суббота, 27 января 2018 г.


Translations for „Haarige+Eier“ in the German » Greek Dictionary (Go to Greek » German)

Haarfestiger <-s, -> SUBST m

haargenau [ˈ--ˈ-] ADJ umg

haarklein [ˈ-ˈ-] ADJ

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This new feature displays references to sentence pairs from translated texts, which we have found for you on the Internet, directly within many of our PONS dictionary entries.

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Examples from the Internet (not verified by PONS Editors)

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The PONS Dictionary delivers the reliability of a dictionary which has been editorially reviewed and expanded over the course of decades. In addition, the Dictionary is now supplemented with millions of real-life translation examples from external sources. So, now you can see how a concept is translated in specific contexts. You can find the answers to questions like “Can you really say … in German?” And so, you will produce more stylistically sophisticated translations.

Where do the “Examples from the Internet” come from?

The “Examples from the Internet” do, in fact, come from the Internet. We are able to identify trustworthy translations with the aid of automated processes. The main sources we used are professionally translated company, and academic, websites. In addition, we have included websites of international organizations such as the European Union. Because of the overwhelming data volume, it has not been possible to carry out a manual editorial check on all of these documents. So, we logically cannot guarantee the quality of each and every translation. This is why they are marked “not verified by PONS editors”.

What are our future plans?

We are working on continually optimizing the quality of our usage examples by improving their relevance as well as the translations. In addition, we have begun to apply this technology to further languages in order to build up usage-example databases for other language pairs. We also aim to integrate these usage examples into our mobile applications (mobile website, apps) as quickly as possible.

New in the Online Dictionary - Now even more authentic example sentences for your translation search!

How do I find the new example sentences?

You will find the translations found for all senses of the headword under the tab "Usage Examples"

Where do these examples come from?

The examples come from the entire data collection of the PONS Dictionary and are all editorially certified.

Haarige Eier vor schönen Landschaften: Der Fototrend Nutscaping

Eierschaukeln mal anders: Beim neuen Netztrend „Nutscaping“ fotografieren Männer ihre haarigen Eier vor schönen Landschaften. Ja, ihr habt richtig gelesen.

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