воскресенье, 14 января 2018 г.


Eier muffin

Sonntag, 9. September 2012


1 Scheibe Toast

1 Scheibe roher Schinken / Bacon

Toast mit einem Nudelholz platt rollen.

Eine Seite mit Butter bestreichen. Mit der bebutterten Seite nach unten in eine Vertiefung einer Muffinform geben. Die Seiten gut andrücken (Tipp: Gründlich andrücken, ihr werdet den Platz noch brauchen!). Eine Scheibe Bacon in den Toast legen (sodass die Seiten des Bacons oben herausgucken. Ein Ei in die Vertiefung geben (und hier kommt der Platz ins Spiel. Ich habe nämlich so große Eier genommen, dass es übergelaufen ist. Also entweder hatte ich den Toast und den Bacon nicht richtig angedrückt oder nächstes Mal kaufe ich kleinere Eier. ).

Alles mit Salz und Pfeffer würzen.

Das Muffinblech für 10-15 Minuten bei 175°C in den Ofen.

Nach dem Backen, die Muffins vorsichtig aus der Form lösen, mit geschnittenen Frühlingszwiebeln garnieren und noch warm servieren.

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Kreatiewe Kos Idees

Recipes, Kitchen, Home and Garden Tips.

Tagged with ontbyt

Ontbyt pizza

Gebruik gekoopte Today pizza base

Braai spek, sampioene, uie en peppers tot sag. Smeer nog tamatie relish op base indien verkies. Skep mengsel op die base.

Maak roereiers en skep bo-op. Stip met mayonasie en rasper baie kaas oor.

In die oond by 200 C vir so 15/20 minute

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Eier bootjies

4 suurdeeg baguettes (Enige lang stewige broodrolletjie sal die ding doen)

250gr wors (jou keuse, vark, bees, kaasworsies, viennas ens ) gebraai en in stukkies gesny

250gr kaas, gerasper

3 groen spruit uie, dun gesny (gewone uie fyn gekap sal ook werk)

Sout en peper na smaak

Verhit die oond tot 180 C

Sny en trek uit die middel van al 4 broodrolletjies – los net ‘n bietjie in bodem en teen die kante. Klits liggies saam die eiers en die room. Klits res van die bestanddele by en voeg die wors by . Skep die beslag in die broodrolletjie boot. Plaas al 4 rolletjies op ‘n bakplaat en bak vir 25-28 minute of tot gestol in die middel. Laat afkoel vir 10 minute, sny en bedien.

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Ontbyt muffin met eier

“The Rebel Within” is a savory breakfast muffin with breakfast sausage baked into the mix, plus a full soft-cooked farm egg inside

• 1 Cup all purpose flour

• ½ t baking powder

• 1 Cup cottage cheese

• 4 T unsalted butter, melted and cool

• 4 soft boiled eggs, peeled (recommend a 5 to 6 minute easy boil)

1. Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 400. Lightly grease a 6-cup muffin tin. We used a tin that makes larger than usual muffins.

2. Whisk flour, sugar, baking powder, salt and pepper together in large bowl. In separate bowl whisk cottage cheese, sour cream, melted butter, eggs, scallions and ham together. Gently fold wet mixture into dry until just combined (do not overmix).

3. Fill muffin tin halfway with batter and then lay the peeled soft-boiled eggs in and cover with remaining batter to cover. Bake until golden brown, about 25 to 35 minutes, rotating the tin halfway through.

4. Let them cool in the tin for about 5 minutes and then remove from the tin and serve.

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Braaibroodjies Braai bygeregte

Written by Editorial Team

In our family a “braai” is not complete without a sweet or salty “braaibroodjie” It has been part of our tradition since my kids where very small and it’s still going strong with the grandchildren. Living in George it was the best thing ever having a braai at the beach and enjoying our braaibroodjie. Life is too short not trying all the different recipes and naturally you must not forget that there are so many different types of bread you can choose from. Big part of it is to not butter the outside as the bread must be crisp although some people prefer it with the butter on the outside, try it wthout first. What can be better than a fire burning and a glass of your favourite wine, good company and a BRAAI with BRAAIBROODJIES.

1. COTTAGE CHEESE “Braaibroodjie”

Bread of your choice – good buns

Butter or margerien

Cottage cheese, crumbs

Gerkins thinly sliced

Mrs Balls Chutney

Thinly sliced Onions – the purple onions work well

Butter the slices bread and add:

Mrs H. S. Ball’s Chutney

Cover with buttered bread and

Braai until golden brown and make sure the onions and tomato are cooked through

Bread of your choice

Butter or margerine

Grated cheddar cheese

Apples, the green apple works the best, cut it in half, and then cut in thin slices, so that it is nice and round.

Chillies cut in small pieces (optional) You can use a spice that you like.

Butter the slices bread and add:

Good portion of grated cheddar cheese

Apples to cover the entire bread

Place other buttered slice of bread on the top and press tightly together.

Good idea is to fasten the bread with a thin string or sewing thread and

Braai slowly to ensure the apples are cooked.

3. TRADITIONAL “Braaibroodjie”

Bread of your choice

Butter or margerine

Rainbow black pepper

Butter the slices bread and add:

Grated or slices cheese

Onions thinly sliced

Grind black pepper on the onions

Cover with buttered bread and

Braai until cooked.

Bread of your choice

Butter or margerine

Grated cheese, must be grated quite course

Apricot jam, not the runny time, if possible nice sliced of whole apricots. If you only have the runny type, mix it with the cheddar cheese.

Butter the slices bread and add:

Place buttered bread on top and

Braai to perfection

Bread of your choice

Butter or margerine

Black pepper – Rainbow

Oregano thinly sliced or you can use dried type

Butter the bread and add:

Mozzarella cheese sliced

Garlic spread thinly

Grate black pepper

Mozzarella cheese thinly sliced

Place butter slice on top and

Bread of your choice

Butter or margerine

MR H.S. Ball’s Chutney

Butter the bread and add:

Place grated cheese heavily on bread

Spread Mrs Ball’s chutney on the cheese

Place sliced tomatoes

Cover with cheese again

Place buttered bread on top and


Tamatie en uie smoor of Chakalaka of Rhodes se tamatie mengsels of Miami se tamatie mengsels in blikkies

Breakfast braai broodjies

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Kaas/spek muffins

Meng tot slap deeg.

3 koppies koekmeel

3k gerasperde kaas

Bak vir 12-15 minute in muffinpan teen 180 grade

6 repies spek, gebraai tot bros en dan in stukkies gebreek

100g cheddar, gerasper

’n handvol grasuie of die groen gedeeltes van sprietuie, fyngekap

’n klein bietjie vars pietersielie, fyngekap (opsioneel)

1.Meng die eerste sewe bestanddele (en die pietersielie, indien jy dit gebruik) in ’n groot mengbak en maak dan ’n holte in die middel van die mengsel.

2.Klits die eiers, melk en olie saam. Voeg dit by die droë bestanddele. Roer net tot gemeng. Moenie dit te veel roer nie.

3.Smeer die holtes van ’n groot muffinpan en skep dan die deeg in die holtes (vul dit tot sowat twee derdes vol).

4.Bak in ’n voorverhitte oond teen 190°C 20 tot 25 minute lank of tot mooi bruin en deurgaar.

5.Laat ’n klein rukkie in die pan afkoel en haal dan die muffins uit.

Sit warm voor saam met botter en gerasperde kaas.

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12 Paleo Egg Muffins for a Protein-Filled Morning

Egg muffins are a handy way to take your breakfast with you, with the portability of a muffin and the protein power of eggs. The following recipes use no dairy or grains, leaving you with plenty of wholesome goodness and protein to get you well into lunch with no slowdowns.

Photo: Jessi’s Kitchen

Start your morning off with a spicy kick in this chorizo sausage made from a list of spices that includes cumin, chili powder, and cayenne. The result is savory, spicy sausage mixed in with a hearty egg muffin. No need to stop at Micky D’s for a McMuffin when you have a muffin made entirely from eggs. There’s even jalapeno baked right into the muffin, so you know this is going to have some heat associated with it. Complete the meal with a slice of tomato and a small salad and you’ve got one heck of a great start to your day.

Photo: Real Food Outlaws

Like all Paleo recipes, this one is grain-free, which means you won’t have to worry about gluten or your body’s response to grains. This is a classic offering, with bacon, egg, and cheese working together to give you a full breakfast in the palm of your hand. The bit of crunch that the outer layer gets from baking these makes them really special, and you’ll definitely reach for another one after you have your first. Pepper, onions, and mushrooms make this a truly special breakfast you can make any time.

Photo: The Healthy Foodie

This is a meaty MeatMuffin instead of a McMuffin, and the reason is quite clear. The entire outer portion of the muffin is made out of meat, with an egg baked up inside the meaty container. This is one breakfast that is heavy on the protein, so you’ll have energy to get you through your morning, without the crash that comes from a carb-heavy breakfast. Grass-fed ground beef means you’re getting a high quality meat with extra CLA that will help you lose weight, rather than grain-fed beef that can make you gain weight.

Photo: The Primalist

These are really great muffins that include everything you’d want in a full breakfast. The basil really brings out the flavor in the sausage, and the egg serves as the perfect backdrop. When you bake up egg muffins you’ll fill your home with the smell of a delicious breakfast, and when they’re finally ready and you get to have one, you’ll realize it’s worth the wait. Cherry tomatoes give these muffins a burst of color and flavor, as well as add to the nutritional value of the meal and help to balance it out.

Photo: The Sprouting Seed

The point of these muffins is to deliver the health value of chilies to your body. You’ll be getting a food that has been shown to provide benefits to your heart and act as an anti-inflammatory. The Paleo diet doesn’t necessarily set out to help any one disease in particular, but a byproduct of following the diet is usually that health conditions begin to improve. That’s because you’re cutting out the junk replacing it with wonderful recipes such as this one. In addition to the chilies you’re getting nitrate-free sausage, and organic, grass-fed cheese if you allow it.

Photo: Sarahlynn Smile

When you’re talking about an “everything but the kitchen sink” style recipe you’re just trying to use up what’s on hand at the moment. That’s why when you see a recipe like this one you should see how they did it, and then see how you can come close to doing it with what you have. Don’t run out and buy all of these ingredients just so you can make them. Follow along as closely as you can with what she had, and then play jazz with the rest and see if you can come up with something just as delicious.

Photo: Paleo on a Budget

Paleo doesn’t have to be an expensive diet, and here she’s showing you how to make egg muffins on the cheap. You might get overwhelmed by the thought of buying only organic produce, or only grass-fed beef. Start with getting rid of the junk and following the Paleo guidelines first. You’ll still get life-changing benefits, and as you settle into your new way of eating you’ll see that you’ll likely be saving so much from not eating junk food and fast food that you can pay a little more for premium ingredients.

Photo: Inspired Eats

Every Paleo recipe is automatically a gluten-free recipe thanks to the “No Grains” rule of Paleo. These GF egg muffins are sure to satisfy, without any worries about how you’ll feel after you eat them. You’ll be getting spinach, carrots, bell peppers, and basil all mixed into each bite, with plenty of pastured eggs to fuel you up. Pastured eggs means the same as cage-free, where the chickens were allowed to roam around and have a more natural lifestyle than those cooped up in pens and harvested for their eggs.

Photo: Paleo Parents

Unless you want pizza for breakfast you can cook up these pizza muffins anytime of day for a savory treat. They are loaded with yummy pizza ingredients like pepperoni, tomato, basil, and oregano, but without the stuff that you can’t have on Paleo like the crust and the cheese. Kids love these muffins, and adults do too, and when you’re getting all benefits and no drawbacks, it’s as if pizza is back on the menu and you don’t have to feel bad about it anymore. Black olives and mushrooms are additional toppings you can opt for.

Photo: Paleo Newbie

You cook up these egg muffins in little shells made out of sweet potatoes. This means that you’re getting the antioxidant value from sweet potatoes, not to mention the fiber, along with the protein and minerals from eggs. This makes it a great way to start your day and helps round things out so it’s not just all protein. Sweet bell peppers and sausage join the eggs in the filling so there will be a few different flavors for your taste buds to discover. This is one recipe that stands a chance of making into your regular morning lineup.

Photo: Easy Paleo

Keep it simple and you keep it Paleo. With these breakfast egg muffins you are getting just a handful of ingredients, but that just means that you can actually taste each ingredient that’s in them. The regular breakfast fare is here, which includes eggs of course, as well as green and red bell peppers. But there’s an additional ingredient that promises to spice things up, and that’s jalapenos. This is an optional ingredient but definitely something you’ll want to add if you love spicy foods.

Photo: Paleo Magazine

Kale is a superfood that has received plenty of attention in recent years, and adding it to these egg muffins only increases their nutrient content. Louise is really great at adding in healthy ingredients that fit within the Paleo guidelines, bringing you new flavor combinations that will keep you satisfied rather than eating the same boring things all the time. Working kale into your breakfast meal is just one example of this, but you can find several more examples at her blog.

Want more Paleo recipes? Take a look at the Paleo Grubs Book . With 470+ easy-to-prepare Paleo recipes in 17 comprehensive categories it is the only Paleo book you will ever need.

+ Make sure to sign up for our free newsletter to get our latest healthy recipes delivered weekly (it's free).

I eat and live the Paleo lifestyle everyday. I love helping people discover new paleo recipes and enjoy giving helpful tips on the Paleo diet. I have been making a living writing about the Paleo Diet for the last 3 years and have never been happier. Please read about my journey here and see how I turned my passion for the Paleo lifestyle into a successful blog and career.

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Pastured is not the same as cage free! Cage free only mean the hens are not literally in a cage all day, they often still have very little room, sometimes indoors. Pastured eggs come from hens who are actually allowed adequate space to roam, in fields. Please don’t equate pastured with cage free, since cage free hens are often hardly better off than caged hens.

Thank you, Lily. I am transitioning to a clean eating/ living lifestyle, and some of the creative marketing terms have me perplexed. I have been buying “cage free” with the understanding that I was making an environmentally and ethically safe decision….. arrrrggggg!

Hi, Can the egg muffin recipes be made and then frozen? Thanks. Heidi

Yes they can be. Just make sure they cool completely before freezing them.

Eier muffin

08:34 (GMT+2) Sat, 02 Mar 2013

1/2 pakkie uie sop poeier

1 Koppie fyn gekapte sampioene

2 Koppies fyn gekapte spinasie

1 Koppie gesorteerde maalvleis of bacon

12 Cherry/ Rosa tamaties

Voor verhit oond tot 180 ºC

Meng alle bestandele saam behalwe tamaties

Smeer muffen pan goed met botter / spray en cook

Verdeel eiermengsel in die 12 muffen houertjies

Plaas gehalveerde tamaties bo - op mengsel

Bak vir 25 min tot gaar

Verwyder warm uit pan en sit voor (As koud kan die gebak vassit)


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Batch Cook Breakfast!

pickled red onion, bib lettuce, smoked tomato vinaigrette, sunny side egg, English muffin

Dungeness crab, scallion cream cheese, wontons with sweet and sour sauce

served with choice of grits or hashbrowns (cubed or shredded), buiscuit or toast (wheat, white or rye), bagel, or English muffin (bread not with burrito).

Deliveries to businesses 1100 am - 200 pm no delivery fee but tips to driver appreciated

Kreatiewe Kos Idees

Recipes, Kitchen, Home and Garden Tips.

Tagged with muffins

Souttertjies (vingerhappies)


375 g witbrood, in blokkies gesny (9 snye)

500 ml koue melk

250 g fyn gesnyde kouevleis

200 g gerasperde cheddar-kaas (500 ml)

6 eiers, geklits

50 g botter of margarine, gesmelt (60ml)

2 – 3 takkies pietersielie fyn gekap

1 ml mostertpoeier (opsioneel)

Voorverhit die oond tot 180°C

Week die broodblokkies in die melk

Voeg die vleis, kaas, eiers, botter/marg, ui, pietersielie

en mosterd by en meng liggies maar deeglik met ‘n vurk

Skep in voorbereide bak of muffin pannetjies

Bak ongeveer vir ‘n halfuur of 15 minute vir klein tertjies tot mooi goud van kleur

Jy moet net jou eie maalvleisvulsel maak. Ek deel graag die ongelooflike lekker skondegie. Kan ook dink hoe lekker dit met fyn hoender en sampioenmengsel sal wees. Ek het dit ook al met kerrie maalvleis gemaak en is net so heerlik.


Klits alles goed saam

Deeg bietjie dikker as pannekoek deeg

Spuit kolwyntjie pannetjies

Skep lepel vol deeg onder in en skep dan een lepel vulsel op

Skep dan weer deeg op om die maalvleis te bedek

Bak ongeveer 15 minute tot ligbruin (180°C)

Maak net seker jou maalvleis is NIE te souserig nie, want dit maak jou deeg pap.

Ek gebruik Wenresepte 2 se RAAP EN SKRAAP SOUTTERT om die klein hand tertjies te maak.

375 g witbrood, in blokkies gesny (9 snye)

500 ml koue melk

500g gaar maalvleis

1 ui, fyn gekap en gebraai

6 eiers, geklits

Voorverhit die oond tot 180°C

Week die broodblokkies in die melk

Voeg die gaar maalvleis en die res van die bestanddele by en meng goed deur

Skep in voorbereide bak of muffin pannetjies

Bak ongeveer 15 minute vir klein tertjies tot mooi goud van kleur

Tertia Nolte se souttertjies: 1kop gaar groente afgekoel. (ertjies pitmielie en wortel) 2kop gerasperde kaas. 6snye ham in klein blokkies. Meng dit saam. Meng 1kop melk, 80ml koekmeel en 3 eiers sout en peper. Meng met die groente en kaas mengsel. Skep in muffin pan. Bak 20/30min by 180grade. Kan uie, rooipeper, bacon gaar hoender ook gebruik.

Heerlik vir die kosblik, vingerhappies, padkos of pieknieks

Muffin pan van 6 bakkies

Oorskiet vleis, spek, ham of kouevleis blokkies

Halwe Green pepper of gebruik al 3 kleure (gekap)

2 Tamaties (geskil en gekap)

Chedder Kaas (gerasper)

Speserye van jou keuse

Spuit solank jou pan.

Vat 6 eiers en klits dit goed, voeg die speserye by.

Sny oorskiet vleis of kouevleis in klein stukkies. Sny tamatie en

green pepper ook in klein stukkies. Voeg die alles saam in n bak

Bring pan nader en skep van jou vleis tamatie en green pepper mengsel onder in elke bakkie.

Sny of sprinkel dan kaas oor elke bakkie.

Gooi jou eiers geklits oor almal tot die vleismengsel bestandele net net wys.

Sit in oond op 180° bak vir 15 tot 20 min tot eier reg is.

Jy kan jou eie bestandele by sit soos jy dink goed is en mens kan melk by eiers gooi om dit bietjie meer te maak

½ koppie gekapte uie

½ koppie vars spinasie

½ koppie gekapte sampioene

½ koppie gekapte rooi soetrissie

½ koppie gevlokte hoender,of kaasworsies gekap, maalvleis, (enige vleis na keuse)(opsioneel)

Meng eiers n ‘n bak. Voeg al die ander bestandele by. Spuit pannetjie met spray en cook. Vul muffinpannetjies tot half. Bak vir 10/15minute tot tandestokkie skoon uitkom

Mini pannekoek gemaak in muffin pannetjies:

Let wel: Afhangende van die grootte van jou muffinpan, resep lewer 12-18 muffins.

1 teelepel. vanielje

¼ koppie botter, gesmelt

Verhit die oond tot 200 C grade. Meng eerste vyf bestanddele in ‘n voedselverwerker. Meng tot ‘n gladde mengsel.

Meng die botter nou bietjies gewys by – meng goed deur

Spuit muffin pannetjies goed met spray en cook . Vul die pannetjie net net tot onderkant halfpad vol.

Bak vir 15 minute of tot pofferig en goud bruin bo-op. Die krater (gaatjie) sal vanself vorm.

Vul met vulsel waarvoor jy lus voel bv tuna en mayo, hoender en mayo, gerasperde ham met mayo

10 ml bakpoeier

2 ml mosterdpoeier

2-3 Weense worsies, in dun skyfies gesny

250ml gerasperde cheddarkaas

Breek eier in ‘n maatbeker, klits liggkies met ‘n vurk en vul met melk aan (tot 250 ml).

Sif die meel, bakpoeier en mosterdpoeier saam.

Voeg die melkmengsel by en meng tot meel aangeklam is, beslag behoort klonterig te wees.

Skep beslag in ‘n gesmeerde muffinpan sodat holtes twee derdes vol is.

Bak sowat 15 minute in ‘n voorverhitte oond teen 200C of tot goudbruin. Sit voor met botter.

3 gerookte Weense worsies fyn gedruk

500 ml koekmeel

15 ml bakpoeier

2,5 ml rooipeper

125 ml gerasperde Cheddarkaas

5 ml gesnyde pietersielie

1 groot eier (of 2 gewone eiers)

Maak die worsies so 5 minute warm in kookwater, dreineer en druk fyn. Meng die koekmeel, bakpoeier, sout, rooipeper, kaas en pietersielie in ‘n mengbak. Gooi die fyngemaakte worsies by. Klits die eier(s) melk en olie en gooi dit by die koekmeelmengsel. Roer totdat mengsel droog is en eweredig klam. (Te veel geroer sal die muffins taai maak.) Skep die deegmengsel in kollewyntjie- of muffin-pannetjies (12) wat goed gesmeer is en bak vir 20 minute by 200 C tot goudbruin

500 ml (2 k) koekmeel

20 ml (4 t) bakpoeier

5 ml (1 t) mosterdpoeier

75 g spek, gebraai en fyn gekap

75 g gerasperde cheddarkaas of gekrummelde fetakaas

4-6 ontpitte swartolywe, gekap

150 g stork to bake

125 ml (½ k) karringmelk of volroommelk

1 ekstragroot eier

Voorverhit die oond tot 200 °C.

Smeer ’n muffinpan met 12 holtes.

Sif die droë bestanddele saam.

Voeg die spek, kaas en olywe by en meng liggies.

Smelt die stork to bake en laat afkoel.

Voeg die karringmelk of melk en eier by en klits tot goed gemeng.

Voeg dit by die droë bestanddele en sny dit liggies met ’n mes in tot net gemeng.

Skep die beslag in die gesmeerde holtes.

Bak 25-30 minute of tot ’n toetspen skoon uit die middel kom.

Maak maalvleis gaar na voorkeur

250ml melk , 2 eiers , 125ml olie

Voeg by bogenoemde:

250ml koekmeel , 10 ml bakpoeier , 2ml sout , 2ml aromat.

Deeg is baie slap. Bespuit kolwyntjiepannetjies. Skep eers deeg onder in dan maalvleis en skep weer deeg bo – oor. Bak in oond 230’c) tot ligbruin

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Brunch/Ontbyt idees

1 pak sampioene

1 pak kaasworsies

1 pak repiespek

1 hardgekookte eier per porsie

1 pannekoek per porsie

1. ’n ‘Mixed grill’. Sny die sampioene in skyfies en braai dit in ’n pan totdat dit mooi goudbruin is. Braai nou sommer in dieselfde pan vir elke porsie twee repe spek en ’n kaasworsie totdat die spek lekker bros en die worsie deurgaar is.

2. Tap die olie af. Skep dit alles op kombuispapier uit om te dreineer.

3. Laat die hardgekookte eiers ’n bietjie afkoel, dop dit af en sny elke eier oor sy lengte in middeldeur.

4. Paslaken vir ’n beker. plaas ’n pannekoek binne-in ’n blikbeker sodat die rande ’n bietjie na buite oorhang.

5. Laai hom vol. Sny die kaasworsie en spekrepies middeldeur, die tamatie in wiggies en pak dan al die ontbytkos binne-in die pannekoek. Sprinkel ’n bietjie sout oor en sit dit voor voordat dit afkoel.


1kg pork sausage, cooked, drained and crumbled

4 cups cubed day-old bread

2 cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese

2 small cans of NESTLE CARNATION Evaporated Milk (Ideal milk)

10 large eggs, lightly beaten

1 teaspoon dry mustard

¼ teaspoon onion powder

1. GREASE 13 x 9-inch baking dish. Place bread in prepared baking dish. Sprinkle with cheese.

2. COMBINE evaporated milk, eggs, dry mustard and onion powder in medium bowl. Pour evenly over bread and cheese. Sprinkle with sausage. Cover; refrigerate overnight.

3. PREHEAT oven to 170 C

4. BAKE for 55 to 60 minutes or until cheese is golden brown. Cover with foil if top browns too quickly. Season with ground black pepper.


3 – 4 lepels Maizena

4 eiergeel (eierwit gebruik vir die krummels)

‘n Pak broodkrummels

1. Maak die macaroni gaar.

2. Meng al die bestandele met die macaroni terwyl nog warm.

3. Laat dit afkoel, rol balletjies, rol in eierwit en dan in krummels, braai in warm olie.


1-2 lepels mosterd

Knippie sout en witpeper

Klits eenkant toe en gooi stadig olie by op einde gooi jy klein bietjie wit asyn by.

2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese

2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese

2 tablespoons butter

1 can sliced mushrooms, drained

1/3 cup sliced onions

1/2 cup chopped red bell pepper

2 cups diced ham

1 and 3/4 cups milk

2 tablespoons minced fresh parsley

1/2 teaspoon dried basil

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper

Preheat oven to 175 C

Combine Cheddar and mozzarella cheese in a small bowl; place 3 cups cheese mixture into a 9×13-inch baking dish.

Melt butter in a large skillet over medium heat; cook and stir mushrooms, onions, and red pepper until vegetables are tender, about 5 minutes; drain. Spread vegetables over cheese mixture. Top mushroom mixture with ham; sprinkle with remaining 1 cup cheese mixture.

Beat eggs in a bowl; mix in milk, flour, parsley, basil, salt, and pepper. Slowly pour egg mixture into baking dish.

Bake in preheated oven until a knife inserted near the center comes out clean, 35 to 40 minutes. Let stand 10 minutes before cutting.

Jakes Jacobs Kampkosresepte

Braai die spek, sampioene en ontbytwors in ‘n “Teflon”- pan van ongeveer 43 cm in deursnee.

As alles gaar is maar dit gelyk in die pan.

Gooi nou die 12 geklitste eiers eweredig in die pan. Maak gaar oor lae hitte. Wanneer die eiers amper gaar is, strooi gerasperde kaas bo-oor en los tot die kaas gesmelt is.

Sny in pizzaskywe en bedien.

(By hierdie pizza kan byna enigiets bygevoeg word na smaak)


12 slices white bread

1 red or green pepper, deseeded and thinly sliced

250 g Enterprise Garlic Polony, sliced and chopped *

50 ml mayonnaise

175 g cheddar cheese, grated

30 ml fresh parsley, chopped

Preheat oven to 180ºC.

Grease a large flat square tart dish or oven pan.

Put 6 slices of bread side by side in the bottom of the tart dish.

Fry the green pepper in heated oil for 3 minutes.

Arrange equal amounts of red or green pepper and polony on the slices of bread.

Place the other 6 slices of bread on top as if you are making sandwiches..

Beat eggs, milk and mayonnaise together. Pour over the bread and leave for 1 hour or overnight.

Sprinkle with the cheese and the parsley.

Bake for 40 minutes until the egg mixture has set.

Use an egg lifter and place one sandwich on each plate. Serve whilst still hot. Garnish with a crisp fried bacon rasher and baby tomatoes, if preferred.

* Can be substituted with:

Enterprise Chicken Roll

Makes 6 substantial portions

This dish can be made in advance and placed in the fridge until just before baking which makes it ideal for entertaining.

35g (40ml) botter of margarien

15ml Kerrie poeier

25ml mielieblom (Maizina)

1 appel geskil en gerasper

6 Eiers hard gekook (hoewel die sous vir meer as 6 eiers kan werk)

Sorteer ui in botter.Voeg kerriepoeier by en braai dit effens.Voeg melk en water by en bring tot kookpunt.Maak mielieblom aan met bietjie water en roer dit by d kookende mengsel.Roer aanhoudend tot verdik.Roer d appelkooskonfyt,tamatiesous,asyn,appel en sout by. Laat 20 min lank prut. Roer dit af en toe. Dop eiers af en halveer dit. Pak in groot bak. Gooi die sous oor die eiers. Bedien op toast of rys.

410g gebakte boontjies in tamatiesous (1 Blik)

50ml room of melk

Sout en peper na smaak

125ml gerasperde kaas

Voor verhit die oond tot 180°C, Skep die boontjies in ‘n gesmeerde vuurvaste bak. Breek 6 eiers bo-op oop. Geur met sout en peper en skep ‘n bietjie room of melk oor elkeen. Bak vir 15min of totdat die eiers gestol het. Strooi die kaas oor en laat smelt onder die roosterelement. Strooi gekapte pietersielie oor en bedien met tamatieskywe.

2 koppies volkoring bruismeel (of 2 koppies volkoringmeel en 15ml bakpoeier)

1 koppie Griekse jogurt

1 koppie gerasperde kaas

3 eetlepels tamatiepuree

½ koppie gekapte pynappel stukke

¼ koppie gekapte ham

Meng bestanddele en bak vir 20-25 minute of tot gaar in muffinpan by 140 C. Maak 10 muffins.

6 snye wit of bruin brood

30ml saggemaakte botter

45ml gekapte ui

Sout en peper na smaak

Verhit oond tot 200grade.

Sny die korsies v d brood af en rol die brood effens plat met deegroller. Smeer botter op elke sny en druk in n liggies gesmeerde muffinpan. Bak 5 – 8 minute.

Klop eiers met uie, kaas en melk en geur na smaak met sout en peper. Skep mengsel in pannetjies en bak by 180 grade vir 15 minute of tot vulsel verstewig. Haal uit pan en laat afkoel op draadrak. Garneer met klein tamatiewiggie.

(Heerlik vir pannekoek, vetkoek en oopbroodjies)

30ml botter of margarien

62g pakkie wituiesop

250g knopiesampioene in skyfies gesny

Smelt botter.Voeg die uiesoppoeier by en. Roer melk in totdat die witsous glad en styf is (gaar is)

Voeg die hamblokkies by die witsous.

Braai die ui en sampioene in bietjie olie en voeg by die hammengsel. Geur met sout.


1 pack of boerewors (uniquely South African pure meat sausage)

1 cup mielie meal (kind of like polenta or grits)

water & salt for the mielie meal

Tomato Chutney (either homemade or shop bought. We love the Woolworths one)

Get the man to light the fire or start up the gas. Braai the boere-wors as desired.

Cook the mielie meal as instructed. Make sure it’s nice and stiff so that you can roll it into the balls.

Allow the mielie pap to cool down and roll into bite size balls. To reheat the balls, brush with melted butter and pop in a low oven until warm.

Once the boerewors is cooked, allow to cool slightly then cut into bite size pieces.

On a small sosatie stick, place one pap ball followed by a wors piece. Drizzle some tomato chutney.

1 greenpepper gekap

1 tl droe origanum

8 ekstra groot eiers

1 kop gerasperde kaas

stukkie spruituie – gekap

Braai die varkworsies tot gaar en goudbruin en sny in skyfies Sit eenkant.

Braai nou die greenpepper uie en sampioene en voeg die worsies weer hierby

Geur met speserye

Klits die eiers en gooi bo-oor die mengsel.

Sit deksel op en laat prut STADIG tot eiers gaar is. Jy kan die eiers bietjie rondstoot tot dit gestol is.

Sprinkel kaas bo-oor en sny in skywe en bedien saam met tuisgebakte vars brood.


1 pakkie coctail kaas worsies, braai saam tot gaar.

6 eiers geklits – maak gaar soos omlet

in klein pannetjie

2 groot uie in kringe gesny – braai tot

1 pakkie sampioene – braai in pan tot

1 pakkie klein tamatietjies,

1 blikkie geel perskes en green peppers vir

8 kebab stokkies.Ek sit ook roosterbrood saam Sit dit op die stokkies en hou warm in oond tot etenstyd.

Ek maak ook vir mueslie en youghut vir

“starter” saam lemoensap. Dis vreeslik vullend en mens kan skaars 2 kebabs eet.

Vat hamburgerbuns, sny n dekseltjie bo-op uit. Hol die broodjie uit. Smeer die broodjie met olie. Vul die hol bun met n maalvleismengsel, kerriemaalvleis of selfs n hoendermengsel wat warm is, roereiers met spek of ham. Strooi kaas oor. Sit onder rooster in oond tot die kaas gesmelt het. Sit die dekseltjie op. Lekker eet .


1 can cream of mushroom soup

1 cup mayonnaise

1/4 cup chopped onion

1 package frozen chopped broccoli

250gr cheddar cheese, shredded

salt and pepper

1 Mix together the soup, mayo, egg and onion.

2 In a large bowl, fold the broccoli and the soup mix and the cheese together.

3 Spread into a greased pan.

4 Sprinkle with salt, pepper, and paprika.

5 Bake at 350 for 45 minutes.

Deur: Cheap Recipes, Tips, Tricks, and other Stuff

Wenk: Kan gevlokte hoeder/ gebraaide spek of blikkie tuna byvoeg

12,5 ml botter of margarien

4 repe ontbytspek, gekap

1 groot ui, gekap

2 tamaties, geskil, ontpit en gekap

100 ml gaar macaroni, in klein stukkies gesny

60 ml gaar groenertjies

6 eiers, geklits

Sout en peper na smaak

12,5 ml kookolie

Verhit die botter en braai die spek en ui daarin tot goudbruin. Voeg die tamaties by en braai nog ‘n minuut. Meng met die res van die bestanddele, behalwe die olie. Verhit die oorblywende olie in ‘n groot pan en giet die mengsel daarin. Plaas ‘n deksel op en bak 3 – 4 minute tot gaar. Gebruik ‘n eierspaan om die omelet van die kante van die pan los te maak. Indien dit lyk of die omelet aan die onderkant gaan brand voordat dit bo-op gaar is, kan dit onder die boonste element van die oond geplaas word vir ‘n rukkie.

Laat die omelet uit die pan op ‘n warm bord afgly en sny in skywe. Sit met volkoringbrood en mengeslaai voor.

Kook 1 eier per persoon. Dop af sny in helftes en pak onder in oondbak. Braai nou spek, uie, sampioene saam en gooi in een laag bo-oor eiers. Maak ‘n lekker dik kaassous en gooi oor. Laastens gooi bietjie gerasperde kaas en paprika oor. Laat lekker deurwarm word in oond tot kaas gesmelt is.

Ek het dit al vir tot 100 mense gemaak vir ontbyt. Sommer al die vorige aand als gedoen en net die volgende oggend die gerasperde kaas en paprika oorgesit en in die oond gesit

DAGWOOD (Foto: Dorego’s)


8 snye spek, sny in stukke

1/3 koppie fyngekapte uie

2 eetlepels gekapte vars grasuie

1 teelepel bakpoeier

1/8 teelepel rooipeper

1 groot eier, geklits

1 eetlepel olie

1 koppie pitmielies

½ koppie cheddar kaas

Warm stroop of heuning vir oorgooi

1. In ‘n medium pan, braai die spek stukkies totdat hulle begin om te bruin. Voeg die ui in en braai tot spek bros is en die ui sag is Skep ‘n volle eetlepel van die spek mengsel vir bolaag uit en hou eenkant

2. Meng die meel, grasuie, bakpoeier, sout en peper in ‘n bak. Roer die melk, eier en olie in Roer die spek mengsel, mielies en kaas in . Die mengsel sal dik wees. As jy wil die plaatkoekies moet dunner wees as die foto voorbeeld, voeg ‘n bietjie meer melk by om te verdun.

3. Smeer jou pan met olie en verhit. Skep lepels vol en bak tot gaar. So ongeveer 3 na 4 of 5 minute – afhangende van hoe dik jou plaatkoekie is

4.Stapel plaatkoekies op mekaar , sprinkel van die spek en ui mengsel oor en ‘n goeie dosis van warm stroop.




30ml melk of room

knippie fyn neutmuskaat

vars gemaalde peper

Voorverhit die oond tot 180C. Klits eiergele 30 sekondes lank met ‘n draadklitser tot goed gemeng. Klits die room of melk, neutmuskaat en peper by. Klits die eierwitte en ‘n knippie sout tot styf, maar nie droog nie. Skep die styfgeklitste eierwitte by die eiergeelmengsel in en vou dit liggies daarby in. Smelt die botter in ‘n swaarboompan en giet die eiermengsel daarin. Braai die omelet totdat die onderkant goudbruin is en amper gaar is- ongeveer 4-6 minute lank. Plaas die pan op die middelste oondrak en bak 4-6 minute lank in die voorverhitte oond totdat dit gestol en ligbruin is.



4 groot Portobello sampioene

Spinasieblare (vars – effe opgekook) (gevries – ontdooi)

3 eetlepels olyfolie

Sout en peper na smaak

Draai die oond tot by grill

Maak die sampioene skoon en verwyder die stam

Smeer olie aan buite en binnekant van die sampioene en gooi bietjie sout en peper oor

Plaas onder rooster vir so 3 tot 5 minute (oopkant na bo) Haal uit en sit eenkant

Stel die oond af na 175 C

Begin om die sampioene te pak. Sit van die spinasieblare in die sampioen, dan bietjie gerasperde mozzarella kaas, of selfs dun repies gesnyde kaas sal werk. Druk dit stewig vas in die sampioen en maak ‘n bakkie vir die eier. Breek versigtig ‘n eier oop in elke sampioengaatjie

Plaas hulle nou terug in jou oond en bak vir 15 tot 17 minute. Die tyd hang af van hoe gaar jy van jou eiers hou.

½ koppie gekapte uie

½ koppie vars gekapte spinasie

½ koppie gekapte sampioene

½ koppie gekapte rooi en groen soetrissies (greenpeppers)

½ koppie gevlokte hoender,of kaasworsies gekap, maalvleis, (enige vleis na keuse)(opsioneel)

Meng eiers n ‘n bak. Voeg al die ander bestandele by. Spuit pannetjie met spray en cook. Vul muffinpannetjies tot half. Bak vir 10/15minute of tot tandestokkie skoon uitkom.


Wat lekker is van die resep, jy kan die aand voor die tyd elkeen se omelette in die sakkies sit. Hoor wie wil wat he, skryf hulle name op die ziplock sakkie en elkeen het sy eie unieke omelet. Hou in die yskas tot die volgende oggend en gooi in pot met kokende water.

Original recipe makes 1 omelet

2 slices ham, chopped (optional)

1/2 cup shredded Cheddar cheese

1 tablespoon chopped onion (optional)

1 tablespoon chopped green bell pepper (optional)

2 tablespoons chopped fresh tomato (optional)

1 tablespoon chunky salsa (optional)

2 fresh mushrooms, sliced (optional)

Crack the eggs into a large resealable freezer bag. Press out most of the air, and seal. Shake or squeeze to beat the eggs. (Ek klits gewoonlik sommer die eiers in ‘n beker en gooi dit dan in die sakkie) Open the bag, and add the ham, cheese, onion, green pepper, tomato, salsa, and mushrooms. Squeeze out as much of the air as you can, and seal the bag.

Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Place up to 8 bags at a time into the boiling water. Cook for exactly 13 minutes. Open the bag, and let the omelet roll out onto a plate. The omelet should roll out easily.

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Suikermielie poffertjies

30ml margarien (gesmelt)

5 ml Uie (gerasper)

300ml Cheddarkaas (gerasper)

420g geroomde suikermielies (Sweetcorn)

Olie vir vlak vet braai

Sif die droë bestanddele saam.

Voeg die margarien of botter by.

Klop die eiergele en voeg dit by die koekmeelblom mengsel.

Voeg die ui, kaas en suikermielies by en meng dit deeglik.





1 blikkie pitmielies (of gekookte mielies- afgesny van stronk)

Sout en peper na smaak

Vir ekstra geur, gekapte spruituie, uie, ‘n splash soya sous of chillie sous of gekapte koliander, selfs bietjie gerasperde cheddar kaas.

Meng alles en bak in pan met bietjie olie tot gaar en goudbruin.

By: Just easy recipes (S.A.)


1 tin sweetcorn kernels (pitmielies)

1 1/2 cups cake flour

100g cheddar cheese, grated (1 cup)

1 tbsp fresh parsley, chopped

2 tbsp fresh chives, chopped

5ml baking powder

Sift the dry ingredients together.

Mix together the flour, eggs, milk, cheese, herbs, baking powder and salt.

Heat oil in a frying pan and drop spoonfuls of the batter into the oil.

Cook until golden brown and puffy.


1 blik suikermielies

1 blik pitmielies

Meng alles goed saam. Gooi in BAIE goed gesmeerde pannetjie (cook ‘n spray of waspapier werk goed) en bak in voorverhitte oond vir ongeveer 1 uur teen 180 grade C.

Vir muffins, kyk na baktyd – so na 30/35 min – doen die toetspen toets.

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Meat Loaf / meatloaf

Meatloaf-mummy im hungry

Ek het gisteraand die oulike idee gekry om jou MEAT LOAF so bietjie op te kikker.

As jy die mengsel in jou broodpannetjie gesit het, sit rou stukkies spek oor, maak sous van houertjie tomato paste, bietjie soya sous of balsamic vinegar sal ook werk, en bietjie bruinsuiker. Smeer lekker dik oor spek en bak gewoonweg soos resep se:

500g lean beef mince

40g/75ml cake flour

2,5ml barbeque spice

5ml mixed dried herbs

5ml baking powder

10ml tomato sauce

10ml of mild or hot chutney

125ml finely chopped onion

10ml finely chopped parsley

Preheat oven to 180C and place oven rack in middle position of the

oven. Grease one Hulett Foil Loaf Pan thoroughly with butter, or spray

with non-stick cooking spray.

Place all the ingredients in a large mixing bowl and stir well until

Put the mixture into the greased loaf tin and bake at 180C for 40

minutes until browned.

500g maalvleis, 1 pak mushroom sop, 125ml water, 1 ui gerasper, Knoffel, 1k vars broodkrummels, 2 eiers, 15ml meel, 5ml sout, 1k mayonaise: meng saam en bak in broodpan by 180C vir 1 uur

Mozzarella Stuffed Meatloaf

500gr ground beef

1/2 cup breadcrumbs

1/4 cup worcestershire sauce

1/3 cup ranch dressing

500gr mozzarella, cubed

salt and pepper to taste

Mix all ingredients except mozzarella in a large bowl.

Once mixed, create a ball of meat mixture and press a cube of mozzarella into it.

Cover with equal amount of meat mixture.

Repeat until all meat is used up. (you want the balls to fit into a muffin pan)

Place mini meatloaves into greased muffin pans.

Bake at 180 C degrees for 25-35 minutes or until baked through.

Adapted from the Pioneer Woman

o 1 clove garlic, minced

o Pinch of kosher salt

o 1/4 C Italian parsley, finely chopped

o 2 T chives, finely chopped

o 1 C mayonnaise

o 1/2 C sour cream

o Milk or buttermilk as needed (I used around 4 T regular milk)

Sprinkle a pinch of kosher salt on top of minced garlic. With a fork, mash garlic and salt until it becomes a paste. Place paste in a bowl with the chopped parsley and chives. Add mayonnaise and sour cream to bowl and mix until thoroughly combined. Slowly mix in milk until you reach desired consistency. Add additional salt to taste. Store in fridge for up to 1 week.

This is the best. If you like sweet and sour you will love this Simple Meatloaf Recipe. It is one of the best. And not much prep time. Serve with Mashed Potatoes and Enjoy!

Ingredients for loaf:

750gr ground beef

1 slice bread (broken or chopped finely)

1 small onion , finely chopped

1 teaspoon salt

¼ teaspoon black pepper

4 tablespoons ketchup (tomato sauce)

4 tablespoons vinegar

4 tablespoons dark brown sugar, packed firm (to taste)

½ cup ketchup (tomato sauce)

1. Combine meat loaf ingredients and place into a loaf baking dish.

2. Smooth out top.

3. Sauce: Combine sauce ingredients and pour on top and sides of meatloaf.

4. Bake at 180 C about 1 hour to 1 hour 15 minutes or until done.

Kaas en soutkoekie maalvleisbroodjie


500 gr beesmaalvleis

10 saltine Crackers (fyn gemaak – 1/2 koppie) (Tuc, salticrack of enige soutkoekie is reg)

2 eetlepels Dijon-mosterd

¼ koppie Ketchup (tamatiesous)

¾ koppie gerasperde cheddarkaas

Verhit oond tot 180 C

Meng vleis, cracker krummels en mosterd tot goed gemeng; Pers in 8×4-duim-broodpan. (klein broodpannetjie)

Smeer met tamatiesous. Strooi kaas oor en bak vir ‘n verdere 5 minute.


Deur: YF Magazine.

2 snye bruinbrood

500g ekstra-maer beesmaalvleis

125 ml ligte chakalaka

1 tamatie, gesny

100ml ekstra karringmelk

Verhit die oond tot 180 ° C. Smeer ‘n 30 cm x 17 cm oondbak. Week die brood in 160 ml van die karringmelk.

Meng die maalvleis, chakalaka, eiers en sag brood (met die karringmelk) saam. Geur na smaak. Skep in die voorbereide bak en maak glad die oppervlak.

Drup oor die res van die karringmelk en bedek die top met gesnyde tamatie. Bak vir 25-30 minute tot gaar. Bedien met ‘n lekker mengelslaai.

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Kaas/spek muffins

Meng tot slap deeg.

3 koppies koekmeel

3k gerasperde kaas

Bak vir 12-15 minute in muffinpan teen 180 grade

6 repies spek, gebraai tot bros en dan in stukkies gebreek

100g cheddar, gerasper

’n handvol grasuie of die groen gedeeltes van sprietuie, fyngekap

’n klein bietjie vars pietersielie, fyngekap (opsioneel)

1.Meng die eerste sewe bestanddele (en die pietersielie, indien jy dit gebruik) in ’n groot mengbak en maak dan ’n holte in die middel van die mengsel.

2.Klits die eiers, melk en olie saam. Voeg dit by die droë bestanddele. Roer net tot gemeng. Moenie dit te veel roer nie.

3.Smeer die holtes van ’n groot muffinpan en skep dan die deeg in die holtes (vul dit tot sowat twee derdes vol).

4.Bak in ’n voorverhitte oond teen 190°C 20 tot 25 minute lank of tot mooi bruin en deurgaar.

5.Laat ’n klein rukkie in die pan afkoel en haal dan die muffins uit.

Sit warm voor saam met botter en gerasperde kaas.

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Paleo Egg Muffins With Bacon Recipe

At 426 calories a piece, muffins might be the worst choice for breakfast, as far as the perspective of health and nutrition is concerned. The too much sugar, butter, flour, and salt (yes, salt) just cause sugar rush and expand waistline. They never do anything good to the body

So how do make muffins healthy? Throw in some mushrooms, spinach, and eggs, like in this Paleo Egg Muffins With Bacon Recipe. We know you cannot resist bacon.

Recipe for Eierlikoer German Egg Liqueur

  • 25 mins
  • Prep: 5 mins,
  • Cook: 20 mins
  • Yield: 3/4 quart (8 servings)

German Eierlikör, or eggnog, is not made for immediate consumption. Let the liqueur sit overnight or even longer to fully develop the aromas and soften the alcohol. Many people make it as a gift to give for Christmas or Easter, but it's so delicious, it's frequently consumed before it can be given.

Vinnige eier muffins (ideaal vir ontbyt)

10 Geklitste eiers

1/2 pakkie uie sop poeier

1 Koppie fyn gekapte sampioene

2 Koppies fyn gekapte spinasie

1 Koppie gesorteerde maalvleis of bacon

12 Cherry/ Rosa tamaties

Voor verhit oond tot 180 grade C

Meng alle bestandele saam behalwe tamaties

Smeer muffen pan goed met botter / spray en cook

Verdeel eiermengsel in die 12 muffen houertjies

Plaas gehalveerde tamaties bo – op mengsel

Bak vir 25 min tot gaar

Verwyder warm uit pan en sit voor ( As koud kan die gebak vassit)

Bacon Egg Muffin Cups

Seriously, is there anything cuter, more delicious or fun for a quick breakfast? Bacon Egg Muffin Cups cover all the breakfast foods.

This recipe has quickly climbed the ranks both by my family and by my readers as a favorite recipe. How can it not be though, I mean come on, cute little Bacon Egg Muffin Cups are a complete breakfast all in one. And they taste amazing!

Bacon Egg Muffin Cups

That made my job much easier and so we decided to go with this one. When we first made it, I was surprised by how simple it was. From start to finish, we’re talking about twenty minutes, and that’s perfect for breakfast.

How can you resist those cute little bacon egg muffin cups? I love the little bacon cups, with the toast bottoms and the eggs are made better with the cheese and a little herbs and seasoning. Seriously these Bacon Egg Muffin Cups are one of our favorite breakfast items ever. We make them all the time now.

Who wants to make Bacon Egg Muffin Cups?

Bacon Egg Muffin Cups

Easy, delicious and perfect for any breakfast! Bacon and Egg Muffins Cups are a sure family favorite!


  • 6 slices of bread
  • 12 eggs
  • 12 slices of bacon
  • shredded cheese


  1. Preheat your oven to 400 degrees F.
  2. Heat a skillet on medium-high heat, cook the bacon and only allow it to cook for about 4-5 minutes. You are looking for flexible but not raw. While the bacon is cooking, cut two circles out of each slice of bread. I used a circle cookie cutter to make it easier.
  3. Now take that extra bread and either save it for [french toast casserole|http://www.dailydishrecipes.com/overnight-french-toast-casserole-recipe/] or go tear it apart and feed it to the birds .
  4. Spray a muffin tin with cooking spray. Next, lay a circle of bread into the bottom of each muffin cup. Wrap the bacon around the edge of each muffin cup. (I did this part backwards – we did the cheese before the bacon – it made absolutely no difference) Sprinkle cheese on top of the bread slices.
  5. Now carefully, crack an egg into each cup. Megan suggested cracking the egg carefully into a bowl first and then sliding it into the muffin cup. I just did it right into the pan.
  6. Bake them for 10-15 minutes or until the whites have set and the yolk is cooked to your liking (less for a runny yolk, more for a cooked yolk)
  7. Serve with pancakes and fresh fruit – well, we did. And by the way, you cannot eat just one. I don’t care what anyone says, you can’t. It’s impossible.

Here a few fun photos.

Shredded Cheese for Bacon Egg Muffin Cups

Bacon cups with Shredded Cheese for Bacon Egg Muffin Cups

Egg and Bacon Muffin Cups

How to Make these Bacon Egg Muffin Cups Your Own

As you can see, we sprinkled some seasoning on the top of the Bacon Egg Muffin Cups for some extra flavor, but you can do whatever you want. You could also add it to the shredded cheese layer if you want. We also sprinkled a tiny bit of garlic powder on top of the bread before we sprinkled the cheese (like garlic bread) for added flavor. The ideas are limitless.

Curious: Have you ever used a muffin pan to make something other than muffins? Tell me about it in the comments below.

I also made Cheesy Chicken Tortilla Cups in a muffin pan also… I am highly addicted to things that can be made in a muffin tin, obviously.

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YES! I’m so glad your kids wanted to make these! This is one of my favorite recipes on the blog. You can never go wrong with bacon 😉

Forget the kids, well not altogether. I’m making these Christmas and New Years morning with Champagne. The grown-up version 🙂 TY!

Oh Megan, they were absolutely AMAZING. Definitely a go to now for fun and special breakfasts. I’m with you – bacon makes every day better – a philosophy I guess I am teaching my kids at an early age. haha Thank you so much for a GREAT blog and awesome recipes!

Oh my word these look amazingly good!! Great post =)

saying hello from group A! this looks wonderful. i always use muffin cups to make meatloaf. it’s basically the only way i’ll eat it. 🙂

You have no idea how much I want these right now. I made egg – prosciutto cups last year, and these blow them away by miles! Great SRC choice!

These look wonderful! On my “to do” list!

These sound so good! And look so good.

I love these! They are a favorite in our house! Yours look great!

I’m making THESE. WOW! Can’t wait! Thanks for sharing. ;P

@Skhye – they are absolutely amazing. You are so cute! Just saying. Tell me what you think after you do!

I’m visiting from Group D, and love what you did this month! Beautiful (AND delicious, I’m sure)! This is a little bit o’ breakfast genius!

Hey Dorothy, thank you so much. They were so yummy and we’ve made them several times since – I just love SRC for that reason alone. Okay now I’m hopping off to check yours out!

I wish I really liked bacon because they look awesome. I am boring because I only use my muffin tins for muffins and cupcakes. Probably time to look at other recipes.

What a great idea – these are adorable, but also sounds really tasty. Win win!

I think you have just made my husband’s weekend breakfast as this combines all of his favorite things and it looks amazing!

Yummmmmeeee! Nothing better than eggs and bacon. I have made mini meatloaves in muffin tins….came out great!

These are so cute. Such a fun idea, and a perfect snack idea too:-) Hugs, Terra

Looks great for a weekend breakfast or even snacking with friends over drinks!

Stopping by from Group B. This is going to be tomorrow’s breakfast. It looks spectacular and I had only imagine how good it tasted.

Can’t wait to try these Nicole! Great post!

what a great idea, especially for a brunch party or big breakfast for a group!

hahahahaha this is hilarious! and probably perfect for a Sunday brunch! love it!

happy src reveal!

Great SRC pick–I’m always looking for a new breakfast idea! Here’s one of mine using a muffin tin.

Oh Nicole these are making my mouth water as I type!! I’m so trying these asap! I could live on bacon and I know my husband would love them!! What is this SRC you speak of? Sounds fun!! Happy Tuesday my friend!

I love a breakfast that is quick to put together and easy to plate. These not only look tasty, they’re cute too. Great job with this post. You’ve made me very hungry!

These look incredible and very creative. I am definitely going to try this out! Following your blog now, looking forward to sharing with you!

OMG! Those look delicious! what an amazing Sunday morning breakfast those would make. I make cheesecakes in muffins pans.

These Look Amazing! Can’t wait to try them!

Hey Nicole! Saw that this was the most popular recipe for Group D! Woot!! That’s awesome! 😀

Congrats on being the “popular kid”. Beautiful photo and the eggs look like they are cooked perfectly. I’m gonna pin this for later since we always are looking for a new egg recipe with all of the eggs in our house.

What is not to love here! A must-try!

made this and it was awesome!! made a post on my blog about it, publishing tomorrow!

Wonderful recipe: delicious, simple and pretty! No wonder it was so popular on RecipeNewZ. And now it is featured on our Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/RecipeNewZ Congrats and have a delicious week!

joey schales says

I love your site

I am a single woman, but absolutely love brownies. I would eat the whole batch if made in a regular pan . . . sooooo, I make them in a muffin pan, eat one right away, save one for the tomorrow, and then individually freeze the rest of them so they don’t dry out or go bad. I always make mine into almond joy brownies though by adding a handful each of shredded coconut and sliced almonds. That makes them oh so chewy!

Char, those brownies in a muffin pan sound so good! What a great idea. I hope your grandkids love this Bacon and Egg Muffin Cup recipe. It’s a pretty big hit with the kids. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!

Oh . . . by the way, I can’t wait for my grandkids to come the next time as these yummy looking bacon & egg muffin cups will surely be a hit with them.

Char, what is the recipe for the brownies in a muffin pan? I saw on Nicole’s comment. What is your web site? Thank You, Karen

What is the point of the circle of bread on the bottom?

It helps keep everything from falling out, plus it ads some great flavor.

I have tried with and without and I prefer with… obviously you can modify a recipe to fit your own needs. Hope you enjoy!

You mentioned preparing these with or without the bread….try shredded hash browns on the bottom, followed by a pinch of mild cheddar shred topped with the egg…Delicious!!

My husband wanted to go out for breakfast (eggs benedict). I didn’t really want to go. I remembered this recipe and decided to make it instead. Loved it. Just watch the time for baking if you want a runny yolk. Very easy and so delicious. And by the way, the husband liked it. Yeah.

What seasoning do you use?

Hi Courtney, there isn’t any seasoning that goes into these unless you want to add some salt and pepper. If you are referring to the photos above, I sprinkled a little dried oregano on them for some color for the photos. 🙂

I roll my meatloaf into balls and put them in muffin pans. I push my thumb into the middle of them to help hold the topping (ketchup, BBQ sauce, steak sauce ect.) then cook them in the oven. It makes the perfect serving size and you can customize the topping to your family’s preference. Note: If you plan to freeze them, cook them without the topping then freeze. Thaw, add topping, and reheat in the oven.

That sounds amazing! Thank you for sharing. 🙂

five stars for easy and most fulfilling. we’ve made these a few times and i googled my way here to reference temp and baking time. ive never put the cheese on the bottom, before. i would cook halfway and put the cheese on the top and cook the other half. i like this recipe idea better because it allows me to add herbs or sea salt or tony’s to the top. great idea and thanks for the share.

I make meatloaf in muffin tins, too- cooks quickly and makes for the perfect serving sizes. I make a brown sugar, chili sauce, vinegar mixture to pour into a dent on top and occasional wrap in bacon as you described here (par cooking it). If you use metal muffing cups, clean up is simple!

Yes I have. I made French toast and baked the slices in a muffin pan. They come out like cups and are somewhat stiff. Filled them with berries (raspberries and blueberries) and poured maple syrup over the whole thing. Very yummy!

Angel Kramer says

Just made these for the fun of it being a bacon recipe and OMG loved them and so did everyone else….. will make again and get creative even more. with this recipe i sprinkled crisp bacon on top. SOOOOOO YUMMMMMYYYY. Thanks for the post.

Kristina M. Rickert says

Silly question – were these made in the mini-sized muffin pans or the full sized muffin pans?

Regular sized. Hope that helps. 🙂

I’ve used muffin pans to make individual servings of ice cream to serve at birthday parties. I used Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla and added Butterfinger candy bars, M&M’s, Coconut, Nuts. Whatever you want to add….cookies, choc chips, etc. ……I used paper cups and then froze after adding my special ingredients. They were a hit and so easy to make.

I make meatloaf in my muffin pan.

I have an oversized pan that I use especially for this.

OMG!! Made this morning, and ohh so yummy. It’ll be in my breakfast menu. Thanks again for sharing this recipe.

These turned out really well, even with thick-cut bacon! I used medium eggs and rye bread circles, and sprinkled pepper and dried oregano on top before baking (I only needed 10 minutes for a runnier yolk). So tasty! The only weird thing is the eggs bubbled up… Not sure where the air came from. Didn’t deter from the taste though!

Vicki Benjamin says

Made these for breakfast this morning. Cut half of English muffin to fit muffin pan. Delish!

Mmmm I like your twist Vicki! Glad you loved them!

I just made these and I love them. Awesome recipe, thanks for posting it.

How do you recommend reheating them so as to not overcook the eggs? I almost wanted to undercook the batch so that when I reheated them I wouldn’t overcook the eggs, but wanted to eat some right away so I cooked them all the way.

Going to make these today but have a request: feeding bread to birds can kill them – fills them up with processed food that has zero nutritional value. Please consider removing that statement from your recipe!

Priscilla Welbourn says

These look adorable! I was wondering if you can store these in the fridge and heat them individually throughout the next few days?

Silver dollar pancakes work in place of the bread as well.

Silver dollar pancakes are an excellent idea! English Muffins work too and are how we make these a little more filling. There are so many fun ways to make them!

Hi! Can you used precooked bacon? What size bacon is best? Should I cover the pan? I wanted to use biscuit dough for the bottom, think that will work okay? Thanks!!

I guess you could use precooked bacon, I have not tried it that way. I would just wonder if it would overcook the bacon. If you do decide to try it, I hope you will share your results with us. As far as size bacon, I just get a package of regular size bacon. I didn’t cover the pan when I made it. I have no idea also if biscuit dough would work for the bottom because I have not tried it that way either. So please let us know how it turns out. I have used English Muffins as the base many times, and would probably even use a biscuit, I just am not sure that the biscuit would have enough time to rise and everything else might be overcooked. Good luck!

I LOVE THESE. I did use precooked bacon and they came out perfect. The only thing I did different was to use oatnut bread and since the slice is so large, I cut 2 slices in 6’s and put those on the bottom.

So happy you loved them. They are a breakfast favorite around here!

I want to make a batch and freeze these. Can I just leave out the egg and cook it to be able to freeze them, And then thaw and add the egg to finish?

Sharon I have no idea how that will work, I have never tried before. If you decide to try doing it that way, I hope you’ll check back in and let us know how that went.

I made these yummy muffins this morning and they brought smiles and truly positive reviews from my husband and 15 year son. My boy said “If I could have these every day I would actually WANT breakfast every day!” I used precooked bacon which really helped make this meal even quicker. And the remaining part of the bread left after cutting out the hole I simply tore into piece and pressed them to the bottom of some of the tins – the cheese and egg kept them all together and you would never know the difference. And this was cost effective for me because I eat gluten free bread which is expensive! Delicious new item for our breakfast table!

This absolutely made me smile! I’m so glad your family is found a new favorite and that you were able to make it perfect for you! <3

These are good, but the way I do it is a bit different. First I bake my bacon in the oven. Secondly, with the eggs, I scramble them like you would scramble eggs, and then I put stuff in it like you would do an omelet. I completely omit the bread since I’m not a fan of it. Put it together and bake it like normal. In the last few minutes of baking, I sprinkle shredded cheese on it and let it continue cooking. It’s really good.

Sonia Hernandez says

I am trying this as I type!! Hope they come out as delicious as they look.

I hope they were delicious!! <3

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