четверг, 14 июня 2018 г.


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or key′ word`,

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Keyword Tool For YouTube

It is quite difficult to create a video. Creating a good YouTube video that will get many views takes time and resources. But, it is worth the effort. That is why there are so many videos out there. A good video can do an excellent job in promoting your products or services, bring visitors to your website and drive conversions.

But just creating a good video will not be enough to achieve those objectives. You need to make sure that people will be able to find the video that you have created. You need to put your video in front of your target audience. That is what Keyword Tool for YouTube will help you to achieve.

Keyword Tool for YouTube helps you to find keywords that people are using while searching on YouTube.com.

Best YouTube Keyword Tool Alternative

As of September 2014, YouTube's own Keyword Tool is not working anymore. It was moved over to Display Planner's AdWords video keyword suggestions. To use it, you need to have an AdWords account. Same as non-existent anymore old YouTube Keyword Tool, it was created to facilitate paid video and ads promotion. Keywords that you will find there might not be closely related to the topic that you want to cover.

Usually, keyword suggestions found in Google AdWords will be very general, because Google wants you to use keywords with high search volume for your ads. These keywords are more likely to generate a lot of impressions and clicks for promoted videos, hence make more revenue for Google.

Keyword Tool is the best YouTube keyword tool alternative. It uses YouTube autocomplete feature to generate highly relevant long-tail keywords about a particular topic. YouTube autocomplete, just as Google autocomplete, was created to make the user experience better. It helps users to find videos faster by recommending appropriate keywords when they start typing in their search query.

Keyword Tool for YouTube helps you get over 750+ long-tail keywords from YouTube Autocomplete by appending and prepending the keyword that you specify with various letters and numbers. To make keyword suggestions more relevant, Keyword Tool for YouTube allows you to select the country and language that you want to use for keyword generation.

Video SEO And YouTube Keyword Optimization With Keyword Tool

If you are looking for YouTube keyword research tool for video SEO, Keyword Tool will be very useful to you. The algorithm that ranks YouTube videos takes a variety of factors into consideration when ranking videos for a particular search query.

We do not know what those factors are exactly, but what we do know, is that keywords that are used in video titles and descriptions are very critical. These keywords allow the algorithm to understand what your video is about and show it to the right audience.

Keyword Tool will help you to find the right keywords that you can use in YouTube video description and title. By finding the right keywords and properly using them in your video title and description, you will help Google to serve your video to the right audience both on YouTube and Google Search.

Come Up With YouTube Video Ideas Using Keyword Tool

If you would like to make a popular YouTube video, you should make it based on a good idea. That is why so many video creators are wondering how to find good YouTube video ideas. Actually, there is an infinite source of absolutely excellent YouTube video ideas that you can get access to at any time!

Do you know that there are millions of people that are searching for something on YouTube every single day? Fortunately, YouTube is trying to make it easier for people to find what they are looking for. Therefore, every time you make a search on YouTube, you will see the list of suggested searches as you start typing your search query. Usually, the most popular and relevant YouTube searches show up in these suggestions.

Think about it for a second, there are hundreds of millions of people that are trying to find videos that they think would be worthwhile to watch on YouTube. What can be a better source of video ideas if not all these searches?

The great news is that with Keyword Tool, you can generate hundreds of ideas for YouTube videos in seconds. Just type in any topic, that you want to create a video about, press enter, and let Keyword Tool generate hundreds of potential video ideas for you using YouTube autocomplete.

Generate List of Tags For Your YouTube Videos Using Keyword Tool

YouTube allows you to add a list of tags to new or existing YouTube videos. Many experts agree that YouTube tags play a critical role in YouTube video optimization. Here is a quote from Google Help about YouTube tags: "Tags are descriptive keywords you can add to your video to help people find your content".

Keyword Tool is an extremely useful instrument for the YouTube tag generation. By pulling very relevant keywords from YouTube's autocomplete, Keyword Tool will help you generate over 750 YouTube tags for your video in seconds. Just enter the topic of a video into the search box to pull the list of keywords that can be used as tags. For your convenience, Keyword Tool separates generated keywords with commas when you copy them. All you need to do is simply select the relevant tags, copy and paste them right into the corresponding field under your YouTube video.

Keyword Tool For YouTube Video Ads

If you are running video advertising on YouTube, you know that keywords are one of the best ways to target your ads. Selecting the right keywords will help you to find the right audience for your ads.

In its support article, Tips for creating effective video ads, Google recommends to "use the auto-fill suggestion drop-down menu on YouTube" to find keywords for video targeting.

Keyword Tool Is The Best Alternative To Google Keyword Planner And Other Keyword Research Tools

Here are a few reasons why:

  • Free version of Keyword Tool generates up to 750+ long-tail keyword suggestions for every search term
  • Unlike Keyword Planner or other tools, Keyword Tool is extremely reliable as it works 99.99% of the time
  • You can use Keyword Tool absolutely for free, even without creating an account

Are you a business owner, online marketer or content creator? If so, most likely you would like more people to visit your website, read your content and buy your products or services. The easiest way to achieve it is to find out what your potential customers or readers are searching for on Google and create content on your website around these topics.

Every search is an expression of people's needs, wants, interests and desires. Imagine how your business would benefit if you could analyze search trends on Google, find search terms that are related to your business domain and customize content on your website to serve the actual needs of your customers.

Keyword Tool will help you discover thousands of new long-tail keywords related to any topic by automatically generating Google's search suggestions. The keyword suggestions will be produced based on a Google domain and language that you choose.

The Next Web

Enter a keyword, and the Keyword Tool provides a huge handful of long-tail keyword opportunities, organized alphabetically.

Search Engine Watch

The first place to start is with long-tail research and this can be done with the help of a number of tools. My first choice, however, is always KeywordTool.io.

How Does Keyword Tool Work?

Keyword Tool is free online keyword research instrument that uses Google Autocomplete to generate hundreds of relevant long-tail keywords for any topic.

Google Autocomplete is a feature used in Google Search. Its purpose is to speed up the searches performed by users on Google.

The search terms suggested by Google Autocomplete are selected based on many different factors. One of them is how often users were searching for a particular search term in the past.

Keyword Tool helps you employ Google Suggest for keyword research. It extracts Google keyword suggestions and presents it to you in an easy-to-understand interface.

To generate long-tail keyword suggestions, Keyword Tool prepends and appends the search term which you specify with different letters and numbers, places it into Google search box and pulls out keyword suggestions. Best part, all of it happens in a split of a second!

Using Keyword Tool, you can choose a specific Google domain out of 192 supported domains and one out of 83 languages that will be used to produce keyword suggestions.

The free version of Keyword Tool can generate up to 750+ keywords from Google autocomplete in seconds.

The advanced version of Keyword Tool, Keyword Tool Pro, provides on average two times more keywords in comparison to the free version and offers a handful of other useful features. You can find more information about Keyword Tool Pro and subscribe at this page.

You can quickly find and analyze thousands of relevant long-tail keywords with free or paid version of Keyword Tool and use them for content creation, search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising or other marketing activities.

KeywordTool.io is used by many leading SEO's to find long-tail and related keywords.

Search Engine Land

KeywordTool.io: This long-tail keyword research tool can provide thousands of keyword suggestions from real user queries.

Why Is Keyword Tool One Of The Best Free Keyword Research Tools?

There are few places on the web where you can find keywords that people type in Google search box. One of the most popular sources of this information is Google Keyword Planner.

Unfortunately, data presented by Google Keyword Planner is meant to be used for paid advertising inside Google AdWords platform. The keywords that you will find with this tool might be too generic and not very descriptive. In other words, barely useful for content marketing, blogging, or SEO.

Keyword Tool does not use Google Keyword Planner to generate keyword ideas. We find keywords that people search for on Google using the different source - Google Autocomplete.

Google Autocomplete, the source of data employed by Keyword Tool, was created by Google to make search experience for people easier and faster.

Basically, Google shows the autocomplete suggestions whenever you start typing anything into Google search box. It is in Google's best interest to show the most relevant keywords in the autocomplete suggestions. Keywords that would help Google to retrieve the most relevant websites and help users find the most relevant content for their search query.

Here is what Google says about the autocomplete predictions:

Autocomplete predictions are automatically generated by an algorithm without any human involvement based on a number of objective factors, including how often past users have searched for a term.

Keyword Tool Helps To Find Keywords That Are Hidden In Google Keyword Planner

Did you notice that you are unable to use Keyword Planner without an AdWords account?

There is a reason for that.

Keyword Planner - is a tool created for advertisers and is not meant for content creation or SEO. Yes, it does contain valuable data about keywords such as competition, suggested bid, average monthly searches, etc.

But, at the same time, it will hide profitable long-tail keywords with thousands of monthly searches that can be used to create content for your website. Some digital marketing professionals think that it is done on purpose and helps Google to increase the competition and cost-per-click for a limited number of keywords.

Keyword Tool is the best alternative to Google Keyword Planner for content marketing and SEO as it does not hide popular keywords that can be used to create content for your website.

Keyword Tool For SEO And Content Creation

If you want your website to get traffic from Google or other search engines, you need to make sure that it contains content created around the right keywords. What this means is that you should be utilizing words that your potential audience is already using while looking for similar content, products or services online.

The best way to discover these keywords, as it was proven by thousands of thriving websites and online businesses, is to use keywords from Google search suggestions as a base to create content for your website.

By creating content around the popular keywords that your audience is using to find information online, you are already giving great value to your website visitors. In return, Google will reward your web property with higher rankings which entail traffic increase.

Keyword Tool For International SEO

If you are looking for keywords in languages other than English, you will find Keyword Tool's features very useful. Keyword Tool allows you to pull keywords from 192 Google domains and use 83 Google language interfaces to generate keyword suggestions. That way we make sure that the generated keywords will be relevant to the country and/or language that you are creating your content for.

Our paid subscriptions - Keyword Tool Pro and Keyword Tool API fully support all Google domains and languages and provide very accurate search volume, cost-per-click and AdWords competition data for keywords in all 192 supported countries, 45,564 individual locations and 43 languages.

Keyword Tool For Advertising

If you are running pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaigns and target your ads based on keywords that users type in Google, you know how important it is to select the right keywords for your campaigns.

The relevant keywords that you target with your ads will bring the right audience to your website. Showing your ads to people that type relevant keywords will result in higher click-through rate (CTR), lower cost-per-click (CPC) and higher conversion rates for your business. As a result, you will spend less money on advertising and generate a better return on investment.

SEO Keywords: How Better Keyword Research Gets You Better Results

What Are SEO Keywords?

Your SEO keywords are the key words and phrases in your web content that make it possible for people to find your site via search engines. A website that is well optimized for search engines "speaks the same language" as its potential visitor base with keywords for SEO that help connect searchers to your site. Keywords are one of the main elements of SEO.

In other words, you need to know how people are looking for the products, services or information that you offer, in order to make it easy for them to find you—otherwise, they'll land on one of the many other pages in the Google results. Implementing keyword SEO will help your site rank above your competitors.

This is why developing a list of keywords is one of the first and most important steps in any search engine optimization initiative. Keywords and SEO are directly connected when it comes to running a winning search marketing campaign. Because keywords are foundational for all your other SEO efforts, it's well worth the time and investment to ensure your SEO keywords are highly relevant to your audience and effectively organized for action.

Settling on the right SEO keywords is a delicate process involving both trial and error, but the basics are easy to understand. Here we’ll walk you through researching what your customers are looking for, discovering those keywords that will help you rank on a search engine results page (SERP), and putting them to work in your online content.

Finding Your Best Keywords for SEO

Most beginning search marketers make the same mistakes when it comes to SEO keyword research:

  • Only doing SEO keyword research once,
  • Not bothering to update and expand their SEO keyword list, or
  • Targeting keywords that are too popular, meaning they’re way too competitive.

Basically, SEO keyword research should be an ongoing and ever-evolving part of your job as a marketer. Old keywords need to be reevaluated periodically, and high-volume, competitive keywords (or “head” keywords, as opposed to long-tailed keywords) can often be usefully replaced or augmented with longer, more specific phrases designed not to bring in just any visitor but exactly the right visitors. (Who visits your site – particularly if they’re people who are actively looking for your services – is at least as important as how many people visit.)

And you’ve got to diversify. Here’s a tongue-twister that’s absolutely true: diversity is a key word in the keyword world. You’re not going to stand out if you find yourself using all of the same keywords as your competitors. Not only should you try new keyword search tools and keep track of the results, but you should feel free to experiment based on your own research – who else uses your keywords? And how do you make yourself stand out? By providing great content that truly answers the questions your prospective customers are asking with their keyword searches.

Using Our Free SEO Keyword Tools

WordStream's free SEO keyword research tools that help you find your best, most relevant keywords—keywords that will drive ongoing web traffic and conversions on your site.

Benefits of using WordStream’s keyword tools, including the Free Keyword Tool, for better SEO include:

  • More SEO Keywords – Get FREE access to thousands of keywords plus keyword search volume data, mailed right to your inbox.
  • Targeted SEO Keywords - Filter your keyword results by industry or country so you can focus on the keywords that will really work for your account.
  • Keyword Data You Can Act On - Instead of just a list of keywords, our tools give your structured, actionable data, ready to use in search marketing campaigns. For example, you can drop a list of keywords into the Keyword Grouper to get back an organized set of relevant keyword niches.

WordStream’s keyword toolset is also hugely valuable for PPC marketing – use the Keyword Niche Finder to identify new ad groups for your AdWords campaigns, and use the free Negative Keyword Tool to find negative keywords that will reduce wasteful clicks and save you money.

Making Your SEO Keywords Work for You

Now that you’ve found the best keywords, you need to put them to work in order to get SEO results (search-driven traffic, conversions, and all that good stuff).

So: how to proceed? On the one hand, SEO best practices recommend that you include relevant keywords in a number of high-attention areas on your site, everywhere from the titles and body text of your pages to your URLs to your meta tags to your image file names. On the other hand, successfully optimized websites tend to have thousands or even millions of keywords. You can't very well craft a single, unique page for every one of your keywords; at the same time, you can't try to cram everything onto a handful of pages with keyword stuffing and expect to rank for every individual keyword. It just doesn't work that way.

So how does it work? The answer is keyword grouping and organization. By dividing your keywords into small, manageable groups of related keywords, you’ll cut down on your workload (significantly), while still creating targeted, specific pages.

For example, let’s say you were running the website of an online pet store. You might be wise to create one keyword grouping for all your dog-related products, then one for all of your parakeet-related projects, etc. The next step would be to segment each individual group into smaller subgroups (parakeet cages, parakeet toys, parakeet snacks) and then even smaller groups for each type of product (low-fat parakeet snacks, luxury parakeet snacks… you get the idea). Now your pet store can create individual pages optimized for each small keyword group.

A marketer attempting to optimize a web page for the "gourmet parakeet snacks" keyword group should consider doing most if not all of the following:

  • Using the keyword in the title of the page
  • Using the keyword in the URL (e.g., online-petstore.com/parakeets/snacks/gourmet )
  • Using the keyword, and variations (e.g., "gourmet parakeet snacks"), throughout the page copy
  • Using the keyword in the meta tags, especially the meta description
  • Using the keyword in any image file paths and in the images' alt text
  • Using the keyword as the anchor text in links back to the page from elsewhere on the site

When optimizing your web pages, keep in mind that keyword relevance is more important than keyword density in SEO.

Manual keyword grouping can be very time-consuming, of course. Some of our own tools, which may prove helpful in a pinch, include our Keyword Niche Finder, which works just like a regular SEO keyword tool, but returns you suggestions pre-grouped into relevant clusters. We also provide a Keyword Grouper, which groups preexisting lists automatically.

SEO Keywords: How Better Keyword Research Gets You Better Results

What Are SEO Keywords?

Your SEO keywords are the key words and phrases in your web content that make it possible for people to find your site via search engines. A website that is well optimized for search engines "speaks the same language" as its potential visitor base with keywords for SEO that help connect searchers to your site. Keywords are one of the main elements of SEO.

In other words, you need to know how people are looking for the products, services or information that you offer, in order to make it easy for them to find you—otherwise, they'll land on one of the many other pages in the Google results. Implementing keyword SEO will help your site rank above your competitors.

This is why developing a list of keywords is one of the first and most important steps in any search engine optimization initiative. Keywords and SEO are directly connected when it comes to running a winning search marketing campaign. Because keywords are foundational for all your other SEO efforts, it's well worth the time and investment to ensure your SEO keywords are highly relevant to your audience and effectively organized for action.

Settling on the right SEO keywords is a delicate process involving both trial and error, but the basics are easy to understand. Here we’ll walk you through researching what your customers are looking for, discovering those keywords that will help you rank on a search engine results page (SERP), and putting them to work in your online content.

Finding Your Best Keywords for SEO

Most beginning search marketers make the same mistakes when it comes to SEO keyword research:

  • Only doing SEO keyword research once,
  • Not bothering to update and expand their SEO keyword list, or
  • Targeting keywords that are too popular, meaning they’re way too competitive.

Basically, SEO keyword research should be an ongoing and ever-evolving part of your job as a marketer. Old keywords need to be reevaluated periodically, and high-volume, competitive keywords (or “head” keywords, as opposed to long-tailed keywords) can often be usefully replaced or augmented with longer, more specific phrases designed not to bring in just any visitor but exactly the right visitors. (Who visits your site – particularly if they’re people who are actively looking for your services – is at least as important as how many people visit.)

And you’ve got to diversify. Here’s a tongue-twister that’s absolutely true: diversity is a key word in the keyword world. You’re not going to stand out if you find yourself using all of the same keywords as your competitors. Not only should you try new keyword search tools and keep track of the results, but you should feel free to experiment based on your own research – who else uses your keywords? And how do you make yourself stand out? By providing great content that truly answers the questions your prospective customers are asking with their keyword searches.

Using Our Free SEO Keyword Tools

WordStream's free SEO keyword research tools that help you find your best, most relevant keywords—keywords that will drive ongoing web traffic and conversions on your site.

Benefits of using WordStream’s keyword tools, including the Free Keyword Tool, for better SEO include:

  • More SEO Keywords – Get FREE access to thousands of keywords plus keyword search volume data, mailed right to your inbox.
  • Targeted SEO Keywords - Filter your keyword results by industry or country so you can focus on the keywords that will really work for your account.
  • Keyword Data You Can Act On - Instead of just a list of keywords, our tools give your structured, actionable data, ready to use in search marketing campaigns. For example, you can drop a list of keywords into the Keyword Grouper to get back an organized set of relevant keyword niches.

WordStream’s keyword toolset is also hugely valuable for PPC marketing – use the Keyword Niche Finder to identify new ad groups for your AdWords campaigns, and use the free Negative Keyword Tool to find negative keywords that will reduce wasteful clicks and save you money.

Making Your SEO Keywords Work for You

Now that you’ve found the best keywords, you need to put them to work in order to get SEO results (search-driven traffic, conversions, and all that good stuff).

So: how to proceed? On the one hand, SEO best practices recommend that you include relevant keywords in a number of high-attention areas on your site, everywhere from the titles and body text of your pages to your URLs to your meta tags to your image file names. On the other hand, successfully optimized websites tend to have thousands or even millions of keywords. You can't very well craft a single, unique page for every one of your keywords; at the same time, you can't try to cram everything onto a handful of pages with keyword stuffing and expect to rank for every individual keyword. It just doesn't work that way.

So how does it work? The answer is keyword grouping and organization. By dividing your keywords into small, manageable groups of related keywords, you’ll cut down on your workload (significantly), while still creating targeted, specific pages.

For example, let’s say you were running the website of an online pet store. You might be wise to create one keyword grouping for all your dog-related products, then one for all of your parakeet-related projects, etc. The next step would be to segment each individual group into smaller subgroups (parakeet cages, parakeet toys, parakeet snacks) and then even smaller groups for each type of product (low-fat parakeet snacks, luxury parakeet snacks… you get the idea). Now your pet store can create individual pages optimized for each small keyword group.

A marketer attempting to optimize a web page for the "gourmet parakeet snacks" keyword group should consider doing most if not all of the following:

  • Using the keyword in the title of the page
  • Using the keyword in the URL (e.g., online-petstore.com/parakeets/snacks/gourmet )
  • Using the keyword, and variations (e.g., "gourmet parakeet snacks"), throughout the page copy
  • Using the keyword in the meta tags, especially the meta description
  • Using the keyword in any image file paths and in the images' alt text
  • Using the keyword as the anchor text in links back to the page from elsewhere on the site

When optimizing your web pages, keep in mind that keyword relevance is more important than keyword density in SEO.

Manual keyword grouping can be very time-consuming, of course. Some of our own tools, which may prove helpful in a pinch, include our Keyword Niche Finder, which works just like a regular SEO keyword tool, but returns you suggestions pre-grouped into relevant clusters. We also provide a Keyword Grouper, which groups preexisting lists automatically.

  1. When you are looking for resume examples and you type "resume examples" into Google, the words "resume examples" are an example of keywords.
  2. When a politician says he wants people to pay "more taxes," this is an example of when the keyword is more.

MLA Style

"keyword." YourDictionary, n.d. Web. 24 May 2018. .

APA Style

keyword. (n.d.). Retrieved May 24th, 2018, from http://www.yourdictionary.com/keyword

MLA Style

"keyword." YourDictionary, n.d. Web. 24 May 2018. .

APA Style

keyword. (n.d.). Retrieved May 24th, 2018, from http://www.yourdictionary.com/keyword

also key word

  1. A word that serves as a key to a code or cipher.
  2. A significant or descriptive word.
  3. A word used as a reference point for finding other words or information.

MLA Style

"keyword." YourDictionary, n.d. Web. 24 May 2018. .

APA Style

keyword. (n.d.). Retrieved May 24th, 2018, from http://www.yourdictionary.com/keyword

  1. Any word used as the key to a code.
  2. (information science) Any word used in a reference work to link to other words or other information.
  3. (programming) A reserved word used to identify a specific command, function, etc.
  4. (linguistics) Any word that occurs in a text more often than normal.

(third-person singular simple present keywords, present participle keywording, simple past and past participle keyworded)

  1. To tag with keywords, as for example to facilitate searching.

Alternative forms Edit

Etymology Edit

  1. Any word used as the key to a code.
  2. ( information science ) Any word used in a reference work to link to other words or other information.
  3. ( programming ) A reserved word used to identify a specific command, function , etc.
    • 1982, Popular Computing (volume 1, issues 9-12, page 113) Each function has an entry address which must be quoted after the USR keyword.
  4. ( linguistics ) Any word that occurs in a text more often than normal.

Synonyms Edit

Related terms Edit

  • ( information science ) : index term
  • ( information science ) : descriptor

Translations Edit

  • Chinese: Mandarin: 關鍵詞(zh) , 关键词(zh) ( guānjiàncí )
  • Dutch: sleutelwoord(nl)n
  • Finnish: avainsana(fi)
  • French: mot-clé(fr)
  • German: Stichwort(de) , Schlüssel(de)m
  • Greek: κλειδολέξηf ( kleidoléxi ) , λέξη κλειδίf ( léxi kleidí )
  • Hungarian: kulcsszó(hu)
  • Ido: klefovorto
  • Italian: parola chiavef
  • Japanese: キーワード(ja) ( kīwādo )
  • Macedonian: клу́чен зборm ( klúčen zbor )
  • Maori: kupu matua
  • Polish: słowo kluczn
  • Portuguese: palavra-chave(pt)f
  • Romanian: cuvânt-cheie(ro)n
  • Russian: ключево́е сло́во(ru)n ( ključevóje slóvo )
  • Spanish: palabra clavef , clave(es)f
  • Turkish: anahtar kelime , anahtar sözcük ,
  • Chinese: Mandarin: 關鍵詞(zh) , 关键词(zh) ( guānjiàncí )
  • Finnish: hakusana(fi)
  • German: Stichwort(de)n
  • Maori: kupu matua
  • Romanian: cuvânt-cheie(ro)n
  • Russian: ключево́е сло́во(ru)n ( ključevóje slóvo )
  • Swedish: nyckelord(sv)n
  • Esperanto: (please verify) ĉeftermino , (please verify) ĉefvorto , (please verify) kategoria vorto , (please verify) ŝlosilvorto

keyword (third-person singular simple present keywords, present participle keywording, simple past and past participle keyworded)

Free Keyword Tool

Discover and export new keywords and performance data to help you succeed in search.

Thousands of searches analyzed daily

$60,000,000 in AdWords spend graded

WordStream's Free Keyword Tool makes it fast and easy to find the keywords your business needs to drive traffic through organic and paid search.

Find New Keywords

Enter a keyword or website URL to get hundred of relevant keyword results, tailored to your industry and country.

Research & Prioritize

Each keyword has a competition score, an estimated CPC, and a proprietary Opportunity Score that helps you make the most of your marketing budget.

Improve Your AdWords Account

Download your full keyword list in a CSV format that's ready to upload directly into AdWords, so you can get to work on your new campaigns

Brought To You By WordStream, Supported By Google

Our Free Keyword Tool utilizes the latest Google search data to deliver accurate, targeted advertising ideas.

WordStream's software and services, including our award-winning AdWords Performance Grader, help businesses and agencies take the guesswork out of pay-per-click advertising so you get more from your marketing budget.

Google Premier Partner
Innovator Award USA

Google Premier Partner
Growth Champion

The Free Keyword Tool: Better PPC & SEO Keyword Selection

"I rarely get excited about SEO and SEM tools. But, when it comes to keyword research it is virtually impossible to produce a quality worksheet without software. When I have to perform the same task for my customers, the process is even more daunting and time consuming. there is now a better way to manage huge keyword lists and this tool is called WordStream."

Mihaela Lica, Search Engine Journal

"As search Engine Marketing grows as an industry, it's inevitable that new technology will evolve to fill in the gaps where current solutions fall short. Case in point is WordStream, a new SEM tool that specifically helps raise productivity for handling, assembling and segmenting your keyword list."

Josh Dreller, Search Engine Land

Learn More About The FREE Keyword Tool

We’ve revamped our popular Free Keyword Tool and it’s better than ever, with more features, more data, and exclusive info to help you manage, optimize, and expand your search marketing campaigns.

Keyword research can be a slog, but WordStream’s Free Keyword Tool makes it fast and easy to find the keywords your business needs to drive traffic through organic and paid search.

Want to know more about WordStream’s new and improved Free Keyword Tool? Then keep reading!

Why use WordStream’s Free Keyword Tool for keyword research?

Keyword research is one of the first – and most crucial – steps in any search marketing campaign, organic or paid. But most free tools offer limited results and limited utility, especially when it comes to keyword research for PPC. To drive search engine traffic, whether through organic search or paid search advertisements, you need the right keywords, plus a process to expand your keyword lists over time. That’s where our free tool comes in. WordStream’s Free Keyword Tool gives you hundreds of relevant keyword results, plus additional, actionable information like competition level and estimated CPC, all for free!

To drive search engine traffic, whether through organic search or paid search advertisements, you need the right keywords, plus a process to expand your keyword lists over time. That’s where our free tool comes in.

WordStream’s Free Keyword Tool gives you hundreds of relevant keyword results, plus additional, actionable information like competition level and estimated CPC, all for free!

How does the Free Keyword Tool work?

Just enter a keyword and then choose your industry and country (if desired). You’ll get a list of related keyword suggestions, including long-tail keyword variations, as well as their Google search volume.

You can also enter a website URL – such as a competitor’s homepage – to get contextual keyword suggestions and ideas to help you compete against similar businesses.

We’ll show you the top 10 keywords right away. To get the full list of keywords, just enter your email address, and we’ll send you the full keyword list by email for free.

To unlock the rest of the keyword data – including competition level, estimated CPC, and our proprietary Opportunity Score – just connect your Google AdWords account through a secure OAuth sign-in.

What are the Free Keyword Tool’s unique features?

You don’t just want keywords – you want competitive, industry-specific information that helps you prioritize and make the most of your marketing budget.

Our free keyword tool is specifically designed to arm paid search marketers with better, more complete keyword information to inform their PPC campaigns, including competition and cost data, tailored to your country and industry, so you know your keyword list is super-relevant to your specific business.

Another awesome new feature is our proprietary Opportunity Score that highlights your best keyword opportunities. You should prioritize content and campaigns targeting keywords with a higher Opportunity Score because those are the ones that are most likely to deliver results for your business!

Plus – you can link your Google AdWords account through a completely secure connection to get even more data that will make your job easier.

Then download your keyword list as a CSV file to make it super-easy to upload directly into your AdWords account. Put your keywords to work!

Keyword Data Sources for The Free Keyword Tool

The Free Keyword Tool’s keyword and search volume data is sourced through the Google keyword API. However, the Opportunity Score is calculated through our own proprietary algorithm to help you prioritize your work by focusing on your best possible keyword opportunities.

Filtering Free Keyword Results by Industry

With WordStream’s Free Keyword Tool you also have the option to filter your results by industry, which restricts your results and other data including search volume, competition level and estimated CPC so they’re all maximally relevant to your industry.

For example, if you search for keywords related to “cars” while selecting “Arts & Entertainment” as the industry, you’ll see results like “cars movie,” “disney cars,” and “pixar cars.” However, if you input the same term and change the industry to “Finance & Banking,” you’ll see results like “new car incentives” and “new car lease.”

You can filter your results by 24 business verticals, including Apparel, Arts & Entertainment, Autos & Vehicles, Beauty & Fitness, Books & Literature, Business & Industrial, Computers & Electronics, Finance & Banking, Food & Drink, Toys & Games, Health, Hobbies & Leisure, Home & Garden, Internet & Telecom, Jobs & Education, Law & Government, News Media & Publications, Family & Community, Occasions & Gifts, Pets & Animals, Real Estate, Retail & General Merchandise, Sports & Fitness, and Travel & Tourism.

Do you have international keyword data?

You can filter your keyword results and volume/performance data geographically – choose between 23 countries including Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom or United States.

More Free Keyword Tools

We also offer a Negative Keyword Tool and a Keyword Grouper:

The Negative Keyword Tool is a quick and easy way to find irrelevant, costly keywords that are wasting your PPC budget.

The Keyword Grouper takes a list of keywords and automatically sorts them into clusters of related keywords. If you have an unsorted list of keywords from another keyword tool, you can easily sort them into keywords groups that are ready to use in your search marketing campaigns.

The Free Keyword Tool is fast and accurate

Our free keyword suggestion tool provides comprehensive and accurate keyword suggestions, search volume and competitive data, making it a great alternative to the Google Keyword Tool or AdWords Keyword Tool. You can use the Free Keyword Tool to get:

AdWords keywords - find high-volume, low-competition keywords that your competitors haven't discovered.

Keywords for websites - find popular and niche keywords for your website at scale.

Keyword phrases - learn what real phrases users type into search engines to address their needs.

Long-tail keywords - get long-tail keyword queries that are less costly to bid on and easier to rank for.

Negative keywords - save thousands of dollars by discovering what keywords you should exclude from your AdWords campaigns.

Meta keywords - help search engines understand your website with meta keywords.

PPC keywords - research keywords to use in your PPC campaigns.

SEO keywords - export SEO keywords to help your site rank on more organic searches.

Learn more about WordStream

Keyword research is an important step in the search marketing process, but not the only step. WordStream offers plenty of tools to help you optimize your online marketing campaigns, including:

The AdWords Performance Grader – A fast, free, and easy way to audit your AdWords account. Find out how your AdWords campaigns stack up against competitors, and get actionable tips for improvement.

WordStream Advisor - WordStream Advisor makes online advertising easy: You can create, optimize, manage, and measure high-performing paid search and paid social campaigns in just 20 minutes a week. Smart tools, weekly alerts, and visually stunning reports save you time and money.

Find long tail keywords with low SEO difficulty

KWFinder is an easy-to-use keyword research tool bringing perfect keyword ideas.

As of today, we have more than

keywords in the database.

SEO difficulty Keyword tool

Find keywords that you can easily rank for

Keyword research tool with the most accurate keyword difficulty score which makes it simple to find profitable keywords you can really rank for.

Get real-time keyword SEO difficulty in one click and expand your keyword research thanks to immediate Google SERP analysis based on specific SEO metrics.

Long tail keywords - hidden gem

Reveal keywords your competitors are missing

Find hundreds of long tail keywords with low SEO difficulty that your competitors are missing in a super user-friendly keyword tool.

Get more and more keyword ideas thanks to Google Suggest integration and manage keyword research in your own way.

True search volumes

Get exact search volumes for close variant keywords

Finding an ideal combination of search volume and keyword difficulty is one of the basics of keyword research. It's easier with relevant data, isn't it?

Exact search volumes even for close variant keywords are critical for keyword research to identify their SEO potential.

Location & language settings

Narrow down your keyword research to a city level

Select a country, state, or even city that fits your needs. On top of that, you can choose from 40+ languages to get precisely localized results.

Different locations lead to different search volumes and all other metrics. KWFinder is your keyword tool to dominate your niche wherever it is located.

Explore all features

What people are saying about KWFinder

@mangools_com has some of the slickest SaaS designs and simplest UX. Simple is hard!

— Ian Cleary (@IanCleary) 21. June 2017

Weekend is for planning ;) Using @kwfinder to find a gold mine of keyword opportunities! Amazing tool! pic.twitter.com/e0EeonBrH7

— Julia McCoy рџ“– (@JuliaEMcCoy) 12. June 2016

I started using #KWFinder when it was launched. Now, as of today, it stands tall as the best keyword research tool in the market.
Review & Tutorial: https://t.co/mhvWbUVyvU@mangools_com

— Shrivant Saxena (@shrivant) 26. marca 2018

For SEO, we found a new tool to better find, sort and organize keywords. KWFinder, a keyword planner that offers a little more organization and features than Google's Keyword Planner, is something that will help us help our clients rank higher on Google! #WhatWeDo

— South Street & Co. (@SouthStreet_Co) 16. marca 2018

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