkins into fine strips. Cut the onions into thin half-rings. Put everything in the stock and mix well. Let everything rest for 2 hours (better overnight), remove lemon slices, ginger and rosemary. Garnish with freshly chopped chives.

Our tip: The salad tastes great as spread after mixing it with Vayonnaise - mix just after resting and enjoy!

A recipe from Sophie Mathisz


  • 100g Veganer Lyoner
  • 100g Veggie Beef
  • 70g Gewürzgurken
  • 1 Zwiebel
  • Schnittlauch, fein gehackt
  • Senf, mittelscharf
  • 1EL Olivenöl
  • 1 EL Weißweinessig
  • 150ml Gemüsebrühe
  • Schwarzer Pfeffer, frisch gemahlen
  • 2 Zitronenscheiben mit Schale
  • Rosmarin
  • 10g Ingwer, in Ringe geschnitten

From our assortment


  1. Für das Dressing Senf mit Olivenöl und Essig verquirlen, Gemüsebrühe aufgießen, nach Geschmack Pfeffern und gründlich mixen. Den Sud in eine ausreichend große Schale geben, Zitronen- und Ingwerscheiben sowie Rosmarin einlegen.
  2. Vegane Aufschnittscheiben sowie Gewürzgurken in feine Streifen schneiden. Zwiebeln in feine Halbringe schneiden. Alles in den Salatsud geben und gut untermischen. Aufschnittsalat mindestens 2 Stunden, am besten aber über Nacht ziehen lassen, vor dem Servieren Zitronenscheiben, Ingwer und Rosmarin entfernen und mit frisch gehacktem Schnittlauch dekorieren.

Unser Tipp: Unser Nabburger Aufschnittsalat schmeckt auch wunderbar als Brotbelag mit Vayonnaise – einfach nach dem Ziehen untermischen und genießen!

Portion: für 2-3 Personen


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Be Veggie - get fit!

*******ein Blog rund um leckere, gesunde Veggie-Küche, Fitness und mein Leben im schönen Norden ****************** "Animals are my friends… and I don't eat my friends." - George Bernard Shaw

Sonntag, 29. September 2013

Spätzle ohne Eier

Die Spätzle sind nun (wie versprochen) noch mein zweiter Beitrag zum Thema "Länderküche", bei diesem Blogevent.

Spätzle sind typisch fürs Schwabenland/Baden Württemberg .

Ich habe mich riesig über die Nachricht gefreut,

das in NRW nun "das Töten von Eintagsküken" verboten wurde.

Ich hoffe das ganz schnell auch die anderen Bundesländer noch nachziehen werden,

und vor allem, das auch mehr Menschen auf dieses grausame Verfahren aufmerksam werden.

Das ist ja das schlimme, das kaum jemand weiss, das die männlichen Küken, die für den Legehennenbetrieb nicht brauchbar sind, bei lebendigem Leib geschreddert oder vergast werden.

Ich sehe immer wieder in entsetzte Gesichter, wenn ich davon erzähle.

Und ich hab es, bevor ich mich mit dem Thema "Veganismus" näher auseinander gesetzt habe, ja auch nicht gewusst.

Es zerreisst mir immer wieder das Herz, wenn ich darüber nachdenke, wie grausam und herzlos mit kleinen Lebewesen umgegangen wird. Ich kann es einfach nicht nachvollziehen, wie verroht ein Mensch sein kann, das er so etwas fertig bringt.

Ich hoffe so sehr, das immer mehr Menschen aufwachen, und ein Umdenken stattfindet.


habe die Spätzle soeben noch in die Galerie der Länderküche eingebunden.

Ist also kein Problem gewesen! =)

Oh da freue ich mich *hüpf* danke!!

Hihihi, diese Diskussion am Küchenherd kann ich mir lebhaft vorstellen. *gg*

Aber schon wirklich erstaunlich, dass auch eine der "Hochburgen" aller Eiergerichte ganz ohne herstellbar ist.

Daumen sind für das Event gedrückt!

Ehrlich gesagt, kann ich generell nicht nachvollziehen, wie mit Nutztieren umgegangen wird. Und wie wenig das irgendwen interessiert. :-( Danke fürs Verlinken!

ja klar, das ist nur einer der vielen Grausamkeiten *seufz*

Hahahaha das gefällt mir wirklich sehr gut, dass er so arm leiden musste und wie du es beschreibst. Das muss ja wirklich eine Qual gewesen sein für ihn :-)

Sehen jedenfalls sehr lecker aus und beim nächsten Mal kannst du ja mal versuchen ihm "Eier"nockerl unterzujubeln, das Rezept findest du auf meinem Blog.

Was für eine tolle Nachricht wegen und für die Kücken. *Freu*

Hach,d as ist genau MEIN Gericht, mehr brauchts bei mir nicht.

Kürbsi und Spätzle oder Nockerl - da könnte ich mich echt reinsetzen.

da braucht echt kein Mensch Eier drin haben, das ist doch so schon soooo lecker!

Schaut toll aus dein Gericht. ^^

das mit den Spätzle freut mich für dich. Wir als (Ober-)Schwaben (Kreis Biberach) haben das auch schon mehrfach versucht, nach unterschiedlichen Rezepten. Wurden alle nix. Nur Kleister-Pampe. Ich kauf jetzt meine Spätzle fertig im Laden. Gibts auch eifrei bei Kaufland, in Bioqualität hab ich sie auch schon beim Marktkauf gesehen. Da schmeckt man wirklich keinen Unterschied.

Grüßle von VeggieViva

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